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Neighborly Relations Pt. 01


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Cathy had joined Elaine and Danny in several doctor exams when they were kids. Unfortunately, her grandmother, Betty Burton, had caught them once and ended the fun. She'd sent the Porter kids scurrying with the warning that she'd tell their parents if she caught them fiddling with her granddaughter again.

Apparently, they never did tell Elaine's folks, and, over the years, Elaine wondered more and more often why not. Cathy had no answer to the riddle, either, though she did agree that any responsible adult would have told on them. Right? Did that mean her grandparents weren't responsible adults?

Cathy had found other boys to play doctor with, and she'd continued variations on the game through the years, often reporting to Elaine on her endeavors. "Did you ever do two boys at the same time?" she asked now.

"Jesus, no. And I'm horny enough, so don't start."

Cathy laughed and pushed her blonde tresses back from her pert little round face, pursing her bow of lips seductively. "Okay, be that way then," she said, but it was clear she wasn't about to drop the subject.

"Have you ever watched your parents fuck?" Cathy asked after a brief pause.

"Yes, I have," Elaine answered. Ever since those youthful explorations of each other's bodies, she and Cathy had remained open about sexual matters. Cathy had been especially interested in knowing if Elaine ever caught her brother jerking off, but Elaine had never had anything to report. Now that she did, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell or not. What if Cathy thought she was sick?

"Me, too. Course, you know that." Cathy looked around to make sure nobody was listening, and then leaned in closer to whisper. "Last weekend I saw my dad and some guy from his work fuck my mom," she said. "Cool, huh?"

"Really?" Now Elaine was interested. Cathy's mom was hot, and her dad wasn't bad, either, for an older guy. "How'd they do it?"

"Every which way. Both ends, of course, but then my dad fucked her ass and the other guy went at her pussy. She was screaming like crazy when she came."

"I can't imagine my parents . . ." But she stopped, wondering just what she could imagine her parents doing after seeing her mom with Mrs. Trent.

"Can't imagine what? How come you stopped? Come on, what were you going to say?" Cathy knew there was something going on now, and she wouldn't let go until Elaine spilled the beans. "Come on."

"I can't imagine my folks doing that, is all," Elaine answered. "But I did see my brother jerking off the other night. He was peeking in on my folk from the hall. Boy did he shoot a load."

"Your brother's still a cutie," Cathy said. "Wish he'd shoot a load on me."

Elaine smiled, thinking of playing doctor, and decided to tell all. "Okay," she said. "Something else happened, but even you might think I'm a perv when I tell you."

"Even me? Must be something pretty weird," Cathy laughed. "Tell me."

So Elaine recounted her adventure with her mom's big dildo and how Danny had caught her at it. She didn't tell about her mom, of course, but the story she relayed was plenty.

"Did you taste it?" was the first thing Cathy asked, gleefully.

"I, what? Well, okay, sure, I did. Didn't taste like much." Elaine admitted. "So, do you think I'm a pervert?"

"No. All you guys did was get yourselves off. Carter and I did that all the time."

"You never told me."

"Carter made me promise," Cathy said. "But, now that we're confessing things, I'll tell you something really dirty."

"About you and Carter?"

"Yeah." A quick glance around and then Cathy moved in to whisper in Elaine's ear. "One time, okay, two times, I let Carter fuck me in my ass."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah. Now who's the pervert?" The smile on Cathy's face indicated that she didn't think it was perverse at all.

"You win," Elaine said, grinning, and wondering if ass fucking was considered incest.

"Anal isn't intercourse, is it?" Cathy said, answering her unasked question. "If it ain't sex, it ain't incest, right?"

"Sure, probably."

"Well," Cathy said with a grin, "that's what I tell myself, anyway."

"So then oral isn't sex, either, is it?"

"Probably not, but I didn't blow him."

After that encounter, Elaine spent her day considering the meanings of words and deeds. She knew of kids on those abstinence programs who routinely did anal and oral sex because only vaginal sex counted. According to them, sex was only something that could get you pregnant. Everything else was fair game. It was a lie, of course, but they seemed to believe it. She wondered if she could get herself to believe it, too.


Danny Porter finished his test in record time. Fortunately, he was an A student and could hurry without risking his grade. He knew the subject backwards and forwards. And so it was that he left school by noon and started home, making only one stop along the way.

Parking in front of Fantasy Gifts, he walked in boldly as though he'd been there many times before. If they thought to card him, he wasn't sure if his fake ID would hold up or not, but he didn't really expect to be questioned. He spent about ten minutes studying their selection of dildos and vibrators before settling on an eight inch, pink, waterproof vibrator and took it and an overpriced pack of batteries up to the counter.

"Is that it?" asked the fat, disinterested man at the till.

"That'll do it," he said.

"Thirty-six ninety-eight," the clerk said, frowning when Danny handed him a fifty. Apparently making change was just too much work for him today.

Danny took his purchase out feeling might happy with himself. He didn't want his sister trying to jam that baseball bat inside herself again. And, maybe, if he gave her a gift, she might let him watch her use it.

He didn't bother debating the concept of incest because he had no intention of touching his sister, let alone fucking her. All he wanted was to watch and let her watch. It was a compromise, and not nearly the amount of contact they'd had when they used to play doctor, but it was enough till he could hook up with a new girlfriend. At least, he hoped it was.

He drove home but parked on the street in front of the old Jennings' house. It was empty since the family moved out a month earlier and nobody would care if he parked there for an hour or so. It was time to play spy on the mother who had been so terribly curious about his schedule.

He tucked the bag for his sister under the seat of his car and walked down the street looking at the houses he passed out of the corner of his eyes as he did. Carter, Adams, Mosswell, Peterson. The only one who he knew was home was Jennifer Peterson. He wasn't sure if both of the Burtons worked or not, but he thought they did. When he got to the Trent house he paused. If his mom and Patty Trent were together, did they have to be at his house? No, they didn't, so he should be careful. As usual, the front drapes were wide open.

With a quick glance around, Danny hurried over the Trent lawn to the side of the house and walked toward the front window. Once there, he peeked around the edge trying to show as little of his head as possible. Was she there? Yes! Oh, shit, yes his mom was there with Patty Trent.

Danny dropped down and scurried under the window and away from the Trent house to his own home. Inside, he ran up to his sister's room and snatched the camera off of her dresser and ran with it back to the Trent house. Please let there be enough power in the battery! This was something he was going to want to see again and again.

He got back into position and started recording as soon as possible. Once he knew the camera was aimed correctly, he dropped down and held it in place so there'd be as little visible from inside as possible. He managed to hold it up there for twenty minutes before his arm was too tired to keep it steady. After a quick glance inside the house, he ran back to his car with the camera.

It was too much to be believed.

As she watched Danny run back to his car, Jennifer Peterson wondered if she believed it, too. What had that little scamp been up to over there? Taking pictures through the window? She knew that Emily and Patty were together in there, but the addition of Emily's son brought a whole new dimension to everything. The idea made her quite hot, actually, and she retired to her bedroom to disrobe and take care of her immediate needs. Later, after she told her husband, she would be properly taken care off. Probably twice, once he heard what was going on.


Danny pulled into the driveway shortly after two, figuring that it was long enough. Besides, Mom was next door, wasn't she? He slipped the camera into the black plastic bag along with the vibrator and hurried inside. "Hello? I'm home," he called as he hurried upstairs. There was no reply, so he went to his room to download the video and put the camera back in his sister's room. He placed his gift, still in its black bag, in the center of her bed and walked away smiling. A moment later he was back and put the bag into the top drawer of her desk. There was no sense trusting Mom not to stop by with Elaine's laundry or something.

Emily was alarmed to see Danny's car in the driveway when she came home at two-thirty, but it didn't really matter, did it? She wasn't required to be home waiting when he got there. He was a big boy now.

He wasn't downstairs when she got in, so she poured herself a glass of water and drank it down. It had been quite a day, after all, and she was tired. Maybe she'd take a nap.

Emily climbed the stairs tiredly, thinking of sleep in her own comfy bed, but a strange noise stopped her at the top. Was it a . . . yes, a moan. "Oh, oh, ohhh." The sound came from Danny's room. Was he ill? She almost called out but stopped. No, it didn't really sound like pain, did it? "Oh, mama," she heard him say. It was clear that he didn't know she was home, and, if he was doing what she thought he was doing, she didn't want to bother him just then.

But she did want to see. Okay, it wasn't right or natural, but she was in such an oversexed mood that she couldn't help herself.

Danny's door was closed, of course, but she didn't expect that he'd closed his bathroom door. She entered Elaine's room and crept through into the bathroom where she was able to see her son through the partially opened door.

He was seated at his computer desk without a stitch of clothing. Watching him in profile, Emily couldn't see the screen, so she didn't know what was turning him on, but he clearly was turned on. He was stroking his hard cock as he watched and occasionally said, "Yo, mama," and similar mumbled phrases.

The boy had a very nice cock, looking much like his father's but definitely longer. And hard as iron. Soon, he began stroking faster, slipping down on his chair and pumping his meat until a spurt of cum emerged from the fat head of his cock to splatter on his own chest and stomach. God, what a load!, she thought proudly. Just like his old man.

Barely able to breathe properly, Emily backed away through the bathroom and then turned and ran through Elaine's room before Danny might come to clean up. She made it safely to her own room and closed the door before she heard his shower running. She laid on her bed with her head spinning. Too much information; too much action; too much to think about now.

When she had entered Patty's house her friend had called out from the living room, "Get naked before you come out here, lady!"

Laughing, Emily had complied. She stripped and smoothed her hands over her breasts and down to her pubic mound, slipping one finger in as a tease. When she entered the living room she found Patty standing naked except for the strap on dildo they'd bought the day before.

"Wow," Emily gasped.

"Get over here and blow me," Patty told her.

"But the curtains are, you know . . ."

"Of course they're open. My house, my rules. Now get over her and suck my cock, bitch." Patty was laughing and stroking her fake cock with one hand until Emily knelt before her to take over. "So, you want to fuck my husband, do you?" Patty asked.

"What? No, I never . . ."

Patty swatted the top of her head playfully. "Jesus, Ms. Literal, just play along okay?"

"Oh, yes, yes please." Emily licked the length of pink plastic. "Yes, I want to fuck your husband."

"How do you want Charlie to do you? Where do you want him to cum?" Patty cooed.

"From behind." And then filling her mouth with fake dick. "Want him to spank me." Licking the plastic balls. "Cum on my tits so I can watch." God, she was hot.

"Well I've got ten inches right here, mama. If you can handle me, you can handle him. Feel like trying?"

"Yes, please," Emily said, licking her tongue over the length of the plastic shaft.

"Okay, babe." Patty lifted her, taking her into her arms. For the first time, they kissed, tongues moving over each other, arms clinging, hands grasping. "Nice," Patty said, and then kissed her again. "Now lay over the arm of my couch for me. On your back. I want to see your eyes when you take this big boy inside."

Oh, Jesus, what a day it was after that. Emily fell asleep to dream of it blissfully.


Danny had been enjoying the sight of the second half of the two ladies' play. His mother, in her full strap on glory, was fucking Patty Trent hard and fast on the couch. She took her like a dog, leaning against the arm of the couch at first, then took her face to face, with Patty's knees up over her shoulders, and finally sideways, holding her legs apart like a scissors, and slamming that long dong into her till it seemed that she might be torn in two.

Swaying breasts, jiggling buttocks, kissing hungry lips-the video was hot no matter whose mother was in it. Those chicks sure knew how to fuck!

He took a long, hot shower after his quality personal time and then laid on his bed, blissfully drifting along on a flow of memories. Playing doctor as a child, watching his mother, his sister, and around again. What ever happened to Cathy and Carter Burton? He hadn't seen Cathy in a year, since he graduated, but she'd been a hottie then. Probably hotter now.

He was wondering if she might want to play doctor again when he fell to sleep.


Elaine returned to a house that was sound asleep. She wasn't the least bit tired, of course, but once she'd had a little snack and settled in on the couch with her book, she found sleep creeping in on her, too. She put her book down and laid down on the couch. It was Friday, after a surprisingly long week, and she had nothing better to do anyway. Why not join the party and sack out?


Robert Porter came home at five feeling hornier than he could remember ever feeling at this time of day. Emily had been calling the shots this week, and he was ready to take command of tonight's activities. What he really wanted was for his kids to go away for the night, but they were past the age of sleep-overs now. And so it was that when he walked in the door and found the whole family asleep that he was horribly disappointed. If they were sleeping now, they'd be up all night. No sex tonight unless he could think of a reason for he and Emily to leave the house.

Thinking of Emily and some horny trip to a cheap motel made him harder still, and he stood looking at his wife a moment wondering if he should wake her up. The kids were sleeping, after all. No, that wouldn't be fair.

Robert removed his suit and hung it in the closet and then discarded his shirt over the back of the chair. Then he stood in his shorts with his cock straining the fabric while he watched his wife sleep. Damn, she was beautiful. He pushed his shorts down and stepped out of them. Then, knowing how silly he looked, he took of his black stockings. It felt amazingly sexy to be standing here naked and looking at his wife.

He touched the head of his cock with one fingertip, circling lightly. Pre cum was already seeping from his dick, and he moistened his finger and rubbed it around the purple head. This was dirty. This was fun. What the hell. He opened the bottom drawer of the dresser carefully and took out the bottle of oil. Might as well do it right.

He sat on the chair and oiled his cock, careful not to drip on the chair or floor. After it was slick, he leaned back and began stroking himself slowly, enjoying the feel of his hand sliding over the skin of his circumcised dick, not moving the skin, just tickling the surface.

Emily mumbled something in her sleep and rolled to her back. What would she think if she woke and saw him? Would she be pissed that he was wasting a load? She mumbled something in her sleep, and then again, as she rolled back toward him. "Fuck me," she said, and then resumed breathing slowly and regularly.

Her words prompted him to pick up the pace. He wanted to come right on her and imagined her waking as the first drop hit her face. Dirty thought. Sure, but fun. He was breathing raggedly now, pumping his long cock and tightening his stomach muscles as he slid lower and watched his wife's face past his dick.

"Oh, shit," he whispered, fisting himself faster and faster. His eyes were half closed now, his vision unfocused, so he didn't see Emily's eyes open-just a bit at first, then wider when she saw what was happening. He didn't see her smile and lower her lids so that she was just able to see him past her lashes and tried to keep her breathing at a sleeping pace.

Robert came with an explosion of spunk that actually hit his neck. Jesus, that was good! He finished stroking himself, allowing the cum to run down over his hand and into his pubic hair. He felt exhausted and satisfied, but now that he was finished he really didn't want to get caught, so he stood quickly and strode into the bathroom to take a shower.

Emily lay a moment, allowing herself to smile. It was amazingly erotic to see her husband doing himself, and especially so knowing that he was looking at her when he did. He had been looking at her, imagining her, to get himself off. It was beautiful.

Then she let her eyes open a bit, noticing for the first time that the door had popped open. That was when she saw her daughter crouched in the hall with her hand in her pants and a rapt expression on her face as she diddled herself. Elaine's eyes were closed in the throes of orgasm, and Emily quickly closed hers again so her daughter wouldn't know her mother had seen her.

Damn! Robert would be mortified if he knew his daughter had been watching him jerk off. His daughter! What the fuck was wrong with Elaine. That was her own father, after all! They'd both be horrified to find out that she knew.

Emily couldn't remain pissed at her. She remembered how she'd seen her parents doing it once. The sight had made her horny as hell, and she'd taken a cucumber from the refrigerator to fuck herself after watching. It wasn't exactly unnatural to be aroused, was it? She wasn't sure, but she resolved to make Robert fix that door this weekend as she rolled to her other side and continued to feign sleep. Moments later, she actually was sleeping.

Elaine hurried to her bed room and fell onto her own bed. Her father jerked off! It didn't occur to her that married men still did that! He jerked off! And it was so hot to watch him do it! What a rush that had been. She had given herself a great orgasm while she watched him stroking his big, hard cock. She'd even allowed herself to imagine that it was her sleeping form that he was looking at while he did it. She imagined that she was naked while he watched. She imagined him spurting on her when he came.

Elaine fell asleep thinking of her father and brother standing side by side and stroking themselves over her naked body. She wondered who would cum first.

CHAPTER FIVE, Friday Night Sights

Robert was just about to throw steaks on the grill when Emily came out to the lawn. She kissed him deeply, holding herself close to his strong chest.

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