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My Wife Likes to Sunbathe Nude

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Susan likes to sunbathe nude at country farm.
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During the summer, my wife and I go to a farm where we can lay out nude. The place is about an hour and a half from where we live. There are at most a dozen other people, not including the owner and his wife. It's not a swinger's club, if you're thinking that, but it is rather laid back.

If you ask my wife why she likes to sunbathe nude, she'll innocently tell you that she just likes to lay in the sun without any clothes being in the way. She'll also insist that there's nothing wrong with doing that and, if you're thinking anything dirty, you had better get it out of your head. But, what Susan won't tell you is, how much of a naughty exhibitionist she can be. She'll lay on her towel with her back arched in a sexy pose, unabashedly displaying her beautiful body to me and to anyone else she wishes to excite.

Sue is twenty-four years old and only five feet 2 inches tall with long straight black hair and brown eyes. She has a cute little body with skin that is smooth all over and curves that are in all the right places. Her breasts are firm and perky with light brown nipples. She also has little feet.

Sue loves to tease me and to cause me to get a hard-on, especially in front of the other women. That usually isn't a problem if I am lying on my towel because I can discretely turn onto my stomach to hide my erection. But, there have been a couple of times when Sue caused me to have an erection and I was completely exposed.

Sue also likes to tease the other men. She doesn't flirt too obviously with them, but when the circumstances are right she can be a devil.

June 17

I was lying on my towel in front of the pond when Sue sat down next to me. She had just gotten done swimming with Josh. He's a single guy, around twenty-two years old. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Honey, you should have seen what happened. I was swimming with Josh when we decided to lie out on the deck. Anyway, I was talking with him when, all of a sudden, he got this huge hard-on. I thought he would turn onto his stomach but he just laid there!"

"Wasn't he afraid that someone would see?"

"I guess not. The way that he was laying, he was facing away from everyone except me. It was a good thing no one happened to walk around the pond or else they would have seen everything!"

"So what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. We just continued to talk as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. But I couldn't ignore him for long. I mean, his cock was sticking up right in front of me. You should have seen how big he was! But, finally, his erection did go down. We talked for a little while longer and then we swam back."

"Is that all that happened?"

"Yes. You're not jealous, are you?"

"No, but do you think he did that on purpose?"

"I don't know. When we were lying on the deck, he was looking at me, and when I sat up to face him, well, that's when he got really excited. I noticed that he was staring at my tits when it happened. I'm just surprised that he didn't try to hide himself."

"I don't blame him for getting excited. You look very nice!"

"Do I?"


She put her lips on mine and we kissed.

July 16

Today was another beautiful sunny day. There was this couple, Paul and Tina, sitting on the grass a few feet from us. We had been chatting earlier, but now Paul was dozing and Tina was reading her book. I thought to myself that they seem like a nice couple. We really didn't know them very well.

I looked down at Susan. She was lying on her side facing me. Her eyes were closed. I looked at the freckles on her face and I looked at her lips. I looked at her breasts and her nipples.

Susan opened her eyes and saw that I was looking at her.

She whispered, "Do I look nice?"


"Do you really think so?"

"Yes. You look beautiful!"

Susan smiled at me when I said that. Then she took her foot and playfully rubbed it against mine. The touch was electrifying. My cock twitched and started to get hard. It was still only semi-erect and not very noticeable yet to the others, but Susan noticed the change in my anatomy right away.

She whispered, "I love your cock. I think of all the men who come here you have the nicest cock."

All of a sudden, my cock was swelling with blood. There was no way of stopping it. It was as if a flood gate had been opened. In an instant, I had a raging hard-on that was fully erect and sticking up in the air like a flagpole!

Susan giggled, "I didn't tease you, did I?"

Now, Susan is my wife and she gets me sexually excited all the time. But there were two persons sitting near to us who might not appreciate what was happening. I glanced towards Paul and Tina. Paul was still dozing and Tina still had her book in her hands. I couldn't tell for sure if she was watching us, but I think she was. I mean, she was sitting only a few feet away. We were in full view. How could she not see what we were doing? She must have.

I started to turn onto my stomach, but Susan stopped me.

"Don't turn over."

I whispered, "Tina can see!"

"I don't care. Let her look."

I couldn't believe that Susan didn't care if Tina saw me with an erection. I thought she was taking quite a chance. What if Tina were offended? What if she told her husband? I guess if Susan didn't care, then I shouldn't either.

So, I lay there on my back with my erect cock on display.

Susan whispered, "Your cock is so big right now. I can see all the little arteries and veins."

Nothing much happened beyond that. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I know you want me to tell you about the sex that we had in front of Paul and Tina. My cock eventually relaxed and went limp. The whole thing really only lasted for a few minutes.

Paul woke up and the four of us chatted some more. Tina was all smiles and she talked a mile a minute. I'm sure that she saw what happened. Thank goodness she was not offended by our little show. In fact, in the weeks that followed, she often sat near us and went swimming with us in the pond. I have a lot more stories to tell you about Tina.

August 7

Susan and I were sunbathing again today. It was a weekday morning around 10 o'clock and the only one there beside us was Rachel. She is a pretty little thing with red hair and blue eyes. She's only nineteen years old.

Rachel was sitting right in front of us. Our towels were so close that they were almost touching. She looked so beautiful! I could see the soft white skin of her inner thighs from her knees all the way up to her pubic area. Her young breasts were lovely too, full and ripe, with pink perky nipples. I couldn't help staring at her.

You would think that Susan would be angry or jealous, but she knows that I am a man and that it's normal for me to want to look at another woman. Looking is not the same thing as touching.

So there I was, sitting and talking with Susan and Rachel, when, suddenly, Susan started to massage my left foot. She placed it on her right thigh so that she could massage it better. That, in itself, isn't so unusual since I've had trouble with my foot ever since I had to have surgery to repair a tendon. Susan massages it for me at home sometimes. The problem for me now was that I was already so horny from being naked in the sun with the two ladies that it wouldn't take much to cause me to get an erection. Since I was stark naked, that would be very embarrassing! Of course, Susan knew how horny I was. That's why I was really surprised that she would want to massage me now. Didn't she know what could happen?

I think Rachel must have felt a little uneasy too because I remember her awkwardly asking, "How can you stand having your foot rubbed?"

All I could manage to stammer was, "It feels good."

And it did feel good. Susan was doing a very good job kneading the muscles in my arch. She knows the spots that need attention. She was all business, concentrating on the task. Susan applied sun tan lotion to her hands, using it as a massage lotion. When she got done kneading the muscles in my arch, she would glide her hands up over the sides of my foot and ankle.

My foot was resting on Susan's thigh only a few inches from her belly and her little pussy. I tried not to think about the intimate contact, but it was impossible. In fact, every now and then when Susan leaned forward, my foot would brush up against her tummy. I felt so exposed. Rachel could see my penis and testicles. It would be awful if I got an erection now. I wouldn't be able to hide myself.

I tried to calm down, really I did.

The girls chatted while I mostly listened.

"Okay Bill. It's time for your right foot."

Susan was smiling at me. She was obviously very pleased that I was enjoying my massage.

I had to turn a little more to face her so that she could place my right foot on her thigh a few inches apart from my left foot. Susan was now facing me more directly. I couldn't help looking at her breasts. They were dangling right in front of my eyes, their lovely brown nipples pointing directly at me. They looked so tempting.

I quickly looked away, but it was too late. My cock was filling with blood. There was nothing I could do to stop it! A man only has so much resistance you know. Within an instant, I had a raging hard-on. It was sticking up in the air like a sore thumb.

I was so embarrassed! Rachel could see my erection!

I thought maybe Sue would take pity on me and stop the massage so that I could turn onto my stomach, but she just continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Maybe she thought that my erection would subside within a few seconds.

But it didn't subside. Blood continued to rush into my cock. It was getting stiffer and hotter with each second. Now it was eight inches long and throbbing. I was so horny!

I tried to think about anything else. Anything to get my penis to calm down. But I was so turned on by the situation. Rachel was seeing me a state of sexual arousal that only my wife normally gets to see. I never had a hard-on like this in front of anyone else. My heart was beating rapidly. My cock was throbbing with each pulse.

And, suddenly, I came! Susan didn't even have to touch me there. I ejaculated, squirting my cum all over the place. It gushed, load after load, until I was spent.

Susan started laughing. She thought what had happened to me was so funny.

"Oh my G_d! I can't believe you did that!"

My face was all red with embarrassment. I had completely lost control. That had never happened to me before! It isn't as if I'm an eighteen year-old. It's one thing to have an erection, but to cum like that in front of Rachel? I was so ashamed and humiliated. My cock was all wet and shriveling rapidly. What would Rachel think of me now?

Rachel's face looked red too but not as red as mine.

I started to apologize to Rachel, "I'm sorry that you had to see that. I didn't mean to lose control the way that I did."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

Susan used a corner of the towel to wipe me clean. She had a big smile on her face.

She asked, "Did I tease you, massaging your feet like that?"

"You are so bad!"

"Am I?"


And then she gave me a kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I sunbathe nude with my husband too

very nice. It got me wet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
My wife isn't the only one!

Great storyโ€ฆโ€ฆfun comments. My wife loves to sunbathe nude too and I would love to tell you about some of those timesโ€ฆโ€ฆyou can email me at

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Glad to see my wife isn't the only one !

My wife and I love being naked and being seen naked. We have an above ground pool with the required fence around it but when you walk around the pool deck anyone can see us from the waist up. It is well known in our neighborhood that we never wear clothes and we have a standing invitation to friends and neighbors to jiin us as long as they are not offended. But we push the boundries ! It is not unusual for me to have an erection while surrounded by some women but my wife will, out of the blue bend over and take my cock in her mouth and begin giving me a blowjob. She is full of mischief and will sometomes raise up and offer my cock to the other women. Some take her up on that. Anything goes as long as it's consensual. Bare469

rosie1972ukrosie1972ukover 10 years ago
Great story !!

I really liked the way you told this - in a kind of diary version. It was a turn on to read, and I loved the way you were descriptive about the ladies bodies, and what you appreciated about them, It felt real as I read it and easy to visualise you taking in the sights of these gorgeous women. Hot...well done (Rosie) xxx

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