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Mystical Meow

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Love Grows.
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Far away on a planet called Meowlyn a beautiful young kitten was on trial before the elders.

She couldn't figure out what she had done, but before she could even open her mouth to plead her innocence she was found guilty.

"The only way you can prove your innocence, A'Yanna is to make sure you still carry your jewel. And to do that you must lose your jewel in front of the council."

"Then so be it, Counselor Jarvous. My mate isn't on this planet, so I will leave and return when I can with him."

"Yanna, my child be safe."

"Love you, momma." with that she disappears.

On a planet far away from hers, A'Yanna appears and immediately becomes a silver haired cat with golden eyes.

She walks east with the sun behind her until she comes to a town of beauty. She sits in the middle of the street watching all the activity going on around her.

"La'Jerren! Grab that cat!" With that A'Yanna feels herself being lifted off the ground.

"I have it!" yells a young man; as she settles into his arms.

"La'Jer, is it unharmed?"

"Yes, father."

"You need to ask its name and see about its sex."

What is your name?

A'Yanna, and I'm female.

Where is your home?


Never heard of that land.


Oh. Can you wait here with me awhile? Need to finish helping my father.

Patience is one thing I have plenty of. with that she jumps from his arms and settles on the ground near him.

As father and son completes their tasks, La'Jer was still having a conversation with the cat.

What planet is this and the name of this land?

The planet is named Nervana. This town is called Mysticalyn. We all have powers here.

What is your name? All I heard was the Jer.

La'Jer. with that he lifts her up into his arms and vanish. Just to reappear inside his home.

"Welcome to my home, A'Yanna."

" And I thank you for inviting me, La'Jer." replies the silky voice.

" You are beautiful."

" Thank you. " whispers the beauty as cloths materialize on her body.

"Tell me A'Yanna, why are you here?"

"I was accused of a crime I didn't commit."

"What was the crime?"

"Of giving my innocence to a mated cat."


" Vengeance. For some reason I am different then the rest of my people."

"Who hates you so much?"

"Every member of the High Counsel and many more."

"Let one of our Elders teach you the rest of your skills. Even I am still learning." with that they both turn at the appearance of the figure standing in the room.

"La'Jerren, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, father. A'Yanna, I would like you to meet my father, Daren."

"Hello, sir."

" Hello, little one." replies Daren as he looks around. " Son, what did you do with that gorgeous cat?"

"I just introduced you to her." at those words Daren turns to look at her in wonder.

"I wanted to show her to your mother."

"I don't mind." with that they both watch her become a beautiful cat.

"La'Jer, what is wrong?"

"Just something that I need to figure out myself." with that he lifts A'Yanna up into his arms.

I can walk, La'Jer.

My family home is a good walk over that rise. Just let me carry you, okay.


At a beautiful house set in the center of a meadow with trees all around, Daren shows his wife the beautiful cat.

"Mother, meet A'Yanna." laughs Jer as Yanna becomes human in form.

" Oh my." laughs Sha'Lor. "A'Yanna, you are beautiful in both forms."

" Thank you, mistress."

"Yanna, why are you here on Nervana?"

"Today I was charged with a crime I didn't commit."

"Go on little one."

"I was wrongly accused of giving my jewel to a mated cat. I didn't even know him, and instead of dismissing the charges they gave me an order."

"What was the order?" asks Jer as his parents see the emotion in his silver eyes.

"I was ordered that when I returned to Meowlyn, I am to have found my mate. And to come before the Council"

"To what?"

"I must make love to that person in front of..."

" The whole damn Council."


"Damn, what kind of Council does your world have?" asks Daren.

" Vindictive."

"That much even I agree on." whispers Sha'Lor.

"How did you get from Meowlyn to Nervana?"

"My mind."

"Maybe we need to speak to the Elders. It is time for Jer to go before them."

"Then Love we will ask them to hear our case tomorrow."

"Okay. A'Yanna, do you wish to stay here or go back with Jer?"

"Neither. I will meet you all here tomorrow. Sleep well." with that she disappears.

"Where did she go?"

"She is in the woods between both our houses."

"La'Jerren, what do you feel for the kitten?"

"Mother, you are an eighth level mystic. Can't you tell?"

" You want her."

"Yes, but I want to know more about her."

"Then I will ask my teacher to train you both."

"Thank you mother. Now will you both excuse me? I will return to my home." with that he disappears.

"Now tell me what did you see, my love?"

" She came here to get rid of the pain. Jerren and Yanna are equal in many ways. They both need to be trained."

"Then it shall be done." and helping her from the chair they both head off to bed.

The next morning, La'Jerren appears at the table with A'Yanna beside him.

"Are you both hungry?"

"Yes." both reply.

"What do you have for your morning fasts, Yanna?"

"Something sweet, like a small cake with syrup."

"We have something like that here. La'Jerren, do you want your usual?"

"Yes, mother."


"That's my name."

"Do you think that we will be okay before the Elders?"

"Yes. No food right now. Mother wants ys at the House of Elders."

"But...I'm hungry."

"We will eat when we get back."

"Okay. Lead the way." with that they head off to the House of Elders.

At the House, the head of the Elders was going through the ungaurded surface minds of both A'Yanna and La'Jerren. And he was pleased by what he saw.

"La'Jerren and A'Yanna welcome." replies Shaunder the Head Elder.

"Hello, sir." replies both.

"A'Yanna tell us a little about yourself."

"I'm a cat, sir."

"We all know this, little one. Tell us why you aren't on your own home. Why are you here on this planet?"

"Sir, look into my mind and heart. Know the answers to the questions that you seek." with that she opens her mind fully to let him see her memories.

"The crime that you were charges with is false. Yet they sentenced you anyway?"

"What was her crime?"

"Having sex with a married cat?"

"Did she Shaunder?"

"No, she is still pure."

" I thought cats were free spirited?"

"Not on Meowlyn."

"What was your sentence?"

"I am not to return to Meowlyn until I am ready to mate in front of the whole Council."

"How old are you?"

"Ten and six years."

"Then you will stay here and be trained in your special skills. Now La'Jerren, you also need training in yours?"

"Who will be our teacher, sir?"

"Me. Who else did you think would put up with the both of you. And I love a challenge. How old are you, La'Jerren?"

"Nine and ten, sir."

"Then I will teach you on the days that A'Yanna is free. Deal?"

"Yes, sir." with that he reaches over and takes her hand and they both disappear.


"They are soul mates. Which is rare."

"What are their power levels?"

"Jerren is thirteen and Yanna is twelve. But I have a strong feeling that it will change in the future."

"Then we will help where we can." replies Daren as he looks to his wife.

First day of training went to La'Jerren who thought Shaunder was going to kill him.

"La'Jerren, I want you to let all your powers go free. Let all the senses that you control free. Then you will know the extent of your powers. You have to have faith in your abilities and in yourself." with that Shaunder steps back as Jerren lets his powers free.

Shaunder, I feel it vibrating through me in waves. Tell me what to do.

"Learn to control it."


"One sense at a time." and with that for the next six years La'Jerren was taught how to use and control his powers.

The second day went to A'Yanna who thought she would have to kill Shaunder.

"A'Yanna, you have more senses then we do. So I want you to open everything you got alone with all your powers. Let it run through you."

"All right." with that she lets her senses flow free alone with her powers.

"Let it build."

It feels funny, like it wants to take over my body.

"Then let it be you will learn to control it." With that Shaunder teaches A'Yanna to use her powers and all her feline skills over the next six years.

Six years later we are back at the House of Elders...

"La'Jerren, state your age."

"I am five and twenty." states the muscular man with long black hair that reached his waist and power filled eyes.

"A'Yanna, state your age."

"I am three and twenty." replies the graceful beauty with waist length silver hair and power filled gold eyes.

"Shaunder, how did their training go, and what are their power levels now? They were twelve and thirteen; six years ago."

"Alan, their power levels are twenty and above. And their training went perfectly, even though at certain times I thought death was emanate."

"Then they are ready to choose."

While the Elders discuss the choices, La'Jerren and A'Yanna were having a private discussion.

Do you think that you could love me, Yanna?

Yes, I love you. You are my soul mate.

Do you wish to marry on Meowlyn?

We shall see.

Okay, kiss on it?

Jerren, you are as silly as a kitten. with that she leans over and kisses him.

It would be nice if you two would pay attention.

"Sorry." both reply with blushes staining their dusky brown skin.

"And I congratulate you both on this." Sha'Lor replies with a small smile.

"What is going on?"

"My dear husband, it would seem as if our son has decided to mate."


"Alright then. A'Yanna, you need to contact your mother. She needs to ready the Council."

"Shaunder, the Council follows the rules of their own houses. They will not listen to my mother."

"The ask your mother when is the next meeting of the Council."

"Okay." with that she mentally focuses on Meowlyn.

On Meowlyn, Satturn was being followed by one of the Council's Cats.

"Where is that lovely kitten of yours, Satturn?"

"Safe from you Deville."

"She will never be free until she fucks in front of the Council." with a laugh he walks off laughing.

Mother, I am coming home. When is the next joining of the Council?


I have found my mate. We will be there, so meet us by the Golden Pond. Love you, bye.

On Nervana, Yann was joining her mind back with her body.


"My mother said that the Council will merge in five days."

"Then we need to be there." replies Jerren as he rubs her shoulders.

Thank you.

I Love you. with that in front of all they kiss.

Five days later in the meadow; stood the four most gorgeous mystics ever.


"Hello, mother." whispers her musical purr as she hugs her.

"Introduce me, please."

"Sorry, excuse my manners. This is my soul mate, La'Jerren. His parents; Daren and Sha'Lor. Everyone this is my mother, Satturn."

"Hello." all reply.

"My daughter, you have changed. You seem more at peace with yourself. Maybe now we can deal with Zanna."

"Hold that thought, mother." with that she opens a door in space. Shaunder walks through.

"So this is Meowlyn. Well let's go get this over with. Yanna, you will complete this part of your destiny so that you can walk into your future with ease."

"Yes, sir." with that they head off towards the Council House.

At the Council House, five unknowns set in the rear with their cloaks hiding their faces from view. Satturn sat beside Yanna who wore a black cape.

"Today marks the sixth year that A'Yanna; daughter of Satturn has left. Her sentence will be proclaimed valid if she doesn't show today. A'Yanna?"

"I am here." with that she walks to the center of the room.

"I see that you have grown."

"Did you think I would not? Well anyway I need to ask you to tell me something. Who brought this accusation to you?"


"Really? The only cat upon this whole planet that is allowed to take kittens even if they are pure."


"Then I am ready to prove my innocence. I would like you to meet my soul mate. He is La'Jerren from the planet Nervana." with that he walks forward wearing a silver cape.

"Nervana? Another planet?"

"Yes, the home of the Mystics." Jerren replies in a deep purr.

"You have a purr in your voice. Why are you both covered?"

"I acquired my purr from being around A'Yanna all these years." replies Jerren as the let their cloaks disappear.

"You both are beautiful." one of the Council Members reply as all else gasp.

"Thank you." both reply.

"Are you sure that you wish to be humiliated in public? You will have to join with her in front of us all."

"I will not be humiliated. For I know that this kitten is pure." Jerren replies with a growl.

As all watch Jerren unclasps the gown that covers her body and as it slithers down her body he goes to his knees before her.

I love you, A'Yanna. replies Jerren as he kisses her abdomen.

I Love you too, La'Jerren. with that she strips him of his clothes with the power of her mind.

Now we are going to make love, and we are going to forget everyone here. And I want you to focus on me and the love that we have for each other.

With a gentle laugh Yanna kisses him and lets him take over. As all watch their cloaks appear on the floor of the Council House.

As the Meowlyn Council hears her laughs they see that Jerren lay her down on their cloaks.

Mother, father she is my heart.

Then give her all that you are, our son. both reply.

"Yanna, open your heart, soul, and legs wide to me. We are now one." with that he rams himself into her and draws a single tear of pain.

"I'm fine, my love. Make me feel good."

"My pleasure." with that he brings her to a quick release.

As Jerren feels his climax approaching he starts the incantation.

"A'Yanna, today I took what you have so lovingly given me. Your heart, soul, and the blood of your innocence and I will treasure them for all time. And now I give you of me." with that he transfers some of his powers into her. At their joining of powers and of the climax they let their powers combine. "Damn, Yan." Jerren pants.

"Agreed, Jer." grins Yanna as she rolls her hips.

As Jerren eases himself from her body all see the blood that stained their thighs.

"A'Yanna, the charges against you have been dropped in light of the evidence before us."

"What ever, excuse us." with that they both disappear.

"What did she learn on that planet?"

"She learned how to control the powers that run through her. And sense she has just mated, she will now learn the art of weapons fighting."

"Who are you?"

"I am level thirty-four Elder Mystic; I am called Shaunder of the planet Nervana."

"Who are the two with you?"

"I am Daren, level sixteen mystic. Father of La'Jerren."

"I am Sha'Lor, level fourteen mystic. Mother of La'Jerren."

"Six years ago this accusation was made. But answer me this, why did you charge her so quickly?"

"She was convicted by witnesses. All saw her entering the cat's home."

"Did you question him fully?"


"Is he mated?"


"All on Nervana has noticed that A'Yanna has a keen sense of smell. So I want to see his mate and the man who was said to be with her."

"Is Iniah and his mate here?"

"We are here." replies both as they walk towards the table.

"Tell me your name, kitten."

"Her name is..."

"I didn't ask you, I asked her. What is your name, pussycat?"


"Shalyn, tell me in front of all. Did you smell another scent when you arrived home?"


"Was the scent like Yanna's?"

"Different, yet almost the same."

As everyone tries to understand this new turn of events, La'Jerren and A'Yanna appear in front of Shaunder.

"Did we interrupt something?"

"Just a retrial. I want to know what the hell happened."

"Then forgive us for interrupting." with that they both take a seat.

"Tell me Shalyn, what do you mean by same yet different?"

"The smell of sex was the same, but the smell of A'Yanna's climax was different."

"Explain please."

"The smell of sex six years ago was tinged in abuse. Like it was used and mistreated. The smell of A'Yanna's was white and red. She is pure in her climax and love."

"Shaunder! Stop Yanna!"

"Where do you think she went, Satturn?"

"To Deville'." with that the four surround Satturn and disappear.

At Deville', everyone was running from the house in terror. Just to stand and stare at the beautiful creature before them.

"I want La'Zanna now." hisses Yanna.

As all watch A'Yanna's special magic was letting itself be known. By braiding her silver hair and weaving a black cloth through it.

"Do you want me, A'Yanna?"

"La'Zanna, why?"

"Because I could."

Yanna, who is she?

"Meet my sister. The evil side of me, no power just a lot of cunning."

" Damn."

"A'Yanna you have it all. Beauty, power, and now a mate. Why didn't you die like you were supposed to?"

" Because it's not my time."

"La'Zanna, why do you want your sister dead? You shared my womb."

"Because the power should have been mine. But when the Council killed father; he said her name not mine."

" had father killed? Why?"

"No. I just know that it was the Council's decision to have father killed."

" We will deal with that later. But tell me this, why are you evil while I am good?"

"We split too damn soon!"

"Do you care for me at all?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then come here and let me hold you." and as all watch Yanna folds her sister into her arms and they both dematerialize into a single cat.

*Yanna had moon kissed silver hair. Zanna had dark blond hair. *


Not talk now!

As the twins separate they each take a little of the other with them.



What have you done?

Nothing much. Become human. with that they become human.

A'Yanna and La'Zanna stood side by side identical.

"Yanna, I just made love to you. I can't tell you apart."

"Look at our hair love. My hair is silver while Zanna's is a whitish gold. And we both have a streak of each."


"Yes, oh." laughs both.

"Did she receive any of your powers?"

"No, just my ability to love."

"And she has my ability to seduce."

"Wow." replies Shaunder as he witnesses more of Cat magic.

"Yanna, are you strong enough to do it?"

"Yes." with that she touches Zanna and sends a stream of her scent around the planet and then to another.

Help me. with that Jerren gives her a boost from his own power. Thank you.


On a planet called Shadow, Yanna lets Zanna's scent lead her to a man that was something to behold.

Listen to me. I am the power who is trying to find a mate for my sister. You are her mate, but she is on our home world called Meowlyn. Do you wish to meet the woman who holds your soul?


Do you see that whirling mass before you? Walk into it. Don't be afraid for we are awaiting you. with that he walks into it.

"Zanna, he is not like any of us here. You will have to go to his world." with that she darkens the sky.

"Yanna, why? And who is that?"

"Zanna, I would like you to meet your soul. Prince Shadowlyn of the planet Shadow."

"Hello, La'Zanna."

"Hello, Shadowlyn."

"You know what I am, A'Yanna?"

"Yes. You are a vampire, as we are cats. Is that gonna be a problem?"


Yanna, do you wish for me to take over?"

Please. with that Jerren takes over the clouding.

"Shadowlyn, let me introduce you to the family of your mate whose mouth is hanging open."

"Sorry." blushes Zanna.

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