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My Hero


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The young mother exited the pool and wrapped her child in a towel before wrapping herself in one. That pause was still with us as we watched the mother lay her child down and gather her things before scooping her bundle back into her arms and heading towards us and the hotel complex behind. We both waved at the young mother and thanked her for the memory it inspired in us both; she blushed at the compliment, smiled and continued to carry her daughter back into the hotel.

A hand held mine and instinctively I looked down at it and then at Melody, the smile and questioning look was soon put into words. "You didn't answer the question."

I once again looked out at the pool and recounted my time with Cheryl. The way she burst into tears when she found out she was pregnant and it was, "All your fault". How she returned to work as soon as the paint was dry in my home office, and her excuses that she had three months of catching up to do because she was ordered to rest when she had a bleed and her doctor told her the last three months were bed rest.

For some unknown reason, I didn't stop there. The rest of our life together just followed, including the evening I was served and the evening of realization that I truly didn't know the woman I shared my heart and a bed with for all those years.

Melody was sitting up and watching me by the time I had finished, being so deep in this conversation I couldn't with any accuracy tell you when she had moved. Although her face was as expressionless as always, I did see what I thought was pain in her eyes. My smiling and the shrugging of my shoulders may have helped some, because after all, I still held onto the greatest prize of all from my marriage, my wonderful daughter Libby.

It was Melody that suggested we adjourn and meet again at dinner. I agreed and walked her to the elevators. She looked confused when I didn't enter, so I explained that I was going to the hotel shop, which was my original destination before the diversion to the hotel's pool. Even as I walked around the shop my mind still couldn't come up with a reason why I had wandered into the pool area in the first place.


Dinner was actually fun. Melody took centre stage and kept us all amused, Libby asked some questions about Daniela growing up, as well as her interest in canoeing. She answered them — I thought honestly — while my folks just sat and watched the interaction. My daughter holding onto Melody's hand wasn't missed by anyone, either. We had our coffees by the bar so the hotel staff could use the table again.

When Libby tried to disguise a yawn, we all knew it was bedtime for that young lady. My folks took her with them and told Melody and I to sit and finish our drinks. Mom's smirk was ignored, but Dad's wink warmed my cheeks.

She waited until they disappeared around the corner before saying. "Are your folks trying to fix us up?"

The nod of my head came first, the blush rapidly followed, interspersed, of course, with Melody giggling like a ten-year-old. Right about then would have been a good time for the ground to swallow me up. When I again looked at the woman across from me, she had a very thoughtful look about her.

"Do you even know how old I am?"

I wasn't stupid; my momma taught me well. "You're a woman, that means your twenty-one, plus taxes."

The stunned look was real cute on her, her smile came next and for the first time since we had met I heard her really laugh.

"My God, I'm going to have to watch myself around you, aren't I? That was smooth, real smooth."

What came next from Melody Carlson was a brief history of her life, both married and alone with Daniela. Her pride shone through as her achievements within the cosmetics industry grew, but her eyes shone the brightest as she shared some of her life with Daniela by her side. It was when she got the phone call from her office about Daniela's accident that the sadness returned, but at least she didn't look on me as the bad guy anymore.

"Your turn."

Her statement tore through my thoughts. I felt it only fair, so I spoke of Cheryl and her ambition. The long evenings alone waiting for her to come home, even the graphic design evening classes, and business management. Also the day she proudly rushed into the house waving the sheet of paper that was to become the match that lit the fuse, it was the confirmation of her tenure.

Cheryl's hours away from me seemed to increase, and looking back on it all, the slow resentment that I didn't hold the type of job befitting a professor's husband. The week away to celebrate her tenure and two months later, the screaming banshee that was my wife telling me she was pregnant and it was all my fault. From then on, on the rare occasions we did make love, she insisted that I wear a condom.

Looking back at those incidents as I explained them to Melody, those subtle moves to detach herself from our marriage came more clearly into focus. That fateful evening when I was served choked me up, even after all this time. It was the tightness in my hand that made me realize that somewhere in the drifting thoughts of my life, Melody had once again placed her hand in mine.

"Fuck, you're just as damaged as I was." With that she stood, her hand still in mine. "Get up and follow me."

We made it to the elevator before I had collected my thoughts enough to ask where we were going.

Her answer was just as swift, almost as if she had anticipated my question. "Well my mind's set, so let's just say that the rest of this evening is about choices."

Her grip on my hand was such that I could have retrieved it, but the warmth of her palm gave off a feeling that I wouldn't, even in the middle of an earthquake. We made it to Melody's room before my mind realized where we were headed. We were inside her room before she let go of my hand and turned to look at me.

She sucked in oxygen, and as she did her face did something that made me pay attention, she blushed. "Okay, a quick and unrehearsed speech time. I've not had sex with anything but my hands and plastic boyfriend for over two years now. In the time I've known you, you have wrung every emotion I could ever have out of me. You've driven me to the point that I'm saying this once, and once only, before my courage can't hold up my ego any longer."

Although I had seen this multi-tasking thing many times, I truly believed the Melody Carlson had perfected it into a fine art. Her eyes held me rooted to my spot in front of her as her fingers deftly unzipped as well as popped buttons, and as that last word left her lips Melody Carlson's final piece of clothing slipped down her legs and rested amongst the small bundle already there. I eventually looked up to meet her eyes, but it sure took me awhile.

"They say that what's under your nose is the thing you have been looking for all that time. You've told me what that bitch of an ex did to you; I'm not her. You can tell me now that I've made a huge mistake and leave. Or take me to bed and prove you're the man I've been looking for."

Melody's whole body shook before her finger pointed to the bed. "To reciprocate, I'm going to show you I'm the woman you've needed in your life."

At first her arms dropped to her sides, the smile grew in her when she sees the total look of shock on my face. I may have been in shock, but that didn't make me dead, Melody was NAKED and standing in front of me.

The three paces that divided us soon became the distance of an outstretched hand; the one Melody had placed on my chest. "Only a naked Martin gets to come any closer."

My hands dealt with my own shirt buttons while Melody pulled my belt loose and with real deft hands my pants and underwear hit the floor almost a soon as my shirt.

Melody's eyes never left my growing erection, her hand wrapped itself around it and a sigh left her lips. "It's been awhile, but that's worth the wait."

Her eyes lifted and locked on mine. "It's beautiful."

I held Melody in my arms and we kissed, her own arms went around my neck and held me as our kiss built and fed our hunger for each other. Her fingers gently moved the few inches up and down the distance between the base of my skull and shoulders. We had kissed many times between getting naked, but this. This was something she had held back, until now.

This was from her soul to her lips, and now connected to me, my own soul felt the pure honesty of her kiss and reciprocated as all males of the species do, my erection just got a little harder, the slight movement of her lips on mine also told me that she had just smiled. Melody's body trembled when my own hands enjoyed the small of her back and then both hands found a home on the cheeks of her ass.

She stopped kissing me so she could sigh, and as my hands held tight to her ass she could clearly feel my hard-on pressed against her. My own body gently swayed from side to side, causing a rubbing motion across her pubic bone. In retaliation Melody moved her leg to straddle one of mine and her hot and moist pussy slowly moved a few inches up and down my leg.

She smiled, her face glowed and her eyes seemed to try to posses me; she didn't need to try, she already did own me and if my body could have placed anymore blood into my erection, I'm sure it would have. Grabbing her ass cheeks and pulling her closer was perhaps the only way I could prove it, and her smile just got a little bigger.

Her hand on my cheek broke my growing carnal thoughts. "We need a bed, because I get the feeling you want to go exploring. It just so happens there is one behind us; want to try it out?"

That did mean, of course, that I had to let Melody go, not something I was keen on, to be honest. I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but when she bent down to pull the covers off the bed and left me with the sight of that exquisite ass and oh so beautiful pussy. Her lips came into view as she bent down further and all I wanted to do was bury myself inside her and never come out.

"Just don't drool on the rug, will yuh?" She giggled. "I can feel you looking at me and it's a feeling I could get used to."

My hands held her hips then, and for just the briefest of seconds her body stiffened as the tip of my cock connected with the moistness of her pussy lips. All poor Melody could do was fall forward onto the bed, I followed her and bit her ass.

"Ouch, you fucking bastard, that..."

She never did finish her statement. My tongue running up and down her pussy lips may have had something to do with that part, though. The sigh replaced the rant she must have been going for; a moan soon followed it as I went to work on her pussy lips with my tongue and lips. She sure tasted good, and I made sure that I went to that well often that night.

I think her orgasm caught us both by surprise, my hands still holding her hips were the only thing keeping her on her knees, her body slumped forward when I eased my hold on her and let her body take her. The teeth marks on her ass cheek had reddened now and I did feel guilty, not even realizing that I had bitten her so hard. Kissing it better made her jump and cut the remnants of her orgasm short.

Melody's hand rubbed the spot; her hand covered the mark I had left.

"I know I have a cute butt, doesn't mean you can take chunks out of it. You're just messing with the contours." She giggled just then. "And remember, payback is a bitch, so you just watch yourself, mister."

Melody spun around, placing herself on her back and looking up at me from the bed, her arms came out, and as I looked down at her, with that cutest smile ever, my heart just missed a beat. I lay across her, taking care not to place too much of my weight over her upper body and kissed her. She wrapped her fingers into my hair and gently held me as we kissed. When I came up for air and looked deep into those lidded eyes of hers, I felt like a school kid again, reciting one of those old teases.

'I love Melody Carlson,' and when my own hand gently touched her cheek and felt its warmth, her eyes and my heart told me she was reciting that same school tease.

As I kissed my way down her neck and her head turned upwards, gasping as she did, a slow moan had escaped her lips by the time I got to her shoulders. Melody placed her hand on the back of my head, as my own hands held one, then the other of her breasts. When my mouth connected to her nipple her hand was still with me, my other hand cupping her breast. Even on her back it still felt so full, and as my thumb traveled at will over her nipple, it showed its own appreciation.

My lips sucked her nipple once again into my mouth as far as it would go, then my tongue would do a full circle on her ever growing crinkled flesh, before slowly letting it out of my mouth. The gentle moans of appreciation sure let me know where her thoughts were, when her hand relaxed its position on the back of my head and I looked up at her, other than biting her bottom lip occasionally, she sure was smiling a lot.

I loved the taste of her, her smell was intoxicating, and as I kissed my way down her body again, the way her stomach would clench. The flush and sheen that coated her skin, the ragged breathing betrayed her, and every time her own orgasm steadily built once again within her body. Yes I loved Melody Carlson, and I just wanted to spend a lifetime watching her body freely do all these things.

When my lips touched her mound, her heels instinctively dug into the bed and I had to grab her hips. Another slow moan escaped before she said. "Oh fuck, I'm on my second orgasm and he's not even stuck it in me yet. Were the fuck have you been these last two years?"

It was really hard trying not to laugh at her comment with my tongue circling her clit. Her other leg moved further apart and that soaked pussy just stared right back at me. If I wasn't before, that moment sealed my fate, I would do anything for her, and I was almost sure she knew it. From that moment on, my life would be centered on looking at that pussy, and shoving my tongue, fingers and cock into it, and as many times as her body would allow.

Melody Carlson was a beautiful woman; the Gods gave her that body and I would spend a lifetime trying to map it out and from every angle possible. Her ex was an ass; how the hell could he walk away from all that? Her pussy was in full view, from the trimmed pubic patch of hair and onto her outer lips; they were darker than the rest of her. A steady trickle of liquid slowly moved from her pussy and around her anus before disappearing between the crack of her ass. Melody's wide open legs cleared the view of her inner pink lips.

Sensing that I had stopped, she pulled her elbows to her and lifted herself onto them. When I managed the almost impossible and tore my gaze away from her pussy to look at her, I felt my cheeks burn as she smiled at me.

"I call it a pussy, I can loan it out to you anytime you want, but you have to realize that I have to carry it around, for safe keeping, you understand."

Shaking my head may have confused her a little. "That's not a pussy. Well, it is, but I would have to add 'a thing of beauty' to your statement as well."

Her arms moved and Melody rested once again on the bed. "You can play with it if you want. I'll just lie here, read a book, perhaps."

She never did get any further with the sarcasm bit.

Her erotic smell had long ago nailed itself to my brain and in turn, my eyes just stared for just a moment longer before my fingers eased her lips open. The slow moan that followed proved to me she would be having trouble reading that book. My tongue replaced my fingers. Melody's moan became more guttural as her whole body tensed and then relaxed to the sound of a deep sigh leaving her lips. While the tip on my tongue explored, her hips would grind down hard onto my face.

"Don't you stop. Don't you fucking dare stop."

A hand held my head in place while Melody moved her hips and both my tongue and my senses feasted on her sopping pussy. In an effort to drain every sensation from our joining, Melody ground her hips hard into my face. The heat forewarned me, her fingers curled in my hair and pulled me tighter to her and then her body went ever so stiff. Her body then became a rag doll as she bucked and screamed through her orgasm.

My tongue lapped at her pussy, my senses telling me they wanted more of this woman. Finally Melody let go of my hair and gently pushed my head, she never saw me smile, but she watched as I lifted my body over hers. Melody's hand held onto my erection and we kissed as I slid into her, the smile was nailed to her lips when we finished kissing. I felt her legs move and her ankles lock behind me.

We made love then; we knew we would. I was lost to this woman, and as another kiss was broken and my seed emptied into her, Melody used a finger to brush away a hair from the side of my face. Her eyes showed me what I was showing her, I loved Melody Carlson and she loved me right back.

I held onto her as that tell-tale breathing pattern stole her from me, I must have joined her minutes later. It was that wet, all too real dream woke me to the love of my life bringing my erection back to life, before she straddled my body and lowered herself down on me. I swapped my orgasm for her orgasm this time and was again rewarded with that smile that fueled my heart.

It was still dark when I woke to the sounds of her sleeping, she woke to the feeling of my tongue and fingers buried in her pussy. She did manage to maneuver out from underneath with the whispered promise of not running away. When she came back from the bathroom, she straddled my face and the number sixty-nine took on a whole new mathematical meaning.

The sun came up as we both admitted that even our bodies couldn't do this anymore without the aid of sleep and breakfast, although we both couldn't figure out in what order.


Our relationship suffered the woes of one of us being more successful than the other. Melody still had an empire to run and I still had a daughter to bring up and a design company to run. We talked daily when she wasn't there, and although I never admitted it to anyone, I was miserable when she wasn't there.

We both knew our relationship wouldn't make any groundbreaking changes until one of us (me it seems) admitted to the other our love, and not just the sweaty between the sheets kind. Still fun, but doesn't count. In between all this, Daniela would swoop in and drag my daughter away to the local river courses and lakes. Hell, when they weren't paddling over the water they were swimming at the country club; both my parents and I noticed the change in upper body strength developing in Libby over the months.

One thing that did become established was the weekends off, I stopped work on a Friday evening and Melody would jet in from whatever part of the country she was, I would pick her up at the airport and she would talk shop right up until we pulled up at my folk's house. Work was a distance memory after that.

In total, it took me six months to come to my senses, I spoke to my folks and Libby and talked about making my relationship with Melody more serious, even going so far as to check out rings.

It was only going to be Melody this weekend; Daniela was at some seminar thing hosted by our country's Olympic Committee. It seemed the governing body had changed a couple of rules relating to Daniela's sport so she went to get a better handle on not only the wording, but meaning. The Governing body even sent a couple of people to attend and liaise with our own Committee.

Thursday afternoon got me answering the phone to Melody; it was unusual since she usually phoned in the evening. The call consisted of her telling me that she couldn't make this weekend, I never got to reply, since the phone went dead after that. It was Libby that told me Daniela had phoned my daughter on Sunday from the country club. On the face of it, nothing to bother myself about, and yet the way Melody informed me of her change of plan and no explanation before she put the phone down on me, caused me to maybe take a step back.

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