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Neighborly Relations Pt. 09


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Lifting her face up glistening with Cathy's juices, Emily stood and pulled her roughly by the hair. She dragged her to the floor by the couch and then sat straddling her. She reached for her hair again, pulling her close.

"Okay, you little bitch," Emily said. "Why don't you give me a real orgasm this time?"

Emily grabbed her hair in both hands and pulled her face up against her pussy and then held her there with her feet on Cathy's back as the young girl knelt at her task, using her fingers and tongue and the endurance of youth to bring her best friend's mother to a loud, soul shattering climax.

They might have heard a sneeze or two while they were busy with their pleasure. If they did, they didn't say.


Sherona Mosswell wasn't the type of woman who took "no" for an answer. Not gracefully, anyway. What she was getting now from her mother wasn't quite a "no." It was more of a "you wouldn't understand."

"But what is it, a block party?" she asked her mother as she followed her through the living room to the kitchen. "I live on the block, don't I?"

"It's not up to me, honey," Tania Mosswell said, wondering how on earth Sherona had heard about the party anyway. "They already made out the guest list."

"And I bet it's just people on the block that got invited," her daughter said, leaning her shapely butt against the stove and crossing her arms below her large breasts.

"Well, maybe, but it's for couples," Tania said tiredly. She and her daughter were too much alike. Neither would give up on a subject until they were satisfied it was done.

"Couples? Well, I can be a couple." Sherona had taken her cue from watching the happy foursome in the Carter's family room the other week. Knowing about that little party, and reading her mother's obtuse answers, Sherona could guess what kind of party they were going to. She didn't believe it of her parents, but she still thought she knew. Because she knew, she made the most inappropriate choice to become a couple that she could think of.

"Tillman and I can be a couple," she said, watching for the reaction. "He isn't that bad."

The reaction to that suggestion was a widening of her mother's eyes and a quick intake of breath.

"You're brother and sister," Tania snapped, quickly. But that was the wrong thing to say to get her daughter off her back.

"So what? It's just a party. They gonna play party games? Need couples for that?" The tone of Sherona's voice indicated that she thought the whole thing was somewhere beyond stupid.

It was fortunate for Tania that Robert came home just then. He was always provided the final ruling in family disputes, and he did so now.

"You weren't invited, Sherona," he said. "So you can't go. Simple."

"But Daddy." Sherona attempted to play the daddy card.

"No. End of discussion," her father said. "Now, what do we want for supper?"

It was the end of the discussion, but not the end of the subject for Sherona, who went downstairs to her brother's room to sulk.

"That must be a crazy wild party they're going to," she told Tillman. "Gotta be a sex party. You know, real swinging."

"Get real, girl." Tillman laughed. "Can you picture Dad at a swingers party?"

"No," Sherona said. "What about Mom? Is Dad the only one you can't believe would go?"

"No, both, sure," Tillman said, quickly. "I meant Mom and Dad."

"Sure you did. Sure. What's Mom got going that Dad doesn't? Tell me."

"Why? So you can blackmail them into letting you go to the party?" he asked.

"Hell no. I don't want to go to any party. I just wanted Mom to admit what kind of party it was. She looked pretty scared when I said that you could be my partner if that's all I needed to go."

"Me?" Tillman said, laughing. "What you drinking, girl?"

"I didn't mean it," Sherona said. "I'd have to be drinking some serious shit to go with you. If it's a sex party, I'd rather go with your friend, anyway."

"Good, cause you'd have to drug me to get me to go with you."

"Why? You don't like my titties anymore?" She laughed. "You don't go peeking around the house any more?"

"If you closed the bathroom door, nobody would see you," Tillman stated. "You used to do that on purpose."

Their conversation continued like that, and ultimately Sherona forgot to ask what Tillman knew about their mother.

Upstairs, Tania and Robert were standing at the kitchen window looking out onto the yard.

"You sure about this party, baby?" Robert asked. "Sounded good enough when you had me in bed last night. Not so good now."

"Why not?"

"Cause we've never done anything like this before," he said. "And because we're good, Christian people. And because we've got standing in our professions to worry about."

"I already accepted. If you want we'll go to the party and keep our clothes on. Jenny herself said it doesn't matter if we join in or not."

"But you've already had a taste of it," he said, emphasizing the word "taste" as he slipped his arms around his wife and held her close. "What if I just went and watched you with the ladies? How about that?"

"And what happens when one of the men comes over?" Tania pointed out. "Do you think they can resist my fine body?"

"I guess I'd just have to like it or lump it," he said, a small smile growing on his face. "How about going upstairs and practicing for the party. We'll think about supper later."

"I like the way you think," Tania replied.


That evening, Ralph Burton called his son and invited him and his wife to the block party. "You might like the change," he said, feeling pretty excited about it himself. "Be good for you." Kent Burton was reticent to go to the party because his banker was one of the guests. He wasn't sure a business relationship would survive a sexual one, even one as tangential as this. And, strangely enough, he felt as though he'd be cheating on his family. When he told his wife, she said, "Of course we're going!" and that settled the matter.

CHAPTER THREE, The Guest Lists

"Don't you think it's odd that Betty asked me if her son and his wife could come to the party?" Jenny asked Daryl as they sat sipping gin and tonics on their back deck that evening.

Daryl thought about it, twisting his lips around a bit, and answered. "Damn strange," he said. "But I don't want to think about it."


"I don't want to know what they don't want me to know," he explained. "Simple as that. I like Ralph and Betty, and his son is a good fellow, so I'll leave it alone."

Jenny gave his outlook some thought and shrugged. "Fine. I won't think about it, either." She sipped her drink, watching the trees sway in the light summer breeze. "Sally Burton sounded real excited when she called to accept. Giddy, almost," she said. "She's a cute little thing, as I recall. You might like her."

"Hell, I like everybody," was her husband's reply.

They thought they were done with the list, and were well prepared for the party. But they weren't prepared for the uninvited guests that would be coming. They didn't count them because those guests intended to be a surprise.


"Cathy is moving through the family," Elaine told her brother, Danny, when he got home from work. "I got another video for the collection." Then she sneezed and blew her nose. "Pretty good, too."

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he came all the way into her bedroom and sat on her desk chair.

"Way better than this morning," she said. "I think I'll be able to work tomorrow."

"Work tomorrow and play tomorrow night?" he asked. He took hold of the mouse and looked at the file list on the computer. "Must be this one. The one called 'Mom and Cathy' right?"

"Yeah, duh." Sneeze.

"Oh, yeah, there's a sight. I wish I was in the middle of that," Danny said, his cock rising. He rubbed his hand over his jeans as he watched.

"You can jerk off if you want to," Elaine said. "It's not like you're leaving me out of anything since I don't feel like doing anything."

"Good point," he said, and he stood and dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them. He sat again, his right foot up on the desk beside the keyboard and the left on the floor as he began slowly stroking himself. "How long is it?"

"Half an hour."

"Good, then I can take my time. Where's your oil?"

"Top drawer." Elaine laid down on her bed where she could watch her brother masturbate. She liked the way boys did it, with all that stroking going on. It was fun to see everything right out there in the open and fun to watch the ropes of cum that shot out of her brother's dick when he came. It looked cool and felt so nice and warm on her skin.

"Do you think you'll be ready to play tomorrow night, Sis?" Danny asked her after oiling his right hand and sliding it slowly up and down over the tumescent shaft rising from his pubic hair.

"I think so," she said. "Play what?"

"If the folks are having a party, I think we should have one, too." Danny grinned at her, gripping himself just tightly enough to move the skin on his cock up and down, his hand slipping over and away from the mushroom cap on the end. He alternated between gripping and just slipping his hand over his oiled skin, and his face had the relaxed look of someone making a visit to a spa.

"Party? Where?"

"The Tredweiler house," he said, indicating the house for sale on the other side of the Adams house. "Remember how Jimmy Tredweiler used to be able to get in and out through that basement window?"

"Sure, but they probably fixed that."

"Nope. I went over and tried it. It's easy to wiggle in, too. Tighter than it was when we were kids, but not bad."

"That would be fun," Elaine said. "Sure, let's have a party."

"It won't be many people, but what the hell."

He sat stroking himself and watching the video while his sister lay watching him play with his cock for about five minutes, both of them thinking how nice life was just then.

"Cum on my face, okay?" Elaine said when he started increasing his hand speed.

"Sure, El, I'll cum on your face," he said, pumping faster as the thought of cumming on her freckled face spurred him on. "Okay, here I cum!"

He stood over her, angling his cock head down and pumping faster until he released a glistening shot of cum that hit his sister on the end of the nose and flowed down both sides. His next spurt landed in her hair. The rest of his release was just dribbles that couldn't be aimed so he wiped them on her mouth and cheeks with the head of his dick.

Elaine lay smiling as gravity pulled the cum over her face. "That's nice," she said. "So fucking nice."


Tillman Mosswell knocked on his sister's door and said, "Sherona?"

"Come in," She called from inside.

When Tillman entered, Sherona was standing at her dresser in her underwear and bra.

"God, Sherona, don't you ever quit? I ain't ten. You're not going to embarrass me."

"I don't want to. You're the one who wants something. What is it?"

"Danny Porter called and invited us to a party tomorrow night," he said.

"Party? What, is this like the kids table at Christmas?"

"Kinda like. A mini version of the Peterson party."

"Really? Oh, well that sounds like fun. Sure, I'll go."

"Good, cause it's couples only, and I can't round anybody else up that fast."

"You'll have to put up with little old me," she said. "Now get out of here and quit spying on me in my underwear."

"You wish." Tillman left the room shaking his head.


"We're going to a party tomorrow night," Cathy told her brother, Carter, when she stuck her head in through his door. "Buy some condoms."

"Just a second," he said into the cell phone on which he'd been talking. He put his hand over his phone and regarded his sister quizzically. "Party? Condoms?"

"Yeah. Danny Porter called. In that empty house down the street from Grandpa's house."

"Why do I need condoms?"

"Well, I know that Elaine Porter isn't on the pill. I can't speak for anybody else who might be there."

"Oh, so it's a party just like the one Mom and Dad are going to." He laughed. "Can Paul and Ginny come, too?" He named their cousins, who lived on the other side of town only a couple blocks from the Porters.

"Sure, as long as it's both of them. It's a couples party, and you're my date." Cathy left his door with a small wave of her hand.

"Hey, Paul," Carter said into the phone. "Wanna go to a swap party tomorrow night? Yeah, that's what I mean. You gotta bring your sister. Couples only. Oh, and I think the whole thing is secret, too, so don't go telling your folks or anything. Great. We'll pick you up."


"Okay," Danny said, laying beside his sister on her bed with a sheet of notebook paper in his hand. "You and me, Tillman and Sherona, and Sherona's going to buy the liquor. Cathy and Carter, and their cousins, Paul and Ginny. Eight. Should be fun."

"I don't know Paul and Ginny."

"They're cool. Paul's kind of a weightlifter type but not too bulky. Smart enough, too. Ginny is a skinny blonde who looks like an anorexic version of Cathy," he laughed. "Okay, not really anorexic. Titless, though, as I remember."

"You'll like her then," Elaine teased. "Cause it would seem just like fucking a boy."

"You are feeling better, aren't you?" Danny said.

"Gotta be better. I'm going to a party."


The Carters arrived at six p.m. and brought an angel food cake and a can of Reddi-Wip. "You shouldn't have," Jenny said, though she thought the whipped topping might be fun.

The next to arrive were Ralph and Betty Burton, who sauntered over with three bottles of champagne. "I wish we'd known sooner," Betty said to Jenny. "We could have been having such fun!"

At six-thirty, Charles and Patty Trent showed up. Charles looked nervous, and he kept adjusting his polo shirt as though it was a poor fit. Patty was all smiles and kisses and kept dragging her husband along.

Andy and Claudia Adams came next, bringing nothing but their own, sweet selves.

Robert and Emily Porter came across the street at seven, with Robert and Tania Mosswell close behind, each of them carrying a bottle of wine. "Oh, good," Jenny said. "The two Roberts and their lovely wives. Come on in."

Kent and Sally Burton drove up at seven-ten, and the party was complete.


"Welcome to our home," Jenny said, when they'd gathered in the living room. "I hope everyone can relax and have a very good time. We'll be playing some party games in a bit, but just get settled in first. Oh, and any room that isn't locked is available for your use throughout the night."

"I'd like to add something," Daryl said, smiling broadly. "Monday is Jenny and my thirty-third wedding anniversary." After a burst of applause, he continued. "We thought that was as good an excuse as any to totally destroy the morals of our community."

"We didn't let on because we didn't want anybody to think they were supposed to bring a gift of some kind," Jenny added.

"I think it's only fair that you guys all stop and congratulate Jenny at some time during the night. She'd love the attention, even if it is only for a quick poke." Daryl ducked a playful swat from Jenny. "Have fun, everybody!" he concluded, before taking his wife in his arms and kissing her to the accompaniment of the neighborhood's applause.


"Is this your first, you know, whatever it is?" Robert Porter asked Kent Burton as they stood on the back desk with glasses of champagne. "It is mine."

"My first with . . . No, not really," Kent said. "A bit awkward though, isn't it?"

"Yeah, a bit." Robert waved his drink toward the kitchen, where Sally Burton could be seen getting more ice topless. "Your wife doesn't feel awkward, does she?"

"Sally fits right in anywhere," Kent said.

The Carters, Claudia Adams, Tania Mosswell, and Patty Trent were in the living room playing the stripping game with the Twister spinner. Tania Mosswell and Patty Trent were nearly stripped bare, while the others were lagging behind.

Robert Mosswell and Charles Trent sat on chairs near the window watching the game with undisguised fascination. Robert Porter joined them with the same expression on his face.

"Are you guys really going to do this?" he asked them, watching Terry Carter stand and wiggle out of her maternity slacks. "Because we don't have to, do we?"

"Just getting up the nerve," Charles said. "Figured I'd see how the game comes out."

Robert Mosswell nodded in agreement and swallowed hard. "When I actually see my wife with another man's rod inside of her, then I'll feel alright joining in. Until then, I'm hedging my bets."

"If you could only do one of these women, which one would it be?" Charles asked.

The two Roberts stared, thinking. Robert Porter said, "I would gladly screw your wife every day of the week, Charlie, but Tania is one hot woman. I hope you don't mind me saying it, Bob, but I really want to screw your wife."

Robert Mosswell positively beamed. "You go right ahead, neighbor. I'd be with your wife in a minute, too. But right now, I want to screw that pregnant lady right there. Claudia Adams."

"Me, too," said Charles. "I wonder if she's interested in a threesome."


Sally Burton was in the dining room chatting with Andy Adams and playfully rubbing the crotch of his slacks, while Kent Burton began zeroing in on Emily Porter in the kitchen.

"First time?" he asked.

"In mixed company," she said under a cocked eyebrow. "What about you?"

"We've thrown a few parties ourselves," he said. He was hoping to sound impressive without being obvious because Emily Porter had become his primary goal for the evening. "My daughter really likes your family. I think she'd move in if you had room."

"Well, she fucked my husband after graduation so I suppose it's natural to like the family," Emily said coyly, watching his face to see if he would continue acting like Joe Cool or come down to earth.

His face went blank a moment, and then colored a bit across the cheeks, as he clearly was fighting to find something to say.

"You husband? Of course, I didn't know," he said quickly, about to offer an apology. "I know my daughter is a bit adventurous, but I assure you that . . ."

Emily put to fingers to his lips, smiling. "That's okay, Kent," she said. "I fucked her too just yesterday, so now we're even. Maybe you and I will hook up tonight and add to the score. Or, you know, whenever." With that, Emily walked out to the living room.

Kent stood with a smile growing on his face as he thought of his daughter and the banker. Sure, he could see her doing that, and he knew darn well she would have started it. The girl was incorrigible. The girl was a Burton.


"Gather round, everybody!" Jenny Peterson stood in the living room and called the party goers in for the second game of the evening. This game was meant for the entire party, not just an adventurous few. "Come on in. It's game time."

Robert Porter and Robert Mosswell waited on their matching chairs, both of them fully clothed and watchful. They had decided between the two of them that Robert Porter would keep the name, while Robert Mosswell would go by Bob, or Bobby, since that's probably what his wife would be calling him all night. They both felt better having gotten over that hurdle. The next hurdle would be the naked in public thing.

"We've already got a couple folks here who've gotten into the swing of things," she said, indicating Claudia Adams, Patty Trent, and John Carter, who were all quite bare by then. Tania Mosswell was down to her panties, but they weren't much to call clothing. "You folks stay just as you are because we've got party favors coming later. You guys win for bravery since you're leading the way to nudity."

Everyone laughed, pretending they weren't looking at the "losers" in the spinner game. The two pregnant women weren't behind them by very much, either.

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