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My Second Piece of Ass Ch. 31

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Thanksgiving with lots of stuffing.
4.4k words

Part 31 of the 33 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/21/2004
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During the days that followed our visit to the Petersen home I became suspicious. Laura was spending more time on the telephone than usual. It was finals week and I had one or two exams each day. As I worked at my desk each night I could hear her voice, muffled by the closed bedroom door. It was not uncommon for her to speak with Nadine for an hour but this was different. These telephone conversations were longer.

On Wednesday evening my exams were over. Sylvia, Laura and I were in the kitchen preparing the turkey and a variety of pies for the oven when the phone rang.

"Hi Randy, is Laura there?"

"It's Rosita," I said, offering Laura the phone.

"I know," she said as she headed to the bedroom, motioning for me to hang up the kitchen phone after she answered.

Sylvia and I worked together, making as many advanced preparations for Thanksgiving dinner as possible. She had everything organized. I could tell that she was curious about the phone call and the closed bedroom door but, I avoided the subject, simply saying it was a friend Laura was consoling.

In truth I did not know why Rosita was calling so often or what they were talking about. I assumed they were sympathizing with each other.

I gave Sylvia a brief rundown on everyone who had accepted our invitations for dinner the following day. In keeping with Laura's wishes, I avoided telling Sylvia the occupation of the four girls from the brothel or how we were acquainted.

For the past several days Laura had enumerated the pitfalls that she foresaw and how she hoped to avert them. I could tell she was nervous that the girls would let their vocabulary slip, that special way of talking whores use to express themselves. She enlisted my services to keep them from getting into fights and ruining our day.

Only four of the girls from the brothel had accepted our invitation. Laura suggested that they dress conservatively. She also instructed them not to mention their work and she especially warned them to call her Laura instead of Tess. I was to go after them the next morning and review Laura's instructions on the way to our house.

I named the four girls, Kelley, Ruby Mae, Tanya and Rachel, saying they were from Laura's work. Sylvia wanted to know more about the girls so she would be able to remember which was which.

"Kelley's only 18 or 19, Ruby Mae is tall, Tanya is cute and Rachel is the oldest."

"Isn't Kelley cute?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

I could see her point. Sylvia would be able to remember Ruby Mae because she was tall and Rachel because she was older than the others but I had described both Tanya and Kelley as being cute.

It would have been easy to give a distinguishing feature to describe Kelley. "Kelley's the one with the big mouth," I came close to saying but instead, "Tanya is probably 30."

The four guys from school who worked part time for us had promised to come with huge appetites. Paul was the tallest. He and Ken were the first part-timers we had hired. Wally was small and wiry and Ben was built like a bear.

Invitations to the four college guys had been extended to keep them from going home for Thanksgiving. We needed all hands to start the demolition of the old house where Judge Waite's Home for Women was going to be built. The promise of a huge meal was enough enticement to get them to come. I hadn't told them about the four girls from the brothel.

Charles and Nadine were coming. Sylvia knew Charles of course and remembered Nadine from the hospital where she and Laura had shared a room.

Sylvia also knew Lacy and she had met Eric when he was painting our additions.

"That makes fifteen," Sylvia said, showing that she had been keeping count.

"Charles and Nadine will probably bring their kids and Davie is coming."


"Sure, you remember Davie. He helped paint the additions."

She froze, her hands clutching cut-up apple slices above a pie pan filled with dough. Her brow wrinkled and I saw a confident nod as she released the apple slices into the pan.

"How old is he? Is he…?"

"Davie?" I asked nonchalantly. I loved to tease her.

She picked up the rolling pin and raised it menacingly.

"Davie's about 30 and yes, he's single."

She lowered the rolling pin and went back to filling the pie. Laura came out of the bedroom and wanted to know what she had missed.

"What did we miss?" Sylvia said in good humored retort.

That night in bed Laura told me parts of her conversation with Rosita. "She wants to give me a good deal on a car. She said if we come by the lot on Saturday night she will sell us any car on the lot at cost."

"Ollie's cars are all big American crates. Do you think there will be something that will suit you?"

"I know," Laura said, running her hand over my chest, "I told her we'll drop by and look. She's just trying to make amends. It can't do any harm, can it?"

I agreed that it would do no harm to look, wondering why Rosita had made such a generous offer. It was clear to me that she and Laura were becoming friends. I wondered if it was their mutual aversion of Ollie that drew them together.

It surprised me when I found the girls dressed and ready to go as soon as I arrived at the brothel. I complemented them on how nice they looked. All four were wearing the same outfit, below the knee skirts with colorful silk blouses. They rushed to cover the blouses with a variety of imitation fur coats. Other than being cheap and ratty, the coats were quite different in style and length.

"We ordered these outfits alike because Laura doesn't want us showing leg," Ruby Mae said, a sarcastic tone in her voice. She had insisted on sitting in the front with me, much to the chagrin of Kelley.

"You're pissed because your legs are your pride and joy. They're the only thing about you that attracts attention."

Ruby Mae turned in the seat to glare at the younger girl.

Before I could say anything about Laura's request that there be no fights Kelley was off again. "The rest of us have tits and we like the way our asses fill out these skirts. You're pissed because your tits are tiny and your little round bottom is an embarrassment."

I decided to make an example of her. "Kelley, that's what Laura was talking about when she asked you to watch your language."

"What's wrong with pissed?" She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "What if I say 'pass the fucking butter?' Will Tess be pissed?"

"Pissed is probably okay. It's the way you said it. You sounded pissed. And its Laura, not Tess, remember?"

"And don't say 'pass the fucking butter,'" Tanya was quick to correct her. "Say 'Please pass the fucking butter.'" The girls erupted in laughter, even Ruby Mae. She had forgotten about Kelley's comment about her breasts and ass.

"Please pass the fucking margarine," Rachel put in. This was followed by Tanya correcting her. "Please pass the fucking oleo margarine. That's more correct, isn't it Randy?"

The four girls kept up a steady stream of drivel, trying to outdo one another with their own version of vulgar table etiquette. "Please pass the fucking peas, one at a time," Ruby Mae said, delighted with her contribution to the hilarity, setting off another round of laughter.

"WE'RE NOT HAVING PEAS AND STOP SAYING FUCKING!" I shouted, beside myself with frustration, angry at the girls for their silly behavior and embarrassed that I had lost my temper.

Ruby Mae wanted to know when she would receive the money she had earned for her part in Ollie's abduction and humiliation. I tried to quiet her, saying that it was being held as evidence and would be released soon. But she persisted, saying she had followed my instructions and deserved to get her money. "I did all the work. I didn't see you sucking his little cock or fucking him." I lost my temper again.


"STOP SAYING FUCKING," Ruby Mae blasted me. This brought the girls to gales of laughter. I drove in silence and tried to ignore their chatter. It was clear to me that Ruby Mae had told them all about our adventure with Ollie. It sounded like they had heard it a number of times. Kelley begged her not to repeat the story.

"Isn't this a cute house," Tanya exclaimed as I pulled into the driveway. A quick count of the cars in the street told me that everyone was there. They had left the driveway open for me to park my car.

I made one last effort to caution the girls about their behavior on the walk to the back door but they were already engaged in another argument. Kelley was bragging that she had been to the house before and Ruby Mae didn't believe her.

"Tell her Randy. Tess, I mean Laura sent me here one night because she said Randy needed some loving. We had whiskey together and we talked. He talked to me like I was his sister, not like the Johns talk. Tell her Randy."

Someone opened the back door and the girls filed in. The room became quiet. All conversation stopped as everyone in the crowded room turned to watch us enter, me and the four ladies in imitation fur. They were all male, except Lacy and Nadine's little girl who was busy squeezing between the legs of the guests. The other women, Laura, Nadine and Sylvia were in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the meal.

All eyes were upon the four new arrivals and me. I lifted the coats off their shoulders as I introduced the girls. "This is Tanya, this is Ruby Mae, this is Rachel and this is Kelley." Kelley attempted a curtsey but the others just smiled, timidly.

I was used to being around the four girls. I had watched them work and interact with their customers. We had eaten breakfast together at the end of a long shift and we had swapped stories. Suddenly, I noticed their perfume and how much makeup they wore. It must have occurred to them that they were out of place.

"Turn on the ceiling fan," I suggested to Charles and the little girl squealed, "Let me, let me."

Kelley helped me deliver the coats to my bedroom. "I'm not comfortable Randy. Maybe we shouldn't have come," she said as we dumped the coats on top of the bed. I held out my arms and she came to me.

"You'll be fine," I said, feeling the young girl tremble.

"It's just that I've never been anyplace for Thanksgiving before. We never celebrated holidays much at home."

"Well, you've been invited here today because you're our friend." I squeezed her to me before releasing her.

"Don't mess up my makeup. Tess will think I've been in here giving you a blowjob," she said seriously, looking young and innocent. But the sparkle in her eyes told me she was joking.

I could also see that her attempt at humor was to deflect her fear of meeting strangers in an unfamiliar environment. Greeting men at the brothel came easy to her but this was different. She didn't know how to interact with men whose attention was not transfixed by her scanty dress at the brothel. I knew she would adapt.

"Don't call her Tess or I'll say you need practice. Laura wouldn't smear her makeup."

Kelley backed away in dismay and I knew I had out-shocked her. She smiled as I took her hand. "And Laura's room is off limits," I said on the way to the kitchen.

"I remember from the other time I was here." Then, agitated and pleading, "Please tell Ruby Mae I was here before. Don't tell her we didn't do anything," Kelley said, almost insistent.

I introduced her to Sylvia and Nadine as we passed through the kitchen. Laura raised her eyebrows and I shook my head to indicate that reiterating the rules to the girls had not gone as planned. She frowned at me, perplexed. I shrugged, helpless.

I never got a chance to verify Kelley's story about her previous visit to the house. When we reached the doorway to the new room we stopped to appraise the situation. The guys from school and the girls had paired off. Erick was pouring wine for everyone and Lacy was off to the side, sulking because the attention of every male in the room had been diverted to the three girls. Kelley was quick to join them.

I busied myself by restocking the appetizer table and checking the wine supply. There were several bottles of white wine to go with the turkey but someone had unscrewed the cap from a gallon jug of burgundy. That was the wine Erick was pouring.

I pulled the cork out of a bottle of Chablis and took a glass to Lacy. She was watching the girls with disdain.

"You look like you could use a drink," I said to her. She took a sip, wrinkled her nose and handed the glass back to me. She was wearing a red blazer over a green blouse and although the colors clashed, she looked nice. I told her so and made her blush. I paid special attention to the leather patches on the elbows of the blazer.

"I know what you're thinking," she said as she extended an elbow up to my nose for me to smell the leather. She smiled sheepishly.

"You guessed correctly," I confessed but I didn't think it was necessary to go into detail. It had been Laura's idea for me to seduce Lacy, a challenge really. On our first date I took her window shopping in downtown Phoenix so we could get acquainted. We looked in the store windows and talked, walking along the sidewalk, holding hands. A mannequin wearing a leather jacket in a store window attracted our attention. As we stood there in front of the leather store, hands clasped at arms length, I told her, slowly and deliberately, how I was planning to seduce her. She listened to my step by step description, the removal of the cloths, the kisses and the touches and how it was going to feel. I had her full attention. It was as if she was already experiencing what I was describing. She interrupted me to ask why I was paying so much attention to her back. "Move your hands to my tummy and then a little higher," she said and I knew I had her under my spell. We were interrupted that night by a man who advised us to "get a room." We looked up to discover a crowd had formed around us.

Lacy reached for the glass and took two fast sips before handing it back to me and I could see that she was reliving our night in front of the leather store.

"Randy!" It was Kelley wanting my attention. She was standing on the fringe of the crowd gathered around Ruby Mae. Erick and the four college guys were being entertained by a story the tall woman was telling. I hoped her story had nothing to do with Ollie in the back seat of the big car and how she had maneuvered him out of the car, naked.

"Randy, tell her I was here before," Kelley was adamant now, desperately wanting me to interrupt Ruby Mae's story. I looked at Lacy and shrugged.

Fortunately, Laura tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to arrange some serving tables in the center of the room. Charles and Davie jumped at the chance to be helpful and all I had to do was herd Ruby Mae and her little entourage out of the way. Nadine appeared with paper coverings for the two tables and Sylvia followed with the turkey which brought a round of applause. With the help of Charles and Davie, the three women brought out enough food, plates and silverware to cover the two tables.

"Before we eat," Laura got everyone's attention, "let's join hands and tell everyone what we are thankful for." Laura's voice was soft but commanding. The small crowd surrounding Ruby Mae soon dispersed and we all joined hands. Lacy was to my right and Laura to my left. I could tell that Lacy was miffed when we saw Erick between Rachel and Tanya.

"Randy, will you start it off?"

"Shit!" I mumbled, making everyone that heard me laugh and the others ask what I had said.

"I'm just thankful to be in the midst of so many friends on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day," I managed to say.

"Lacy?" Laura said, directing the order the offerings of thanks would take. Lacy stumbled before repeating something similar to what I had said. None of us were prepared to make a thoughtful contribution on the spur of the moment. The statements were brief, some solemn admissions of gratitude, some light and funny. Wally said he was thankful for the female companionship and Paul said he was thankful our exams were over. Rachel's voice broke when she said she was thankful that Laura had invited her.

We laughed when Kelley spoke. "I'm thankful to be in this house for the second time. I wish Randy would tell Miss Legs I've been here before." Everyone laughed at the way she said it but most did not understand the young girl's plea for attention.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Ruby Mae's statement didn't mention Ollie's name or say anything about wanting to receive her pay for her dangerous assignment.

When it became Laura's turn I felt her hand grip mine. "Some of you know what I am most thankful for. I'll leave it at that." Her small hand was squeezing mine with such force that I looked her way. She smiled.

Sylvia insisted on carving and serving the turkey. There were enough folding chairs for everyone to eat sitting down but some of us preferred to stand. The four girls from the brothel sat with the four college guys at one of the tables. I noticed the girls had unbuttoned the top two buttons on their blouses and the young men were paying so much attention to the girl's necklines that they were forgetting to eat. Erick had rescued Lacy so I was on my own, wedging a few bites of food into my mouth while attending to the needs of our guests.

It was getting dark when the last car pulled away from the house.

As soon as we were alone Laura turned to me, livid.

"How could you let that go on?"

"Let what go on?" What was she talking about? We were arranging the folding tables and chairs for pick-up by the rental company the next day.

"You were supposed to keep them in line. That was your responsibility. Don't tell me you didn't see it."

"They got kind of loud but what was I going to do? Stick a sock in their mouth?" The language had gotten vulgar towards the end of the day but everyone was having a good time and no one seemed to notice how raunchy the girls had gotten.

"I'm not talking about what they said. It was what they did that astounded me. Didn't you notice the coming and going?"

Now that she mentioned it I had noticed the constant use of the bathroom. It seemed to be always occupied but I attributed it to the wine. "I guess so but there were lots of people here. The bathroom was bound to get a workout."

Laura looked at me, aghast. "Are you really so naïve that you didn't catch on to what they were doing? My girls weren't just taking your college boys into the bathroom. They set up shop in the second bedroom too."

"You mean they were….?"

"Exactly. They were doing tricks in our house, right under your nose."

"Why didn't you say something? I would have put a stop to it if I had known."

"I was too busy keeping Sylvia busy in the kitchen. If she had seen anything I would have simply died."

"Did anyone else catch on?"

"I don't care if they did," Laura said. She seemed to be most concerned that Sylvia would find out about the girls. Charles and Nadine didn't matter. The girls' occupation was certainly no longer a secret to the four college guys. I had seen them all pile into one car, the girls sitting on the guys' laps.

"What about Lacy?" I remembered Lacy raising a question about Laura's work back when we were dating. Lacy had also doubted that I was Laura's brother.

"It's just Sylvia. I'm going over there and tell her the truth," Laura said with such conviction that there was no stopping her.

"Not like that. Stay there. I'll get something for you to wear."

But when I came back with a jacket she was gone.

A few minutes later she returned, cold and ashen in color. She shivered and giggled at the same time. I wondered what was making her that way.

"Davie's there. I walked right in on them," she confided, her teeth rattling.


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