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Nancy's Mid-life Awakening Ch. 20


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"For instance...?" Paul asked expectantly.

"Well, I once saw a couple in a movie doing something they called 'The Bush and Tree'," she answered.

"Oh really? I think I saw the same movie," Paul laughed.

"You ready to give it a try," she asked mischievously.

Paul answered by moving back to the living room and letting Jeanne down carefully from her perch atop his cock.

"Ohhh, that feels good to straighten out," she said with a giggle.

They spent a few moments working out how they thought they should position themselves to get started. They finally decided that Jeanne would stand on her head on the sofa with her back against the backrest and Paul would try to lift her up into position in front of his body. It took a couple of failed starts before they decided that she needed to open her legs wide so he could hold onto her hips easier and lift her up. Laughing hard, Jeanne managed to get back in position on the sofa and Paul moved as close as he could to lift her by her hips.

He picked her up without a great deal of difficulty and once again, marveled at how light and muscular Jeanne was. He pulled her exposed crotch to his face and she wrapped her legs around his head. Jeanne also wrapped her arms tightly around his waist which allowed Paul to shift his hold on her body and support her by the shoulders. Once he held her firmly, Jeanne released his waist and used one hand to place his semi-erect cock in her mouth. They remained like that for a few minutes with Paul munching on her pussy and Jeanne sucking and deep-throating his cock before she finally pulled him from her mouth.

"Okay, I'm starting to get dizzy from all the blood rushing to my head," she said. Paul moved his face back from her wet pussy and moved back over by the sofa to carefully set her down. They both had to laugh out loud as Jeanne maneuvered through an awkward summersault on the couch to get herself righted after Paul released her.

"I can check that one off my list of things to do," Jeanne said as she continued to laugh.

"Me, too," Paul agreed. He looked over at the TV screen in time to see Craig filling Nancy's ass with another load of cum. When he pulled away, Jeanne and Paul could just make out a small amount of white cream oozing from Nancy's wide-open asshole before she stood up and turned around to face Craig. She was still bound by the ropes Craig had tied around her earlier and her breasts appeared to be a deeper shade of reddish-blue above the coils that still squeezed them tightly. Paul started to get concerned that she might become injured, but as if receiving a telepathic message, Craig went over and cautiously removed both ropes leaving her standing with deep impressions on her body where the ropes had bit into her.

As Craig lead Nancy to the bed and began kissing and sucking on her breasts, Paul returned his attention to Jeanne who was still sitting on the sofa.

"Anything else you want to try?" he asked.

"No, I can't think of anything right now, but you be the first person I call when I do," she replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to try anal," he asked cautiously. "Nancy was like that for a long time, but when she finally did allow it, she decided she liked it."

"I'm pretty sure," she said evenly. "To tell you the truth, it just kinda grosses me out and I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay?"

Paul nodded silently as he sat down beside her. She didn't resist when he laid her back and moved one of her legs to rest on top of the backrest while the other remained bent at the knee with her foot on the floor. Her pussy was still wet from before and the lips were quite swollen which made it look almost obscene in display. He moved down beside her and went back to eating her out. Jeanne closed her eyes and rested her hands on his head as she enjoyed being pleasured by a handsome man.

Eventually, Paul's tongue grew tired and he moved from between her thighs to enjoy her tiny boobs. Looking down at them, it occurred to him that they looked almost pubescent. His other partners, including his wife, had larger and generally saggy breasts from a combination of age and childbirth. The two biggest exceptions were his ex-fiancé and Nancy's sister, Ann. Both had implants and surgery to make their breasts sit up higher and rounder on their chests, and the implants themselves made the breasts feel harder.

He also suspected that breast surgeries often damaged nerves in the tissue that made them less sensitive to stimulation, but didn't have any proof of that idea. That may have been one of the reasons he loved his wifes breasts so much. They were soft, sensitive, and very responsive. He also enjoyed the exaggerated motion that made under her clothing when she walked without a bra on. When he mentioned that to Nancy, she looked down at herself and sardonically declared, "They look like two cats fighting in a gunny sack!" The look on her face and her comment had him laughing so hard, he had tears in his eyes.

However, Jeanne was so sensitive that she couldn't handle too much stimulation on her nipples. He knew how to enjoy them to give her just the right amount of excitement to leave her happy and aroused. She had her fingers playing in his hair as she watched him moving over her chest and finally spoke up.

"I'd really like for you to masturbate and shoot your cum all over my tits," she told him. Paul paused what he was doing to look up at her. Seeing that she was completely serious, he considered the request for a second and slowly stood up beside her. His cock was hanging down very low, but was still completely limp.

"Do you want to help get me hard again?" he said with the implied suggestion that she suck him off.

"No, you need to do all the work while I watch," she said with a gleam in her eyes. She straightened herself up a little against the armrest but left her legs wide open as before. Paul took his cock and began stroking it for her. After a minute, there was no appreciable change in its size and he was starting to feel frustrated.

"If you need some help getting excited, turn around and watch your wife fucking my husband in the bedroom," she offered."

When Paul turned around, he was surprised to see Nancy on her back and Craig on top of her in a 69 position, but she was using a huge dildo on his ass while his head was buried between her legs. She was sucking on his cock and balls which dangled over her face, but her attention was primarily on reaming out Craig's ass. He watched them on the screen for a while as he continued to masturbate, but his cock still wasn't responding quickly enough.

Jeanne spoke up from the couch, "Think about how it would feel if that was your cock in his ass instead of a toy."

Paul quickly looked back at her and saw that she was also masturbating and had two fingers inside her pussy. She licked her lips, sucked and licked her juice off of her fingers, and started making exaggerated sounds of pleasure to tease him. Paul watched her continue her teasing masturbation and felt his arousal grow. Jeanne saw that he was getting harder and increased her efforts to excite him with her display. It took several more minutes before he began to climax and he moved up against the sofa just in time to release his cum over her small mounds.

By this point, his balls were practically dry and he could only squeeze out about half of his regular amount, but Jeanne didn't seem to care. "Oh yes, Baby! Give me all your wonderful cream. Cover my little titties with your cum. Keep squeezing it out of your big cock. I want every drop of it!" she cooed encouragingly.

When Paul was done, Jeanne took his softening pole in her hand and pulled it to her lips, almost pulling him down on top of her. She delicately licked the drops of sticky goo still on the tip and then worked her tongue into his small slit. That almost sent him through the ceiling and he managed to pull himself free from her grasp before it became too intense for him to stand.

"You're not done yet," she told him. "I want you to lick all of your cum off my little titties now." Paul considered her request (it sounded more like a demand) and decided to comply. However, when he leaned down over her, he held her wrists down by her head to restrain her, and then went down on her breasts with a vigor that her normally reserved for Nancy. Jeanne cried out and thrashed around under him trying to get away from his mouth, but he would not be denied.

Paul began by taking her left breast completely inside his mouth and sucking so hard on it, she thought he would cover it with a huge hickey. His tongue removed the remains of his cum from her boob and then he raised his head up a few inches still holding on to her breast using just the suction from his mouth. She screamed out again and tried to roll away without any luck. He suddenly released her breast and went down immediately to seize the other one the same way. By this time, Jeanne's screams had turned into laughter as she continued to struggle under him. He finished with her right breast and the released her arms as he stood up. She remained sprawled out over the sofa breathing heavily and looking up at him.

"Oh, you're evil!" she declared. She looked down at her chest and gingerly felt around her reddened breasts. "My little boobies will never be the same," she continued in dismay.

Paul gave a short laugh. "Serves you right for being such a prick tease earlier."

"If you thought that was me being a prick tease, you haven't seen anything yet," she declared. "I can have you on your knees begging, if I wanted to."

"Maybe another time," he answered back. "I'd like to see what you've got, but right now, I'm wore out."

They both glanced up at the TV screen and saw Nancy still on her back and fucking Craig's ass with the dildo. "You want to go back and join their party?" Jeanne asked Paul.

"I don't know. After the past two days, my cock is so sore, I can barely stand to touch it," he said with a rueful smile.

"Mmmm, I know what you mean. My pussy feels the same way and now my boobs are sore, too!"

Jeanne rose from the sofa and gave him a playful swat on his ass as she walked by. "Let's go back anyway."

Paul followed her back to her bedroom and once more enjoyed watching her firm, round bottom and how gracefully she moved. When they re-entered the bedroom, Craig was grunting loudly each time Nancy pushed the dildo deep inside his ass. Paul was amazed at how big the toy was. It was easily a foot long and over two inches wide.

Craig saw movement in the room and turned his head to see his wife and Paul. Jeanne moved behind Nancy's head and took the end of the dildo from Nancy's hand. Nancy looked at her from an upside down position and smiled. Jeanne resumed fucking her husband's ass and Nancy worked herself out from underneath him to leave the bed. She was slightly unsteady as she stood, but quickly recovered and went over to see Paul.

"How are you doing?" she asked quietly.

"I'm fine," he answered. "Just a little sore in some tender areas."

Nancy giggled at his comment. She stood up on her tip-toes to kiss him and they shared a long, soft, and loving kiss. He ran his hands up and down her body and felt her chest pressing into his stomach. Paul gave he a hard ug and then released her. "Why don't you go back and finish what you started?" he asked her.

She looked back at him and saw love and understanding in his eyes. She stretched up to give him a quick kiss on his lips and then turned away to go back to the bed.

Craig was still on his hands and knees with his ass up high in the air and his head down between his forearms resting on the bed. Jeanne had one hand moving the dildo in and out of his ass and the other was stroking his long cock as it hung below. Nancy poured some more of the lubricating oil over his back hole and the excess slowly dribbled down to his balls and then his cock. She poured more in her hand and then replaced Jeanne's hand to continue stroking. She looked like she was milking a cow and it wasn't much longer before Craig released his own load of warm cream. Nancy caught all of it in her free hand and when he was done, she held her palm up to Jeanne's mouth.

"Ummm, I think he needs to clean up after himself," she whispered to Nancy. She nodded her ehad towards her husband and Nancy picked up on the message.

She moved around to the top part of the bed and told Craig, "Open up. Time for your dessert!"

His head rose from the mattress and looking down, he saw her open hand filled with his white, gooey cum. He leaned down and she pressed her palm up to his mouth so he could lick and suck it clean. By then, Jeanne had removed the dildo, leaving Craig's ass gaping wide open. She gave him a sharp slap on his butt and he rolled over on his back to straighten out. Jeanne put the dildo aside and lay down next to her husband to snuggle against him.

Nancy looked back at Paul and he came over to join her on the bed. Both couples were lying together and feeling spent from the days activities. They quietly talked about how much fun they had and agreed to get together again, very soon.

"I'm going to need at least a week to recover from this," Paul asserted.

"I hope it doesn't take you a week," his wife said with alarm in her voice that had everyone laughing.

They remained in bed together for another half-hour before clambering out and taking another group shower. However, this time, there wasn't much sex play. Paul and Nancy got dressed and said their goodbyes as they headed out the door. Jeanne gave Paul a tantalizing kiss and then did the same to Nancy when Craig finished kissing their guest.

Paul and Craig shook hands and Craig promised to make them a DVD with some of their weekend fun that they could watch at home whenever they wanted. Paul thanked him and told him not to bother, but his host insisted. Paul and Nancy gave a final wave as they drove away and then headed home for a well-earned rest.

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NewnotsureNewnotsurealmost 6 years ago
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Yep keep it coming

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