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"Steve, I'm sorry? No, no, no. We need to talk? No. I love you, but..." Robin practiced in front of the mirror, stopping and starting several times, before blurting out, "I love you, and I don't want to lose you. But, I'm in love with Nancy Wheeler. We're together. Dating. And I need you to know, it's serious. We're not just fooling around... I love her. God, I love her so much. I need you to know that. I, I wouldn't be telling you this, if I didn't love her. And I know this must hurt to hear, and I don't expect you to forgive me right away. But please try? Please? I love you as a friend. You mean so much to me. But... just please, don't make me choose. Because I'm happy. I'm finally happy. Oh God!"
Robin had practiced this like a million times in her head, and even now, the words didn't seem right. It was the same overwhelming fear which kept her from confessing her feelings for Vicky. But unlike that, there was consequences the longer she didn't tell him. And it felt like past this point, a month into her new relationship, was the point of no return.
She said she would do it, so she would. She just wished she hadn't insisted on doing it herself, because she really needed Nancy Wheeler with her right now, giving her strength. But Nancy Wheeler was a force of nature, Steve probably wouldn't tell Robin what he really thought if she was around. And it felt like she owed him this.
To be fair, while it felt like she stole his girl, in reality, he had no real claim on Nancy. They hadn't been together in years, and they had both dated other people since then. And most importantly, it wasn't like Robin had gone after 'his girl'. No, it had been very much the other way around, and really, what was Robin supposed to do? Turn down Nancy Wheeler? The first girl to ever truly show interest in her? Who just so happened to be ridiculously out of Robin's league?
No, Steve had to understand. He just had to, eventually. But this, was probably going to suck. But, it was closing time, it was just the two of them, and if there was any time to do it, this was it. So, taking a deep breath, Robin left the bathroom, and headed straight towards her best friend.
"Steve, we need to talk." Robin forced out, immediately regretting her choice of words.
"Why? Are you breaking up with me?" Steve joked, not bothering to look up from stacking the shelves, "Damn, and I thought we had something special. Oh well, can we still be friends?"
"Steve." Robin grumbled.
"I mean, it's probably for the best." Steve admitted, "There's no easy way to say this, but I've been cheating on you. With Dustin. I know it's weird, but he's my best friend too."
"Steve..." Robin began again, after taking a deep sigh.
"I just love the way he insults me." Steve continued, "Don't get me wrong, you're good at it, really good, but-"
"Steve!" Robin snapped angrily, finally getting him to turn and look at her, "This is about my girlfriend."
"Oh, okay..." Steve said, dropping the videos, and giving her his full attention. Then after a long silence he gently pushed, "So, what about her?"
Another long pause, and then Robin blurted out, "It's Nancy! Wheeler! She's my girlfriend. I love Nancy Wheeler. We're together, and I'm so, so, so sorry."
There was a long pause, this one longest yet, then Steve folded his arms, lowered his head, and sighed, "Okay."
"Okay?" Robin questioned nervously.
"It's okay." Steve forced himself to say, before confessing, "Or at least, it will be."
"Really?" Robin questioned.
"Yeah." Steve said softly, before pointing out, "I know you think I'm a dingus, or whatever, but do you think I wouldn't notice you getting a girlfriend around about the same time you became firmly attached to my ex? God Robin, I haven't seen you with another girl. No one but her. What am I supposed to think? Especially when you look at each other like, well, you know?"
"Oh..." Robin blushed, before admitting, "I, I hoped you hadn't noticed."
"You both made that hard." Steve said dryly, before admitting, "Especially Nancy."
"I know, right?" Robin laughed, although it was more than a little forced, "It's like she was trying to get us caught."
"Maybe she was?" Steve suggested, and then when his best friend gave him a look. He quickly added, "What? Just think about it. The things she's been saying, and doing around me? And Eddie, and the others? Even if we didn't know for sure, maybe she thought planting the idea in our heads would make it easier when you told us?"
"Maybe." Robin blushed.
Which to be fair, did seem like something Nancy Wheeler would do. And Robin was pissed that not only had she not thought of it, but Steve The Hair Harrington did. Which was unfortunately a reminder that he was smarter than she liked to give him credit for. Which made her wonder what else did he know? Or more accurately, suspected?
Because it was bad enough that she was dating his ex, but if he figured out what they had been doing behind his back in the video store, or in the cinema? God, there wasn't enough sorries in the world. But he was still looking at her with care and understanding, so there was still hope. And either way, she really didn't deserve this good a friend.
"Either way, I'm happy for you. I really am." Steve said, those words hurting him, even though he meant them, "Nancy's great. And I've always wanted you to have someone great. It's, great. It is."
"Thanks." Robin said awkwardly, before feeling tears in her eyes, "I know, I know this is hard. But, I really hope we can still be friends, because I love you. You're my best friend."
"I love you too." Steve smiled softly, opening his arms wide, "Come here."
Normally, Robin would make a joke, and pull away, if Steve tried to hug her. Or anyone for that matter, given she wasn't great with people entering her personal space. Obviously, Nancy Wheeler had pretty effortlessly broken through that wall, on like, day one. But, as much as she hated to admit it, Steve Harrington was not far behind. And she just really needed this right now.
So much so, she let out an embarrassingly loud whimper, and then actually cried in his arms. Which was so lame, and she hated herself for it so, so much. But she just couldn't help it. Just couldn't stop being the damsel in distress to his knight in shining armour. Even could maybe, possibly see what Nancy might've seen in him. If you liked that kind of thing.
"It's okay, it's okay." Steve soothed a few times, before questioning, "Is now a good time to tell you I think I might be dating Eddie?"
"What?" Robin exclaimed in delight, before groaning at the thought of Nancy Wheeler being right again.
"So, I think I'm bisexual." Nancy announced, before quickly correcting herself, "I am! I am bisexual. And, I just thought you should all know."
The Wheeler dinner table suddenly became painfully silent, broken only when Mike frowned and asked without looking up from his food, "What's that?"
"It means that I like boys, and girls." Nancy explained patiently.
This caused Mike to freeze, and finally look up, "As in?"
"I want to date both." Nancy said, before again correcting herself, "Not at the same time, though."
"Good to hear." Ted grumbled.
"Is it?" Nancy questioned, unable to hide her nervousness anymore. If she even had in the beginning, "Are you okay with this?"
Before Ted could reply, his wife Karen ordered, "Mike, go to your room."
"But I didn't do anything!" Mike complained.
"Now!" Karen insisted.
"Listen to your mother." Ted insisted, after his son looked at him.
"This is so unfair!" Mike grumbled, reluctantly doing as he was told.
"I'm dating Robin." Nancy called after him.
"I don't care." Mike replied, without bothering to look back at her.
There was then more silence, and then Nancy turned to her Mom, "Mother."
"Yes?" Karen asked.
More silence, and then Nancy cautiously questioned, "Are you mad?"
"That you insisted on discussing this in front of Mike? Yes, but I suppose it was inevitable that he would find out." Karen sighed, "Really, Nancy? Haven't you put us through enough?"
"Meaning?" Nancy glared.
"Meaning, when are you going to grow out of your rebellious stage?" Karen questioned, "I know it's something every kid goes through, but it's so embarrassing to have you jump from one boy to another like this. And now a girl? Really? I know girls your age are 'experimenting', but can't you just grow up and find a nice boy? Stop putting us through this?"
"I'm not!" Nancy growled angrily, although she tried to get herself under control, because she knew it wouldn't help, "I'm not experimenting. I love her. She's my girlfriend."
"Like you loved Steve? And Jonathan?" Karen said mockingly.
"Yes." Nancy said without hesitation.
"And how long did they last?" Karen questioned, "Until the novelty wore off? Until we approved of them? Or did you just get bored?"
"You wouldn't understand." Nancy said coldly.
"Oh, I think I understand perfectly." Karen said dismissively, before casually adding with a sigh, "I'm not trying to be mean. I just don't want to invest in another one of your doomed relationships. Trust me, sweetie. I've been where you are. Many times. You'll get bored and move on, until you find your prince charming."
Until you settle, you mean. Nancy wanted to say, but her Dad didn't deserve that, so she instead questioned, "So, you... 'experimented' too?"
"God no!" Karen scoffed, quickly adding, "And to be clear, that dyke is no longer welcome in our home. It was bad enough when you were sneaking her in and out of here, like we wouldn't notice. But if you think we're just going to pretend you're not doing so now you've drawn attention to it, like it's normal, you got another thing coming young lady."
Another long pause, then Nancy turned to her father, and whimpered, "Dad?"
"I..." Ted started again, before lowering his gaze when his wife gave him a look, "Just, just do as your mother says."
"Fine!" Nancy growled, fighting back tears, as she got up and walked away.
There was a brief pause, then Karen said dryly, "Well, that could have gone better."
She then left the table, leaving Ted to let out a sigh, and then turned to his youngest, a very confused looking Holly, "Please never start dating."
Nancy prided herself on being a good girl, and had spent most of her life doing everything her mother said. Her super conservative mother, who had very old-fashioned beliefs. Her father too, when he was brave enough to voice his opinion. So really, this reaction shouldn't be at all surprising. And yet, Nancy had been so lost in her happy bubble with Robin, that she had allowed herself to believe it would be no big deal.
That she could invite her girlfriend around for a family dinner, just like with her two previous boyfriends. But, as much as she wanted their approval, she didn't need it. She didn't ask permission to go to The Upside Down, and fight monsters. She didn't need their permission to date a girl.
However, honestly, there was part of her which was heart-broken. And angry. Very, very angry. And the last thing that she wanted to do was take it out on Robin. So, before inevitably sneaking out, so she could see her girl, Nancy spent a few long minutes just sitting in her room, so that she could just be angry, before trying to let it go.
Which of course, was easier said than done, given that she had been given a lot of reasons to be angry the past few years. However, thinking of Robin had a very calming influence over her, and eventually she relaxed, and began to plan her escape. Luckily, she had a bag packed ready to go, and now she just needed to make it down the drain pipe, like Steve had done, back when they were dating.
"Hey." Mike said, knocking on the door, before asking, "Can I come in."
There was a brief pause, as Nancy closed the window and put her bag down, before sitting on her bed and calling out, "Yeah."
Another pause, then Mike opened the door, walked through it, then closed it behind him, before finally quickly greeting, "Hey."
"Hey?" Nancy questioned.
"Hey." Mike said again, hating himself. He then slowly began, "So..."
"So?" Nancy questioned, starting to run out of patience.
"That was pretty brutal." Mike said bluntly, before quickly adding, "Sorry."
Another brief pause, then Nancy asked, "For what?"
"I don't know." Mike sighed, "Not helping, I guess?"
Nancy smiled, "You wanted to help?"
"Yeah." Mike said, feeling it should be obvious, and making it very clear in his tone, "Like, I don't like you. We have basically nothing in common. Except for, you know?"
"Thanks." Nancy grumbled.
"The point is!" Mike quickly added, going to sit on the bed next to his sister, "I don't like you, but I love you. You get that, right?"
"Yeah." Nancy smiled, before quipping, "I really, really do."
"Right." Mike nodded, seemingly missing the dig against him, "And like, that doesn't change if you're with Robin. Robin's cool, actually. You could do a lot worse."
"Yeah?" Nancy beamed.
"Well, yeah?" Mike frowned, before questioning, "You think you could do better? In Hawkins? I don't know, Nance. I-"
"Shut up, idiot." Nancy laughed, pulling her brother into a tight hug.
"Hey!" Mike whined as he tried to push her away, "Get off of me!"
"I need this." Nancy whispered in his ear.
"Okay." Mike said awkwardly, then cautiously wrapped his arms around her.
It had been a long time since she had hugged him, and this was really weird, especially as Nancy Wheeler, who prided herself on being super together 24/7, broke down and cried on her little brother's shoulder. But she just couldn't help it. She tried to tell herself that what her family thought of her didn't matter, but while it certainly wasn't going to stop her from doing what she wanted, the rejection had hurt.
Now she knew she at least had someone in her corner. And now she thought about it, it was the most likely member, given everything they had been through. Which had her thinking back to Mike's initial reaction to her coming out, and wondered whether one day the roles would be reversed.
Wanting to help with that, she pulled back, and softly said, "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." Mike said softly, before grinning, "Seriously, don't mention it. I don't want people knowing I had a mushy moment with my sister. They might think I actually like you, or something."
"And we can't have that." Nancy laughed.
"No, we can't." Mike agreed.
"You know..." Nancy said softly, after a brief pause, "The same applies."
"What?" Mike frowned.
"I'll love you, no matter who you want to date." Nancy beamed.
"Oh... thanks, I guess." Mike blushed, quickly changing the subject as he indicated to her bag, "Going to see your girl?"
"Yeah." Nancy smiled dreamily, loving the fact that Robin was being casually referred to that way.
"Cool." Mike nodded, before offering, "I'll cover for you, if I can."
"Thanks Mike." Nancy beamed again, followed by another hug.
This time the hug was brief. Not because Nancy didn't want a longer one, but she didn't want to push her luck with her teenage brother, who was clearly uncomfortable with this situation. Even if it was for the 'right' reasons. Although despite that, Nancy kind of wanted to stay, and push him a little more. See if he knew how Will looked at him.
And more importantly, the way he would sometimes look at Will, the same way he would look at Eleven. Or Nancy was sure she looked at Steve, then Jonathan, and now Robin. However, that could wait for another day. And right now, she needed her girl. So, after a few more words, Nancy put her escape plan into motion. Namely, climbing down the drain and riding away on her bike.
"Nancy! Great news! I told Steve! I finally told Steve, and he was cool with it." Robin announced brightly upon seeing her girlfriend, who then barrelled into her chest, with a crushing hug which almost knocked her over. In fact, it would have, if Nancy hadn't obviously righted them, pushing Robin to cautiously question, "Hey, erm... what's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Nancy said softly, before cautiously asking, "Can... can you just, hold me?"
"Anytime." Robin said softly, wrapping her arms around the other girl, and softly telling her, "I love you."
"I love you too." Nancy replied without hesitation, although also, without lifting her head, "I love you so, so much."
Robin knew it was the wrong time for it, but she couldn't help preening when she heard those words. Then again, she was kind of the Queen of inappropriate reactions. In fact, she'd been told off for it on a daily basis. Her entire life. But not by Nancy. No, Nancy Wheeler never made her feel bad for the way she felt about things. Which might be a bit of revisionist history, but she swore even when Nancy was annoyed with her, she didn't make Robin feel like she was in the wrong for her actions.
Hell, she even validated Robin's scepticism. And right now, she just couldn't help it, because a pretty girl told her she loved her. Robin confessing her love was easy to imagine, but the reverse seemed impossible. And yet, here they were, with Nancy freaking Wheeler being the one to actually say it to her. And with feeling, no less.
Admittedly, Nancy was distracted by something. But wouldn't that just have made it more likely she meant it? Especially the first time, which she said as if it was a given, and Robin did make it hard to love her. Which was certainly the case with her family. Oh God, family! Nancy had been with her family. Her conservative family, of 'traditional family values'. And something happened with them? Had they found out? Oh God, what if this was The Upside Down?
No, of course it wasn't. If it was, Nancy would be in Action Barbie mode, handing Robin a gun and reassuring her that everything would be fine. Or maybe something had triggered a bad memory of The Upside Down? She didn't know, but after what felt like an eternity, she found out.
"I told my parents." Nancy finally said softly into Robin's chest.
"About us?" Robin questioned in disbelief.
"Yeah?" Nancy cautiously confirmed, lifting her head up and then more or less questioned herself, "I said I would. And you said you were okay with it? Didn't you?"
"Yeah, but..." Robin began, unsure of how to put this without hurting her girl, and then just going for it, "I thought you meant like, way way way into the future? Like, when we're living thousands of miles away from them? And they're so senile, it's a real shot in the dark weather it would even register? Not like... now?"
There was a brief pause, then Nancy softly said, "I wanted to tell them now."
"Why?" Robin gulped softly.
Another brief pause, then Nancy admitted, "I, I can keep secrets from them to protect them, and others. But us? It, it just felt like I was ashamed of it. Ashamed of how I feel about you. And I'm not! I refuse to be. Loving you, it's the best thing, Robin. The best thing in my life. It makes me happy. Why should I have to hide that, when it would be no big deal if you were a boy?"
"Life's not fair." Robin shrugged dismissively, before softly pointing out, "If it was, then there wouldn't be a dimension full of monsters, trying to break through to our world."
"True." Nancy had to admit, although she still wasn't happy about it.
"And..." Robin began before hesitating.
"And?" Nancy pushed cautiously, as she finally lifted her head up, so she could look at Robin directly
"This is going to sound really bad, and selfish..." Robin grumbled, before admitting with a sigh, "Because our lives are constantly in danger, and a bunch of people have died. And I feel really bad for saying it... but if it wasn't for that, we would never have met. And, I really can't stress this enough, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. Ever."