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My Sister, My Saviour

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A sister saves her brother from a horrible life at home.
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A/N - Hello all! While I'm not finding a lot of time to write too much lately, I still have plenty of ideas knocking around in this old noggin of mine. If you look at my list of stories, I generally write in four categories at most with the occasional branching out elsewhere.

Not the usual caveats! Yep, spelling is still usually spot on as Word is kind enough to underline anything spelled incorrectly, and I still use Australian / British standard English, otherwise known as proper English. However, I now have an editor / proofreader, fellow member OhDave1. He offered his services being a fan of my work and I gratefully accepted. All mistakes are owned up to by the author. Please remember this is just fantasy and I'm still an amateur.

Comments and feedback are appreciated as always.


My sister left home as soon as she hit the age of eighteen. I didn't understand why at the time, being I was only thirteen myself and far too self-involved with my impending puberty to worry about too much else. I don't remember hearing many raised voices or arguments though I do remember lingering silences and the fact my sister was quiet around our parents.

With me, she was always the same bubbly personality. She loved her little brother. In fact, I'd say she doted on me. I knew rather early on that my father barely gave two shits about anyone in the family. He would go to work, stop at the pub on the way home, manage to get home three sheets to the wind, demand dinner, then sit in his armchair and complain about the world until he'd finally just pass out.

As for our mother, she'd done her best for both of us, but by the time I'd hit ten, she was having an affair. I didn't learn about that until much later, I just knew she was distracted all the time, barely tolerated my father, and was no doubt looking for an escape from the monotony of her life.

The day my sister departed, that was the first time I really heard my father unload on her. The things he said to her were so vile, even to my young ears, I knew it was wrong to be saying such things to your own flesh and blood. As for our mother, I think she was in the bedroom at the time, staying out of the way. I'd never seen my father hit my mother, but he had no problem raising his voice and he could be an intimidating man. I'd long learned to stay out of his way when he's on one of his tirades.

Sitting on her knees in front of me as I was perched on the edge of the bed, I leaned forward and I felt her arms wrap around me. "I have to go, Peter," she whispered, "I wish I could take you with me..."

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere safe. Our father... He's not a good man, Peter, and Mum... She just doesn't seem to care anymore." She cuddled me a little tighter. "They don't know where I'm moving. I don't want them to know. I'm not keeping in contact with either of them. But you have my number. Please keep in touch and, if anything happens, you let me know and I'll help however I can."

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too." She leaned back before kissing my forehead. "Remember to call if anything happens. But I need to go."

I stayed in my room as I heard my father yelling at her again. I shuddered at the things he was saying. Thankfully, my sister didn't say a word in return, hearing her car start outside as our father slammed the door and swore some more. Then I heard him start yelling at my mother. No surprise she followed my sister out the door within a couple of minutes.

Thankfully, she returned later that night, after my father had passed out in his armchair like usual.

Though we kept in touch by phone, I rarely saw my sister after that for the next three years. She didn't come home for Christmas or anyone's birthday. On my birthday, she had Mum drive to a meeting spot, so she could take me out for lunch and give me a present. She looked far happier, smiling more than I could remember, her bubbly personality shining once again.

"Is everything okay at home, Peter?" she asked as we feasted on some juicy burgers and a mountain of cheese and bacon-topped fries.

"No. Of course not," I muttered, "Dad's worse than ever. And I think Mum's having an affair."

"I know."

"You do? About Mum, I mean?"

"How do you know?"

"I've heard her more than once talking to her lover on the phone. She hasn't been shy about heading out in the evening, all dressed up, and someone is picking her up and then dropping her off. And she pretty much disappears during a weekend."

"And Dad doesn't notice?"

"Probably why he's drinking even more nowadays. He's moved on from a case of beer to a bottle of liquor. Thankfully, that just makes him even sleepier."

"So what are you doing?"

Shrugging, I finally slumped and hung my head. "Existing at most. Mum's in love and probably thinks I'm old enough to look after myself. I'll be surprised if Dad even knows I'm still in the house."

"You're sixteen now, Peter, and you're allowed to choose..."

"You. Can I live with you, Jennifer? Please?"

I knew I was begging. She took my hand, watching her eyes start to glisten as she heard her little brother begging for her help. Giving it a squeeze, she managed a thin smile. "I won't bother talking to Dad, but I will be having a word with our mother when we meet later."

Feeling a smile form on my face, she kept hold of my hand for a few more seconds before we resumed eating. "How about you, Jenny?"

"The past three years haven't been easy, Peter. But leaving was the best thing I could have done."

"Anyone special in your life?"

"Not right now, but my little brother will be with me again sometime soon. I've missed him so much."

"I've missed you too. It's not the same at home. It hasn't been for a long time."

After finishing our meals, we walked through the nearby shopping mall, my sister offering to buy me something else for my birthday in addition to the new phone she'd already bought for me. Asking what our parents had got me, I knew our father wouldn't have been involved, while our mother had bought me some essentials. My sister scoffed at that and insisted I treat myself to something else. After exiting the shop, I stopped and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"As soon as you're living with me, I'm going to look after my little brother like I should." Then she leaned back and realised she needed to look up into my eyes. "Well, maybe I should start saying younger brother. Puberty hit big time?"

"I'm shaving and everything now!"

Meeting our mother at the usual place a little later, my sister got out and rather angrily strode towards her. I'd never heard my sister raise her voice in our mother's direction before. Seeing her glancing in my direction as my sister unloaded on her, I was surprised when Mum finally hung her head and nodded.

"Just fucking leave him, Mum. Go be happy with the bloke you're now seeing."

"I still feel responsible for your father, Jennifer. If I leave him, he'll no doubt kill himself through drink and God knows what else."

"That's on him, Mum, He's a grown-arse man and can sort himself out if that's what he wants. If he wants to drink himself to death, then that's his choice too. But you stood by while he fucking abused me..."

"What?" I asked, my voice going up an octave.

Jennifer glanced at me. "Not like that, Peter. He never touched me. He just made me feel completely and utterly worthless. Little wonder I suffered weight problems and dabbled in self-harm at times. It was a wonder I managed to complete high school at all considering he spent nearly the entire time bullying me." She turned back towards Mum. "And you stood by and just watched."

"I didn't just stand by and do nothing, Jennifer."

"It certainly fucking felt like it at times, Mum. You were too busy going out and getting dick rather than looking after your children." Mum stiffened at the bluntness of my sister's remark. "This is what I'm going to go be doing, Mum. Peter is now sixteen years old. There is no law nor minimum age about when a child can move out of home. The law only states that it is a parent's responsibility to look after their child until they are eighteen." Jennifer actually stepped closer to Mum. "You and Dad are completely fucking failing in your responsibility."

"He's old enough to look after himself," Mum retorted.

"Not according to the law, he isn't."

"So what's your idea? You clearly have something on your mind, Jennifer."

"I made a promise to myself that I would never return to that house unless completely necessary. Well, that time has now come. I'll be driving to the house, Peter will be packing up what he needs, and he will be coming home with me. But don't think you're free of your responsibility. You and Dad will be pooling your resources and sending me five hundred bucks a fortnight to cover all his costs while he's living with me until he's eighteen."

"I could take you to court?"

My sister glanced at me and smiled before looking back at Mum. "You won't do that, Erin," Jennifer stated, Mum flinching at the use of her name, "Would you really want everyone to know that you would be considered a bad mother? That your only son would rather live with his sister than his parents? Do the right thing, at least support him financially for the next two years, then you can wash your hands of both of us."

"I don't want to wash my hands of you. You're my children."

"You haven't acted like a real mother in years," I stated, "I've been left to fend for myself most of the time since I turned fourteen. At least now you can just go be with your new man. He's clearly more important to you than anyone else."

Mum looked at me. "Is this what you want, Peter?" Remaining silent, I nodded and stepped next to my sister. That's when Mum released a few tears, nodding herself. "Can I have a hug, at least?" I had no problem hugging my mother, feeling her arms wrap me tightly. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay, Mum. But just let this happen. I won't keep in contact with Dad, but we can keep in contact."

It didn't take long for my sister and I to pack up everything in my room, even Mum pitching into help as she wanted us to get it done before our father returned home from wherever he was. Being a Saturday, he'd likely gone to play a round of golf before spending a few hours at the bar, staggering inside once he was full to the brim, ranting and raving about how life sucked as always.

With a suitcase, a couple of bags, and my electronics safely in the boot of my sister's car, Mum hugged me again, and this time she sobbed on my shoulder. Even my sister softened to join the hug. "Just give it a little time, Mum. But please take my advice about leaving him. Find your own happiness."

"I'll give it some thought. I feel guilty enough about the affair... But your father hasn't shown me any sort of love in years. I can't remember the last romantic gesture he made."

Hugging my mother tighter, I kissed her cheek and whispered that, despite the fact I was leaving, I did love her. That just made her sob a little louder, whispering that she loved both her children, but she finally sighed and understood my decision. She didn't want to let go of my hand even when I got into the passenger seat of my sister's car, leaning through the open window to kiss my cheek and hug me again.

"I promise I'll call, Peter."

"I'll call too, Mum. Don't worry about it."

My sister resided in a townhouse in one of the many new suburbs that had popped up around Sydney while I'd been growing up. There were two large bedrooms upstairs, my sisters at the front of the house, with a large bathroom separating hers from the second bedroom, which would now be mine.

"I've been preparing for you to come live with me since I moved in," she admitted as I took in the fact all the furniture was new, particularly the comfortable-looking bed, the mattress alone in much better condition than the one I'd been sleeping on, "I have all new bedding in the closet. There's central air that'll keep your room delightfully cool in the summer, and reasonably warm in the winter," she added.

"Thank you, Jenny."

"You're my little brother and it's now my role to look after you." Taking my hand, she led me downstairs towards the living room, sitting side by side on the couch. "There are a couple of things I need you to agree to, Peter."

"Of course."

"First is that I really want you to focus on your schooling. I know you haven't got a job yet. You can get one if you want, but only if it doesn't affect your studies. Are you thinking of university?"

"I've been thinking about a career, and most options require further study."

"All the more reason to focus on your studies. Second is that I don't want all your friends here constantly. This is our space, yours and mine, but I like a clean, quiet place."

"Jenny, you should... I mean, you know..."

"I'm just getting it out now so there's no surprises late, Peter."

"Third, I don't know if you have a girlfriend, but if you do have one, let me know first before inviting her over."

"I'm single, Jenny. What about you?"

"I've spent the last three years struggling to get into this place. I'm now comfortable which is why I wanted you here with me."

Hugging her tightly, she hugged me back, her head resting against my shoulder. She smelled delightful, a new perfume or deodorant she wore, or perhaps it was a mix of the two. Leaning back, she searched my face before smiling. "I love you, Jennifer. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Peter. I'm doing the right thing for both of us."

My sister looked after me immediately. I tried more than once insisting that I'd long been capable of looking after myself, but she wouldn't hear of it. The only chores I was expected to do were look after the bins and mow the small front and back lawns, in addition to keeping my room neat and tidy. Other than that, she did the bulk of the cooking though I enjoyed helping her out, and while I would be studying on a weekend, she'd happily bounce around on her toes while cleaning and dusting the apartment.

I wasn't blind to the fact my sister was an attractive young woman. She had shoulder-length brunette hair, and a pair of dazzling blue eyes that were behind thin, black-framed glasses she'd worn since childhood. She had a fit little body on her for someone standing only around five-five. When it was warm, she'd always wear crop tops and a small pair of shorts, showing off her toned and tanned arms and legs. I knew she'd had a couple of boyfriends in the past so was surprised when she told me that she was single.

Getting out of my old home and into my new did me a world of good. My teachers were quick to praise my new attitude. Once they learned of my new living arrangements, they understood, with more than one teacher offering to give me a little tutoring as they sensed I was a capable student, I'd just lacked the environment at home that would help me achieve everything I was capable of.

My sister would help me with my studies whenever I was stuck on something. She was far smarter than ever given credit for and had spent the past three years working during the day and studying at night, burning the candle at both ends, but it had allowed her to move into her current role, making very good money for someone so young. She had to work long hours, and would often be on call during the weekends, but she said it would be worth it in the future.

Mum kept her distance, physically at least, but she called me once a week to check in, and I knew Jennifer was receiving money from her. She gave me pocket money as she preferred me not to work while studying, wanting all my focus on that, hoping I would achieve the highest test scores possible, so I'd make it into the university of my choosing. I would only select those in the city so I could remain living with her.

Sixteen turned into seventeen during my fifth year in high school as I'd always been one of the oldest in my year group. After six months of living with my sister, she had invited our mother over for dinner. On the day of my seventeenth birthday, we invited her around for dinner with a few of my friends. As for my father, we'd long known that she'd left him and moved in with her partner. We hadn't met him yet. It was a little awkward. I hadn't seen or heard from my father since the day I moved out. According to my mother, he'd simply fallen further and further into the bottle, and she just reached a point where all she could do was wash her hands of the situation entirely.

"Are you happy living together?" she asked once it was only the three of us remaining later that night.

"I love having him here, Mum," Jennifer replied, "He's very helpful but also considerate of my needs, as much as I am of his.

"I dread to think what the old house looks like," I added, "Where are you living now, Mum?"

"I'm living with Steven closer to the city. He has a lovely apartment that provides a distant view of the harbour."

"Are you happy, Mum?" Jennifer asked.

"Happier than I have been in a long time." She then looked away, adding softly, "But I miss my children."

Mum found herself hugged tightly by both of us. I'd long forgiven my mother as the situation had been untenable for all of us. I'm not sure Jennifer had forgiven her yet, but I was pleased that they were working on rebuilding their relationship. At least she was calling her 'Mum' again, and they were meeting for lunch once a month to talk.

Part of my seventeenth year was also during my last at high school so perhaps one of the most important years of my life. My sister was my greatest supporter and cheerleader. When I was struggling to cope, it would be something as simple as a mug of hot chocolate to help me feel better. She was putting in long hours at work in addition to looking after me, so despite studying and putting in extra hours at school with tutoring, I would help out around the house where I could.

Sitting back on the couch one evening, my sister curled up her legs and snuggled into my side. I'd grown even more so was approaching six-foot, and the only 'vice', if you could even call it that, was I made full use of the gym at school. Many of my fellow students were already experimenting with smoking and drinking. I had no interest in the former, prepared to wait for the latter, and I didn't want to disappoint my sister regarding other things.

"You have a girlfriend at school, Peter?"

"Nah. I have many friends who are girls, but no-one I'm interested in romantically."

"Are you sure there isn't one pretty young girl that's taking your fancy?"

"There is more than one pretty young girl in my year group, Jenny." Wrapping my arm around her, feeling her snuggle into me, I asked, "What about you? I've been here well over a year now and you haven't gone out on a single date yet."

"I'm far too busy with work, and if I feel lonely, I'll spend time with my adorable younger brother." She lifted her head and stroked my cheek. "You're nearly eighteen years old and you have such a masculine face already."

"Um... Thanks..."

"It's a compliment, Peter. In many ways, you're already a man, and within a couple of months, you'll legally be seen as one anyway."

"I'm looking forward to finishing my exams and getting into university. I'll pick up another part-time job during the summer break though, like last summer."

"You don't have to, but any money you make is yours. Okay?"


I was woken on the day of my eighteenth birthday by my sister jumping in on my bed and cuddling into me, kissing my cheeks before sitting up slightly, and smiling down at me. Telling me to get up, showered and dressed, she was going to make a big breakfast for the birthday boy. Considering it was a Tuesday, I guess she was making a big deal because of my birthday.

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