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My Older Neighbour Gertie Ch. 01


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I put my unneeded toolbox down, took off my shoes and went through to her. She was filling her kettle.

"Cup of tea love?" she asked.

"Yes, please, how are you?"

"I'm fine, it's good to see you again."

She didn't appear to have any regrets. I was relieved because I didn't have any either.

She was wearing a pair of baggy elasticated slacks and a light jumper. She looked decidedly unglamorous. I didn't care at all. Her large tits were swaying as she moved around the kitchen.

"Go and sit down, I'll bring it through."

I went to sit in her lounge, the heavy light fitting was still attached to the ceiling. I sat at one end of her sofa.

She came through with a tray and put it on a small table, then she picked up the table and put it close to the sofa. She sat at the other end and poured the tea. The tray included a plate of biscuits, I took one.

"No regrets?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

"Not at all, I keep thinking about what we did. In a good way mind, it makes me feel so excited."

"Are you excited now?" I asked.

She looked shy, "Yes." she said in a quiet voice.

She passed me my tea.

"Thank you, I feel excited too," I said.

She took a sip of tea then said, "The other old lady when you were young, your grandma's neighbour..."

"Her name was May."

"...yes May. You said you did everything with her?"

"Yes, she taught me a lot."

"Will you do everything with me, please?"

"I'd love to, you might not want to though when it comes to doing it."

"I think I will, I want to try. If I change my mind I'll tell you."

"I understand, please don't worry, I'll still be gentle with you."

"Thank you. By the way, I told Mabel."

"What did she say?"

"She said she could tell as soon as she saw me. She wanted me to tell all. I think it excited her. I told her I wanted you to make love to me.

She said I should get something to use for lubrication, so I did, I got four tubes, we can see what it's like today if you like, if you have time."

I could feel myself getting hard. My fears that Gertie might have regrets were unfounded. Four tubes meant she was planning well ahead! We drank the tea and I moved the table out of the way and sat next to her.

I lifted her chin and kissed her, my hand then covered her large breast. I squeezed it and kneaded it. Her kiss was very sensual, she was a good kisser.

"Oh, that feels good." she breathed.

I stood up and lifted her jumper off, then removed her bra. Her heavy breasts hung down to the top of her belly, slight blue veins visible under the pale skin, she didn't sunbathe topless. Her nipples were brown and thick, the areolas starting to crinkle. I took one in my mouth and suckled it.

Gertie ran her hand over my erection.

"Can I see it again?"

I stood up and removed my jeans, shoes and socks. I removed my T-shirt and stood in front of her in just my Y fronts. She ran her hand over my bulge, tracing the outline.

"So big." she whispered as she slowly pulled down my underpants.

My cock was pulled down by the waistband, when released it sprang up almost hitting her chin. It bobbed obscenely in front of her face. She wrapped her hand around it.

"So very hard, I think it's lovely, I want it inside me." she moved my foreskin back, exposing my shiny helmet.

"Taste it." I commanded, "Put your mouth over it."

Gertie complied, her warm mouth engulfing me. She knew what to do, it felt exquisite. She released me, a string of saliva connecting my cock to her chin.

"In the top drawer over there is where I'm keeping one of the tubes of what Mabel calls lube. Be a dear and get it, please."

I stepped out of my pants, fetched it and passed it to her. It was KY jelly.

"Another tube I've put under the bed in the spare bedroom, for if we're going to do it upstairs in bed."

I lay on my back on the sofa, my head on her lap, facing her breasts, I looked up at her.

"Does my lover want to suck my titties?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Come on then."

She lifted her breast, squeezing just behind her nipple, pushing it into my open mouth. I clamped onto her nipple and started to suck.

Her other hand found my cock. I parted my legs for her. She cupped my balls and gently caressed them. Then her hand encircled my hard cock. She squeezed it and started wanking me.

After a few minutes she said, "Look how big and hard my man is. Does he want to put it inside me now?"

"Mmmm, yes, please," I murmured.

I continued to suck her while she was stroking me. A few more minutes of that, and I would be coming. I told her that, then I sat up and knelt between her legs. I hooked my fingers over the waistband of her slacks and started to pull them down. She lifted her bum to help. I took them off.

She was naked except for her voluminous, white granny knickers. They were woven in such a way that the pattern left small pinholes. This meant that the gusset was clearly outlined as a whiter patch of material.

I started to slowly remove her knickers. I watched the elastic moving over her mound. The grey hairs were flattened by the elastic then they sprang back as it passed over. Then I saw the slight depression that indicated the top of her cleft. I stopped pulling her knickers down and kissed that spot, my eyes looking at her face.

She was watching me closely, her teeth on her lower lip. She stroked my hair then lifted her bum again to help me. I took her knickers down and off. She then parted her legs, she knew what she wanted and so did I.

The parting of her legs had opened her cleft. I could see her clitoral hood, labia, and vagina. I wanted to taste her, smell her and caress her. Not only that, but I wanted to make this elderly lady come on my face.

I went back to kissing the top of her slit, watching her face. I moved over her clit, I searched for it with my tongue. On finding it I started to flick it rapidly. She grabbed a handful of my hair.

"Ohhhhh, please, yes..."

I continued to lick, suck and nibble her clit, my fingers were caressing the inside of her thighs. She continued to sigh with pleasure.

I traced a finger from her thigh to her entrance, she was moist but again, not wet. I released some saliva, it trickled down. It allowed my finger to enter her, I could feel the contours of her vaginal walls. I felt along the front part, hoping she'd have a sensitive g-spot. My finger felt the telltale ridges and I kept stimulating her there.

"Aaaaah, what are you doing? Ooooh!"

She started to jerk, both hands now gripping my head. She cried out, humping her pussy at my face as she came.

I knelt back, she applied a liberal amount of the lube to my cock, working it around. I then placed my cock at her entrance. I slowly started to enter her, loving the way her ancient pussy parted to let me inside. When my cockhead head was inside, I penetrated her the rest of the way in one smooth thrust.

As I entered her she opened her mouth wide, her hands held my shoulders. She bit her bottom lip again, her chin on her chest, she was watching my cock fucking her vagina. The glistening length appearing then disappearing again.

I was watching too, the ring of her vagina pulling out on my out-stroke and folding back as I plunged back in. I watched her breasts moving in time, I felt the familiar tingle starting. Because I didn't want to come yet, I withdrew and stood up, my slimy cock bobbing. I took her hands and helped her to her feet.

"Turn round, kneel on the sofa, arch your back downwards, lower your tummy if you can." she did so, her bum held high for me, "Can you move your knees further apart?" she could.

Her bum was in the air, smooth, white mounds, with some cellulite at the bottom of her buttocks and the top of her thighs. One or two varicose veins on each leg. Her pussy was plump and open, inviting me to enter her. Her brownish rosebud was exposed to my gaze.

I reapplied more lubricant and entered her, her buttocks squashed against me.

"Aaaaah! So deep inside me." she gasped.

I fucked her hard, slapping into her bum. Her buttocks were rippling back and forth, the noise of our union filling the room.

Gertie my old neighbour on her sofa with her arse in the air letting me fuck her, hard! I put a thumb on her anus and started to stroke it.

"Oooh, so dirty, you're so naughty!" and with that, she began her orgasm.

Feeling and seeing her coming triggered my orgasm. When it reached the point of inevitably I slowed right down, trying to keep myself in that pre-ejaculation state. With Gertie quivering so much it was impossible, I started pulsing jet after jet of cum into her. When I finished, I held myself there.

"Are you OK Gertie?"

"Lovely, it was lovely."

When I felt myself start to soften I reached for her knickers. I held the slightly tainted gusset beneath my cock and withdrew. Nothing came out at first, I wiped my cock. Then a large glob of cum slipped out, I caught it. It was followed by a brief stream then another gloopy bit that started to hang down.

That image has been played over and over in my mind through the years. When I can't quite get myself over the edge, recalling that image always works.

I held her knickers to her pussy and helped her to stand. She looked at them.

"Oooh, I need a clean pair, bring my clothes up will you?"

I put the tube of jelly back, gathered all the clothes and followed her upstairs. Both of us were naked, I was looking at her pussy lips as I followed her up the stairs.

We cleaned each other up in her bathroom then dressed in her bedroom, then went back downstairs.

"Can you stay a bit longer?" she asked.

"Not this time," I replied.

"Just come here a minute," I said, standing her at the back of an armchair facing it, "Lean as far over it as you can."

She did and was bent over a fair way. I could easily fuck her in this position.

"If I pulled your knickers down, do you think you would be comfortable if I took you in this position?"

"Oooh, I think so, yes, are you going to put it in me now?"

I slapped her bum, "I can't, I have to get back, I only came round to unblock your washing machine filter. But this would be a way we could do it quickly in future, if we only had a short amount of time."

Over the next five or six months, we got together every couple of weeks. Mostly we used the spare bedroom. Sometimes it was raw fucking, sometimes making love. We did have some quickies with her bent over the back of that chair, her knickers around her knees, her tits freed and swaying. Her arse cheeks rippling as I pounded into her.

Then one Saturday morning an ambulance pulled up outside Gertie's, blue lights flashing. My heart skipped a beat, I went across. It was Fred lying on the floor, the medics attending to him. Gertie was distraught, I put my arm around her.

"He just keeled over," she said through her tears.

They could not resuscitate Fred, they covered him and carried him out to the ambulance. I held Gertie until her tears subsided. Then she phoned Julie, her daughter. I stayed with Gertie until Julie arrived. I then left them alone together and went home.

Julie stayed with Gertie all the next week. On Friday evening there was a knock at the door, it was Julie.

"Hi Julie, come in. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I have a favour to ask of you."

"Come in, sit down."

Jane was upstairs bathing Emily.

"Can I get you anything, tea, coffee, something stronger?"

"No, I'm fine thanks."

She sat in an armchair, she was wearing blue jeans and a white cotton blouse, her brown hair in a ponytail.

"I'll be taking mum home to live with me, and she'll be selling her house here. I've got a list of things she wants to take with her, a few bits of furniture and personal possessions that we've boxed up."

Jane came down having put Emily to bed. I introduced Julie. What Julie had just said saddened me. I felt gutted.

Julie continued, "I have to go back to Preston tonight to get mum's room ready, it's full of junk at the moment. A house clearance company will be coming round tomorrow to take what mum doesn't want. I know it's a lot to ask but could one of you supervise them, please? It would be too much for mum."

Jane said, "Of course, David will, he knows your mum far better than I do."

"Yes I know, it's obvious she feels very close to him, that's why I'm here and not with any other neighbour." she gave me a knowing look or, was I just being paranoid?

I was going to miss Gertie, but I was glad for her, it would be better to be living with Julie than on her own or worse, in a care home.

Julie said, "There's something else I need to ask. I'll be coming back on Sunday to pick mum up and take the boxes we've packed. Then next weekend I'll hire a van and come back for the few bits of furniture.

Could one of you stay with her tonight and tomorrow night, please? She's finding it difficult, the thought of being alone in the house at night. My dad was always there.

Also, David, could you help me load the van next week, please? I'll have someone to help me unload at the other end."

"Yes of course I'll help you and I don't mind keeping her company."

I looked at Jane, she nodded.

"Thank you so much you two for helping her. Not just now but all you've done for them both since you came here."

"You're welcome, when are you setting off?" I asked.

"Now. I'll let you into the house then I'll get going."

I said goodnight to Jane then I walked across the road with Julie to Gertie's house.

As you went in through the front door of Gertie's house there was a storm porch, then you went in through the front door proper.

In the porch, Julie said softly, "Talking to mum this week it became obvious to me that you've been much more to her than just a good neighbour.

She didn't say anything, she didn't have to, it was the way she spoke about you. I'm just glad dad never found out, he didn't, did he?"

"No," I said, blushing.

"Good. At first, I was furious with you both. I stormed out intending to confront you. Instead, I went for a long drive to sort my head out. I could see how devastated she was at losing my dad, it was obvious she still loved him.

I could also see how upset she was at the prospect of losing you, but she resigned herself to that. Then I could see that you had been fulfilling a need that my dad couldn't. I could see that he was still the love of her life. That calmed me down.

It's very unusual though, the age gap between you both?"


"Don't say anything right now, you can tell me next week.

Just so you know, mum would be fine on her own these next two nights. This is my way of saying thank you and giving her some special time with you. If that's what she wants. I'm fine with that, honestly I am." she touched my arm, "All she might want is your company and a hug. I know you'll be understanding with her."

She kissed me softly and briefly on the lips then went inside. I followed her in, Gertie was in the kitchen in her housecoat. When she saw me she hurried over to me and I held her in my arms.

"Oh David..." she started sobbing.

Julie whispered in my ear, I could feel her breath on my skin, "Be gentle with her, see you on Sunday." then she left.

After a minute or two Gertie composed herself.

"Julie..., has she gone?"


"Oh, I didn't say goodbye."

"Don't worry, she'll be back on Sunday. How are you?"

"Oh, this week has been dreadful, I've lost Fred, and now I'm losing you. Julie's told you that, hasn't she?"

"Yes, she has. She only has your best interest in mind, and she's right. I will miss you too Gertie."

"Do you have to get back? I wish we could have a bit longer together."

"She hasn't told you then?"

"Told me what?"

"That I'm staying here with you until Sunday morning."


"Yes, I will be spending tonight here. I'll nip back home after the clearance men have left tomorrow, but I'll be back to spend tomorrow night with you as well."

For an old lady, she could give one hell of a bear hug.

"She knows about us. Did you know?" I asked.

"Yes, we had a bit of a row about it. She slept in the spare bed when she arrived. And the next morning at breakfast she was off with me.

She asked if her dad and I always slept in the front room. I told her we always had, then she said, 'So why did I find this under my bed in the back bedroom?'

It was a well-used tube of lube. I'd forgotten all about it.

She said, 'It's that David over the road, isn't it? You've been fucking him!'

I didn't know what to say, I was bright red, I just nodded.

She just said, 'I thought as much... the expression on your face and the softness in your voice when you mention him, the pain in your face when I mentioned coming to live with me, I knew it!'

Then she stormed out and drove off without telling me where she was going. When she came back she was in a much better mood and nothing more was said."

I said, "She told me she suspected something was going on between us because of how you were when you spoke about me."

"I'm relieved that she knows though, she should do the same, get herself a lover."

"How do you know she hasn't?"

"I just don't think she has, I'll persuade her," she said with a smile.

She kissed me. She took my hand and led me into the front room. Her handbag was in an armchair, she took out some lube from it, passed it to me and then bent over the back of the chair.

"It's too early to go to bed and I want you inside me again, right now, do me." she said.

I wanted her. I knelt behind her and pulled down her slacks and knickers at the same time. Then I took one foot out of them, so she could spread her legs for me. Then I stood and looked down at her. Her round white buttocks with her plump pussy peeking out, I stroked it.

"Oooh, that's lovely," she cooed.

I applied some lube to two fingers and worked it inside her.

She gasped. "Aaah, yes."

I opened my fly and released my erect cock then lubricated it, I spread my legs to lower myself and found her entrance. I pushed myself inside her all the way.

She grunted. "Nngh, oh yes, do me, do me hard."

I did, I slammed into her with an insistent rhythm. This wasn't making love, this was raw fucking. I started having a fantasy, that Julie was watching us. She was naked in the other armchair, one leg over each arm, her hairy pussy exposed.

With one hand she was frigging herself with the other she was squeezing a breast, watching us.

The fifty-eight-year-old was saying, "That's it, go on, fuck my mum. Then I want you to fuck me."

That thought did it, it sent me over the edge. I didn't stop slamming into her mum who had not yet come, I was trying to get her there. The sensitivity of my cock became too much. I pulled out and cupped my hand over her pussy, catching my semen as it poured out of her. I spread it over her elderly fanny.

Then I rubbed her clit rapidly with my fingertips, I inserted my thumb into her vagina.

"Ooh, don't stop, keep doing that," she panted.

I didn't stop I kept it going.

"Don't stop..., don't stop..."

She was so close..., so close but yet so far. My hand was getting tired. I tried telling her my fantasy. "Imagine Julie's watching us."

"Ooh, that's so naughty."

I then described how Julie was sitting, what she was doing and what she was saying.

"Aaaah! You dirty bugger, oooh..."

That did it, I felt her vagina clenching on my thumb as she came.

"That was interesting." I thought.

I pulled her knickers and slacks back up.

"I'll need a bath before bed," she said.

I replied, "I could join you."

"Yes, that would be lovely, you're so naughty though, what you said to me just then."

"I was trying to help you to come."

"Well, it worked." she paused then continued, "Would you like her to do that?"

"Would you?"

"The thought of it makes me feel faint but also excited. I wouldn't be jealous if you did it with her, I would be pleased that she could feel what I feel when you're inside me. I could never suggest it to her though."

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