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My Sister's Deception Ch. 08


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"Sounds like a plan," Jen said.

Kris looked at me. "Are you going?"

"Yeah, he's going. He's the designated driver for when the three of us get hammered," Meghan said. "He carried you to bed the other night."

"You're not coming?" Jen asked, grabbing Kris' hand.

"I guess I can come," Kris said.

Half an hour later, we were headed north, and before we knew it, we were trudging through the sand and over the dune.

It wasn't nearly as crowded as we might have expected. There were at most a few dozen people there, mostly couples, with a few pairs of girls there together, along with a handful of guys who were clearly there to take in the sights.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Kris said. "Mom and dad would have a fit if they knew we were here."

"We're grown adults," Meghan said, "and we can make our own decisions. And besides, dad would probably freak out, but I think mom would have joined us if we'd asked her."

That remark drew a truly stunned look from Kris, who quickly swept the beach with her eyes as we crested the dune.

"It's usually a lot more crowded than this," Kris said.

"How often do you come here?" Jen asked.

"Okay. Every other time I've been here, it's been packed compared to today," she replied. "Of course, it's getting late in the afternoon, too. That's probably thinned things out a bit."

We sat the cooler down, whipped out our beach towels and made a spot for ourselves in a shallow depression in the sand, and Kris watched in amazement as Jen and Meghan began to remove their clothing.

"You're really just going to... take it all off?"

Jen pulled her shirt overhead, and since she'd worn no bra, she was immediately topless. Meghan had worn her swimsuit top and she immediately reached behind her to untie it as Jen skimmed out of her shorts. Her thin bikini bottom hugged her like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"What are you waiting for?" Meghan asked as she stripped out of her shorts.

"Yeah. Come on, now."

I was pulling off my shirt, and just as I had my arms tangled up in it and could do nothing to defend myself, I felt fingers digging into my waistband and yanking on my shorts.


I felt a sudden draft as Jen tugged them to the ground, and suddenly, I stood there naked, my cock semi-hard and jutting out from my body.

"Oops. I didn't know you weren't wearing anything else," she said, handing them to me. "If you want to put them back on..."

"Don't you dare," Meghan said. "I like seeing you naked."

We followed Jen's eyes to Kris who just stood there, open mouthed, her eyes dancing among us.

"You just yanked your brother's shorts right off of him, and you like seeing him naked."

"I like seeing him naked, too," Jen said as she pulled the strings holding her bikini bottom in place.

Meghan stepped closer and slid her arms around me, clutching at my ass as she peered around me. "He's got a really cute butt."

"And the rest of him isn't bad, either," Jen said, running her hands over her body and cupping her breasts.

"True," Meghan said, kissing me and then looking down between us at my rapidly hardening cock. "Though I'd probably better not grab it right now."

"Oh, wow. Yeah, we'd probably better leave it alone for now." Jen giggled as I turned around and Kris' eyes opened wide.

She kept her eyes on my swelling phallus as she grabbed at her shirt and pulled it overhead; her suit was thin like Jen's, and I could easily see her nipples against the cups of her swim bra. She raised her eyes from my erection and smiled as she saw me looking at her.

"Big brother, huh?" she asked, looking over at Meghan as she began unfastening her shorts.

"The only one we'll ever need," Meghan said. "And think of it this way, you're not just getting a big brother in the deal, you're getting another sister, too."

"Oh, yea, me. Just what I need; another sister."

"Hey!" Meghan feigned hurt at her sister's sarcasm.

Kris smiled and looked up at Jen as she wriggled out of her shorts.

"I'll bet you Meghan's never kissed you like this, though, has she?"

Jen planted her lips square against Kris' and Kris gasped, almost losing her balance and suddenly finding herself hanging on to Jen for all she was worth as their kiss grew and blossomed.

They finally separated and Kris licked her lips as she panted for breath, and as Jen pulled back, Kris' nipples were now hard little buds straining for freedom.

"No. No, she hasn't," Kris said, looking over at her sister.

"There are a lot of things we've never done," Meghan said, stepping past me and running a hand up Kris' arm. She leaned in and kissed Kris; Kris responded to her, and I was stunned to see their lips part long enough for tongues to be visible. "But we don't have to do everything tonight, either."

Kris swallowed hard and looked over at me, her face a sudden crimson that ran down her neck to her shoulders.

"Let's go for a walk," Meghan said, reaching for Jen's hand. "Coming?"

"I think I'll stay here for a bit," I said. Watching the girls swap lip-locks had done nothing to calm my swollen cock; quite the contrary.

I sat back on the beach towel, my penis throbbing against my belly, waning a little with each pulse as I watched Meghan and Jen walk hand in hand down to the surf, and then down the beach.

"Are you going to kiss me, too?" Kris said, sitting down beside me. She still had her top on, but that didn't make a lot of difference; she might as well have been wrapped in see-through plastic.

I looked over at her and shook my head.

"You seem like you're a little overwhelmed at the moment."

"Overwhelmed?" she asked as she leaned back. "Is that what I am?"

"Among other things," I replied.

"What are the other things?"

"I don't know," I replied. "You tell me."

"Okay. So what's the deal with you and my sister?" she asked. "And with your sister? Meghan and I got really drunk one time and she told me about how close she and Jen got to be."

Kris bit at her lip and leaned forward.

"And now I just want to know what the hell is going on. My sister should be heartbroken, but instead, she's happier now than I've seen her in months, and..."


"And I find that part of the reason is because she's one third of a three-way... with a brother and sister that are fucking like a pair of rabbits. You've gotta admit it's a little much."

I started to say something, but she cut me off.

"And what's more, is my mother thinks the two of you would make a great couple."


She nodded. "And my dad agrees. And neither of them has a fucking clue what's going on."

Kris looked out, her eyes sweeping the beach, and my gaze followed hers. Two other women walked by, topless like Meghan and Jen, hand in hand. A man and woman walked by; both were wearing rings; both were naked, and his cock swayed from side to side with each step.

Finally, we spotted Meghan and Jen. They were still walking hand in hand on the beach in the wet sand, the late afternoon sun glistening on their skin.

"Meghan always told me she thought of you as the big brother she didn't have; she said I should get to know you better."

"We never really spent much time together after her freshman year."

Kris nodded. "I know." She took a long pull from her Corona bottle and sighed. "And mom says we're adopting you. Like we did with Jen, back when they were in college."

"I always wanted to be adopted," I said. "Cool, now I've got three sisters."

Kris giggled. "The way Meg tells it, you've had three sisters for a while now; you and I just need to get better acquainted."

"I think we can manage that."

We watched the waves lap at the shore, swirling around the feet of Meg and Jen as they strolled in the sand, still walking away from us.

"Mom thinks you'll be a great son-in-law."

I looked at her and she almost choked on her beer as she giggled into the bottle.


Kris nodded and smiled. "Personally, I've still got my doubts, but one thing I do know is this; my sister loves you. She loves you as much or more than she ever loved Denny. She and I fought and argued about him, and I think she kept hanging on to him just to prove I was wrong.

"She says you're the one that got away."

"We talked about that the other night."

Kris nodded again, looking wistfully down through her bottle into the sand. "I know. We talked about it earlier this afternoon.

"So my parents like you, which is actually pretty impressive, because I don't think dad ever liked Denny. And my sister, I'm sorry, my sisters," she said, leaning over towards me to emphasize the plural, "both adore you."

I nodded and looked up as another naked couple walked past us.

"And you're not buying any of it," I said.

"You make it sound like that doesn't bother you."

"I look at it like this," I said. "I can tell you all sorts of things, but it's what I do that really matters. And in the end, we'll either get along well, or not. I think we'll end up getting along just fine."

"So you're not going to give me some song and dance routine about how I should love and adore you, too?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I love your sister. I love my sister, too, but I love Meghan, and if it would have done me any good, I would have dealt with Denny myself long before last night."

Kris nodded and sighed. "Yeah, ugly as it was, that was a point she had to come to on her own."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is this; I love Meghan, and I have for a long time. You're her sister, and I love you, too."

Kris turned her head to look at me.

"You love me, too, huh? You don't even know me; not really."

"I'll get to know you. What's important is that you're her sister, and she loves you. That's all I need."

Kris dropped her finger into the sand and began swirling an expanding circle.

"Do you really love her? Meghan? And your sister? I mean, you're not ever going to do anything to either of them like Denny did... are you? Because if you do..."

I shook my head. "I do. I love both of them very much, and I can't promise a lot of things, but I can promise I'll never do to either of them what Denny did to Meghan."

"Really? You promise?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" I asked.

Kris tilted her head and looked at me. "I don't know you like my sister does, but I know what Denny was like." She took a deep breath and sighed as she shook her head. "He actually hit on me at one point, and when he realized he wasn't getting anywhere, he begged me not to tell her."

"Did you?"

"Tell her? Yeah. 'Oh, Kris, I'm sure you just misunderstood him. He would never do anything like that.'"

She turned her bottle upside down and drained it. "My boobs aren't big enough for him, anyway."

"What's wrong with your boobs?" I asked.

Kris looked at me. "Seriously? Did you see the woman he was with last night? She was..." She cupped her hands as though holding a pair of small cantaloupe. "I can't compete with that."

I shook my head and laughed as she giggled.

"Your boobs are fine," I said. "I'd pick you over her any day of the week."

Kris stared at me, her mouth hanging open.

"Are you hitting on me?"

I shook my head. "I was just making a statement."

Kris took another sip of her beer and shrugged. "So, if it comes down to it, who would you choose, my sister or your sister? I mean, I know how close they are. I know how close you and Jen are."

"How could you have a clue about how close Jen and I are?"

"Say what you will, I watched the two of you pretty close that last couple of days. You almost had me fooled, because the two of you are better together than some real couples I know. The two of you are tight."

I nodded and Kris rolled over to grab another beer from the ice chest.

"So tell me something," she said, sitting back down and handing me the bottle to open it for her. "And tell me the truth. Okay?"

"Okay." I handed her the open bottle, which she shoved between her feet as she reached behind her to untie her bikini top.

She pulled the cloth from her beautiful young breasts and tossed it aside, raised the bottle to her lips and took a sip.

"What is it like watching your sister undress? Watching her climb into bed, naked, and then climbing into bed after her and putting your cock inside her?"

Kris laughed and rolled back against the towel as she shook her head.

"You started getting hard just thinking about it."

I nodded. "She's quite the tease getting ready for bed when she wants to be."

"She's your sister!"

"I know she is. She's my sister and I love her. The fact that she's my sister doesn't mean she isn't hot and beautiful."

Kris' mouth hung open and she looked down at the towel. "Do you ever use a condom, or do you fuck her bareback? Do you do anything to protect her, or do you fuck her and fill her with your cum?"

She looked back at me as she leaned back on her elbows, her nipples pointing skyward as her breasts lay against her chest.

"She's on the pill," I said.

"So you don't..."

"We've never used a condom," I said. If Kris wanted some prurient interest satisfied to confirm the debauchery she was now privy to... "and I don't know that we ever will. We both like the feeling of being so intimate and close."

Kris licked her lips. "But... what if she gets pregnant?"

The question went unanswered as we looked up to see Meghan and Jen approaching us.

I opened beers for both of them as they walked up, and we sat down, laughing and drinking.

Three hours later, the beach was empty save us, the married couple, two other women and two other men.

The men and women were playing a sort of cat and mouse game, spying on each other, but staying just far enough away from one another to make it entertaining to watch.

The married couple went for another walk, and this time, we, too, went for a walk. We weren't intending to follow them, it just sort of worked out that way.

We hadn't walked fifty feet when Jen stopped. Meghan and I were holding hands; we turned around and watched as Jen shimmied out of her bikini bottom. She balled the scant fabric up in her hand and took a couple of quick steps to join us, her breasts bouncing as she reached for Meghan's hand, but then Meghan was peeling away her own bikini bottom.

Kris just looked at us openmouthed and wide-eyed.

We must have walked a quarter mile down the beach with the tide coming in and swirling over our feet before we turned around to go back.

Halfway back to our spot, we stopped in our tracks.

The married couple had reclaimed their personal little plot of real estate, and standing on their blanket, there was no mistaking what they were doing.

Their lips were firmly joined and she had her hand wrapped around his penis, stroking his erection as he played with her nipple.

"Oh, that looks hot," Kris said, and she brought a hand up to cover her own breast.

"Have you ever watched a couple have sex?" Meghan asked.

Kris shook her head. "You mean besides in a porno?"

"It's nothing like that at all," Jen said.

"Keep walking," Meghan said. "We've been spotted."

The man turned his head up to look at us; he'd been tipped off by his wife who now sat down in front of him. He began to masturbate, not turning away from us, but if anything, dropping to his knees and angling his body so we could see exactly what he was doing, and slowly, as though making sure we were getting a good eyeful first, his wife crawled in front of him, and then sat, spread legged, sliding her legs around him as she positioned herself for him.

And then he leaned forward, shoving his swollen penis into her open and waiting mouth. She pushed his hands away and took over, and as we watched, she began to suck him in earnest, kneading his balls and sliding his cock in and out of her mouth.

He grunted and grabbed her by the shoulders as he started to cum, and she never missed a beat. He came inside her mouth, his hips suddenly rocking as he thrust into her.

And then they were done. He fell back gasping for breath, and she leaned back, smiling and laughing as she wiped at a drop of cum on her chin, clearly content with herself. She looked back at us, smiled and waved.

We'd not been unwelcome spies; we'd been their guests at a private show.

The show now over, we continued on back to our towels as she sun began to fade and the shadow began to grow.

"I've never seen anything like that before," Kris said, dropping her bikini bottom on the towel and flopping down.

"I've done that before," Jen said. "Or at least, it was close to that, wasn't it?" she asked, reaching for my hand.

"Very close," I replied.

"You've given him a blow job?" Kris asked.

Jen giggled and nodded as Meghan laid down beside me.

"And last night," Jen said, rolling onto her back, "we went for a walk on the beach and we fucked with the surf lapping at our feet."

"Only because you and my sister were too fast coming to find us," Meghan said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kris asked.

Meghan rolled over against me and looked at her sister.

"If you'd been just five minutes later, you'd have caught me fucking him right there on the table."

She threw a leg over me and dropped her arm across my chest as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Kris has a lot of catching up to do," Jen said.

"What catching up do I have to do?" Kris asked.

"Lots," Jen said.

"Give me a for instance," Kris said.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before today?" Jen asked.

"Have I kissed a girl?" She nodded. "Have I done more than kiss a girl? Once. We were at this party and we were all really, really drunk. I didn't even like her.

"Would I kiss a girl again? It would depend on the girl. If it's either of you..."

"And we already know you've never watched anyone having sex."

Kris pointed back down the beach. "The couple... we just watched her suck him off."

"That doesn't count," Meghan said. "We were too far away, we don't even know them, and it would have killed everything if we'd even spoken to them while they were in the middle of what they were doing."

Meghan pushed herself up on the towel and kissed me, pressing her leg in between mine.

"How... how does it work?" Kris asked. "The three of you together in bed, I mean?"

"Mmmm..." Meghan laid her head on my shoulder, bringing her leg up over my thigh until she was brushing up against my cock. "Until the other night, it was usually the two of them making love and me being the quiet observer."

"Until I'd grab her and pull her into bed with us," Jen said.

Meghan sat up and looked at Kris. "Have you ever had both of your nipples sucked at the same time?"

Kris shook her head. "Does it feel good?"

"Good isn't the word," Meghan said, sliding her hand down to my cock. "It's awesome; nothing like it."

She and Jen locked eyes, and Jen smiled.

Jen rolled over and kissed Kris open mouthed. Kris fell back against the towel, her arms flailing and then reaching up for Jen. Meghan crawled over me as Jen crawled over Kris, and my cock began to throb as I watched Jen and Meghan begin to smother Kris with kisses and caresses.

And then they each covered one of Kris' nipples with their lips. Kris closed her eyes and gasped, her hands reaching up to clutch at the two women making sudden love to her, and she arched her back and spread her legs apart as they stimulated her breasts.

"Ohhhh... god, that feels good. Ahhh..."

She gasped again as Jen slid a hand in between her legs, and when Jen pulled her lips from Kris' breast, Kris kissed her.

I watched with rapt interest and a throbbing penis as Meghan and my sister began to bring the younger girl to orgasm, and as Kris clenched her thighs together and began to cum, I finally could resist the urge no longer, and I began to stroke my erection. I'd been aroused to some degree for so long now, I needed some relief.

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