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My Wife's Audition Video Ch. 01

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Nancy and some guys do a horny video.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 02/24/2008
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1. Back Home in Berkeley

After returning from our Seattle trip in April [described in "Nancy's Seattle Adventures," parts 1-6], it began to sink in to my wife and me how much things had changed.

You see, after several years of staging situations in which I got to watch Nancy having strictly regulated (not full intercourse) sex with other guys, we'd changed the rules in Seattle. While we were there for a conference, she let me make a video of her (as I passed myself off as merely an acquaintance of hers) while she had a full-on fuck session with a guy named Jack and, afterwards, sucked another guy's cock.

Back in Berkeley, we viewed the video several times a week. Each time we noticed different things. It wasn't until the third time she watched it with me, for example, that Nancy noticed how violently her breasts jerked back and forth as Jack fucked her hard from the back.

"Wow," she said. "He was really pounding it into me, wasn't he? I didn't know my tits jiggled that much. I'm surprised they weren't sore afterwards. I should've worn a sports bra for a workout like that."

We always ended up having sex after, and sometimes while, watching the video. It was an enormous aphrodisiac for both of us and we agreed that the video camera I'd bought in Seattle was potentially one of the most significant purchases of our married life. Way more significant than our new washer and dryer.

One night about six months after returning to Berkeley, I asked Nancy if she'd allow me to make another video of her in a situation similar to the one in Seattle. Maybe I could do a more professional job this time. We'd just finished watching the video and were lying naked in front of our living room couch.

She was a little hesitant in her answer. "I think I'd like to do it. With the right guy, I mean. Maybe if Jack came down for a visit. But, believe it or not, even with him I'd be nervous about having sex in this apartment. Some of our neighbors know us and I'd hate for them to find out I was fucking guys other than you."

"Maybe we could set something up in a different location," I offered. Nancy had begun kissing my chest and stroking my hard cock.

"Any ideas?"

"Well, we could rent a studio, but that's pricey. Maybe we could find an outdoor location like somewhere in the woods or on a beach. Anywhere with privacy. We both know there are plenty of guys who wouldn't mind roughing it a little to get between your legs. And now that you've quit your job in the city, you'll be a lot more available for fun things like this."

I could tell that Nancy, already aroused by the video, was getting even more aroused by the prospect of repeating an experience like the one she'd had in Seattle. She was kneeling now beside me as I lay on my back giving me an exquisite blow job.

She stopped sucking my cock and said, "Well, there's that good-looking guy Gary from work I was telling you about. You know, the one who was always hitting on me. When he took me out for a drink after my last day there, he made it pretty clear that he wanted my body. Or I could give Jack another call. When I called him last week he said he'd really like to have another session with me. But I think he wanted something in private." Then she swallowed my cock again.

"That wouldn't be much fun for me," I said. "But if you'd like a private fuck session with him, that's fine with me." The old feelings of almost painful jealousy and lust came over me. These feelings, with the added sensation of Nancy's mouth working on my cock, created an intense sensual mixture.

Abruptly, Nancy took my cock out of her mouth and quickly straddled my body. After leaning forward to give me a deep kiss, she lowered herself slowly on to my erection. I felt her warm wet cunt gradually take it in. She stayed pretty still for several seconds, gripping my cock with her cunt muscles, before beginning to slide up and down, her perfect 34-B breasts bobbing enticingly above my face.

"I'm not sure he'll actually come down here," she said, gasping slightly. "I think mostly he likes talking dirty to me over the phone. He kept talking about how good my cunt tasted, especially after he'd been fucking it. He said it was the best one he'd ever eaten. He said he liked licking my ass, too."

Repeating what Jack had said to her over the phone as she rode my cock, Nancy was obviously getting more and more excited.

I encouraged her to remember more about the conversation. "Did he say anything about how much he liked fucking you?"

"Oh, God, yes. He kept telling me how tight my vagina was. And he said he especially loved fucking me from behind because he liked looking down at my anus. He said he loved how it puckered and relaxed as his cock went in and out of me."

Nancy had begun fucking me harder and more rapidly and was already getting close to an orgasm. And so was I. Hearing how this virtual stranger, the same one I'd videoed performing cunnilingus on and fucking my beautiful wife, had talked so familiarly about her cunt and asshole, together with how great her cunt felt sliding up and down on my cock, had me right on the verge.

"Nancy, are you imagining yourself fucking him right now?" I asked her.

Her eyes got large. Then she stopped fucking me, laughed, and she slapped me on the shoulder. "Oh, fuck!" she said, breathing hard now. "Busted! Yes! Just now I was thinking about how good Jack's cock felt way up inside me. How could you know that? You don't really mind, do you?" She resumed riding my cock but looked at me with a momentarily serious expression on the face. She knew, however, what my answer would be.

"No. It doesn't bother me. You know I really like watching you with other guys." Then, as I got more excited, I added details. "I like watching them finger fucking you and eating your beautiful cunt and stuffing their big cocks in your mouth and cunt." I said "guys" despite her only having actually fucked one other guy so far.

"Oh, God, I love you, Cal!" she exclaimed. She was riding my cock harder and faster again, and I was glad she was about to cum because I knew I couldn't last much longer. As her gasping, squealing orgasm began, I came in several spurts into her already soaking cunt. I'm not sure she felt my semen shooting up inside her, but her orgasm seemed to be a lot stronger than usual.

Then she lay on top of me for three or four minutes, her 115 pounds no burden at all, as my cock slowly softened inside her.

"That was wonderful, Cal," she whispered. "Obviously I don't need Jack to have a great orgasm." Then she started thinking out loud. "I don't know why I got so excited just now thinking about fucking Jack when I've got you. You're actually better looking than he is and your cock isn't much different from his."

"Maybe it's his technique. You know, how he uses his cock," I said.

"Actually, it did feel different, even though he didn't do anything with me that you don't do. Maybe it was the condom. Not that I want you to, but you never use a condom with me. I think it could've been because you and the other two guys were watching. For some reason, knowing I was on display like that not only to you but to other men made the whole experience more intense for me."

Nancy rolled off me then and, taking some tissues from a box of Kleenex on the floor, wiped off the semen that had begun leaking from her cunt. Then she stood up and walked into the kitchen. I watched her perfect ass disappear around the corner. I heard the refrigerator door open and close and seconds later she was back with a can of beer in each hand.

She sat down next to me on the couch. "I want us to plan my next video session right now," she announced.

And we did. What follows is a report of what went on a few weeks later.

2. Nancy Renews an Acquaintance

It was a Wednesday evening in late September, around 7:00 o'clock, when we drove across the Bay Bridge to the city, by which I mean San Francisco. Nancy had arranged to meet her former office friend Gary at a neighborhood bar near his house in the Clement District. Before quitting her job, she'd worked with Gary at an insurance office in the financial district for nearly a year and a half.

In several phone conversations with him, she'd explained that she was moving soon to L.A. to begin a new career in erotic modeling but needed a video taken of her. A friend of hers in Berkeley (uh, that's me, Cal, her devious and deviant husband-pretending-not-to-be-her-husband) had suggested that she pose for an audition video with some handsome, well-built guys to get "the right kind of erotic producers" interested. So she asked Gary if he'd help her find some male volunteers and be one of them himself. She couldn't afford professional models, she'd said, but she hoped the guys would be somewhat attractive.

At first, he'd been taken aback by the request. It was clear to my wife from what had gone on between them that he'd really, really wanted to fuck her, so she suspected he wouldn't mind putting up with a little kinkiness. So she persisted with the line her "friend" had used, which was that the best commercial situation currently, especially in high-paying European and Middle Eastern markets, was one that contained a gang-bang.

He finally agreed to do as she asked. But he said he and the other men he knew would probably have to be disguised somehow. He suggested ski masks and she said that would be OK with her, at least in shots that would otherwise show the men's faces.

In their conversations, Gary had told Nancy he was between relationships. He said he'd had quite a few relationships with women, but he hated to commit to a relationship and they didn't last. Nancy's story, the same one she'd been using since beginning work in San Francisco, was that she was separated from her husband. Her moving to Los Angeles to start a new career, she thought, would put useful distance between the two of them.

Her friend Cal, she'd told him, would be posing them. But, as much as possible, Cal wanted everyone to have fun and behave as naturally as possible.

It took Gary almost a week to find two friends willing to participate in making a horny video with my wife. One of them, like Gary, had said he'd better wear a disguise. The other one was a free spirit. If it was fun and if Nancy was as beautiful as Gary said she was, he was up for anything and didn't care who recognized him.

The week also gave Nancy a chance to get through her period.

Waiting for this Wednesday night to arrive, I'd been a bundle of anxiety. There was little doubt that she'd fuck this guy Gary. But what about these other guys? Would they take turns fucking her or would they all want to have her at once. Would this session end up with double or even triple penetrations? Would I really be able to stand by and watch my wife getting used like this by guys I'd never even met?

As we drove across the bay, Nancy was remarkably calm. She'd had a couple of glasses of wine at home before leaving, so that might have been part of the reason. She was dressed casually in jeans, a heavy sweat shirt and shoes with a two-inch heel. I'd watched her getting dressed and knew she hadn't bothered with a bra.

And I'd watched her put on those very skimpy white g-string panties she'd bought in Seattle. After that, she'd applied some make-up and put her longish blonde hair up in pigtails. Wearing pig-trails and dressed casually like this, she looked like an absolutely gorgeous teenager.

In the back seat she'd laid out a blouse and skirt, a diaphanous white blouse and a very short, pleated gray skirt, which she planned to change into when we got to wherever the video shoot was going to take place. Gary had said it would be at some guy's house near the bar where we were meeting.

We finally arrived at the bar at around 8:00. It was actually a restaurant with a bar rather than the neighborhood drinking joint I'd imagined. I asked Nancy if she was sure about doing this. It wasn't too late to back out. But she just kissed me on the cheek and said, "Hey, it's just sex. It's not like there's any emotional involvement." I let her out of the car, parked a block away, and walked back to the restaurant.

Nancy was sitting at the end of the nearly empty bar, and a stereotypically handsome blond man who had to be Gary stood leaning against the end of the bar talking to her. It was rare to see a guy that good looking who wasn't gay. He looked a little younger than Nancy and I and was wearing a polo shirt and a pair of jeans.

My wife introduced the two of us (I was her "friend" Cal) and we sat down at a small table near the bar.

Gary seemed very interested in me. As we waited for drinks to be brought to our table, he quizzed me about my knowledge of the porn business, videography, and so forth. I don't think he was trying to expose me as an imposter. He simply wanted to know a few things. I'd done enough research on the Internet to respond to his questions convincingly, and soon I was asking him about the session and who might be there.

He said his friend Ernie, a former theology student at USF, lived about six blocks away. Ernie and another guy named Carlo, whom he knew only slightly, were waiting for them there. It was really Ernie's mother's house. She might be there, but Ernie said she never came down to the game room where Ernie frequently entertained. She would assume it was just another of his parties. Gary had just come from Ernie's place, and when he left Ernie and Carlo had been shooting pool downstairs with two other guys whose names he'd forgotten.

A waitress brought Gary and me drinks. He had a beer and I settled for a glass of water. Nancy, who seldom drinks, sat demurely sipping the white wine Gary had already bought for her at the bar.

"So, are there going to be five guys in the video?" she asked. This made her third in about two hours. The situation in the video shoot was supposed to involve her being too tipsy to care what guys did to her. But it was clear to me that she really needed the alcohol to relax.

"I don't think so," answered Gary. "Ernie, Carlo, and I are in for sure." (I loved his use of the word "in.") "We're all set to get naked!" He laughed a little nervously as he said this. "And Carlo," he resumed, "doesn't plan to wear a ski mask like Ernie and I do. He's a real exhibitionist. The other guys, married friends of Ernie's I think, just heard what was going to happen and stopped by out of curiosity. I hope that's okay. I told them if Nancy didn't want them there, they'd have to leave."

I turned to Nancy. "Is it okay with you? Do you mind other guys watching you in action with Gary and his two friends?"

"Doesn't bother me," she answered, smiling at me teasingly. "Actually, it's kind of hot for me when there's an audience."

"I hope they don't mind me capturing them in the video, too," I said. "I can't frame every shot so narrowly that I'll cut them out. If I accidentally get their faces, I can blur them, of course. The same goes for you, Ernie, and the other guy. I can keep your faces out of the video for blur them if they get in."

Gary said he'd talk to the others about whether or not they really needed disguises.

We chatted for another twenty minutes or so. Nancy talked about her husband "Bob." If he knew what she was about to do, he'd really freak out. He'd accused her of being unfaithful before, but he could never imagine anything as unfaithful as having sex with multiple men.

We finally left the restaurant. Nancy climbed into Gary's car, which was parked just outside, and the two of them waited for me there while I retrieved our car. When I pulled up next to Gary's car five minutes later, so he could lead me to Ernie's house, I saw through the side window that he had pulled my wife to him and was giving her a deep kiss. His left hand appeared to be playing with her breasts.

I watched them necking for a few seconds before tapping the horn to let them know I was there. Gary released Nancy, turned toward me and flashed a big sheepish smile, and took off for Ernie's house.

It turned out to be a drab but substantial place right next to Golden Gate Park. Gary ran up the stairs and rang the front door bell while Nancy picked up her purse and her blouse and skirt from our back seat and I got the video camera out of the trunk. Ernie, a stocky guy in his middle twenties who looked like he worked out a lot (he was wearing a muscle shirt and sweat pants), welcomed us at the front door and led us downstairs to the game room. Grungy music, fairly loud, grew louder as we descended.

Three guys were standing by the pool table watching expectantly as the four of us (Ernie, Nancy, Gary, and I) came down the stairs. The game room was warm and stale-smelling.

All three really checked out Nancy, of course. "Holy shit, Gary," shouted one of the guys over the music, "you were right about this one. She's beautiful!" One of the others, a guy with a big beer gut, agreed raucously, though I couldn't quite make out his words.

Ernie walked over to the sound system and turned off the music. "Maybe Nancy doesn't want to listens to that crap," he said.

She smiled at Ernie. "It's all right with me," she said. Then she walked over to the three guys by the pool table and shook hands with them. The first and second guys she introduced herself to were the married guys, both named Jim. One of the Jims was a pale, out-of-shape redhead. It was the other Jim, a thin guy with bushy black hair, who had shouted to Gary how good Nancy looked. Both Jims made a point of saying, apologetically, that they were just there to observe. The third guy was Carlo, who was to be one of the active participants. He was a tall, Italian-looking guy wearing loose shorts and a t-shirt. It sounded like he had a slight accent when he introduced himself.

Nancy walked over to a door at the back of the room. "Is this a bathroom here?" she asked. "I need to change into something else." Nancy pushed open a small door at the rear of the game room. Looking past her, I could see that it had a toilet and basin in it. She shut herself in to change clothes.

"Actually," I said to Ernie, who was rummaging through some CDs, "for this kind of shoot, it's better to have the music on pretty low so I can record sounds and whatever is said." Ernie put several CDs in his machine and soon something innocuous and not very loud was playing.

Waiting for Nancy, the guys re-introduced themselves and Ernie passed out cold beers.

I talked about the scene that Nancy and I had planned. It was a basic plot that left some room for improvisation. We thought we'd start with Nancy and Gary fooling around with each other. The back-story was that he'd picked her up in a bar and that she was pretty drunk. When things start getting hot, Ernie, Carlo, and the two Jims (supposedly friends of Gary's) would drop by unexpectedly. At first, Nancy would act embarrassed by the situation. But as Ernie and Carlo joined Gary, she would lose all inhibitions.

I told them to take it slow because it was sexier that way. I wanted a video that was nearly half foreplay. That meant, for quite a while, I wanted segments of Nancy being fondled, sucked, kissed, and so forth. When it came time for fucking, I had condoms for them that Nancy insisted they wear. I also had a tube of K-Y Jelly. Without much difficulty, I talked them out of wearing disguises. Concealing their faces, I told them, could easily be done technologically.

Finally, Nancy, wearing her white blouse (not tucked in), her short gray skirt, and the same shoes she worn earlier, emerged from the little bathroom. As she walked, her breasts jiggled and bounced freely inside the blouse. Gary and the others leered at her unabashedly. Ernie handed her a beer.

She walked over to me and said, "I guess you explained what you're after, Cal. I overheard part of what you said from the bathroom. Did you mention the condoms?"


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