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Neighbors Ch. 05

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Chris and Amber come to an arrangement.
8.2k words

Part 5 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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I could barely focus on work all week. As the days went by I became increasingly desperate - both to hear from Amber as well as to have this cage taken off. The cage itself was a total mindfuck - I couldn't stimulate myself at all, much less have an orgasm, which made me hornier and more desperate each day that went by. The hornier I got the more I thought of Amber, who held the key to this device restricting me, and that got me even more worked up. I felt completely owned and controlled by my neighbor, who didn't even reply to the half dozen or so texts I sent throughout the week, trying to be casual but with gradually growing desperation.

-Hi Amber! Just thought I'd say hi and hope you're having a good Monday!-

-Hi Amber! Work was brutal today lol - making it up to myself by ordering chinese for dinner. let me know if you want me to bring some over!-

-Hey! Just checking in - hope you're doing great!-

-Hi...I was wondering if you thought it was long enough yet - you know, with the cage?-

-I think Dr. Latham said a few days right? It's Thursday so that's 4 days, in case you forgot, hope you're well!-

-I don't want to pester you - it's Friday - don't know if you have weekend plans? I'm free all weekend if you want to hang out, and again hoping I can get that key?-

She read every text almost immediately but left me on "read" all week. It was driving me crazy - rationally I was angry that she didn't take 5 seconds to fire off a text, even if it was to say "I'm busy - TTYL" or something. But a part of me found the whole situation hot in an almost indescribably dark way. I felt like I was waiting on her all week - all it would take was a simple text and I'd gladly drop everything and rush to her- but it was simply more convenient for her to not bother to reply. I felt simultaneously crushed and elated at this revelation - that she put her convenience far above mine and didn't really take my emotions into account. I had no idea why this made my penis try to swell in it's tiny confinement.

I had never gone more than a couple of days without masturbating since eighth grade and by the end of the week I was in a state of sexual frustration and awareness I've never experienced before. I started eyeing almost every woman I'd see - their legs and breasts seemed to almost jump out at me and tease me just by their very existence. I'd find my heart would start racing if I saw a pretty woman in a short skirt or a particularly low-cut top. I wondered if Amber knew the cage would have this effect on me. Part of me wondered if Amber really cared. She was friendly and really nice but there seemed to be a part of her personality that was reflective of her poker face - logical and machine-like. The way that she chose her show to watch without consulting me, for example.

-Hey Chris, I'm free tonight. Want to pick up dinner and some wine and we can hang out and watch some TV at my place?-

Came the unexpected text late Friday afternoon. No explanation of why she didn't text earlier, or even acknowledgement of my questions. Nevertheless, I was over the moon. Punching the air, I hurried to finish up my work for the week as I fired off a reply.

-You got it! See you around 7?-


I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up. I had done some research on keeping hygienic with the chastity cage. There was a surprising amount of information available on this. I was amazed to see that male chastity didn't seem like such a niche thing - there were literally dozens of companies competing to sell these things! It made me feel a bit better that I wasn't the only man in the world with a cage locked around his dick, and also slightly aroused to think that other women out there were controlling men in this fashion.

I had ordered some long sponges on sticks - essentially q-tips but with sponges - that I was able to soap up and slid down the tube to clean everything up. The first day I got them I tried to slide out of the tube when I was lubricated like that but I still just couldn't get enough leverage to do it. I followed that up with a squirt bottle filled with water to flush everything out. I had found that when I had to pee - which meant sitting down from now on - my urethra lined up really well with the small hole at the end of the tube and there weren't any issues, but I still scrubbed myself twice a day to make sure I was clean. I followed that up with a few minutes with a hair dryer to keep everything dry. It added some time to my daily shower routine but the last thing I wanted was to be smelly down there when Amber chose to unlock me!

I put on some nice clothes and added a touch of cologne and then drove to my favorite Thai place to pick up some food, stopping at a wine store to get a nice bottle of white wine. I knocked on Amber's door just a minute or so before 7.

"Hi Chris! Oh you brought Thai? My favorite!" She helped me carry some of the cartons to the coffee table and went to the kitchen for a corkscrew. I stared at her as she walked away - she was in form fitting blue jeans with a crop top t shirt that revealed her small waist and smooth belly. I felt my caged penis stir with the motion of her ass as she walked away from me, and quickly readjusted myself slightly in my pants.

We made idle chit chat as we ate - I asked about her week and she asked about mine. It turns out she worked from home most of the time doing some contract work for a law firm in town - she was a paralegal. She liked the work and also the flexibility with the hours. She asked about my job and I talked about my company and how it was rough to start with but now it's running quite smoothly. The subject of the cage and the key was forefront in my mind but I couldn't figure out a way to bring it up. We also polished off the bottle of wine quite quickly and she brought another from the fridge. We were both feeling a little tipsy when we finished eating.

Amber stretched and put her feet into my lap as she did last weekend. Automatically, I started rubbing them. She gave me a smile and reached for the remote.

"Mind if we find something to watch?" She asked, turning on the TV.

"No...of course! That'd be fun!"

I watched as she navigated to the same period drama she had on last weekend. I noticed that she was several seasons later in the show. For some reason my heart raced with the realization that she had watched hours of TV and hadn't bothered to return my texts...why on earth did I find that exciting?

I shifted uncomfortably, finding my penis was trying to swell again at the thought.

The show ran just under an hour, with me massaging her feet the entire time, switching from foot to foot. I was sort of following the show but I had no idea who any of the characters were or even what the basic plot was. My mind was racing trying to figure out how to bring up what I wanted to talk about.

Finally the show ended. Amber sighed and patted my shoulder.

"You give really great foot rubs Chris - that felt amazing!" She took one more sip from her wine glass, finishing off the second bottle. I screwed up my courage.

"Thanks, listen, Amber - there's something I wanted to talk to you about. Something kind of weird but also serious."

She turned to face me, curiosity evident in her beautiful face.

"You know this game we've done a know where I help you out and leave you some money..." She nodded.

"Yeah! I know, it's weird right?" she laughed and tossed her head, bringing waves of her brown hair cascading down her right shoulder.

"I didn't think you were serious at first, and then you left so much! It's strange but I thought you were being really sweet."

I blushed at the mention of the money.

"Yes, I know - it's weird" I laughed a bit. "You know I didn't know if you were serious, and then I didn't know if I was going to do it, but..."

I hesitated, unsure how to say this. I didn't want to say I got a sexual thrill from it - I was reasonably sure she'd toss me out of her house and call me a perv.

Amber put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"It's ok, Chris - you can tell me what you're thinking - we're friends!"

"Well, when I left you the money...I liked it. I liked it quite a lot actually." I was looking down at my lap and blushing. I could hardly believe I was saying these things - but at the same time I felt a tingle of excitement to have my private thoughts out in the open after stewing in them all week.

She frowned a little and looked questioningly at me.

"You liked it? Liked it how?"

I could feel my face turn even redder.

"Um, I got...excited."

Amber raised one eyebrow in question but I could see her lips fighting a smile.

"Is that so? From paying me? Tell me everything."

She settled back against the arm of the couch and put her feet back in my lap. I started massaging one of them as I spoke.

"Well at first I didn't realize it - I mean, it was a weird game. But something about doing things for you - all the yard work, cleaning, dinner - and then somehow I paid you to do it, it just seemed so...unfair. I mean, not in a bad way. I mean, like...I liked that it was unfair for me."

Amber thought this over, nodding.

"I see. So you would like it if I were unfair to you more."

"Yesss..." I breathed, my cock suddenly aching in its cage. My skin was tingling with her simple statement. The truth was out now, for better or worse.

She nodded again. "So you'd like it if I were to ask you for more money." I squirmed a bit, trying to relieve the pressure in my crotch. The steel tube felt like a vice crushing me.

She corrected herself. "No, not ask...take. You'd like it if I were to take more money from you."

I gasped involuntarily. She smirked a bit at my reaction.

"And you want me to make you do things for me."

"Yess!" I almost shouted. I was so turned on at the moment I thought I was going to jump out of my skin. Every single word she said struck me to my core and made mini electric pulses race through my body, centered on my neglected cock.

"And you want it to be unfair. Difficult for you. Hard. And you want me to give you nothing in return. Otherwise it wouldn't be unfair, right? You'd be making an even trade. And that's not what you want, is it Chris?" She moved her right foot slightly so the heel was pressing into my crotch and started moving it in slow circles.

Oh my god. I had brushed her with my erection once but this time she was deliberately touching me - albeit with the heel of her foot on my steel cage, but the feeling was intense. The points were digging in more painfully than I've felt so far. I couldn't speak - I just stared at her and nodded mutely. She continued, ignoring the fact that her foot was pressing into my groin.

"Well Chris, I certainly see how I could benefit from an arrangement like this." She smiled briefly. "Especially...well, I suppose there are a few things you should know about me if you're serious about doing this."

I nodded, again unable to speak.

"Ever since I was a child, I've been...somewhat of a brat. I like to get my way. I've told you how my mother is, and to be honest the apple didn't roll far from that tree." She laughed a bit and I found myself able to smile, with the ridiculous sexual tension I was feeling breaking a little.

"I guess what I mean is, I have very specific ways I like things done. And it sincerely bothers me if they're not handled correctly - I guess you could call me a control freak. I'm also selfish - I guess guys have called me self-centered and even a bitch a few times." She laughed again. "Not that that bothered me particularly. So I can tell you I will have absolutely no issues at all being unfair to you. Very unfair. Are you sure that's what you want?"

I found my voice enough to murmur "yes..."

She nodded.

"I also have expensive tastes. I like shopping and buying the finer things - you may have noticed I have quite a shoe collection, and probably more clothes than I could wear in three months already."

I nodded.

"And about this-" Amber drove her heel into my crotch, hard. I gasped involuntarily with the pain as she grazed my testicles. "It seems I have you all locked up, and you're practically begging me to be unfair to you. I have to admit, I thought about you a couple times this week and wondered how you were adapting to your new little home." She smirked at the involuntary groan this elicited from me.

"I have to be brutally honest with you Chris. I like you a lot. You're a really sweet guy. But sexually you're really not my type."

I looked down, crestfallen.

"I just want to be completely honest and up front with you, since you were the same way with me when you told me about your kink. I like a more take-charge guy, and physically stronger - I like to feel like they are taking me and using me." She closed her eyes, perhaps imagining a previous lover - maybe even the one from last weekend, I realized. I stared at her, entranced.

She opened her eyes a second later.

"Also...well, the cage you're in..."

I looked at her.

"'s the smallest size Dr. Latham makes." she said with a little smirk. "It's made for small guys - the most under-endowed I guess you'd say."

I looked down, feeling myself blush furiously.

"So I want to be clear. I'm not interested in fucking you, Chris." I moaned involuntarily at this again. The idea that she was so direct and brutal was devastating but also I found my penis try to swell again at the thought. She wasn't interested in my dick. Just what I could do for her and - I swallowed at the thought - my money.

"I can pretty much promise you that I'll never be interested in fucking you. I also make no promises that I'll unlock you. I might. But I might not." She smirked again, looking at me with a gleam in her eye. "Wouldn't you agree that the MOST unfair thing I could do was to have sex with other men while keeping you all locked up so you couldn't even masturbate? I mean, that's incredibly unfair, wouldn't you agree?"

"...Yes..." I croaked "That's...really unfair..." My mind was spinning.

Amber was quiet for a second as she thought. She pulled her legs under her, finally stopping her cruel torment of my caged dick. She sat up on her knees on the couch cushion and put her hands between her thighs, rocking forward slightly so her crotch was pressing against her arms. From her knees, she was looking down at me slightly, with a suddenly intense look on her face.

"And finally, much money do you make?"

I was so aroused I almost couldn't speak. The sheer wrongness of this situation - of everything - of that specific question - it violated all societal norms and in some ways was more exciting for me to hear than anything else she said. I swallowed several times before I could find my voice again.

"Last year...I paid myself a salary of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars from my company" I said, in a bare whisper.

Amber looked at me in disbelief, her eyes wide. Seeing the look of sincerity in my face, she licked her lips and moaned slightly. Her hips bucked, pressing her crotch into her arms. She closed her eyes and whispered.

"Oh my god, Chris...I'm going to take so much from you."

We were both silent for a few minutes as we absorbed all of what we had said over the past few minutes. I felt dizzy with the implications of it all - terrified, yet at the same time I was more aroused than I've ever been in my life. Amber seemed lost in her thoughts. She had a faraway look in her eyes and I couldn't help noticing she was still gently squeezing her thighs with her hands at her crotch.

Amber broke the silence first.

"You know it's funny - my friends Sarah and Christy - they were over last weekend, if you remember."

I did - they were Amber's friends that came over while I was doing yard work last week.

"They asked if you were my little slave boy - working in my yard like that - haha!"

I grimaced, remembering the humiliation of them whispering and laughing together while I toiled in my grimy clothes.

"If only they knew the truth..." Amber added, smiling at me.

"Ok little slave boy" Amber teased, trying out the term. "Hm...not sure if I like that. It's not entirely accurate, is it? I mean, slaves are poor, and you're not...well at least not yet!" Amber laughed at her joke and I winced - the thought of going poor for was too far, I thought. Although a tiny part of me thrilled at the thought of going broke for the benefit of Amber, pushing things past rationality into a new dark and twisted yet utterly spellbinding place.

"No you're more like...a bank! I got it! I'll just call you "bank" from now on!" Amber clapped her hands together, pleased with herself. "It's fitting, right? I mean, I'll be using you for withdrawal after withdrawal..." She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips in what I took to be an unconscious gesture.

"And you can call me Miss Amber, or just Miss if you prefer, bank. Because we're not equals, are we?"

I watched, entranced, as she pressed one hand between her legs. Her right hand slowly climbed up her body until she was gently squeezing her left breast, running her fingers over the outline of the erect nipple I could see clearly, even through her bra and shirt.

"No Amber...I mean, miss Amber" I said, my voice catching in my throat.

"Mmm I like that. No, we're not equals. I'm your superior, and you work for me now. Isn't that right, bank?"

I nodded, mutely. I couldn't take my eyes off her roaming hands.

"Say it, bank!" She said firmly, meeting my gaze imperiously.

"I work for you now, Miss" I said, staring at her hand as it gently squeezed her breast.

"Very good, bank" She breathed, clearly aroused at our exchange.

Reluctantly, she brought both hands back to her lap and her breathing slowed back to normal.

"That's right. You work for me. Report for work tomorrow morning at 8 AM. Don't be late."

With that, Amber dismissed me and rose from the couch. She didn't give me a second glance as I slunk out of the door and made my way back to my house. As soon as I got inside my phone buzzed with a text from Amber.

"Oh and bank - get some sleep. You're going to need it."

Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night

The next morning I pulled myself out of bed with a groan. I had tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep. My conversation with, Miss Amber now- kept replaying in my head with vivid intensity. I was incredibly aroused all night and it was a torture that I couldn't do anything about it. My hands pawed again and again at the cruel steel cage, but I couldn't feel anything through the impassive metal. I even turned on my stomach and humped the mattress, desperate for anything that would relieve the unrelenting pressure in my balls. Eventually I took a cold shower and was able to catch a couple hours of sleep right before dawn.

I showered, had a quick breakfast, and dressed simply in jeans and a button down shirt. I left my house at 7:59 and rang Miss Amber's doorbell at 8:00 precisely.

She opened the door a few seconds later. I caught my breath. Miss Amber had clearly just rolled out of bed but looked amazing nevertheless. She wore a short purple robe of some satin or silk texture that came down to her upper thigh. It was belted at her waist but the deep V of the fold revealed a scandalous amount of cleavage. She wasn't wearing a top underneath. Her nipples were hidden behind the robe - barely - but almost all of the luscious swell of each breast was exposed. I felt a fresh stirring in my denied cock and predictably the points dug in, punishing me for my roving eye.

After closing the door behind me she turned and pointed to a spot on the middle of the living room floor.

"Kneel, bank." I hurried to the spot and got down on my knees.

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