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My Daughter made me Cuckold Him Ch. 01

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My daughter and boss made me cuckold my husband.
12.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/02/2016
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Author's note: This is a cuckold story. It was written to titillate those who like cuckold stories. If you don't like cuckold stories, and it seems many of you don't, you don't have to read it.

I myself find lots of stories I don't think are sexy. As soon as I realize I'm not interested I stop reading and move on.

Now, if you like cuckold stories, and want to vote/comment. I'd love to hear what you thought, Even If you thought it was bad for a cuckold story.

I leave my comments open. For those of you who hate cuckold stories, leave nasty comments, and email me threats, the fact that you read the stories, that you say you don't like, makes me think you are ashamed of yourself for jacking off to them. Being ashamed you are taking that anger out on me. I'm glad I am giving you an outlet to jack off to your private perversion and, when you feel ashamed, you have someone to blame it on. Comment away. They make me laugh.

I know many of you self-shamed cuckold wannabes bomb my scores. The good news is that after a while the scores all go up. They all end up above 3.0. That means that more than ½ the readers who vote like them. So far, most of my stories have gone over 4 points and the one that hasn't, as of this submission, is heading that way.

I hope that makes your day.


My daughter Katie had just returned home from her first year at college and was looking for a summer job. In passing I mentioned it to my boss, Thomas, and he said we could use someone around the office.

I worked as an admin for a small legal firm. Just 4 of us. I was apathetic towards the idea. On one hand she'd have a job. On the other we'd be working together. Like most 19 year olds she was willful and had a mind of her own. Especially now with a year of independence. She always fought with me when I asked her to do something. She was always trying to be in control.

We had always fought about how she dressed. She rarely dressed as reasonably as I thought she should and always showed more skin than I ever thought appropriate. Men had been checking her out since she was a young teen. Last, and I know this was silly, but I hated it when she got checked out and I didn't. I missed the days I got checked out. Given that I was the only woman at the office. I got a lot of attention. I didn't want to share.

I liked the attention. Being married for 21 years I didn't often have a chance to flirt. My husband often encouraged me when we were out to wear sexier clothes and even be "nicer" to men we talked to, but I never felt comfortable doing that in front of him. I felt it was inappropriate for a wife and mother. I didn't dress sexy for the office, but I wasn't averse to a little flirting or innuendo.

I didn't make a great argument for hiring Katie. "Well, I'll ask but I'm not sure she can handle the workload, she may already have something," I said.

Thomas, my boss, said, "OK, well ask her. If she's interested she can have it.

I was terrible. I didn't even mention it to Katie. Even when she was complaining about not finding a job and worrying what she would do, I didn't say anything.

That turned out to be a mistake. That weekend my husband took me, our daughter, and son out to eat. We ran into Thomas. He had met everyone before. After initial greetings he asked Katie how the job search was going.

"Terrible," she said. "I can't find anything except fast food. I really don't want to work in fast food."

"Well, like I told your mother, we could use you if you're interested," he said.

My daughter shot me a glance. "That would be wonderful," she said. "When can I start?"

"Oh. Great," said Thomas. "Your mother didn't seem to think you'd be interested."

She shot me another glance.

"Why not start Monday," he said.

Katie accepted, we made some more pleasantries, and Thomas left us. Katie turned to me. She was obviously pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me he'd offered me a job?" she said accusingly.

I couldn't come up with a reason and just said, "It was only a few days ago, I forgot."

"Mom, I mentioned just yesterday I was having a hard time, that didn't remind you? Really?" she said.

She was obviously not buying it and a little mad.

My husband stepped in, "Well, it's all settled now. Let's relax and have dinner."

We settled into an uneasy truce. Dinner went fine, but I got a lot of sidelong glares.

We had decided to drive in together Monday morning. As usual I put on nice pants, blouse, and a jacket. Comfortable, but appropriate, for the office. I called Katie telling her we had to go. I hated being late. She came into the room in a purple dress more appropriate for a club night out than the office.

Katie is gorgeous. Blonde hair down to her shoulders, 5'7 about 120lbs, at a size 5 she had curves. In the dress she looked great, but not what I thought was office appropriate. The hem was well above the knee, and the short sleeved top showed cleavage. Not a lot, but more than I thought was acceptable.

"This is an office," I said. "Not a night club. You can't go to work looking like a slut. Are you really wearing that?"

"Slut? I could tell she was mad. "This is the closest thing I have to office wear. I'll have to go shopping. Besides, I'm too young to dress in the well dressed lesbian look you're in," she quipped back.

We didn't have time to argue, "OK, get in the car. We can find you more appropriate stuff tonight."

As we drove I thought 'Well dressed lesbian?' My clothes were perfectly appropriate and looked good on me. I wasn't as pretty as Katie, but for 21 more years, and two kids, I looked pretty good. 5'6", 120 lbs, I could also still wear a size 5. I kept in shape doing yoga 3 times a week. My hair was now a darker blonde but still pretty. I wore it up most of the time, but down it was between my shoulder blades. Still at 40 I did not think it appropriate to dress like I was 21.

We arrived at the office and Thomas greeted us.

"Morning guys." Then he looked at Katie. "You look nice. We can use some color in this office."

When he wasn't looking Katie gave me a 'so there' look.

Thomas started showing Katie around the office. It felt weird. Usually Thomas asked me to do everything. Here he was taking time out of his day to show her around. I could hear a few flirtatious comments. Usually they were saved for me. Katie responded by laughing or returning the innuendo.

He gave Katie a desk right outside his office between me and him. I realized that through the glass he had a perfect view of Katie's legs. Given the length of her dress, when she sat down, she was showing a lot of leg. Nice leg I had to admit.

I had kind of expected Thomas to filter Katie's work through me and I was kind of mad, hurt, and maybe a little jealous that he didn't. He would bring stuff directly to Katie and stand beside her or behind her as they talked. At one point I got up and stood behind her. I had a perfect view down her dress. In fact I could see part of the lacy bra she was wearing.

Finally it was time to go home. Thomas thanked her for coming in and said he thought it was going to work out great. Katie hugged him and thanked him for the job. I was behind her. I could see her dress slide almost all the way up to her ass as she reached up to hug him.

On the way home I was silent. I had no idea what to say. She did a good job, she worked hard, she deserved a job, and truthfully I had no idea what was bothering me.

Finally, she broke the silence. "Well, I guess the dress was OK."

"I don't know," I said. "When I was standing behind you I could see right down your dress. I think Thomas could too."

"Really?" Katie laughed. "Think he enjoyed the view?"

"Katie," I raised my voice. "That's not appropriate for the office and you know it."

"I don't know," she replied. "He's kinda cute for an older guy."

"Cut it out," I said.

She laughed.

I was not happy. I didn't like her flirting with Thomas. I didn't like that Thomas was also checking her out. She was 19 for pete's sake. I didn't want to admit that she was taking my flirting away.

We rode the rest of the way in silence.

I made dinner. My son James, 18, helped. Katie changed and came down in a pair of tight, short running shorts and a t shirt that showed her navel. Jim, my husband, put on jeans and a t shirt. I was way more aware of Katie's body and what she wore than usual. Jim asked us about our day. We both answered but there was a little terseness in the conversation, or maybe it was just my imagination.

After dinner we went to watch TV. I changed into my pajamas. Usually a pair of pajama bottoms and an oversized T. Jim and I sat on the couch. James in the chair. Kate lay down on the floor in front of us with her iPad.

We'd sat like this hundreds of times. For some reason, tonight, I looked at Katie differently. When she laid down facing the TV her shorts slid up her ass. You could see the curve of her ass cheeks. Her shirt slid up her back. Exposing it from the curve of her ass to her rib cage. She had a great body. I wondered if Jim or James noticed.

I watched James. Every once in awhile he'd sneak a quick glance at Katie's ass. It was on purpose. His eyes pretty much went from TV to iPad to Katie's ass. It made me uncomfortable but I had no idea what to say. Why had I never noticed him looking before.

What about Jim? He certainly wouldn't be checking out his daughter's ass? A quick glance told me I was wrong. In fact, he realized I'd caught him and gave me a weird guilty smile. I wondered how long this had been going on and why I hadn't noticed it before.

When it was bedtime Jim wanted to make love. He was pretty passionate and I loved it, however it worried me. Was he turned on by me, or Katie. The question never occurred to me before.

The next morning I got up, showered and got ready for work. I went to put on a pair of slacks, but stopped. I looked at the dress side of my closet. I wondered if I had anything work appropriate. I had a few. I put on a dress that came down to an inch above my knees. It had long sleeves and a conservative neckline. I checked myself in the mirror. It didn't show much skin but it did show off my figure.

I went down and had some coffee and toast while I waited for Katie. Katie showed up in a tight red skirt. About the same length as yesterday's. The difference was it tended to ride up when she walked. She had a white button down blouse over it. You could clearly see her lacy bra through the material. I gave her a look.

"What?" she asked in a huffy tone.

Not wanting to replay yesterday I just let it go and said, "Nothing. You look great."

She could tell I was not committed to the statement, but wasn't going to fight about it.

We got to the office. Thomas wasn't there, but one of the other lawyers was.

"Wow, who's this?" he asked.

"My daughter," I said in my 'don't mess with her voice'.

I introduced her.

"Well, great to meet you," he said. "I can see beauty runs in the family."

That made me smile. At least I was included.

Then, still talking to me, he said, "Like the new look."

I thanked him. He didn't say anything about Katie. Thomas came in about 30 minutes later.

"You look nice," he said to Katie. Then to me, "Wow, a dress, I like it."

We both thanked him for the compliment. I'd never been told I looked nice at work. I liked it. I admit I also liked that not just Katie got a compliment.

As I mentioned Katie's desk was right in front of Thomas's office. She sat right in front of the glass wall. He could see her from the side. I noticed that, as she sat, the tight red skirt rode high up on her legs. She was showing a lot of thigh. She didn't bother to adjust it. Every once in awhile I would catch Thomas looking.

If Katie had to get up, she pushed her chair back and got off of it on the side facing Thomas's office. I don't know what Thomas was seeing, but he always stopped and watched when she did. I assumed he may have seen more than he should. When she'd walk, she'd sort of adjust her skirt, but she never pulled it down all the way. When she walked around the office both Thomas and the other lawyer would watch her.

Often Thomas would ask her into his office to help with something. I couldn't hear what they said, but I could see her touch his arm or put her hand on his shoulder as they talked. She would smile and giggle. I was sure she was flirting. At least twice she went to the file cabinet in his office and facing away from Thomas bent down, straight legged to get something out of the cabinet.

It was weird. There was a part of me that was proud of having such a gorgeous child. On the other hand why were these guys checking her out. She was 19 dammit. What was she thinking flirting with her, my, boss like that, and then, there was a touch of jealousy. I missed being checked out. There was a time when I was checked out all the time. I guess, after I got married, I forgot what that felt like.

After work we headed home. Our conversation had got back to normal. Katie offered to make dinner. Traffic was a bitch and we got home late. James had made dinner. I just wanted to wash up and get out of my clothes.

I went to my room and stripped off my dress. I reached for a pair of sweats as I did I thought about Katie lying in front of the TV. I pulled on a pair of shorts and one of Jim's button down shirts. The shirt was just long enough that it looked like I wasn't wearing shorts. I left my bra on.

When I got to the table Jim, James, and Katie were already there. Jim saw me first.

"Don't you look cute," he said. I wasn't sure what his reaction was going to be, this was a positive one.

"Are you wearing anything under that" Katie teased.

"Maybe," I laughed back. Then not wanting to be too crazy showed them I had shorts on underneath.

"Too bad," said Katie. "Right dad?"

Jim laughed, "Never mind what your mother is wearing underneath. She's plenty covered and decent."

I looked at her and jokingly said, "Do I ask you about your underwear?"

Katie was wearing a little white T shirt that stopped an inch above her navel and a pair of loose, small running shorts.

"No," she laughed, but it wouldn't matter," she said.

"Oh?" I asked. "Why not?"

She took a bite from her plate, and started to chew. "Cuz I'm not wearing any."

Jim nearly choked on his food. James high fived her. I laughed. Dinner went on normally sharing a fun light mood.

After dinner we cleaned up. James said he was going out and his friends were coming to get him. His two best friends were Adam and Steve. Yes, they made jokes about it.

"They'll probably come in," he said.

That was fine with me. They came in all the time. I did not even think about it. "OK," I said.

He stood there silently.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

He looked uncomfortable. He shifted from foot to foot.

"Come'on," I said. "What's up."

"Uhmm," he started. "The guys often grief me about you being a MILF. I was wondering if you wanted to change."

Wow, I'd never even considered the fact that these 18 year old boys would find a 40 year old woman attractive. Obviously I was wrong. I thought about his request. Actually the idea of teasing the guys a bit appealed to me.

"Oh James," I said. "I am completely covered. It's not like I'm just wearing the shirt. I have shorts on."

James just shrugged and went to his room. I felt myself anticipating the boys arrival. In the meantime i checked out Katie. It bothered me that she was there. I could barely see the outline of her nipples against the white T. I shook the thought off and sat down on the couch to check my iPad for mail.

Katie was sitting on the chair at an angle with the couch. She had one leg dangling down and was sitting on the other. In that position her legs were spread and I could practically see up her loose running shorts. I was about to say something but knowing I was going to be checked out made me feel like a bad girl and knowing she was kind of exposed and I'd be letting them check her out as well made me feel even naughtier. I could feel my heart beating in anticipation.

I tried to concentrate on checking my email. I didn't have to wait long. The doorbell rang. Despite James running to get the door, I got it before him.

"Hi guys," I said. "Come in."

Normally that would have been it. I would have left them with James and gone about my business. Today I noticed that they did check me out.

Since James was right there I said. "What are you guys up too?"

They were going to a friends house to play video games.

"Oh fun," I said. Then I followed up with, "You know you guys can hang out here sometimes if you want."

James gave me a look. "Cool," said Steve. "Maybe next time."

I said good and walked back to the couch, maybe a bit more swing in my hips than normal. I could tell they were watching me.

Adam and Steve gave a quick hello to Katie. She said hi, and went on with her iPad. I wondered if the boys noticed her spread legs and that you could almost see her pussy.

Jim came in the room just as the boys were leaving. A quick hello/goodbye to the boys and he sat on the couch next to me.

"How'd the boys handle the MILF?" he asked.

I laughed, "I may have got a look or two," I replied.

He kissed me. "Probably left with a hardon or two," he joked.

I gave him a playful slap. Katie heard us and laughed.

"Way to go mom," she said.

Jim turned on the TV and then looked at Katie. I could see his gaze fall between her legs. I almost wanted to just pull the crotch aside and say, "There. Is that what you want to see?" Of course I didn't, but every time she shifted position his eyes went back to her crotch.

I had that weird feeling of jealousy and pride again. Why was he, her father, looking at Katie's crotch. On the other hand, this gorgeous girl was my daughter and I was proud to show her off. Whatever the feeling was, I admit it turned me on a bit. When we got to bed that night I pretty much attacked Jim.

Next morning I ran into James in the kitchen. "Way to go mom all anyone talked about last night was you."

"Really?" I said way too enthusiastically. "I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Well. It's more annoying than embarrassing," he said. "I mean, they're right, you are hot, and it is kind of cool to have the hottest mom, but it's also kinda of weird,"

"Weird. how?

"Well, proud, and jealous, and a bit, ummm, exciting? It was fun seeing you look a little hot and teasing them."

I kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you," I said. "It's nice to hear that and old lady like me can still turn young men on. Especially from one I love."

That day at work I noticed Thomas had got there before us. The curtains to his office were closed. It wasn't a common occurrence but he did close them when he wanted to concentrate on something.

After about an hour he came out and asked Katie to help him with something. She went in the office and he shut the door. As she walked in I took notice of what she was wearing. A maroon pleated skirt that came down mid thigh with a cream colored short sleeve top. It had a low V neck and just reached the top of her skirt when she stood still. Usually a little bit of her flat belly was showing.

Katie was in there for about 15 minutes. When she came out she kind of gave me a guilty look and then went to her desk as Thomas opened the curtains. When Katie sat down I noticed how short her skirt was. She was barely sitting on it.

As we were driving home I asked Katie what Thomas had her do. She flustered and then said that Thomas just needed some help organizing some documents. Again I felt jealous. Why Katie? Why not me?

We got home from work and Katie and I started dinner. James walked in.


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