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Naked at All Female Office - Day 01

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Day 1 leads to... escalation.
7.3k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 01/08/2025
Created 06/25/2023
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Day 1: Wednesday, May 1st

Note: This is part 2 of the series. Please read Day 00 for context

16 days. That's all you could think about as you rode your bike into work. 16 days of nudity in the office. That was the only thought in your head as you arrived in the office, parked your bike, and took the elevator to the right floor. You don't remember doing any of this, somehow almost out of your body. As you exit the elevator, you feel yourself slam back into your being when you hear the teasing sexy voice call out to you, "Heyyyyy John! I'm quite disappointed! You should be naked already!!!"

Marina stands in front of you looking super hot, in a red blouse and a really tight skirt. One too many of the buttons on her blouse is undone, giving you the perfect peak at her perky breasts. Her eyes are bright with lust. You try one last time to appeal to her better angels, as you might have been with the situations reversed. "Pleas-"

"No pleases. Only penises" she giggles at her own terrible joke. "Come on, baby, just for me" she said, sweetly. Well fake sweet, but that was somehow even hotter.

She walked up to you and put a hand on your neck. Before you know what was happening, you were making out. She pulled up for air and stared into your eyes breathlessly. "Look," she said, still breathing hard and beginning to undo the buttons on your shirt, "you have to do this. But do it nicely," she said, pausing with the most sultry look he had seen, "and good things will happen." With that she pulled your shirt off your back.

She caressed your bare chest, and pulled you in for another kiss. As your tongue entered her mouth, she fiddled with your pants. Your dick was also starting to come to life. Marina's hand brushed against your hardening penis, and she came up for air again. "Oh, John, it looks like you will not disappoint. I was worried you had been stuffing all these months but," she said, breathlessly, having undone your pants, causing them to drop to the floor "it looks like your bulge did not lie." You stand there in just your boxers for a second, dazed. Marina gently and sensually puts her hands on your shoulders, guiding you to step out of your pants.

She once again began caressing your body. She leans into your neck, sensually kissing your neck. With her hands, she's rubbing your dick through your boxers, making it really uncomfortable in your boxers. You were soon at full mast, with your boxers struggling to contain your impressive member.

"It's uncomfortable, huh, John. You could take it off, you know. You have to, contractually. But I don't want to do it for you. It has to be your choice. Just do it for me, please. I've wanted to see that thing since the moment I laid eyes on you!" she said. She looked up with pleading eyes. You would do anything for those eyes. You put your thumbs under the waistband, and drop the boxers. Your dick bobs up and down as you step out from under the boxers.

"Oh my god, that's better than I ever imagined! You're so big, I love it" Marina said, looking like she had opened the best Christmas present she had ever received. Your cock throbbed, ecstatic for the appreciation. "ooh John, you like being ogled, huh"

You didn't know you did, you had never been ogled before, but you had a glow up during the pandemic, so I guess you wouldn't have known. Perhaps that's why being naked in front of a fully clothed, but very appreciative Marina was turning you on. You throbbed again.

"Oh, you really like it don't you, John? Well, that's good because you're going to have a very big audience ogling you in a second!" That brought you back to earth. Fuck. All those women. Your colleagues. Your boss! Your boss and colleagues! Including some college friends. The 19 year old intern. Fuck.

"I hope you don't mind that I took it upon myself to be both your welcoming committee," Marina said, smiling, which quickly turned to sultry, "as well as your fluffer. After all, the girls want to see you put your best foot forward!"

Marina, the little minx had played you like a fiddle. You'd like to think it wasn't all an act, but for sure, she had planned to get you naked and hard. And now, staring down the barrel, you will not just be naked but also hard. And dripping.

"You'll get these back," Marina said, holding up all your clothes, "at the end of the day." Fuck. When had she gathered those?

She went to throw open the doors to the office, for the big reveal!


Seeing Marina reach for the door has you instinctively move. You quickly use your hands to try to cover up. But your hard state made it difficult to conceal everything even with both hands. And with what Marina had done to you, it really was *everything*

"Aww, babe, come on!" Marina says, with both hands on the door but not opening it. "Why did I bother getting you all ready if you're gonna continue to hold out on us ladies!"

"How about I make you a deal, at one point between now and when you get into the office you let the ladies see the goods. I'll even play the bad guy, giving your tushie a little smack. You just have to act like mean ol Marina hit you so hard forcing you to show off that juicy cock."

You twitch down there.

"Looks like lil' John likes what I have to say. And I hadn't even mentioned the reward. Well, let's just say that I like to put my mouth where my mouth is, if you catch my drift" She winked. And with that pushed the doors open!

You twitch again. Marina smirked. She then threw the doors open emphatically.

"WOOOOOOOWWWWW!" "Oh my god, he's is actually naked" "Is that a gun, John, or are you just happy to see us" "I think his guns are on his arms, the arms that are struggling to cover up something bigger than a gun" Didn't think you'd actually do it!" "That's amazing!" "I had heard rumours in college but I didn't expect...." "It's hard to tell, but I think I see some movement down there" "Not the only thing that's hard!"

This was crazy! All the girls had been waiting for your arrival. And they all applauded and cheered as you attempted to navigate to your office. That would be embarrassing enough, but they all catcalled and teased you as you came in, completely bear. Even over the cheers and the claps, you caught what they said, either loudly or in whispers to each other. You felt like you experienced this in flashes - making random bits of eye contact with all the women. You felt the eye of the all the beautiful, young women, dressed in professional clothes on your naked body and that made you turn as red as you have ever been. At the same time, it strangely caused a level of arousal you had never felt before. This was causing..... reactions down below, reactions that were not going unnoticed. Your only solace was that Rachel seemingly decided to miss this celebration of your humiliation.

As you were next to most of them, you feel a tight slap hit you buttocks, and as you lurch forward, your demons take over. You think of little Marina, and how hot she was in her maid outfit, and everything she promised and you release your hands, pretending that you needed to instinctively move your hands to your stinging ass. All eyes are on your bobbing cock, which twitches in excitement due to the attention. After a moment of utter silence, the room erupts in cheers. The cheers snap you back, as you cover up and now make a run for your office.

"Hate to see you go, but love to watch ya leave!" yells Marina. You quickly enter your office and close the door behind you leaning against it, relaxing and breathing out. Your cock twitches in the open air.

"Wow, that's quite a view" you hear Rachel say. You look up to see her sitting at your desk. You quickly move your hands to cover yourself once again


As you cover up, Rachel stands up from behind your desk and walks out to the side, gesturing that you may take your seat. You walk forward towards Rachel who stays frozen next to your desk, smirking naughtily. You don't think you've ever seen this expression on her. You realize what she's doing! Since your desk is pressed up against the wall, you have to walk by her to get behind it.

You awkwardly walk by her, turning away from her as you shuffle past her. You feel something lightly brush against your backside, and you can't tell if you accidentally touched Rachel, or she touched you, or you imagined it. You sit down at your desk, still using your hands to cover up. That was an awkward position to sit.

Rachel sighed. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about, John. Your bet was that you must work naked. I came here to stress that the latter is not the only one that you do" You blush. Rachel continued, "if you fail to perform the functions of your job here, that would also be abandoning the bet. If I feel like you are not performing up to standard, I can call you as having failed to do the forfeit. I'm sorry, John, but that's what you guys signed"

"What would happen then?" you ask.

"Oh, John, didn't you read that document Marina cooked up and you had me sign along with you. If you fail to follow through on a forfeit, you get fired with cause."

Wow. Your job was on the line. Why hadn't you read that damn document. You never thought you'd have a bet like this. You fucking idiot. Rachel sighed again

"I'll allow covering up here and there, but if there's something you're doing for work, I don't want to see you being distracted by all this. Having said all that," she said, pausing, "great fucking job!" she said, smiling.


"We made our greatest ever sales. And the client said it was because of all the new tech you added to our product! Marina said that when she mentioned the new features you added, the sale made itself!"

What cruel irony, you thought.

"And I should also thank you for the fire you lit under the ladies' butts. Even without that sale they would've beat last month by 50%! As a result, we have had offers for our company from VCs. They'll buy part of the company for a price. That will give our company a valuation. So you'll know soon exactly how much the 10% you took when you joined will be worth. Currently the lowest offer we've received is 5 million for 5% of the company. That means....."

Your eyes lit up. "That makes my 10% 10 million!" You're in dreamland! This is why you joined a start-up. You were going to be rich! You fill with joy only to see Rachel with the evilest smile ever. You look at her and slowly ask, "Wh-why are you smiling like that?"

"Because if you do get fired for cause, you forfeit all your shares" And there it was. Nudity. 16 days. 10 million dollars. Your cock twitched.

"Now in order to protect everyone and be safe, I have place on your desk a form with the rules for this, ahem, forfeit. Please look it over and sign it." Saying that she walked over and stood right next to you, almost hovering above you. She placed a pen down next to the paper she had already placed on your desk before you walked in.

She leaned down and whispered, "Remember, I expect you to act exactly as you would if you were clothed. So I place a document and pen on your desk. How do you examine it?"

You knew what was coming. She expected you to uncover and act like you weren't naked. You had to do it. You let go of your balls and shaft and placed both hands on the table. Your dick twitched in the open air and you saw that Rachel made no bones about staring at your erect member. That only made it harder.

But as you read over the document, it seemed reasonable. It stipulated no one was allowed to touch you inappropriately, unless you have consent. It also stipulated you must adhere to the earlier document you signed with Marina. Seeing nothing new, you signed the document, wondering if she only did that to see you personally.

"Thank you, John. The schedule for the month is also what I usually give you on the 1st during our meeting, but Marina insisted you get it from her." she said, leaning over you to grab the paper.

As she walked out, she turned just as she got to the door. She turned and said, "I must say, John, you are more...... impressive that I thought you would be" With that final sentence, she exited his office, closing the door on the way out"


You spent the next couple hours working, ignoring (though you couldn't forget) that you are naked in your office. Finishing up the projections for this month and creating the presentations for last month's excellent sales. It felt strange to be working on showing off the very numbers that had forced you to, well, show off. As you finish up the presentation, you head a knock on the door. "Who is it?" you ask, continuing to work on the presentation. "It's me!" Marina's voice answered.

You prepared yourself, positioning yourself so that Marina couldn't see the important bits unless she came around the desk. "Come in!" you say, attempting to sound cheery. Marina walks in, with no hint of mirth, begins to conduct business as usual. She lays out the biggest sales leads and walks you through the marketing events for the month. What you guys usually meet to speak about at the beginning of every month. But then it happens. Marina, the beautiful, intelligent, dogged marketing professional transformed into Marina the minx, who had stripped you completely naked and had you at her mercy.

It brought shivers down your spine and life back into your dick, which had gotten soft. "So," Marina said, moving to come around the desk, to take a proper look at you, "is the little matter of your schedule and the promise I made this morning." You remember the promise. Something about her mouth. She looked mesmerizing as she came around your desk, able to get a better view at your naked form, from the side. She then places her hand slowly on the armrest of your chair. She's going to turn you to face her now. As she swings you towards her you are met with an exhibitionist wave of arousal, making you semi-erect. Your body turns, and now she's towering over you, completely clothed, looking at your bare cock with fire in her eyes. You quickly cover up, but you know it's too late.

"Wow," Marina said, "John, you really enjoy being naked. What an exhibitionist.

"I AM NOT" you say, furious, not because it's untrue, but because it's embarrassing. "it's only because of, you know, your promise!"

"Prove it then!" Marina says.


"If you don't enjoy being looked at, don't cover up as I give you your schedule and look at you, all bare and sexy over there. If you get hard, you're enjoying this!"

"I wouldn't!" you say. Immediately Marina fires back. "Wanna bet?"


You sit there contemplating on the wisdom on accepting such an offer. Marina senses your hesitancy. "Look, I have 5 items I need to schedule with you over the next three weeks. If you get through all 5 items without popping a most impressive boner, I'm willing to lower your forfeit by 2 whole days!"

That was most interesting. Two days would be quite good. But there was something you needed to know. "What if I fail?"

"If you fail, you're an exhibitionist, and I think you should not be afraid to be the real you! So no covering up AT ALL for the duration of the forfeit."

You cringe. You might well lose this. Schedules are boring but her staring at you completely naked. You could lose. That could be bad. "How about 8 day? Half my punishment"

Marina balked. "You're pretty but I'm not that distracted. You're lucky if I give you more than 3. Rachel mostly won't let you cover up anyway. Oh yeah, I know. Ok, how about this. 5 items on the list for your schedule. If you get through all 5, you'll save yourself 5 whole days." You couldn't believe it, you were ready to take it at 2. You were just negotiating, you thought maybe she would have some pity and be off guard. Looks like you were right. You go to accept, but she cuts you off.

"But," Marina says, "if you fail, for every item I have left to cover, I will add a condition to your forfeit. You already know the first one I would add, no covering up."

You think it over, even though it seems like a no-brainer. She took 4 post-its from his desk and scribbled on them one by one. "I've written down the four possible conditions! I'll pick based on how many you'll need to do!"

You clutch your junk a little harder, knowing you'll have to uncover for this bet. You look up at her and say, "Deal!" throwing your hands apart. Your soft cock flops down, and Marina says, "Interesting, it got soft when I wasn't looking at it"

"Alright then," Marina says staring at your cock like a dog looking at the juiciest bone ever. Oooh boy, you're in trouble. "We'll start with number 1: Businesswoman Monthly would like to do a profile on our success in the next couple of weeks, as a female-led company with a large female staff. Some of the questions they sent ahead include: What motivated us to make the sales we have managed? What is our secret? What makes us different? How do we empower our ladies?"

Oh shit. An article about the sales. A magazine who did a piece sure to report about the naked man. And no way would all the girls shut up. You have to stay to get your money, and they can tell the magazine whatever they want. The thought of women reading about you being naked at the office cause your dick to gain some mass.

Marina bit her bottom lip at the development. She continued, "They want to send down a reporter, a photographer, the whole shebang"

With Marina's eyes focused on your dick, and the thought of people external, a reporter and a photographer seeing you naked, it was starting to really swell. PHOTOGRAPHER! Your brain was slow to process. Pictures? No you can't have pictures. What if they published a picture. An article was one thing, maybe people will think we're exaggerating but pictures would, well, really expose you. Your dick swelled, noticeably rising, but not quite fully rock hard. You expected Marina to claim victory, but instead she continued, "Businesswoman Monthly is the largest national vocational publication targeted specifically at women. They boast a readership of over 100,000 across their print and digital channels, with some of their readers being notable female CEOs, entrepreneurs and C-suite executives"

That was it, your dick was pointing right up to the ceiling, as hard as it had ever been. "Oh wow," Marina said, still staring at his manhood, this time with fascination and reverence, "and I haven't even finished my talking points for this one!" She turned over a paper she had been holding, covering the rest of the schedule. "The last bullet there" she said. The last bullet read,

While, they do not publish explicit content on their print editions, opting instead to blur offending material, due to their commitment to journalism and history in doing exposé on the adult entertainment business, they have been known to post explicit material relevant to articles on their website

As you finished reading, your cock twitched. A string of pre-cum fell to the floor.

"I think it's fair to say, John, that you completely and utterly lost that one. You have no choice but to admit, you enjoy me looking. And you want others to look too. It turns you on. Well, good news for you. Your forfeits will ensure that you do more of it. Are you ready?"


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