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Naked Friday 04

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Team Building with a naked twist.
9.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/04/2012
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Friday -- back now to where I started this little story of my journey from randy housewife to full blown exhibitionist.

We had put the alarm on early to accommodate the film crew. Both of us jumped straight out of bed and I went to do the breakfast while Martin showered.

We sat down together in the kitchen to eat and I was having a hard time of it. It was only a couple of slices of toast with orange juice and coffee, but my body was cheating on me. My mind was trying to stay as calm and 'normal' as possible, but my body was giving away my both my apprehension and, conversely, my excitement at what was to come today. My mouth was dry, hands shaking a little and I couldn't concentrate properly on what I was doing or saying.

On the other hand, my nipples were standing out like doorstops and aching, my pussy was dripping wet my labia were swollen and extended, along with my clitoris which was standing just proud of my lips -- I had never seen it like this before so had to assume that it had not happened until now -- and my thighs were glistening from the juices being deposited thereon. Talk about split personality!

"Martin, I feel awful -- I don't know if I can do this you know." I said gloomily.

"Why not, you've enjoyed the 'practices' we've done this week, even yesterday when you walked from work to the bus stop -- if I remember correctly, you enjoyed it so much you couldn't wait to get home!" he replied.

"Well... maybe that's the problem. I'm about to greet a camera crew at my door whilst I am stark naked and with my pussy gushing juices down my thighs, then take a walk to the bus stop, get on and remain sitting with the same people who have never seen me naked before, walk along a main road to work and that doesn't even get near to what will happen when I get there -- everyone else is likely to be naked too and I have to work with them all day! I don't know if, with this level of fear and excitement both, I will be able to last the day. Please, can I back out of this d'you think?"

"No, I honestly don't think you can. If you do, it will be something that you will regret for the rest of your life. I know this because you have overcome so many taboos this week. You've been strong enough to walk around the streets naked in broad daylight -- we went out for a meal, admittedly it was only to KFC, but where you were asked if you would do it again -- and by a couple of girls too. No, if you don't do this now, you'll never forgive yourself. I don't mind too much whether you do it or not, though I will feel a little disappointed, but it won't affect my feelings for you either way -- I love you whatever and I think I have proven that over this past week. But will you be able to forgive yourself if you don't. Knowing you, I suspect that you'll be kicking yourself if you don't. Tell you what, start as you meant to this morning and if you want to bail out, just give me a ring and I'll come get you. I'll put a dress in the car for you just in case."

I took a very deep breath, sipped some orange juice and thought about it. After a few minutes, during which time I endeavoured to be absolutely honest with myself, I thought 'How come this man knows so much about me -- he is absolutely right -- if I don't do this, it will torment me forever.'

I looked up from my plate and deep into his eyes. There was just love there -- nothing more and nothing less.

"I love you so much and yet I still can't understand how well you read me. You're absolutely right you know -- I don't know what I was thinking -- of course I have to do this. Thank you for saying just the right thing at the right time -- just as you always do."

I got up out of my chair and walked around the table to kiss him. I ended up sat in (or should that have been on!) his lap and I moved up and down on him 'till we came. It was delightfully relaxed and slow and felt wonderful.

I got up a short while later and dashed upstairs to clean myself up and then came back to finish my breakfast in a much better mood.

The dryness in my mouth and the hand shakes had gone, and my heart rate had slowed down to a canter, instead of the gallop it had been doing ten minutes earlier.

Now I was looking forward to the day again. Did I mention that I loved him? Well, if I didn't I bloody well do -- and some!

We were still eating when the film crew arrived and I got up to answer the door. There was a cameraman, a sound recordist and a woman who introduced herself as Bonny, the Crew Director.

I let them all in and asked if they wanted a cuppa. They all did and as they sat in the lounge, Martin and I took their drinks through to the waiting crew.

"So,", I asked, "What will we be doing then?"

Martin was standing beside me and, as was becoming the norm, he was naked too.

Bonny said, "When you are ready to leave, we'll film you coming out of the door as we have before on other shoots. This time though, it's going to be a new experience for us too. All the other times we have done this it has been a quick walk to the car and then we would jump in our vehicle and follow them to work. If we had an opportunity at traffic lights and things, we would get alongside and film looking down into the car, and then film the walk from the car into the office. This time, of course, we'll have to accompany you to the bus stop, film on the bus and then the walk from the bus to the office. Sure you're up for all that -- and then be naked in work all day? I am assuming of course that you are going to go through with the naked bus ride to work?"

"I did have a scary moment earlier when I thought I couldn't do it, but I'm OK now and looking forward to it. So, as soon as you all are ready, I think we ought to go, don't you?"

She smiled at me and said, "Well, we've had some odd balls on this job in the last few months, but no-one as brave and determined as you are -- I have to congratulate you for that before we even start."

A few minutes later and they had drunk their coffees and Bonny sent the crew outside so that they could film me walking out the door.

"Any time your ready then Gina, we'll get started."

I turned to Martin and gave him a kiss.

"Wish me luck, love."

I turned to head for the door. Martin followed me and, as I went out the door and with the camera filming me, Martin touched my shoulder.

I turned back to him and he bent down, whispered in my ear "Remember, I love you no matter what -- OK." and then he gently kissed my lips.

To use a rarely used term nowadays, I nearly swooned.

"Bye," I whispered and turned to walk down the pathway to the road whilst I wiped a tear from my cheek.

I continued on down the path and turned right out of my drive onto the public footpath and concentrated on continuously putting one foot in front of the other.

I heard someone calling to me "Good luck Gina -- we're all proud of you."

I turned to see Sammie at her door waving to me. I gave her a smile and waved back, "Thank you."

As I got further and further from the house with no adverse effects on me, my confidence grew and grew. I walked along the street with my head held high and my back straight and started to enjoy the feeling of the warming summer morning sun on my skin and then I started to think inwardly about how I felt.

My nipples had stopped hurting, though they were still standing up tall, and my pussy whilst well lubricated was no longer gushing like before. Maybe anticipation was the worst thing, because now I was starting to feel natural and comfortable, and no longer worried about the fact that I was naked with the exception of my 4" heeled sandals.

Yes, I was going to enjoy today and wasn't going to let anything spoil it -- not even if I did get arrested.

Now that could be something, don't you think? Being dragged off to the police station by a big burly copper and then paraded around there 'cause I didn't have anything to cover myself if I wanted to.

No, today was going to be blissful I told myself.

Eventually, I reached the end of our little estate and turned on to the estate access road where I was much more likely to meet people.

A couple of cars passed me and boy of about 14 nearly fell of his bike as he was merrily riding along delivering his newspapers. I was grinning from ear to ear and lovin' it.

I crossed the road at the end of the estate access road and turned left, away from work, to walk the last 15 meters to the bus stop.

A couple of the regular commuters were there, both men, and clapped and cheered as I got closer.

One of them said, "Great to see you didn't chicken out then Gina, I didn't think you had the courage to go through with it."

"I'll tell you something, it took more courage to get up on that bus and talk to you all yesterday than this is taking -- this is easy in comparison. And thank you for the compliment; both of you."

I walked up and stood beside them as usual and a few beeps were heard from passing cars. However, I didn't take much notice of them as I was in conversation my two colleague commuters -- nothing important, not even any more about my nudity -- just general things, really.

All this time, I was deeply conscious of my naked body. I again felt free and comfortable -- unconcerned with what others may or may not think and greedily sucking up the feelings of freedom and relaxation -- and yes, I was totally relaxed and more than happy with what I was doing.

The film crew tried to mill around me so that I wasn't I too noticeable, and that was the only irritating thing to happen so far.

I said to Bonny, "Do you think the crew could give me a little more space, I feel like I am being crowded in here."

"We are trying to hide you as much as we can, that's why we are crowding you a little." She answered.

"But I want to be seen -- I don't want to be hiding behind someone or something -- the whole point of the program is public nudity isn't it? Despite you trying to wrap it up as some sort of team building exercise; that's just an excuse, so please, leave me some space so that I can be seen will you?"

I know, it came out a little tetchy, but that was how I was feeling. What is the point of being naked in public if everyone is trying to shield you from it.

I wanted to use this opportunity to test how it would be in future without the cameras and an excuse for being naked. I wanted them to as unobtrusive as possible.

Bonny had a word with the rest of the crew and they all moved back, giving me some room to breath. This, of course, did what I wanted and left me wide open to scrutiny from the road. Now I felt better.

A few minutes later, the bus came along the road and stopped. Fortunately, it was the same driver that we had yesterday so he knew what to expect.

"Good Morning -- I've been looking forward to stopping here just to see if you would go through with your plan. Well done, this is certainly going to brighten my day and thanks."

"You just watch the road buster, not me. I don't want to have to end up in hospital naked like this thank you very much -- and bye the way, Good morning to you too and thank you too." I rejoined.

I walked down the length of the bus to see the normal bunch of commuters on the bus and most smiled and said 'Hello' or 'Good Morning' to me.

I was conscious of eye levels, generally directly in line of site with my swollen and damp pussy, which just made me all the more damp, not to say wet! I eventually sat about half way down the bus next to the lady who said she would put up with me for today, but didn't think it was appropriate.

"Good Morning, how are you today" she chattily asked.

"Hmmm, I'm feeling very relieved, relaxed and grateful to you all for helping me with this BBC project. I hope that you don't find me too embarrassing" I asked.

"You look quite relaxed and happy actually, I thought you would be all nervous and trying to hide yourself, but you are quite different from what I expected. I mean, the men haven't gotten all silly or made rude or unacceptable remarks; in fact, everyone seems to be treating you pretty much the same as always, although we are all paying you much more attention that normal, but I suppose that at least is to be expected. No, I feel OK actually, even with you sitting right next to me. Maybe I can put up with this everyday if this is what it's going to be like." she said.

"If I were to do it every day, it would get less and less intrusive every day I suspect, people would get used to me being naked and think nothing more of it in time. It's just the unusual that people make a fuss about, don't you think?"

"You probably have a point there I suppose. Do you feel self conscious dressed, sorry undressed, like that though?" she asked.

"No, I don't feel self conscious in the 'Oh my God -- I'm naked!' sort of way, but I am much more conscious of my body, of the air on my skin and the feeling of different types of surface one comes into contact with, some warm, some cold, soft, hard and rough variations that you don't normally consider. I do know that I feel very much alive and my whole body is tingling. It's an awesome feeling and I have come to love it over the past week. I really would like to stay naked for as long as I can now and I don't feel threatened or intimidated in any way -- I just feel so damned good!" I answered.

"I can see that, you do seem to be glowing today." she responded.

We remained quite for a few minutes then, and I looked out the window, but I also listened to people talking with each other and to the comments they were making about me. Mostly, it was complimentary and expressed admiration for the courage I had to do this. There was only one person, who only rarely travelled on this bus and wasn't here yesterday, who was making any sort of challenge to how I was dressed, but he was quickly silenced by the support others were showing me.

All too soon for my liking though, we had just about reached my stop, so I got up from my seat and moved forward along the bus to the front and turned and addressed them all just as I had yesterday.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, " I started, "Thank you so much for the tolerance you have shown me this morning. I truly hope that I haven't caused any offence; if I have, then I am truly sorry, but it was something that I just had to do. Since it seems to have gone so well, and as I discussed with you all yesterday, please can I have a show of hands from those who will be happy for me travel clad just as I am now in the future please?"

I felt really nervous now, not wanting to be spurned at this point and have my future plans spoiled.

Most of those on the bus raised their hands quite quickly, giving me a cheer as they did so; even the lady I had sat next to raised her hand. I waited for stragglers and eventually nearly everyone raised their arms.

I said thank you to them and noted the couple of people who didn't. I didn't have much time left before I had to get off, so I had to be quick, so I went back to the two people who didn't raise their arms and asked them what it would take from me to change their minds.

"We're not really interested -- we don't usually use this bus, so it's nothing to us anyway." said the man.

"I may just change my schedule to come along too if you don't mind, it's been quite an interesting trip so far, and I think I would like to see it again to see what happens in the future." Said the girl (they weren't together, they just happened to be sitting in adjacent seats across the aisle from each other.

"Thanks," I said. "Happy to have you aboard."

OK, that was that then -- naked to work every day on the bus from now on. Now the only problem left was the walk from the bus stop into work and back again in the evening. I would, as I had with everything else this week, deal with that when it comes.

The bus pulled up at my stop and the film crew got up now and followed me to the front of the bus.

I turned and said 'Thank you all and see you tonight or next week -- Byeee' and said a separate thank you and goodbye to the driver.

Then I was out through the door and walking away from the bus towards the Office Estate, film crew in tow and about 10 yards behind me, respecting the space that I had requested.

I didn't think any more about my nudity for a while until a car horn beeped across the road, and I raised my hand in a wave. I had a spring in my step as I walked and, despite a few cars slowing down to look (well, who wouldn't?) everything was good.

I was enjoying myself and now looking forward to seeing who else would join me -- naked for the whole day while we worked as normally as it was going to be possible.

Eventually, I turned into the office complex and walked across the car park, again accompanied by a couple of horn blasts and good will shouts from drivers, each of which I happily acknowledged.

I opened the front door to our shared building and the receptionist said good morning without looking up.

Bye now, she surely had to know what to expect today, so I didn't, at first, know whether she was embarrassed or angry about it.

Neither, it turned out, she was just logging, as she had been asked to, who came to work naked today so that in cases of emergency, like a fire or other accident, there would be no confusion later on.

When I was half way across the hall, she finally looked up and said how good I looked.

Her actual comment was "You look really good today, not just because you're naked, but your skin looks really clear and glowing; have you put anything on it to make it look that good?" she asked.

"No" I responded, "I do feel like I am glowing with good health though, and thank you for such a wonderful compliment. I expect I'll see you later and we can have a chat, Yes?"

"Sure", she said, "I'm looking forward to it -- I have a few questions for you actually, so don't be too long. Maybe you could have your morning coffee with me?" I replied in the affirmative.

As I was opening the door to our offices, I caught site of Robert's car coming into the car park and decided to wait a minute for him to come through -- actually I wanted to see whether he had come naked from home as well -- I didn't mind being the only one to do so, but it would be better if I had company, so to speak.

He got out of the car and yes, he had.

He had what looked like a laptop bag hanging on his shoulder with the strap adjusted so that it was long enough for him to pull it in front of him and keep his manhood hidden while he crossed the car park.

I waited while he came into the front door and again the receptionist (Helen) said, "Now come on Robert, no need to be shy -- get rid of that bag and let's all see what you're made of."

He smiled and said, "Oh well, no time like the present I suppose." and he slipped it off his shoulder and took hold of it by the small suitcase type handle at the top of the bag, exposing himself to us all, me, Helen, mine and his camera crew.

He went bright red and I felt sorry for him.

I let go of the door, took his arm and said, "Come on then Robert, let's go get a cuppa, yes?"

He allowed me to lead him through the door and I went into the office putting my handbag on my chair.

"You go put your bag down, and I'll go to the kitchen to make the tea. See you there in a minute."

I went out and got a couple of cups of tea ready and Robert came in behind me.

He looked a little better now and thanked me for pulling him along from his obviously perilous moment in the hallway.

"Don't worry about that, it was only nerves. Just get on with the day and you'll soon forget you're naked and be OK. I do now and I find that it's easy -- just get on with what you have to do and soak up the feelings as they come along -- you'll be fine, you'll see. Here, take your tea."

Obviously I gave him, what I hoped wasn't noticed especially since he was nervous, a good look over.

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