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Naked Embarrassed Tom Ch. 02: Exposing Tom, All Inclusive

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Two guys expose their friend in vacation.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/15/2017
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Tom, Kevin, and John climbed off the plane into the humid heat of the Dominican Republic for their week long all inclusive vacation. The boys had always talked about taking a trip like this, but until now, there was always something that stopped them from going.

An hour later the boys made their way from check-in to the suite they'd be calling home. Kevin had already taken off his shirt, revealing the pair of grey boxers he wore high on his waist. Not wanting to have such a high tan line, he pushed his boxers and shorts down until his pubes started to show along with a hint of his ass crack.

Tom, who stood behind Kevin was enjoying the view, particularly since he knew Kevin wouldn't be wearing much more that week. The boys arrived at their suite and were surprised to see a spacious living room, three bedrooms, and a large deck complete with a hot tub. The boys dropped their gear in their rooms and Kevin and Tom grabbed a drink while John freshened up.

With John out of earshot, Kevin told Tom it was time to play Naked Embarrassed Tom, or 'NET', and explained what was about to happen. Kevin instructed Tom to strip to his underwear, a pair of white boxer-briefs, as Kevin did the same, stripping to his grey boxers.

When John returned to the boys, he wore a pair of boardshorts very low on his hips, with a pair of black boxer-briefs underneath. John was surprised to see the other two boys wearing so little, but as rehearsed, Kevin explained that they didn't want any tan lines. This made sense to John, but Tom replied that they'd still have tan lines, they'd just be lower down.

Kevin told Tom that tan lines were unavoidable, and he could roll his boxers up his legs, and pull his waistband down to minimize them. Tom then proposed a bet: if at the end of the week, Tom didn't have a noticeable tan line, then Kevin would suck his cock. If, however, Tom did have a noticeable tan line, then Tom would have to suck off Kevin and John, and he'd have to be their naked houseboy at a time, place, and duration of their choosing. Tom would also be forced to go to the clothing optional beach at home until his tan line was gone.

John wasn't sure that he wanted to be involved in this bet, but he had nothing to lose, and either way, he'd get to see one of his friends get sucked off. Tom, having shaken hands on the bet quickly pulled his white boxer-briefs off, throwing them inside before lounging face down in the warm sunlight.

Kevin and John spent a good portion of the next few minutes stealing glances of their naked friends ass. Ten minutes later, Kevin disappeared inside, returning with a bottle of sunscreen. He quietly snuck up on Tom, and squeezed an unnecessarily large portion directly on Tom's ass.

Tom laughed it off and started rubbing the sunscreen in, but Kevin stopped him, saying that he and John would do it, making sure to not miss any spots. John jumped up quickly at this opportunity, in fact, much quicker than he would have liked. Tom hadn't seemed to notice how quickly John responded, but unlike Kevin, Tom couldn't see John trying to adjust the obvious bulge in his shorts.

John's shorts rode so low, that apart from pointing his cock down, his cock would be covered primarily by only his boxers. As the two boys started to massage the sunscreen onto Tom's back, and particularly his ass, Tom's own cock grew to full size, as Kevin massaged his balls which sat between his opened legs.

A minute later, Kevin told Tom to turn over so they could get his front, but Tom refused, not wanting to show his hard cock to John, at least not yet. Kevin reminded Tom that there was a 'NET' benefit of letting them put the sunscreen on for him so no spots were missed.

Tom folded, rolling to face Kevin, who dropped his eyes to his friend's cock as Tom continued to roll onto his back, giving John his first view of Tom's massive cock. Kevin quickly dropped a massive amount of sunscreen directly on Tom's cock which he began to rub all over Tom's body.

John jumped in and paid particular attention to Tom's cock, which began dripping precum that John continued to spread around. Kevin let this continue until he thought Tom was about to blow. Kevin then took to his lounger, and tossed the bottle of sunscreen to Tom and John, saying it was his turn.

Kevin pulled the waistband of his boxers down until it was barely above the base of his shaft, and then rolled the legs of his boxers up into a pouch. The boys quickly got started on rubbing sunscreen onto Kevin, but we're initially hesitant to get too close to Kevin's crotch. Kevin sat up, throwing an arm out, pretending that his eyes had been closed, hitting Tom's still rock hard cock.

As John watched Tom's cock bounce, Kevin reminded the two boys that they'd need to make sure that they got a little under his waistband, just in case it moved. Tom didn't have to be told twice, and he ran his fingers under the waistband of Kevin's boxers, grazing Kevin's cock. John began making his way further up Kevin's legs, his hands now rubbing up against Kevin's balls, which were barely contained in his boxers. As Kevin's cock began to grow, a tent formed in his boxers, pulling them up, causing his balls to become exposed to John's eyes and fingers.

John was caught off guard by feeling his friend's balls, and instinctively told Kevin to turn over before realizing this took away his access Kevin's balls. Kevin now lay on his front and let the boys cover every bit of exposed skin on his body with sunscreen. Just as they ran out of skin, Kevin brought his hips off the lounger, and pulled his boxers down to give the boys access to the top half of his ass.

Tom and John each took one of Kevin's cheeks, and massaged them until Kevin pulled his boxers back up, and made his way inside to get a drink, telling Tom that he was sure he could handle getting John sun screened. John laid down on his chest and waited for Tom to start spreading the sunscreen on him.

Left to cover John alone, Tom straddled John, his balls resting on the seam of John's exposed lower back and waistband. Tom took great care covering John's back with sunscreen. As he finished, Tom went to turn around to start on John's legs. John grabbed Tom's leg, and reminded him to get under his waistband, as John didn't want to burn.

Tom quickly grabbed another dollop of sunscreen, and ran his fingers under John's waistband, reaching down just far enough to feel John's ass crack develop. With all of John's back covered, and Tom still straddling John's stomach, Tom's balls slid across John's skin as John rolled over.

John now looked down his chest seeing Tom's hard cock pointing straight at him as Tom started applying sunscreen to John's chest. John's cock was hard, and rested between Tom's ass cheeks, which gently moved back and forth causing a wet spot to form in John's boxer-briefs.

Tom ran his fingers under the waistband of John's boxer-briefs, running them through John's red pubes. Finished with John's upper body, Tom turned around and moved his ass onto John's chest, leaning forward to get sunscreen on John's legs, stopping only when he reached the legs of John's boxer-briefs.

Tom's position gave John an up close and unobstructed view of Tom's asshole. John was quite enjoying the view, but it came to an end as Kevin walked outside, asking if the boys were having fun.

Both of the boys smiled, their faces turning red from embarrassment. The three boys took their places on the loungers and enjoyed the sunshine, alternating laying on their chests and backs. What didn't change, however, was the direction that John and Kevin faced, being on either side of Tom.

The two boys always faced inwards, taking full advantage of their view of Tom's naked body. When their beers were empty, John volunteered to refill them, but Kevin quickly proposed that Tom go instead, because he'd need practice for his future naked houseboy engagement. Tom told off Kevin, secretly happy to have a chance to show more of himself to John, who didn't argue and certainly enjoyed the show.

A few days passed with Tom sunbathing naked each day, and forced to be naked at all times in the room, as per Kevin's rules for the current game. Tom only put clothes on to eat, swim, and explore the resort, which neither of the other boys seemed to want to do very much of, instead opting for time in their room.

Halfway through the week the boys made arrangements with the local travel rep to go on an adults only extreme excursion of zip lines, horseback riding, atvs, and waterfalls sponsored by one of the local clothing optional reports.

As Tom stood on the beach filling out forms for the group, Kevin pantsed him, yelling at the same time to attract attention to Tom's exposure. Tom was forced to drop the clipboard he held in order to free up his hands to pull his board shorts and boxers back up.

Having just been swimming, Tom's white boxers were near see through, meaning that despite only having been pulled about a third of the way to his knees, little was left to the imagination. Tom's boxers stuck to his legs, making it hard for him to pull them back up, giving Kevin plenty of time to jerk Tom's hips, forcing Tom's cock free and bouncing it around for everyone, their cute young travel rep included, to see.

Tom finally managed to get his boxers on, and then gave Kevin a playful push back onto the chair behind him, before continuing to pull his shorts up, finally regaining his dignity. Tom could see people all over the beach talking about his cock, many showing it's size between their hands as they retold the story to friends who knew they weren't exaggerating.

After this, Tom became a bit of a celebrity at the resort, with people talking behind his back everywhere he went. The shear size of his cock attracted a lot of attention from the young ladies at the resort, and the three boys found themselves having quite a few overnight guests.

This was, however, a little awkward as Tom was forced to remain naked in the room regardless of who was present. Tom often took girls to bed after they'd come back to the room with Kevin or John, the original boy occasionally joining them in a MMF threesome.

The day before the boys were set to head home they got up early and hopped on board their off road vehicle to head out on their excursion. The boys had lathered themselves in sunscreen before leaving the hotel, but Kevin and John, 'conveniently' left the sunscreen at the hotel.

The tour guides told everyone to leave all of their valuables on board the Jeep, and that they were only to bring with them what they'd need for swimming. The boys took their shirts off, storing them in their bags, and made their way to the waterfalls.

The waterfalls were a combination of jumps and slides, each bigger than the last. Kevin had pantsed Tom a few times, and John once, but few people were in a position to see them. At the final water slide, Kevin held Tom back, telling him to go second last, leaving Kevin to go last.

Following Kevin's instruction, Tom went down head first, but with Kevin holding onto his shorts, gravity pulling Tom out of his shorts. Tom had struggled on the way down, and had rolled multiple times, giving everyone on the tour a view of his cock and ass. Tom's cock got the same reaction it had received at the resort, with the whole tour shocked at his size.

Tom swam over to the shallows of the pool, but refused to climb out. Kevin slid down next, and threw Tom's shorts over Tom's head to John, who ran to the other side of the tour group, well out of Tom's reach. The guide did nothing to stop the boys' fun, only insisting that everyone get together so a photo could be taken of the group.

People started to gather, but Tom stayed put. It was only with Kevin's physical assistance that the smaller built Tom was forced out of the water and pushed front and centre of the group.

On the count of three, the flash went off as two of the young ladies in the group took hold of Tom's ass while Kevin and John pulled his hands from over his cock, leaving it captured permanently in history. John allowed Tom to put his shorts back on as the tour guide sold a copy of their photo to almost every person on the tour, including John and Kevin.

Tom was the only holdout, standing facing the group, for a reason known only to Kevin. Tom was the last in the line as the tour made their way to the Jeep that was scheduled to meet them in the river valley after dropping them off at the top of the falls. When they reached the parking lot, they discovered that their bus had broken down near the top of the mountain, and the passengers began to mill about.

Eventually, someone managed to get in behind Tom, seeing that his shorts had been ripped during the boys horseplay, and that Tom's left ass cheek and balls were easily visible. This news quickly spread throughout the group, and people quickly began moving about to get another view of Tom's ass and balls, many taking photos.

After a few loud phone calls between the guide and the tour company, a new bus arrived and the group continued to the zip lines. The zip line staff laughed when they saw the state of Tom's shorts, and paid extra special attention to how his harness sat, giving them an excuse to caress his ass.

Tom was even chosen as the safety demo, forced at first to demonstrate how to properly wear a harness, complete with a quick visual inspection of where his balls were. Then the guides used Tom as a demo of how to ride the zipline. Tomm was suspended from a wire a foot or so from the ceiling and pushed back and forth, seated in his harness with his cock and balls hanging in plain sight. The group was invited to take a closer look, with everyone fighting to stand behind or under Tom.

Once the brief was completed, everyone did their zip lines, and dropped their gear off before climbing onto their atvs and completing the circuit without incident.

After lunch, the group jumped onto their horses and headed out single file down the trail, Tom's bared left ass cheek leading the way. As the group re-entered the paddock, Tom's horse jumped, throwing Tom over the chain link fence where his shorts snagged on the top, leaving Tom hanging, once again on display for the group.

Kevin couldn't have been happier with the way things had gone, but he still felt it necessary to help Tom off the fence. Kevin joined John as they tried to pull Tom back over the fence, but multiple attempts resulted only in a bigger tear in Tom's shorts. Resigned to the fact that Tom couldn't be pulled over the fence, Kevin and John talked him into slipping the rest of the way out of his shorts, leaving him on the other side of the fence partially covering his cock with one hand and trying to free his shorts with other.

None of the boys could free Tom's shorts, and a guide was forced to cut them free. Tom pulled his shorts back on only to discover that the guide's cut had fully severed the left leg of his shorts, forcing Tom to hold them closed at all times.

The excursion over, the boys climbed back on their replacement jeep just in time to see their belongings being dropped off by a company van. Tom grabbed his bag, pulling out his towel, wrapping it around his waist, which left his shorts to fall to the ground. Tom gathered up what was left of his shorts and climbed onto the Jeep for the trip back to the hotel.

Tom sat at the back, beside the door, while John and Kevin sat up front. Their guide asked Tom to move up front so he could serve some drinks from the cooler behind Tom's seat. Tom stood up, and as he put his backpack on, walked towards the front. As Tom reached the middle of the jeep, his hands trapped above his head in the straps of his backpack, Tom's towel pulled taught, one corner caught in the rear door. Tom's momentum carried him forward to the front of the Jeep, where he quickly realized that he stood fully naked in front of the group, unable to free his hands, and therefore at the mercy of those around him.

Kevin decided that since the group had been so accepting of Tom's nudity so far, that he'd bump it up a level. Kevin proceeded to spank Tom's ass, causing Tom's cock to bounce around to the enjoyment of the group. The two young ladies who had earlier grabbed Tom's ass were emboldened by his full nudity, and Kevin's spanking, and ran their hands along Tom's upper thighs. Tom's cock started to grow, and all he could do was freeze.

Kevin started to speak, and Tom was comforted that his friend was coming to his aid, but a few words in, Tom regretted that feeling. Kevin basically told everyone that it wouldn't be safe for Tom to ride all the way back to the hotel without his hands, so if Tom agreed, Kevin would free his hands, and Tom would stay dressed as he was until their hotel was in sight.

Tom was reluctant, but he had little choice, either way he'd be naked and exposed. So Tom agreed and as Kevin freed his hands, he turned and punched Kevin in the arm. Kevin knew he deserved it, but he wasn't about to lose the battle with a naked man in front of so many people, so Kevin grabbed Tom's arms and held him tight as they battled up and down the aisle, with everyone groping anything they could get their hands on, including Kevin.

John joined in, taking away any chance of success Tom had. By now, Tom was fully hard, and on display. The guide proposed that each person should pay $5 for thirty seconds of time with Tom's naked body. The person who made Tom cum would win half the pot, with the other half going to help children in the local villages. $5 bills were quickly being thrown about, and Tom was quickly ready to cum.

Kevin threw $10 into the pot and did his best to bring Tom down from the edge of cumming to prolong the fun. After Kevin's time, John spent his $5 with Tom bent over while John rimmed Tom's ass. Tom wanted John to make him cum, but it didn't happen, instead, the next person stood up and approached Tom who was still bent over.

Tom saw that it was the nineteen year old Norwegian boy that Tom had had a hard time looking away from all day. The Norwegian boy, Frederick, grabbed Tom around his hips and started to dry hump him wearing his short black shorts, the waistband of his black briefs showing. Tom could feel Frederick's hard cock pressing up against his ass, and wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him right then and there.

Frederick's time was up, to which he simply replied, I'm starting a tab as he pulled his shorts and briefs to his knees, thrusting his uncut cock into Tom's ass. It only took ten more seconds and a few tugs on Tom's cock before Tom shot his load onto a nearby seat. The group cheered as Frederick continued to plow Tom's ass until he had filled it with his own load of cum.

Frederick pulled his shorts back up just as the boys resort came into view. With one final slap on Tom's ass, Frederick sat down, and Tom grabbed his towel, covering himself up just in time to avoid being on display as the Jeep pulled into the resort. Tom climbed down off the Jeep as everyone yelled "bye Tom, we'll miss you".

Tom turned to face the group, waved, and quickly walked back to the hotel room, where John and Kevin shortly joined him, looking at the group photo taken earlier that day. Tom was thoroughly sunburnt, and the other boys insisted that he allow them to rub aloe vera on him multiple times that night. Tom went to bed with Frederick's dried cum still between his cheeks.

In the morning, the boys packed, leaving a change of clothes out for Tom to put on they left for the airport. Only one thing remained, and that was to settle the week long bet. Kevin told Tom to go stand in the living room where his fate would be decided. There was a knock on the door, and Tom could hear Kevin welcoming someone, thanking them for coming.


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