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My Sister's Ex-Girlfriend Ch. 02

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Laurel gets sex tips from Sara.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or anything to do with DC. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Laurel Lance prided herself on always being on time. She was the organised one in the family, and she knew it drove her sister crazy. When they were children she used to take great joy out of teasing Sara about it, and it was something she continued to do now they were adults for more selfless reasons.

Okay, it still gave her more than a bit of pleasure, but mostly Laurel just wanted Sara to better herself. That was what she'd always wanted. That's why she nagged her sister. Maybe a bit too much, but it was coming from a place of love. Sara had never seen it that way though, which was why she was probably never going to hear the end of this.

Because she wasn't just late, she was over 20 minutes late. And this wasn't for coffee or a family dinner or anything so normal, this was to help her sister pick out her wedding dress, something Laurel had hoped and prayed for ever since they were young.

Almost as much as picking out her own wedding dress. But Sara had repeatedly told her she wasn't the marrying type, so Laurel had feared this day would never come.

Now it had, and she was so, so happy for Sara, and yet Laurel had let her down. And she had broken a heel, forcing The Black Canary to run bare foot through the shopping mall with passers-by looking at her, smirking to themselves and judging her.

Not that it was as horrifying as the smirk and look Sara gave her when she finally arrived, "Hey there, Ms Punctuality."

"I'm so, so sorry I'm late." Laurel quickly apologised.

"Don't be, this is like the best wedding gift ever. Perfect little Laurel Lance, late to the party for once." Sara smirked, that smirk becoming wider as she added with painfully obvious false innocence, "But I wonder, what could have ever made perfect little Laurel Lance late?"

Laurel blushed and then held up her ruined shoe, "I broke a heel."

"Uh-huh." Sara nodded, giving Laurel a look, "And?"

"And..." Laurel blushed even deeper, and then unconvincingly, "My, my car broke down."

"Oh really?" Sara laughed, "Is that what the kids are calling it these days?"

"Sara!" Laurel whined, "We're not here to talk about my love life. We're here to pick you out a dress."

"No need." Sara shrugged, before pointing, "I was just going to buy this one."

"What! No, I..." Laurel exclaimed, before frowning, "Wait... that isn't just the first dress you saw, is it?"

"Well, first one that I kind of liked." Sara admitted.

"SARA!" Laurel yelled, briefly getting everyone in the shop's attention.

"Hey, I told you I'm not into this stuff like you are. And I'm on a budget. So excuse me if I buy the most affordable dress so I can just get out of here." Sara argued back loudly, "I've already told Felicity, I don't care about the dress, the flowers, the venue or any of that bull shit. I just want to marry her and have her as my wife for the rest of my life. However long that is."

The last part was added quietly, causing Laurel to soften, "I get that. I really do. But... don't you want to look nice for your bride?"

There was a long pause and then Sara crossed her arms and huffed, "Fine! But you have to admit the real reason why you're late."

There was another long pause in which Laurel blushed furiously and then Sara unfolded her arms and laughed as Laurel softly murmured, "She's trying to kill me. I swear to God she's trying to kill me."

"If anyone knows how to kill a girl with orgasms, it's Nyssa al Ghul." Sara laughed.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Laurel softly insisted.

"So am I." Sara chuckled, "It'd probably be through heart failure, or something. But don't worry, if she wanted it you'd be dead already. Right now, she's just bringing you to the brink of death through orgasms, so she can get as much out of you as possible."

"Yeah, but does she have an off switch?" Laurel asked, leaning into whisper, "Seriously, I've tried everything. Well, everything not super gross."

Sara frowned, still with a big smile on her face, "Na, but don't worry, things will calm down eventually. Until then, just enjoyed the honeymoon phase."

"I'm not sure I can." Laurel grumbled, before rushing her explanation, and thus causing her to blush even more, "I mean, it's just so... much. I, I've never cum like this before. Actually, I'm beginning to think I never..."

When Laurel trailed off she thought she was going to die of embarrassment, and of course Sara couldn't let it go, "Never what? Never cum?"

"No, I... I... oh God, can we just drop this and try on dresses?" Laurel pleaded.

"No way, this is way too good." Sara grinned in delight, and then after a pause in which she just stared at her sister the blonde added, "You know, Oli has always had many faults, but being bad in bed wasn't ever one of them. So, if you couldn't cum with him... chances are that you're gay."

"Please, say it a little louder." Laurel grumbled.

Sara raised an eyebrow, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know?"

"I know, it's just..." Laurel said before her shoulder slumped, "I feel so stupid."

Sara frowned, "Why?"

There was a pause and then Laurel mumbled, "If I am... you know... gay, why did it take me so long to figure it out? Why did I throw myself at Oliver and Tommy, if they weren't really what I wanted? Why do I feel this way? Why didn't I feel this way sooner? God, none of this makes any sense!"

"Or, it makes perfect sense." Sara said after a brief pause and then when her sister gave her a look she added, "You were always obsessed with being the good girl. Good girls aren't gay. They go to college, get a respectable job, marry Prince Charming and have kids. So anything which didn't fit with your perfect idea of yourself you repressed. Until I died. Then you completely lost it."

"I wouldn't say I completely lost it." Laurel grumbled, "That makes me sound crazy."

"You kind of were." Sara insisted, then when Laurel gave her another look she quickly added, "Think about what we do. You honestly think we aren't all a little crazy?"

There was another pause and then Laurel reluctantly agreed, "I guess."

"I didn't say it was a bad thing." Sara smiled, "If anything, I think it helps the likes of us. It certainly helped you come out of your shell. You finally stopped trying to be the perfect good girl and embraced who you really are."

"What, a dyke?" Laurel murmured softly, "Oh, sorry. I mean lesbian."

"Call it what you want." Sara shrugged, "I think it's okay if you're at least a little gay. And for the record, I was going to say bad ass."

Laurel blushed, "Great. I'm a lesbian bad ass. Are you happy now?"

Sara smiled, "I'm marrying Felicity Smoak. Happy is an understatement."


After that Sara finally started trying on dresses, Laurel cooing and swooning over almost every one of them until Sara made her promise to stop. Even then she had to use all her skills to hide her true happiness, and even then it was clear Laurel wasn't doing a very convincing job of it giving the glares she got from Sara.

Despite this she noticed more than a few little smiles from Sara which indicated despite her initial reluctance Sara was enjoying this. Not as much as Laurel, but enough that Laurel was convinced this wasn't the nightmare Sara claimed it to be, in despite how embarrassed the blonde was she would cherish the memory of that afternoon almost as much as Laurel would.

By the time they left the store it was almost dinner time and Laurel was able to talk Sara into eating with her simply by offering to pay. Laurel didn't mind, she was the one with a high-paying job, and it was worth it to spend a little more quality time with her sister.

And, as Sara accurately teased her about, it was nice to get out of the house and away from her sex machine of a girlfriend so she could have a much-needed rest from Nyssa's skilled touch. Especially as after the initial embarrassment Sara allowed the conversation to be strictly PG13. At least until the end of their meal.

"Sooooooo... would you like some tips?" Sara offered, feigning innocence.

"Tips?" Laurel murmured distractedly, silently working on the bill in her head.

"You know, sex tips." Sara grinned, and then when Laurel's eyes went wide she gleefully added, "After all, who better to tell you how to fuck your new girlfriend than that girlfriend's ex-girlfriend?"

"Sara!" Laurel scolded, while blushing furiously.

"Oh, here's a good one." Sara pushed, "She prefers tongues over fingers."

"Sara." Laurel whined.

"And next time your tongue is inside her, try curling it up. That'll really get her off." Sara added, not letting this go.

"SARA!" Laurel snapped, getting them some funny looks. Then after a few long seconds she leaned forward and stammered, "How, how do I convince her to let me have a turn?"

"What do you mean, exactly?" Sara asked, fighting the urge to smile as she had a good idea what Laurel meant already.

"I... I mean..." Laurel blushed furiously, and then after a few long seconds forced herself to tell her sister, "How do you get her to let you, you know... return the favour?"

Feeling as though she could die with glee Sara grinned wider than ever, "Have you tried asking?"

"Yes." Laurel hissed in frustration, "A lot."

"Have you tried begging?" Sara pushed, and then when she got her answer from the look on Laurel's face added, "Because with Nyssa you really need to beg if you want anything from her. Also it drives her crazy to hear it."

"Okay, thanks." Laurel blushed again.

There was a moment of silence were it looked like Sara was about to finally drop it, and then she added with a grin, "Oh, and beg her to fuck you with her strap-on. Trust me, that will really drive her crazy, and make you cum so fucking hard."


Nyssa al Ghul was practically vibrating with excitement. She couldn't read, she couldn't train, she couldn't even watch TV, the last one of which was an obsession she had mostly avoided until befriending Laurel Lance, the wonderful woman who was now her girlfriend and mere seconds away from coming through their door, if the text Nyssa had received just under five minutes ago could be believed.

But she fought herself to stay on the couch with an open book, even if she wasn't reading it, as she didn't want to overwhelm her new lover.

When Nyssa had fallen in love with Sara it had consumed her. Her whole world had been Sara, and she feared she had been too 'clinging' and ultimately drove Sara away. Now she was in love for the second time in her life she was determined not to make the same mistakes.

Although so far she hadn't been doing a good job of avoiding those mistakes, as thanks to her inheritance she didn't need to work outside of the vigilante work she now joined Team Arrow in, and after wanting Laurel for so long and denying herself Nyssa just couldn't get enough of the other woman. Which was why she couldn't resist getting up and greeting Laurel the second she heard the door open.

"Hey." Laurel happily smiling in greeting.

Nyssa may have mumbled a similar greeting, she honestly wasn't sure. All she knew was that as soon as Laurel closed and locked the door behind her Nyssa was pushing her against a nearby wall and pressing their lips together.

To Nyssa's delight, and relief, Laurel instantly started kissing her back, even quickly opening her mouth when Nyssa slid her tongue over the other brunette's lips in a gentle request to enter.

Nyssa then gently massaged Laurel's tongue with her own for maybe about a minute, although happily it felt longer, then she pulled away and smiled at her beloved, who smiled back warmly.

"Did things go well?" Nyssa asked softly.

"Better than I ever hope." Laurel beamed, and then added apologetically, "Sorry I was gone so long, it's just-"

"This was something you'd wanted since you were a little girl, I know. And it's okay." Nyssa smiled, "I am just glad that you enjoyed yourself.

"Really?" Laurel smiled.

"Really." Nyssa confirmed, "And I am very, very happy you are back."

Nyssa then leaned in, only to be stopped by Laurel, "Wait, can... can I... can I ask you something?"

"Anything." Nyssa said softly.

Laurel took a deep breath, closed her eyes briefly and then opened them again, "Can I go down on you?"

Nyssa smiled and began, "Laurel-"

"Because I really, really want too." Laurel interrupted, "I, I need too. Please? I want to eat your pussy."

There was a brief silence and then Nyssa lowered her gaze, "I'm... I'm not ready for that."

Laurel frowned, "Why not?"

Forcing herself to lift her head back up, if not into the other woman's eyes, Nyssa tried her best to explain, "It is something I've only done with two women, and the first of them only once. She never really mattered to me, and I made her stop halfway through, because as pleasant as the sensation was... it, it left me feeling... vulnerable. You have to understand, I have been trained my whole life to be in control, so to give someone else that kind of power over me was more than I could bear. The only one I could ever be that vulnerable with was... well..."

"Sara." Laurel said softly, Nyssa unnecessarily nodding to confirm it. Then Laurel frowned again, "She didn't tell me this."

"She doesn't know." Nyssa admitted, "It wasn't something I could ever admit to her."

"Why?" Laurel asked softly.

"It was too embarrassing." Nyssa said with a half smile, before finally looking into Laurel's eyes again, "And I loved Sara, but she was never forthcoming with her own thoughts and feelings. Which I actually liked. Ours was a love that didn't need words. But... it is different with you. I feel I can tell you anything."

"You can." Laurel said softly, leaning into press a gentle kiss to Nyssa's lips before adding, "I would never hurt you Nyssa."

"I know." Nyssa smiled, "Still, I'm-"

"Would it be easier if you sat on my face?" Laurel blurted out, interrupting her girlfriend.

"What?" Nyssa blushed.

"Would it be easier if you sat on my face?" Laurel repeated more slowly, before adding, "Sara seemed to delight in over sharing today. I think it was mostly to make me blush, but I also think she wants our relationship to work. And I don't mind being embarrassed if it means I can give you what you want, and know how to give it to you."

"Yes, well... I will have a word with Ta-er al-Safar about what is appropriate and what is not." Nyssa blushed, and then when Laurel gave her an expectant look added, "But I very much appreciate her trying to help, and your desire to please me. But I am your first woman, and I would not want to risk overwhelming you, and worse risk losing you, just so I can feel pleasure."

With her best coy expression and tone Laurel offered, "If you sit on my face I'll let you fuck me with a strap-on."

Nyssa's eyes were overwhelmed with lust for a few long seconds and it was hard for her to control herself, still she managed to get out during the struggle, "This means a lot to you, doesn't it?"

"Yes." Laurel said huskily.

"Alright." Nyssa smiled wickedly, "Since it mean so much to you, beloved."

Later Nyssa really would have to have a conversation with Sara about over sharing, but for now it was very much the older of the Lance sisters that Nyssa was focusing on, the daughter of the Demon quickly picking Laurel up and carrying her to the bedroom they now shared.

To her delight Laurel quickly wrapped her arms and legs around her and then started gently covering her face and neck in kisses, which only stopped when Nyssa laid her down onto the bed and shoved her tongue down her throat, The Black Canary then worshipping Nyssa's tongue with her own for a few passionate minutes of making out, as the Americans called it.

Laurel felt a great debt to Sara for finally getting her what she wanted, but the same time she was terrified she was making a big mistake. She didn't want to lose Nyssa either, as their relationship meant more to her than she could ever have guessed when they first met.

And after weeks of Nyssa's hot and incredibly talented mouth being practically glued to her pussy Laurel was desperate to return the favour.

But this was also jumping in the deep end, and she couldn't help worry that she would be bad at it. And/or worse, wouldn't enjoy it. So she could do with a nice long build up, and luckily for her Nyssa certainly seemed willing to spend a long time kissing her, first on the lips and then on her neck.

It was some time before Nyssa even started removing their clothes, as always Laurel doing her best to help but it was definitely the Heir to the Demon who took the lead.

Thankfully Nyssa barely broke the kissing session between them, only pulling away from her when absolutely necessary and then quickly returning to her lips or neck.

Then once they were naked Nyssa didn't immediately move on like so many men Laurel had been with, and even chose to caress the 'non-fun' parts of her body.

In fact it was left up to Laurel to make that move first, although one squeeze of Nyssa's butt and the vigilante was quickly moaning into the assassin's mouth as her fingers worked their magic on her.

A few minutes later Laurel broke the latest kiss and gasped, "Can I suck your nipples? You know, to get us both ready?"

For a moment Nyssa just looked at her, clearly thinking about it, then she smiled wickedly, "I have a better idea."

Laurel opened her mouth to ask what, but all that came out was a long moan as Nyssa ducked her head down and wrapped her lips around one of the other brunette's nipples.

Which was just as well, as it would have made Laurel sound stupid, because of course this was what Nyssa meant. They'd been having sex for a week now, and had known each other for much longer, so Laurel should have guessed.

She also probably should have insisted it was her turn, and probably should be doing that now, but it was hard enough to convince Nyssa to ride her face so she didn't want to push her luck. Besides, it was hard to complain when it felt so damn good.

As the last week proven Nyssa was very, very good at pleasing a woman, although Laurel was happy to be reminded of that as her lover went back and forth in between her nipples, kissing the soft flesh that surrounded them in between long licking and sucking sessions.

Not long after that she bought her hands up to start playing with whichever nipple she wasn't sucking, while pushing the other more firmly into her mouth.

Then with both hands playing with her breasts Nyssa moved up to give Laurel one more kiss, this one slow and gentle, before moving upwards and positioning herself directly over Laurel's face.

Which understandably made Laurel bite her lip nervously, but she also reached up to grab hold of Nyssa's butt to try and pull her down was on top of her.

Nyssa smiled at her lover's eagerness, but didn't allow her to pull her down. Mostly out of her own stubbornness, although one thing Nyssa had made very clear was that she would be the top in this relationship, while Laurel would be the bottom, and she wasn't about to undermine the great work she had done so far by allowing Laurel to top from the bottom. Ever.

Also she wanted to make this as easy for Laurel as possible, and Nyssa dropping herself straight down onto her girlfriend's face, or allowing herself to be pulled straight down, was not the way to do it. No, she needed to slowly lower herself downwards, which was exactly what Nyssa did.

When her pussy lips were almost touching Laurel's lips Nyssa stopped to see if Laurel would push her downwards again or hesitate. If she hesitated Nyssa would offer her the chance to back out.

Selfishly she didn't want to, but before they got together Laurel identified herself as straight, and Nyssa was terrified of pushing her too far and then losing her. Yes, Laurel had suggested this, and practically begged for it, but that was one thing. Actually going through with it was another.

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