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My Life Moves On

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Life Begins Pt.3

Final act, sorry no sex -- just tying up this series and looking for a new path. If you have followed this, to here, many thanks!

School began, and the course load put a dent into our social lives. We had each other for comfort and human contact. The work was paying off, as each of us maintained a 4.0 GPA. The home I inherited the use of was way too large for our needs, and the plans we made to live here, worked well. The home was sold, netting myself and each parent over 1.5 mill apiece. It was invested immediately as I had little need even for the trust fund, and haven't spent half the interest it alone was making. Becky went through stages with her pregnancy, and it was often hard for her. Her attitude pushed her past many hurdles, but there were days school was hard to manage with the symptoms of pregnancy. Her due date was a week after last semester. She and Audrey shared 3 courses and in the last four weeks, she advised the school she may not be able to attend, but would stay on top with assignments. With Aud's help, she was able to keep it all together, and with the spare time to do assignments, it took the pressure off the work she needed to complete.

We helped her to the exams, and all of us completed the first year with perseverance.

The day we got to sleep in, and relax with no school chores, felt like Christmas. Peace for all.

Two days later, Becky's water broke and her cramps started. The three of us took her to the hospital, and she delivered a healthy beautiful baby girl.

I held my daughter for the first time and her smile had an effect on one's heartstrings. So small and fragile, her tiny fingers around one of mine seemed like a miracle. She had black hair. "Babies had hair?" I was thinking. Dark brown eyes and golden skin. I was elated.

I passed her to Audrey who was like every woman with a baby. Starstruck is the closest expression I can think of. While she was holding her making noises moms do with their child, a look crossed her face for only a second, that was out of context, and I thought she was picturing her own child in her hands, but realized hers had yet to be conceived. I reached out and touched her for support, but she had recovered and smiled back at me lovingly. I went Becky's side to see what I could do. She looked sad, and I'm thinking is this post-partum? I held her hand, and she pulled me in to feel me close.

"I love you so much Russ. This baby making stuff is over thank God, and I will be able to walk again like a normal person soon."

The nurse came for the baby, and we all turned our attention to the new mother, who really needed her rest. As she slept, we asked the nurse when we can see her again. We got visiting hours for her when she would have the baby for feeding over the next couple days, but would be released once the baby was deemed good to go home.

Oddly her mom never visited at the hospital, though was anxious to visit when we got home.

Mom and Ruby were there in their glory at having a newborn to hold.

Becky needed a lot of help once home, until she got her legs under her again. She was staying in the spare room for a while due to being delicate from her body's torture in the process.

Her mom came over one evening, and holding her grandson for the first time fell in love. She knew she would be taking a larger role now as she would be unable to resist bonding with her daughter and granddaughter over this event.

I looked at Becky's mom's face ogling her charge, her bright blue eyes sparkling with joy as she gazed at the wee miracle. As she admired the little one, it seemed a frown began, and instantly her face became a neutral mask to hide any emotion. Her mom looked me in the eyes for a second, then back at the child. She rocked it back and forth gently, and she began to hum a lullaby.

Audrey carried the baby to the crib in the spare room, and Becky followed slowly. Her mom left, and Audrey and I planted kisses and hugs on Becks, then retreated to our room for the night.

Once we were cuddled in, Audrey had a look as if something was on her mind.

"What up beautiful, you seem distracted?"

"Did you notice how Becky's mom was looking at Eve?"

Becky had chosen Eve for the name, as she was the first child we had together. Both of us thought that was a great name.

"Well now you mention it, I thought I saw her start to look concerned, but then it vanished and she just looked blank for a short while. Maybe she's remembering Becky when she just had her? Who knows."

"What color are Becky's eyes? "

"Blue," I replied.

"How about her moms, and yours?"

"All blue."

"I was afraid to bring it up, because I'm not a doctor. Then I googled blue+blue, 90% chance the baby has blue eyes. 9% green, 1% brown. But there could be recessive genes that skew the percentages. She's also a redhead, and you have light hair. The baby has black hair, and its more likely the baby would have red, but it could be dark too. Just its black, and her complexion is darker."

"When did this occur to you?"

"First time I held her," Audrey said. "I'm always struck by Beck's eyes when we are close. I couldn't help but notice the baby's. When Becky's mom was holding her I thought she noticed too for a millisecond and I was about to discard it, then I noticed her looking at your face. I think she has the same thought."

"Audrey, this is a crazy notion, we were both there, and we know what happened."

"I know Russ, but after the way her mom looked at you, I have a haunting feeling inside about it. I think one of us should talk to our Dr. for an opinion, vs some junk on the web."

'Ill call tomorrow, I'm sure we are being silly. I need your love tonight, and just focus on the good we have in each other's arms right now."

We had a loving tender coupling, and our bodies warming each other's hearts made sleep easy to grasp.

In the morning, we snuggled hard for a while, then hunger caused us to seek food.

"I think we shouldn't bring this up with Becky until there is something to back it." I spoke.

"I agree Russ, she has enough now getting used to being a mom, she doesn't need stress over nothing."

I called the Dr. and he understood our concern, saying the odds were not good I was the father, but there was no way he would commit to that as a diagnosis without a DNA test. I asked what I needed, and he asked me to drop by the office, he'd have a form, and sample bottles ready.

I didn't feel the need to mention anything to Audrey, but did what the form stated, and dropped it off at the lab.

Two days later My Dr asked me to drop by at 11am.

"Russ, this is not the kind of discussion I enjoy having. The chance of this being your child isn't zero, but the odds are so high, for every practical, and legal bar, the results are that you are not. More importantly, does this matter to you and your partners? The baby is healthy, and you all look so happy together. Is it something you can live with?"

"I just don't know doc, I heed to process this. I really hoped it was."

He nodded, and said at least sleep on it, and I agreed.

I waited three days before I spoke with Audrey alone and related my discussion with the Dr. She broke, crying so hard I cried with her. My feelings had been put on the shelf until that moment, and everything broke inside. We just held each other, hoping this was a bad dream we would wake from.

Becky was in a funk since she got home. Her normal joy wasn't there and we attributed it to new baby issues. The day after Audrey and I talked, we sat down with Becky to ask what was wrong.

"Becky, we think you should see the Dr., its like you are in a depression. You are not yourself." Audrey started.

Becky looked to each of us, and tears came softly.

"I'm hurting inside. I have something I feel, but can't bring myself to say it." She looked back and forth between us. "

'Becky," I said, "The sooner you share it, the sooner we can help."

"If I share this, and 'm right, I'm so scared I'll be alone."

"Becks, please tell us. We have something to talk to you about too, but I feel we need to hear your first."

"It's the baby Russ, I don't think its mine. I look at her, and she's so different than what I expected I don't feel I'm bonding and worried my mental health is damaged."

"I was there when the nurse applied the arm band as you held her after just giving birth. They didn't mix them up. It's your child." Audrey said.

"Becky, I don't know how to break this to you, so I'll just say it, but its not mine," I quietly spoke.

"How... what do you mean?" Becky whispered.

Audrey replied, "The baby's eyes are dark brown. You, your mom, and Russ are all blue. What color were your dads?"

"I don't know." Becky gasped.

"Well, we are sure your mom has figured it out the night she visited. Russ got a DNA test after he and I discussed the way she was acting, and its definitely not his." Audrey spoke softly.

Becky threw up, over and over. "It can't be true," and began crying her eyes out.

We cleaned her up, changed the sheets, and made her comfortable. Audrey slid in beside her and held her until she relaxed. She slept in fits, and after feeding her baby in the morning, Audrey and mom looked after her until early afternoon when Becky got up.

Before then we broke the news to mom, and she was devastated. Not just for herself, but how each of us must be feeling.

The home wasn't a happy place that day.

Next day Becky was up and packing. Audrey was concerned and asked her what's up.

"Mom asked me to stay with her for a bit until I have a chance to see a counselor, and get an idea what's happening. I've been doing some soul searching, and a light came on I know who the father is. Remember the fuckface that dropped me at lunch the day he decided to go to prom with someone else? The night before he dumped me, we had shitty sex in his car. I feel like filth right now, and can't look at you two, even though I see the love you have in your eyes. I can only think I have betrayed you both for the last nine months with a sham pregnancy and a bastard baby. It was nearly a week before we all started this relationship, so at least I don't feel like a slut. I just feel like I betrayed your families and you, and I need space to get past this."

When she was gone all of us felt a cold loss, Her enthusiasm and loving nature was missing, and life was dull and drab now.

Audrey and I consoled each other, but sex had lots its shine, and eventually she took an offer to work at her aunt's gift shop for the summer out of town. We would run into each other in three months and see where we were at. Right now, my heart was missing, and I put my focus on my martial arts and the gym. I received a note from Audrey saying she is so sad losing her friend, and feels broken. She was feeling empty the last times we were intimate, and couldn't pretend her feelings are the same. Hopefully in the fall we'll meet before classes start and try again, if it feels right.

One night a week later Monica approached me after martial arts.

"Russ, I'm devastated to hear what's happened. They were my BFFs the last two years, and I can't imagine what you are all going through."

"I'm not as foggy as I was a week or so ago, but from on top of the world, to nothing almost overnight. I saw everything crumbling, and I couldn't hold any of it in my hand and stop it."

"Hey, I'm a good listener, or just to have a body to lean against, how about we go for a coffee, and maybe a walk after?"

"I'd like that Monica."

I didn't even think, just softly took her hand and walked her to the SUV, and opened the door for her. We headed to the nice coffee place and got lattes. We sat on a loveseat, and neither of us began to talk. I never touched my coffee. After a couple minutes I felt her arm around my shoulders, as she pulled me close. We sat like that for what felt like a long time until she decided to use her palm to turn my face, and we started softly kissing. I came out of a waking coma and realized what was happening, who was facing me, then returned the affection.

Monica smiled, and said, "Welcome back."

I gazed into her beautiful eyes, felt her hair, and pulled her in lovingly for more.

"Monica, thank you for this. I don't know if I'd ever have snapped out of it. I don't know what you are looking for, but if you can wait for a broken heart to mend, I'd like to get to know you better."

"If you will let me, I'd like to help it mend. I've always admired you, but missed my opportunity to be your girl. I'm not letting this opportunity slip by."

I drove her home, and went around to open the door for her. When I closed it, we stood looking at each other, and a magnetic force pulled us together. I leaned her into the door, and we had a full body contact embrace, with more kisses. A fire was starting in both of us, when I pulled away, Monica gasping, we took stock of where this was about to go.

"How about I call you tomorrow if you're free."

"Remember how to find my place? Bring your suit for the pool, or don't bring a suit she winked. How about noonish?"

"It's a date, I replied."

She began walking away, as did I, and we both looked back at the same time, laughing as we realized we both did it. Déjà vu.

On the drive home, my spirits were better. I still had weight on my heart, and felt a loss. The fog was lifted though, so I gave gratitude to the universe for where I was, and hoped the weight would lessen in time.

Audrey decided to transfer to a school near her aunts, and stayed with her for the second year of her program.

I heard Becky gave the baby up after a month, as she was unable to bond with her child. It remained foreign to her, when she could only picture it resembling the person who planted it in her. She remained depressed and in care for a long time. Any time I tried to contact her; I was blocked. Later even, I heard she missed both of us, but would always be reminded of what could have been and could never rise to having the same feelings again with her self-induced shame.

I went on to complete my degree over three years, and landed a decent job with a firm in town. Monica and I developed into a very happy couple, after waiting at least 6 weeks before we both felt we were on solid enough ground to be intimate starting out. After that, her Latina looks, personality, and taller height, made her incomparable to her BFFs, and we had a clean slate going forward.

I achieved my black belt, she just one behind me. We had that in common, and God help the poor idiot that messes with her.

We started looking for our own place. Mom and dad loved her, but we needed our own place to grow, and have kids in a couple years.

My life is good, but way different, and that's not a bad thing.

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Hightower43Hightower4323 days ago

Great story. I think Monica and Russ should have at least had more chapters together..

dragonsbaindragonsbain26 days ago

First thank you for not giving this story the typical happy ending. It was actually quite a surprise and made it more authentic. You have done a great job with introducing and developing your characters also. Keep writing and lets see what others surprises you have

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