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My Son's Wedding Pt. 03

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A mother confronts her desire for her son when he marries.
7.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/18/2024
Created 01/31/2024
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I can't believe I've already put in writing what happened on the day of my son's wedding and then what occurred when I was invited to go on his week-long honeymoon holiday in Paris. What I hoped would remain a secret between me and my son, that we had sex before his wedding and during his honeymoon, had been exposed by Terrance, Josh's new father in law.

Having worked out that we were having an incestuous affair he invaded my room without invitation on the last night of the honeymoon and forced me to swallow his cum as Josh took me from behind.

When we got home I needed time on my own to process everything that had happened, which had been a hell of a lot. Josh, who had been trying to push me away after our first sexual encounter until it happened again, reverted to type and I didn't hear from him for weeks.

But, while that was hard for me to take once again, there was an unexpected development from our several sexual liaisons. Even though I was forty-six, it turned out that my son was strongly virile; a woman can just sense when she is pregnant and, although I was reluctant to follow my female intuition at first, I knew what I had to do to settle my mind.

I still remember the feeling of my fingers shaking as I held the pregnancy test in my hand, almost refusing to believe that it might be even possible. But I had to believe my own eyes as the double lines showed up and I felt about a million emotions at once. I kept checking it again and again, making sure it wasn't going to change.

It was such a monumental moment in my life that I drove back into town and bought another test, then drove home like a possessed woman and immediately did the test again. Positive. I was pregnant. With my son's baby. At forty-six. It was a lot to take in.

At first, I just didn't know what to do. My son was avoiding me since the honeymoon, he was probably trying to make his marriage work even though I knew he'd married the wrong woman if he wanted happiness rather than a useful social climber.

I'd given him a taste of real sexual excitement but he was clearly consumed with shame by what we'd done already, how the hell was I going to tell him that he had impregnated me? A son getting his own mother pregnant was so taboo that it was off the scale.

Even worse, because his father in law Terrance knew that we'd been committing incest, he would obviously put two and two together, especially as my husband Gerald had been away on business in Dubai for several months. He hadn't even been home for his son's wedding. I had no alibi at all. The only person who had been cumming inside me was Josh, my son.

Naturally, I avoided telling him this absolute bombshell news, but I knew I couldn't keep putting it off as the evidence of pregnancy would obviously begin to emerge.

But it was such a difficult thing for me to do that I didn't muster the courage to tell him until four months into my pregnancy, a small bump beginning to show. I knew the right time had come to tell him.

I sent him a text message saying I really needed to talk to him face to face about a serious matter that couldn't be discussed on the phone. He was hesitant but he did finally agree to come round. I'd been avoiding alcohol since I found I was pregnant but did allow myself a small glass of wine to steady my fraught nerves for this particularly awkward moment.

"What's all this about, Mum? I don't have much spare time at the moment so if we can cut to the chase, I'd be grateful. If it's about what happened at the wedding and on the honeymoon, well, what's done is done and I've moved on. I hope you have too..." he said, sitting on the edge of our sofa as if preparing to leave already.

"Well, it is to do with that and it's not something I can simply move on from. Josh....I'm four months pregnant. It can only be yours...." I replied, trying to stop my hands from shaking,

He looked at me with a blank stare, utterly stunned.

"You can't be...I mean....you're in your mid-forties...I know it's possible but....I'm your son...why haven't you got rid of it?" he asked with an accusatory snarl.

I felt upset by his bluntness but gathered myself to reply, "Josh...I can understand why you'd want me to terminate the pregnancy. But, as you know, I was raised Catholic. I might not have been to church for years, but their teaching on abortion is one thing I do still agree with. I won't be aborting our baby."

"Are you insane, Mum? It would be a child of incest, what if it is born with two heads or something?" he replied, shaking his only head in disbelief.

"I've researched this and yes, there is a chance of a genetic defect, but it's not as likely as you might think. There's a 75% chance it will be born healthy."

"And a 25% risk that it won't be! Haven't you seen those inbred families that live on ranches in the countryside?" he said, standing up and pacing the room.

"That's the result of generations of incest, Josh. I've made my decision and I'm keeping our child." I said as calmly as I could.

"Oh great...and what are you going to tell Dad when he gets back from Dubai?" he asked, clutching his hair as if about to tear it out.

"I'm going to tell him I've had an affair. I'm prepared for a divorce, Josh. Or he may agree to a paid off separation to maintain the illusion of a happy marriage to his colleagues. Even if I end up penniless, I'll accept it. It's a dead marriage, he's hardly ever here..." I said, having carefully thought through the consequences.

He sat down again with his head in his hands.

"But you know that Terrance knows about us. He asks after you a lot. I can't just hide you away forever. If you're going to keep it he will eventually find out and that's another thing he can use to bribe me." he said.

"Has he already been bribing you?" I asked, intrigued by this last comment.

Josh sighed again, perhaps feeling he had revealed too much. Josh didn't respond at first, staring at the carpet.

"Josh? Is there something you haven't been telling me?" I asked, determined to uncover what he was clearly hiding.

He eventually looked up at me and said, "There's things about the Archer family that I didn't know when I married Tasmin. I met Terrance first, at a party.

I have friends who are making good money from modelling and Terrance told me he'd made his fortune in the fashion industry. He told me that he could help me find work and that his daughter Tasmin was already making a lot of money from it.

He also said that he was looking for the right man to marry his daughter and then eventually take over his fashion empire from him, as well as eventually provide a male heir with Tasmin to pass it on down the line.

I had to admit that I liked the idea of marrying into money, and getting rich from modelling sounded a hell of a lot more fun than being a stockbroker like Dad.

I wasn't lying to you when I told you that Terrance was a property tycoon, he does own a lot of property too. But he told me his real fortune was in fashion. That turned out to be a lie which I only found out after I'd married Tasmin."

I listened intently, wondering where this was going. "And what is the truth, Josh? Tell me".

Josh looked at me and said, "He's made his millions from porn. He's a pornographer, hardcore pictures and films. He thought that once I'd married Tasmin that he'd be able to bribe me with money to become part of his industry. Tasmin is a porn star, Mum.

And now I've become involved too. I've had to do exactly what he said as the real bribe turned out to be threatening to tell people about us. If he found out you're pregnant with my baby, who knows what he could get me to do....the whole situation is just a crazy mess. I wish I'd never met him at that damn party...".

I was rendered speechless at first by these unexpected revelations but I could see he was telling me the truth, he'd got himself mixed up in something that he didn't know how to get out of. I'd also known something wasn't quite right about that family and that he wasn't marrying Tasmin for the right reasons.

This was a lot to take in and I had to resist the urge to say "I told you so" about marrying Tasmin.

"It sounds like you've got yourself involved with a seedy family, Josh. But after what we've done together, I'm in no position to take the moral high ground with anyone. I'm glad you've told me at last, just as I'm glad that I've finally told you that I'm pregnant....I'm still hoping we can rebuild our relationship" I said, trying to sound conciliatory.

"You're not disgusted with me for lowering myself like this? He's got a huge film production team, we make two porn films a week. He knows how to sell to all the foreign markets, it's really big money.

It's just sometimes I feel like I've sold my soul by marrying Tasmin for the wrong reasons and now I'm stuck in a situation I can't get out of. I should have listened to you, Mum. I'm sorry..." he said, and I felt so moved that he'd gone from being angry at me to sincerely apologising.

"You know that I love you very much Josh and I don't regret what happened between us. I'm sorry that you've ended up in this mess but you couldn't have know that Terrance was a porn tycoon. He lied to you, Tasmin lied to you...." I said, wanting to put my arm around him but feeling unsure how he'd react.

"Thanks Mum, I really appreciate you being so understanding about all this. It's not been easy to tell you....look, I better go. I've got a film to shoot this evening."

He stood up and I followed him to the door. Trying to make light of a rather heavy conversation I said, "So what's this film called then?"

"No Holes Barred" he replied and I had to suppress a smile as he looked at me with a serious expression then walked with a weary gait towards his car.

For the next couple of months our contact was polite but limited, just a few text messages here and there. But, with me six months pregnant and looking like it, he came round late one night unexpectedly. I invited him in, slightly alarmed by the stressed look on his face.

"Mum....we need to talk" he said and it definitely sounded serious.

We sat in the lounge again but he was restless and began pacing the room like last time, as he explained his latest predicament.

"Ok....here's the thing. Terrance has made his fortune from hardcore porn films mainly, but he feels the mainstream porn market is saturated from so much competition. He wants to now expand into the black market as he's been making contacts. He wants to make porn that is...well, illegal, then sell it on the black market to the highest bidder.

He said he wants to make authentic incest porn and knows that his reputation as a pornographer will mean people will know it's real if it has his name as executive producer. Basically, he wants to film you and me having sex.....I knew you had wouldn't want to do that....so I told him you couldn't do it because you're six months pregnant....

I thought that would be a pretty good way of getting out of it. But his eyes lit up. He said, "Even better! Son fucks his mother after knocking her up! This could sell for some serious money on the black market!". I tried to think of other reasons but whatever I said he just dismissed.

He thinks that if we agree to it, we can make the films at a secret location where Tasmin doesn't know about, so she won't find out. And then he pretty strongly hinted that he would tell her about the wedding and the honeymoon and me getting you pregnant if we don't agree.

We're being blackmailed Mum, I don't know what to do. This is the last thing you need in your condition, I feel pretty bad about it. What should I do?" he asked, as if I had a solution to this bribery from Terrance.

"I think I need a glass of wine...." I said, feeling a little light-headed from this overwhelming news.

Josh leapt to his feet and poured me a glass of red, which I drank in a hurry. It did settle my frayed nerves and I calmed myself down to try to think it through.

"Have you been making good money from doing this so far, Josh?" I asked, my mind whirring with a thousand thoughts.

"Well yeah...he wasn't lying about that part. I've made a couple hundred thousand since I started six months ago. He said I could double that amount if I agreed to taboo porn, but obviously that would require your involvement. Why do you care about the money side of it?" he said, intrigued by my question.

"Josh...when your father founds out I'm pregnant from an affair he will want to cut me out of his life and he has grounds for divorce. He will keep everything and will probably leave me with nothing to make me pay for my betrayal.

He'll never know it's you that's the father, god only knows what he'd do if he knew that. But, the bottom line is, I've now got to find a way to financially provide for our child." I explained.

Josh was stunned into silence even though I'd not quite spelt it out.

"Are you saying you'd consider making taboo porn with me for the money?"

"Yes, Josh. I'd have to consider it very carefully. How do we know that we won't be filming evidence that could get us put in prison?" I asked, considering every possibility.

"Oh, I've asked about all of that. Our faces would be double-pixelated. He says with that method nobody could ever prove it was us committing incest on camera..." he replied, and I nodded slowly.

"So if we can retain our anonymity and it would make us big money...I think I could do it. I can't believe I'm even saying these words....but I have to do something to secure my financial future and give our child the good life it deserves."

"I can't believe you're saying these words either. I thought you might faint or scream at me, I really did. But what you say does make sense. I've accepted you want to keep it and of course I want our baby to have a good start in life...and if we're honest, Terrance has backed us into a corner so we have no choice but to do it...".

"I know, Josh....but this way we can get something good to come out of it. I expect someone will pay a hell of a lot of money to see a son fuck his pregnant mother...." I responded, feeling my nipples tingling as I said those sordid words.

"Well...yeah, you'd be right. I just can't believe you would do that on camera. But I will do it if you will....".

Josh left not long after, still in a slight state of shock at my response. But ever since we'd had sex on his wedding day my mind had opened up to a new way of thinking. And not only would this be a lucrative move but it would be a chance to have sex with Josh again, which is what I wanted more than anything.

So my mind was made up; I was going to star in a taboo porn with my son while six months pregnant with his baby.

Once Terrance heard from Josh that I was serious about doing it he made the necessary arrangements with his film production team very quickly before I had a chance to change my mind.

Josh informed me that it would be a late night shoot arranged when Tasmin would be performing in a more mainstream film in a different place. Terrance was so concerned that I might pull out at the last minute that he personally picked me up himself from my house at ten o' clock at night.

He'd rung to tell me that I would be given something sexy to wear for the scene though I still dressed sexually just to get there, to get myself in a sexual frame of mind and to feel attractive despite my large pregnant belly.

Terrance was very pleasant to me once I was in the car, which did help settle my nerves. He explained it would be filmed in the lounge of a friend's house and filmed with just a small crew as most of his team were filming Tasmin's latest porno, simply called Cumwhore.

It felt relaxing to know she would be kept busy while we were filming our scene. He said he wanted our film to be an hour long but we needed to film two hours footage to have enough to work with.

Even though I should have felt incredibly intimated by having to sexually perform with my son in front of a camera crew I still remember how aroused I felt when I discovered that Terrance had been watching Josh fucking me in the hotel room in Paris.

That sense of sexual excitement was something I focused on as we arrived. Terrance turned the key in the door, this house located roughly in the middle of nowhere, perfect for making a lot of noise.

Terrance introduced me to the camera crew who were all set up in the very nicely decorated lounge, which had a sensual vibe, lots of maroon and black, very suitable for a sex scene.

I'd dressed similarly to my last nights in Paris, in tight fitting black that showed off my curves, even though I wasn't expecting to be wearing clothes for very long. Terrance took me to one side, however, and said it would be very sexual for me to where a sheer black bodystocking that would cling to my big pregnant belly and swollen breasts.

I loved the idea and Terrance led me to a bedroom where the bodystocking was laid out for me on the bed. Once I'd changed i to it I looked at myself in the full length mirror beside the bed. It reminded me of admiring myself in my nice magenta dress on the morning of my son's wedding. How much I'd changed in that time!

Feeling very sexy in my bodystocking, open at the cunt and around my nipples, I relaxed with the camera crew and made myself comfortable as we awaited Josh's arrival. When he turned up he almost seemed more nervous than I was.

Terrance told him to have a beer to relax then get changed into a black tuxedo, the idea being that Josh had just come home from a dinner date with his wife to find me in my bodystocking.

Once Josh was suited and looking very handsome Terrance said he wanted us to talk to each other on the sofa to get the scene started. I sat on the plush maroon leather sofa with Josh next to me. He was starting to get into the mood as he realised I was actually enjoying this very thrilling if very intense situation.

Terrance told me that my role as Mum on camera should be a "pure whore" and as the cameras started rolling I got into character pretty fast.

"So how was your date with your wife tonight, handsome?" I said.

"Oh Mum, I felt like I was just going through the motions. I know that she's my wife, but we just don't have the connection that I have with you, Mum....so I'm glad to be home".

"Well, I'm glad you're home, sweetie. And your real home is inside your mother's cunt...." I said then spread my legs so that the camera could get a good view of my already glistening wet pussy.

"Yes Mum, that's all I could think about on my date and couldn't wait to come and see you....".

It was sexy role playing on camera like this. But, really, we were basically playing out the reality of Josh's fake marriage to Tasmin and now it did feel like he really was choosing me over her after months of avoiding me since the honeymoon.

"Then why don't you give your mother a kiss?" I said, and the scene was really warming up now.

Josh moved his mouth to mine as he loosened his bow tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his white shirt. It felt so good to feel his lips on mine once again and we shared a lengthy French kiss with his hands roaming over my body.

I felt my cunt getting so wet as his fingers rubbed my throbbing nipples through the open hole in the bodystocking around them and I remember how hot the room felt, the camera lights giving off so much heat which added to the sensual atmosphere. I could even feel beads of sweat forming on my skin as our tongues writhed in each other's mouths.

I began impatiently buttoning his shirt and he took off his tuxedo jacket without breaking our French kiss. Things began to get really hot as his hand strayed between my legs and began rubbing my sopping wet snatch then moved his mouth to my breast.

He could gorge himself on my hardened nipples without needing to take off my bodystocking and the combination of his mouth and fingers frigging me got me super aroused and wanting his cock. Josh knew Terrance wanted this to be a long scene and so, after fingering me knuckle-deep, he slipped onto his knees and I spread my legs wide for him.


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