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Babysitter Cupcake: MILF Cuckqueaned

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College girl seduces wife and then fucks husband.
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Summary: College girl seduces wife and then fucks husband.

Note 1: I have been asked by a number of people for a couple of years to write a cuckquean story (which made me look up what cuckquean means). I had begun attempts on one a couple of times over the past couple of years, but I set them aside when the plots didn't work. Then after a few more requests recently, I decided to try again... this time doing a fair amount of research (reading stories, watching videos and using tumblr (before the tragedy of 2018...LOL)). This story is the fruition of months of researching and writing. This time I think it turned out very well.

Note 2: This is a fetish story. The title should make it clear what it is about. So if the concept of a wife becoming a submissive to a younger woman and willingly allowing her husband to fuck other women disgusts you... please don't read any further. On the other hand, if you clicked on this story that has a title containing the words 'cupcake' and 'cuckqueaned' it is likely something you'll want to read.

Note 3: Terminology. Since the cuckquean fetish is far less familiar to most people than say, dominance and submission (although each of these two fetishes shares similarities with the other), here are a few definitions. Please keep in mind that none of this is set in stone; it all varies depending on what works best for the participants, but here is what is more or less typical.

-Cuckquean: a wife who permits and even encourages her husband to have sex with another woman, or perhaps even with more than one other women. She is submissive to the other woman and to her husband in all things (or perhaps only in the bedroom); she usually participates in their sex play, but only as directed by them, and she thrives on being ordered around and humiliated.

-Master: the husband. He, along with the other woman, dominates his wife in all things, both in and out of the bedroom.

-Cupcake, cuckcake or Mistress: the other woman; sex partner with the Master and often with the cuckquean as well. She is also sometimes known as a Bull, but that term is not used in this story.

Note 4: I believe this is in essence a love story (albeit a very unique one), and thus it's being submitted as a 2019 Valentine's Day Story (although the real St. Valentine would probably be appalled)... so please read it with an open mind.

Note 5: Thanks to Tex Beethoven, Robert and Wayne for editing this story.


As Glenn fucked the nineteen-year-old babysitter while his wife Barbara knelt beside him waiting for her husband of seven years to pull out and face fuck her before depositing his load down her throat, they each flashed back to how their life and marriage had changed so drastically in not much more than twenty-four hours .


Call it the seven-year itch, but for both Barbara and Glenn their marriage had stalled dramatically.

Maybe it was their having two kids (now aged one and three).

Maybe it was Barbara going back to work after more than three years away from teaching.

Maybe it was because they were both always so tired from their duties and responsibilities between working and caring for two young children.

Maybe they were just getting older.

Maybe it really was the fabled seven-year itch.

Regardless, they were both much snappier with each other than they'd ever been before. Sex together, which they'd done at least a few times a week during their first four plus years of marriage, had dwindled down to only about once a month (or two months or even three), and was never as raw and intense as it used to be.

Even when they did have sex, they both just seemed to be going through the motions.

Barbara wished Glenn would understand how exhausted she was all the time, and that he would just be willing to cuddle and listen to her more often. She also wished he would resume shaving daily, and remember to wash his hands after using his hair gel so the bathroom towel wouldn't get so sticky, and that he would wear a tie more often.

Glenn wished Barbara would dress up in the bedroom like the sexy slut she used to be. They used to love role playing... teacher and student, nurse and patient, Mary Jane and Spiderman, submissive hooker and arrogant john. He also wished she would suck his cock with the reckless abandon she used to (she was rather submissive by nature and early in their relationship she would suck his cock regularly, and even into their first few years of marriage), he wished she would wear pantyhose more often (it was his fetish) and that she would do something... anything... to indicate she was still into having sex with him, that it wasn't just a duty. He hadn't ever told her this, but he felt unloved: men tend to correlate a woman's desire for having sex with love for her man, and idiotic as this may sound, Glenn often felt that if she wasn't in the mood, the only conceivable reason was that she didn't love him anymore. Thus, he had his best orgasms (and it was a very low bar for an orgasm to qualify as 'best' these days) either from reading erotica or watching porn (with a fleshlight he kept hidden in a tool closet downstairs).

Yet, regardless of the lull in their sex life and the exhaustion that caring for two young children brought them (especially because they were both boys), they did love each other, even if they didn't show it like they used to, or feel that their affections were particularly reciprocated. To tell the truth, they were both miserable.

Until Glenn suggested a date night.

At first Barbara built a wall out of a dozen reasons why they couldn't have one... the foremost reason being they would need to entrust their young children to a babysitter for the evening, something they hadn't ever done even once since Davis, their eldest, was born. At least not at night, since utilizing some sort of child care during the day while they were at work was unavoidable. Even for that imperative service, it had taken them a month to find someone to babysit the kids during the daytime, as Barbara was very particular.

But perceiving that Glenn was trying to mend their relationship, something she wished he would do more of, and something she dearly and sometimes even tearfully hoped they could succeed at, she agreed to his date idea, but only on the condition they could find a babysitter she could approve of.

Barbara called Tiffany, a colleague and friend who also had children, and who had mentioned during her first week back to school after having her second child Simon, that she knew a babysitter who would change their life if they ever decided they needed one. Barbara thought the eulogy of 'changing their life' was a little over the top, but in Barbara's view Tiffany was often over the top.

"Hi, Tiffany, do you still have the contact information for that babysitter you recommended back in September?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah, sure," Tiffany answered, having hoped Barbara would take her up on the offer... having planted the seed back when the school year started, and mentioning it monthly ever since.

"What's her name?" Barbara asked.

"Cassandra," Tiffany answered, already exulting over how happy Cassandra would be if Tiffany recruited another couple... especially a hot one like Glenn and Barbara.

"And how old is she?" Barbara asked, still reticent about allowing a stranger into her house. She truly wanted to do anything she could to reignite the spark with Glenn, but she was almost irrationally paranoid about something happening to her babies.

"Nineteen," Tiffany answered, "she's in her first year of college."

"What is she taking?" Barbara asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

"Psychology mainly," Tiffany answered, "plus biology, chemistry and math."

Barbara liked that Cassandra was older, almost out of her teens instead of just entering them; she also liked that she obviously had some brains. Yet it felt weird for a college girl to want to babysit. She asked, "Isn't she too old to be babysitting two toddlers?"

"She loves kids and only babysits for a few families, including mine," Tiffany answered, leaving out the details that she utilized babysitting as a way to seduce the husband, and then make the wife into a cuckquean as she'd done to Tiffany last year when she'd been her student. (Well actually, she seduced Tiffany in her classroom one day, turned her into her submissive lesbian plaything, and then seduced Tiffany's husband... a pair of conquests that had changed the married couple's life completely, as they both came to accept who they were.)

"And you think she'll take me on?" Barbara asked.

"In a heartbeat, if I recommend you," Tiffany answered, already imagining Barbara buried between her legs.

For any new couple that joined Cassandra's growing flock of pets because of Tiffany's recommendation, the wife would also become a submissive to Tiffany... like a sexual pyramid scheme. (Invariably in cuckqueaning the wife becomes a submissive to the cupcake, in this case Cassandra, and to her own husband, and perhaps to other people as well.) Barbara was hot and kind of bitchy... two qualities that would impress Cassandra.

"And how do you know her?" Barbara asked, still doing her due diligence, and also trying to uncover even the smallest reason to reject her... still not comfortable with leaving her children with any babysitter at all (and wishing she and Glenn had family closer than five hours away).

"She was one of my students last year, and was the valedictorian at graduation. She's a go-getter (yeah, as in she goes and gets married men), determined (to turn their wives into pussy pleasing submissive cuckqueans who'll willingly allow their husbands to fuck both her and other hot younger women) and structured (there was a clear hierarchy, she was on top and anyone who questioned or challenged her in any way was disciplined)," Tiffany answered, minus the parentheticals of course, her pussy dampening her thong as she already envisioned giving Mistress Cassandra the good news.

"She sounds too good to be true," Barbara said, still not completely convinced.

"I guarantee that once you engage her, your life will begin to make sense," Tiffany said, before realizing she probably wasn't making much sense to Barbara, since she was alluding to things that hadn't yet happened but surely would, once Cassandra directed her blowtorch at this couple that was in desperate need of a spark.

Although Tiffany's words sounded weird and rather grandiose, Barbara grudgingly decided she should at least call the girl and see if she was available.

If she wasn't, then it wasn't meant to be.

And if the girl said anything the least bit questionable during the phone conversation, then it also wasn't meant to be.

Tiffany said, "I'll call her and give her your number."

"Why? I can just call her myself," Barbara proposed.

"So I can let her know you're a couple worth taking on," Tiffany explained. "Like I said, she's very selective about who she works for."

"Oh, okay," Barbara agreed. "But please do it soon. Glenn wants to have our first date night ASAP. At least I hope it'll be the first of more, we'll have to see how it goes."

Tiffany caught Barbara's less than confident tone. She counseled, "I know, remember that I've needed to dry your tears more than once about your floundering marriage. I'm convinced this sorry state isn't anybody's fault, but I also think you two likely need more than just a date night, you'll need a complete rejuvenation. Believe it or not, I think you'll find Cassandra to be a wonderful catalyst for your resurgence."

Tiffany recalled how Cassandra had turned her own stagnant marriage around as soon as she'd turned Tiffany into a bisexual, cunt-craving submissive. God, was she hungry for Cassandra's young, ripe, pussy... and she was confident she would have earned a very special treat or two once Cassandra met Barbara and Glenn.

"I'll call her as soon as I hang up with you," Tiffany promised, dying to do just that.

"Okay, thanks," Barbara said. "And I'm sorry about being such a Debbie Downer, but I haven't left the kids with anyone in the evening... ever."

"Then it's definitely time to change that," Tiffany replied, knowing Barbara was in for a lot of changes she wasn't expecting.

They hung up, and Tiffany immediately phoned her Mistress.

"Hi, slut," Cassandra greeted, as she was watching television while one of her many pets, this time a high school senior volleyball player, was licking her pussy.

"I have a new couple for you," Tiffany announced excitedly.

"About time," Cassandra replied; even though she was pleased on the inside, she'd learned early in her journey as a cupcake (a term she didn't really like, she preferred the more powerful term 'Mistress', which had clear connotations, especially a distinct separation between her pets and herself) never to appear too pleased with her pets.

Tiffany had been hoping for a more enthusiastic response, but she persevered, "You'll love this couple."

"Go on," the teen Mistress offered distantly, as she flipped channels.

"Barbara is almost thirty, really pretty, huge tits like yours, although she hasn't lost all the baby weight of having two kids in three years; she's a teacher on my staff who always dresses in a skirt or dress and nylons... even on casual Fridays," Tiffany listed, knowing her Mistress's fetish for nylons.

Tiffany liked what she was hearing, but kept that to herself and asked absently, almost dismissively, "And the husband?"

"I've only met him twice, but he's an ex-college wide receiver who blew out his knee, or he likely would have gone pro; he was drafted by some NFL team before his injury. He's model hot, a banker, and according to Barbara, is always horny," Tiffany listed, recalling Barbara complaining about always getting nagged for sex as if she were still his college slut.

Tiffany had harbored similar complaints about Cameron before discovering her true sexual calling as a cuckquean.

Cassandra moaned, both because of her cunt munching pet and because Tiffany's description of her prospective targets sounded perfect. Giving her pet a very rare compliment, always critical in the training and maintenance of a pet to keep them humble and eager, to keep them feeling appreciated but not overmuch, "Good job, slut. You'll be rewarded soon if this couple proves to be as ripe for the picking as you say."

"Oh, under your tutelage I think they'll tumble right out of the tree," Tiffany replied, excited to get her cupcake's approval and the promise of a reward.

Tiffany's most recent reward had been to eat three loads of cum out of three college freshmen's pussies... all former students of hers... then later learning that all three loads had come from other former students of hers.

Tiffany gave Barbara's phone number to Cassandra and then hoped that when her husband arrived home he'd allow her to extract a load of his creamy cum (he would often refuse her the privilege of sucking his cock for days at a time), and then be allowed to hump herself to orgasm against either his leg, the arm of the couch, or the knob of their bed (which had driven her crazy when she tried it for the first time last week). These were pretty much her only options whenever Cameron allowed her to get herself off; she was never allowed to fuck him without Cassandra's specific permission, although she always loved the chance to participate in some fashion whenever he and Cassandra fucked.

Cassandra meanwhile leaned back and allowed the senior to get her off while she pondered the opportunity of a new couple to cuck.

Months ago Tiffany had already become a perfect cuckquean, having been trained by her cupcake (God she loved that term... even more than she loved the term Mistress (although both made her pussy tingle)), when she was sent the ten-step instruction guide to being a perfect wife both in and out of the bedroom (ironically the instructions weren't much different from the 1950s 'Good Wife's Guide' that she openly mocked when she brought it up in her English class to demonstrate the evolution of women's rights in recent decades). Oddly, almost every recommendation from that antique and misogynistic document was something Tiffany now followed routinely as part of her submission as a wife and a cuckquean.

As her pussy burned with the anticipation of telling her husband, her Master, about the potential of having Barbara soon becoming their fuck toy, she re-read the expectations given to her by her Mistress... expectations that she now lived by 24/7.

It began with a note from Cassandra:

In case you are reading this and wondering what a cupcake will expect from you, as well as your husband's expectations in your new complex relationship between you, your husband-Master, and your cupcake-Mistress... here is the guide I have created to help you to understand and accept your role as both cuckquean and submissive lesbian slut.


Men are intoxicated by beauty, and thus you must always appear at your most attractive (hair, make-up, perfume and clothing). The moment you let yourself go, you become replaceable. (The only exception is recovery from giving birth... but even that is not an excuse to let yourself go for years!)

Note: Your feelings about this or anything else are not relevant... you were born to please your man and to follow his lead in all things.


Men work hard and deserve to come home to a clean, tidy house and a hearty meal. You will cook what he wants to eat. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... but that is only partly true... your primary role is to keep him well fed and prepared for sex with his prettier, younger woman.


Do whatever he wants, whenever he wants it without hesitation.

Do whatever she wants, whenever she wants it without hesitation.


A cuckquean dresses like a slut... always (yes, even at work, but beneath her respectable business attire). This will ALWAYS include either a garter and stockings or thigh high stockings... NO EXCEPTIONS.


You are to edge daily (although you are not allowed to come without permission from your Master or Cuckcake) so you will always be prepared to perform as nothing more or less than a wet, eager, bimbo, ready to be used by him or her without hesitation.


You have three holes... each is to be available for your Master's or Cuckcake's pleasure whenever and wherever they want to use you. Being fucked or being used is your sole purpose in life (other than mothering your children of course), and you will continually strive to improve your licking, sucking and fucking skills.


You will only feel fulfilled when you are giving pure pleasure to your Master and Cuckcake in whatever ways they wish. Your happiness is second to theirs... well, third!

As Tiffany read this for the umpteenth time, she smiled. And went to begin supper before touching up her makeup... her Master would be home soon.


Barbara was already having second thoughts about leaving her children with a stranger when the phone rang. She answered it. "Hello."

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