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Nancy Porter's Journal: 09

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Nancy meets a fan.
2.7k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 07/01/2004
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Nancy's ninth journal entry finds her back once more at Professor Martin's house, where she meets an apparent admirer,


1. What was that?


I had just finished getting groomed by Monica, having already told her about my wonderful week with Greg at Stowe, when I heard a squeal from across the room.

A girl about my age, screaming "Molly!" came running toward us. She was jumping and bouncing around so much I couldn't help laughing, as she was so full of energy that I thought she was going to explode.

She was short and petite, with beautiful red hair that she had in pigtails. She had a few freckles and was really cute looking, and she looked a whole lot like a twenty year old Raggedy Ann. I was surprised later when she told me that was her name, and I don't know why I was given everything that went on around here, but I had no time to react. Besides, once she started talking there was no way to get a word in edgewise.

"MOLLY! This is so fucking cool! I can't believe it! I've wanted to do you ever since I saw you with Chantel man you two were on fire and when me and my guy watched that and then I saw you on the rack I said man I gotta have her you are so fucking cool!"

All in one breath. I was exhausted just listening to her. Again with the Molly bit, and I really had to find out what this Molly crap was all about. I figured that must be what the Professor was telling all these people my name was. Before I could ask, she was off and babbling again.

"I'm Annie! You know, Annie and Andy? You've seen our shit, right?" she said, looking at me like I was supposed to know what she was talking about.

"Oh yeah, sure" I finally said, since she seemed to think I should know.

"Annie, why don't you get ready" Monica said in coming to my rescue. "Your clothes are back at the bar."

"Cool!" Annie squealed and skipped out of the back of the room.

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked Monica, who was getting something for me to put on.

"Oh that Annie, she's really something, isn't she?" Monica said as she handed me a pair of pajamas. "Here, put these on dear."

"My Little Pony?" I asked.

Monica had given me pink pajamas that had all these horses, unicorns or whatever the hell they were supposed to be, on them.

"Aren't they adorable?" Monica cooed, as she threw a frilly thing on top of the bed, and tossed a few stuffed animals on top for good measure.

"You're going to pretend that you and Annie are having a sleepover" Monica informed me. "Wait until you see Annie's jammies."

Indeed. Annie burst back into the room wearing light blue pajamas with that Hello Kitty picture on them. She got the better of the deal, I figured. I couldn't believe how much effort the Professor put into these little productions of his, just to jack off.

Anyway, Annie was bouncing around in front of me, and whether it was the buzz from the earlier cocktails with Monica or not, her enthusiasm was contagious. I couldn't help liking her.

Monica gave Annie some instructions and went to the back of the room with the Professor, leaving me and the little dynamo alone.

"Andy is going to join us later after we get it on" Annie informed me.


"Oh man this is so cool" Annie said. "I guess we should just play around for a while and then see what happens, you know. Sorta like girls do on slumber parties."

I didn't want to tell her that I didn't know what girls did on sleepovers, since I never really had a friend who would invite me to one. I did have an idea what was going to happen here though, and I was alright with that.

Annie bounced around on the bed, and started playing with the stuffed animals. I grabbed a bear and Annie yanked it out of my hand. We started wrestling around and before I knew it I was on my back and Annie was all over me. We started kissing and her hands were working furiously. I started getting really excited, and then Monica was saying something from the back of the room.

Annie pulled me up to the side of the bed and we stood face to face. I was about four inches taller than her, and she looked up at me and smiled as she began unbuttoning my pajama top. Annie pulled it off me shoulders and giggled.

"I've never been with a girl with littler titties than me before" Annie said, cupping my tiny boobs and squeezing them.

"Neither have I" I said matter-of-factly, not adding the fact that I probably never would either, and feeling my nipples surge with excitement as Annie began nibbling on them.

"They're so beautiful" Annie said, before going to work on the other one.

Annie couldn't get enough of my breasts, and I was fine with that, as her biting and squeezing was making me all wet inside. I ran my hands up and down her shoulders and arms, wanting to return the affection.

"Want to see mine?" Annie said as she straightened up.

I nodded and lifted up her pajama top. She had cute breasts, apple sized boobs with tiny pink nipples. Annie had a dusting of freckles on her shoulders and upper chest, which only enhanced her cuteness.

My hands found her breasts and I squeezed them before bending over and taking a little nipple in my mouth. I could feel the pebbly surface stiffen as I worked my tongue around it. Annie moaned and rolled her head backward, her hands going up to her head.

My mouth went over to the other boob, sucking and teasing that nipple erect in nothing flat. I caught a gentle scent of lilac eminating from the glistening recess of Annie's armpit, which had just the faintest trace of burnt orange fuzz in the hollow. Impulsively, my mouth ran up from her breast and nibbled and tongued the aromatic down, causing Annie to squeal with delight as I tried to hold onto her wildly contorting body.

"Arrrgghhhh!" Annie screamed after a minute of my going back and forth from tit to pit, and working my hand on the unoccupied territories.

"OMIGOD MOLLY!... I'M COMING... COMING!!" she howled as she spasmed in my grasp, my face still buried in her underarm while I pinched her nipple hard.

She kept right on spasming for a few more seconds before she finally pried herself away from me.

"Oh Molly, you are so crazy and that was so fucking good!" Annie howled while hugging me. "Let me get a look at you, baby."

Annie tugged my bottoms down and ran her hand over my freshly shaved mound, smiling at the feel of the smooth skin and most likely feeling the wetness that had to be oozing out of me. Annie eased me down onto the bed and buried her face between my legs. I felt her tongue dancing around my opening, her lips sliding around my clit. I was coming in no time, partly because I was so horny, but mostly because she was so good. My legs clamped around her head as my body convulsed beneath her.

Annie sprang up and pulled her pajama bottoms off, revealing a rather lavish tattoo on her lower back. She also had a tiny swirl of bright red hair around her pussy, which was soon being postioned above my more than willing mouth. My tongue parted the soft down and worked its way inside of her, as I felt Annie going back down on me. The sweet aroma and the delicious moistness surrounded me, and as I inhaled her incredible musk, we devoured each other with equal passion.

2. Here's Andy

After I don't know how many more orgasms, I heard, or should I say I felt the presence of someone at the foot of the bed. There was a tall skinny kid staring down at Annie and me. He had red hair like Annie, and was kinda cute.

"Molly, this is Andy!" Annie announced as she jumped up to greet him.

I nodded toward him but Annie was already busy jumping into his arms. They kissed like long lost lovers and she began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Help me Molly" Annie said over her shoulder." This is Andy, my guy. Ain't he da bomb?"

"Hi Andy" I said meekly, not knowing if he was "da bomb" or even what "da bomb" was.

He was a cute enough guy, and he gave me a kiss as I helped Annie take his shirt off. He had a nice body, and when Annie pulled down his underwear, I jumped back when his dick sprang out from under cover.

I'm not talking "Professor" big, which was another thing altogether, but Andy's dick was huge. That big thing was wagging in front of him like a flag pole and Annie was all over it in a second. I was sort of lost just kneeling there and didn't know what to do, but Andy started playing with my titties while I watched Annie sucking on his dick.

I couldn't get over how that little girl went way down on that cock, and wondered if I was expected to do that too. Annie answered that question by handing it to me. I did the best I could, and while it was fun and exciting for me, I don't think I did all that great at it. Give me the littler ones any time, because I can really get into taking the whole thing in my mouth. No way was I going to do that with Andy.

After a minute, Annie took over again, and did a proper job on that thing. She sucked for a couple of minutes and then she swung around and got on all fours.

"Play with yourself while Andy fucks me, Molly" Annie whispered to me as I went around next to her. "He really gets off on that... talk about how big his cock is too!"

Okay, I thought to myself, and watched as Andy climbed behind Annie and rammed that schlong into her. For a second I thought he put it in her butt, which I would have thought was impossible.

Andy was slamming away into Annie, who moaned everytime he went into her. As for playing with myself, that was easy enough, because this was making me really horny, watching two people have actual sex. I rubbed my clit as I knelt next to Annie, and Andy grinned as he looked over at me.

"That's it Molly... work that pussy!" Andy yelled at me between thrusts.

Annie changed positions in a minute, and now I got a great view of Andy rubbing the fat head of his cock through that red-furred bush where my tongue had just been a little while ago. The bulbous head disappeared inside of Annie, and I watched Andy slowly slide that long pole into her, finally getting the whole thing buried into her. Their matching red pubic hair was all mashed together and Andy swiveled his hips to make Annie moan.

He started slipping that big dick in and out of Annie, and my hand was working faster now, as my mind pictured what that must feel like. Having that big thing inside of me... to know what that was like... and it was right there in front of me. All I had to do was ask... and then even that wasn't necessary in a second.

"Want some of this Molly?" Andy asked me, pulling that cock out of Annie and waving it at me menacingly. "Make a woman outta you in ten easy inches!"

I looked at it, all wet and glistening, with the network of veins bulging and throbbing... just waiting for me to say the word.

"She's cherry Andy! You know that! Stick to business!" Annie snapped, and Andy shrugged as he slid it back into Annie.

I went back to fingering myself, in a way grateful for being saved in my moment of weakness. My fingers became Andy's cock, and I slid them in and out of me, imagining them being the real thing. Andy's body slapped hard into Annie, making her groan with pleasure.

"Oh, I wish that was me getting fucked, Andy" I yelled out, and Andy looked over at me and grinned.

He liked me saying that, or so it seemed, and that inspired me to keep going.

"Oh man, would I love to have you sticking that big cock into me Andy!" I yelled out. "No way I could fit your cock into me though... it's so huge I could never fit it in my little virgin pussy!"

"Oh man, would I like to try!" Andy said, while thrusting into poor little Annie even harder, making her gasp hard every time.

"It would hurt me so much!" I yelled, still busliy fingering myself and enjoying this a lot. "You'd split me in two with that thing!"

"Oh Molly, you must be so fucking tight!" Andy howled. "Show me that pussy of yours baby."

I got up unsteadily on the bed and straddled Annie's upper torso, spreading my pussy lips wide open.

"See how tiny my pussy is!" I squealed. "I've never had anything in it but my finger! Think of how hard it would be to get that enormous cock of yours into that little hole!"

"Oh shit!" Andy yelled as he watched. "Sit on her face, quick Molly!"

Annie suddenly pulled me down on top of her, and I hoped I didn't break her nose when I went down. It must have been a perfect landing, because I felt her tongue lapping away like crazy. Andy was getting a helluva view, and he was going nuts watching and humping.

I felt myself start to orgasm, and when I did, I felt myself squirting fluid onto Annie's neck and chin. I didn't know what was going on, but I was too delirious to care at that point, so I just kept rocking on Annie's mouth.

"Holy shit!" Andy screamed as he watched, and then he pulled his cock out of Annie and held it tightly. Sperm went squirting out all over Annie's stomach and breasts, almost reaching me a couple of times it shot so far. The long stringy jets kept coming for the longest time, finally tapering off at last.

I crawled off of Annie, since I figured she must have had a tough time breathing like that, and waddled down toward Andy, whose cock was slowly deflating. I grabbed the base of that now rubbery thing, which caused some more cum to dribble out of the tip, and then I knelt over and sucked on it. I enjoyed being able to get the thing in my mouth comfortably at last, and celebrated by trying to siphon out anything that was left inside of him.

"Aaaarrrrrggggghhh!" Andy howled, as I sucked him dry.

He finally had to pull me off of his poor pecker, which was too bad because I was really getting into it.

I heard a commotion coming from the back of the room and saw the Professor coming down the aisle with Monica. They were both clapping and cheering, and the Professor's zipper was down and his pants were half undone. I tried not to think about what had gone on back there, as it took a lot of the fun out of it for me.

Annie was squealing and hugging me, and Andy was rubbing his hand through my hair like we had just won the big game or something.

"Fantastic!!! Fantastic everyone!" Professor Martin exclaimed, and Monica put her arm around me and gave me a kiss.

Well, it was good for me too, I guess.


In the penultimate journal entry, things go sour rather quickly.

Thanks to all those still aboard.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
this thread is getting boring

sorry but it's getting a tad boring and predictible. i can tell the author is male as he rushes the experiance leaving out details a woman would make note of to enhance the experiance. so sorry.

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