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My Roommate is (Way) Too Hot! Ch.12


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It was like I could feel the explosion in my guts, the intense throbs and spams of his cock in my bones...

We were one and I was on fire.

"Hmmm... Fuck!"

I kept his dick in my ass for a long time after his ejaculation. I did not want this to be over.

I had splattered my own cum everywhere.

I lied down on the bed as his deflating cock was still very much buried inside my hole.

We were both trying to catch back our breath.

"Wow... Hope you enjoyed your present." He eventually whispered.

"I did... Very much so." I smiled at him.

Phew, he was smiling too.

We were both fine.

"Well, shoving it in another guy's bum. That's something I can scratch off my bucket list!"

"I'll scratch taking it from a straight guy off then."

He chuckled.

"You'll have to clean my sheet though; we made a mess."

"You can sleep in my bed tonight; I don't mind sleeping in that filth."

His smile grew larger.

"You son of a... You're such a fake prude! You're the biggest freak of all!"

I grinned.

He straightened up and left for my bedroom, giggling like an idiot.

I did use his bed that night. It was stinking too much like the best moment of my life to leave it.

I was so drained that I fell asleep instantly. Sweet dreams.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Responding to the comments, not the story (which is damn hot btw):

Please stop with the labels. Whether one is top, or bottom, or vers, has nothing to do with one's "manliness" (whatever that means). Being bottom doesn't mean one is not "manly". In fact, there are muscular power bottoms who are fiercely dominant in bed, overpowering their submissive tops.

So, please stop employing heterosexual-type norms, and stop perpetuating the myth of the "too manly to bottom". In fact, there are "manly" straight men who enjoy being pegged by their female partners. Doesn't make them less "manly", or less straight.

Time to read some books and get educated.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I totally agree with Andrew please don’t Samuel into a verse top I believe he’s to manly for that, getting his ass ate should be how far he goes with ass play. But if anyone has to be verse it should be Kurt because of your great writing and character development the writing is on the wall for Kurt to be verse how hard he admires Samuel already - Ray

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

OMG!!!!! That was so fucking HOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!! You are one of my favorite writers. One of the best! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Awww they should have shared the bed at the end

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hi Thomas!

Amazing first time but this can’t be the last. I certainly hope Sam grows to enjoy boipussy and possibly can be bi. But I disagree with the comments of having him take Oliver’s dick, please. We seriously just need more bi full tops and not guys taking it up their ass. We already have an overpopulation of bottoms 😂😂

I really hope to read Sam fully well with his hands and fucking Oliver better than how he fucked chicks and trying all the different positions he wants and having his whole body, pits and pubes enjoyed fully by Oliver.

Cheers from Singapore - Andrew (Big Fan)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

that was a wonderful first time for our boys! now that the seal is broken, so to say, sam is going to want/need that formerly tight hole all the time, since it's the only hole he can get

well, maybe apart from kurtis, who would probably love to worship at the altar of sam's temple, and by that i mean his big fat dick. do i smell a threesome in their future? (i sure hope so)

StraycatndcStraycatndc5 months ago

“ I don't mind sleeping in that filth."

A man after my own heart 🥰

Bham487Bham4875 months ago

Continue to love this story!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You’re such a great writer. Makes me rock hard and I look for to all of your work, not just this one. Thanks and keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sam loves some ass play so next let’s see him take Oliver’s cock.

Cane23Cane235 months ago

THAT was worth of waiting! Very HOT! Funny bickering till the fireworks! And no regrets afterwards! What's next, I'm wondering?

BidickulousBidickulous5 months ago

So glad this next step went well, looking forward to more fun!

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