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Neighbourly Troubles

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Helping a neighbour out of a difficulty.
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I got home from work and was strolling down the corridor towards my unit when I first noticed her. It would have been pretty hard not to notice her. She was standing in the corridor almost dancing on the spot, looking at the open door of the unit opposite mine.

I'd heard that there were new tenants in that unit but had never met them. It seemed as though I was about to. The young lady was of Asian descent, Japanese would be my guess, mainly based on the lovely kimono she was wearing. I have to admit that her face was quite lovely, too, having that flawless Asian skin you see on Japanese models. She didn't have that look of serene peace that they're supposed to display.

Forget any thoughts of oriental inscrutability. This young lady was both highly nervous, scared even, and pissed off. I smiled and nodded as I approached.

"Good afternoon. I'm Jeff. That's my unit." I nodded to the unit behind her. "I take it you're my new neighbour?"

She nodded but didn't take her eyes off the open door of her own unit.

Seeing she didn't seem to want to speak to me I simply shrugged and reached for my keys to enter my own place. The jingle of my keys must have jarred her loose from whatever was holding her because she gave a slight shudder and turned her attention to me.

"I'm sorry. I'm being very rude. Yes, I'm Kim, your new neighbour. Um, I have a little problem that I would very much appreciate some assistance with."

I tried to look helpful and interested and she glanced back at the open door of her unit with another little shudder. I had the impression she wanted to close the door but didn't dare.

"I - I was about to take a shower when I saw it," she explained. "I ran out here. Could you please help me get rid of it?"

Being a typically perverted man I promptly wondered what she had on under that kimono. Nothing, perchance? It was very silky and clung to her in a very loving manner.

"I suppose I could assist if I knew what it was," I carefully pointed out.

"It's a spider. An absolutely enormous spider. I didn't know spiders grew that big. It's huge. It's on the roof above the shower. It was going to jump on me."

Probably a huntsman or a wolf spider. Both of them are quite large. Not a problem. I'd just knock it into a bowl and drop it out the window.

"Just wait here a moment and I'll go catch him," I reassured her. "I'll need a bowl from your kitchen so I can carry him outside to the garden. I don't like killing them unless it's really necessary."

She nodded. "Just don't be surprised if I break the bowl and throw it out after you've used it to carry that monster," she muttered.

I grinned and strolled into her unit to check out the opposition. I guessed her unit would be a mirror image to mine which would put her bathroom there. I opened the bathroom door and checked the ceiling and jumped back out of the bathroom yelling, "What the fuck?"

I checked the ceiling to confirm what I'd seen and then retreated to the kitchen to find a bowl. I saw that the little rubbish bin in the kitchen had just been emptied and was sitting there with a nice new bag in it. That would probably be better than a bowl.

I grabbed a chair and returned to the bathroom. Standing on the chair I neatly placed the bin over the spider and then slowly moved the bin about. I was working on the principle that the spider would see the bin moving towards him and drop down into the bag where it was safer.

After a few moments I pulled the bin away from the ceiling, saw it was clear, and jumped down from the chair. A glance in the bin showed me the little bastard was down at the bottom so I very smartly lifted the sides of the bag and tied them tight.

I left the unit and gave Kim a smile, holding up the bag.

"This," I told her, "is what is known as a bird eating spider. They're one of the largest spiders in the world. Weren't you lucky to be able to see one so close? No? If you've got a minute there's someone you need to meet."

I walked further down the corridor to the unit at the end and knocked firmly.

"Excuse me, Jeff, but why did you try to kick the door down?"

"I wasn't kicking it down. Just making sure I had their attention."

The door was flung open and a woman stood there, glaring at me.

"What?" she yelled.

I pushed past her and into the front room, a bemused Kim following on behind.

"This is Kim," I announced. "She just met up with one of your inmates. Probably the one from that tank over there that hasn't got a lid."

The woman turned, spotted the tank with no lid, screamed, and bellowed for Andy.

"Andy is her son," I explained. "He fancies himself to be an entomologist but tends to let his specimens get loose. We've discussed this before."

While I was explaining I was also undoing the bag. I carefully encouraged the spider to leave the nice bag which it reluctantly did.

"What are you doing?" screamed Andy's mother while Andy, who'd just come wandering in in time to see the spider run under the couch, let out a cry of "Maybelle".

"Next time I'll fumigate every blasted spider you have," I said affably, "and I'll probably include Andy with the vermin. If you want them you take fucking better care of them."

Kim had already beat a retreat from the unit as soon as Maybelle was set free. I joined her there, as did Andy's mother, who now had the nervous and pissed look that Kim had earlier worn.

"That was totally uncalled for," she snarled at me.

"So was failing to look after that damned spider," I pointed out. "Andy has been warned before and you know it. I believe the last warning was that if it happened again either you or the spiders would have to leave. Do you want me to make a formal complaint?"

She contented herself with a glare, moving to the doorway to yell at Andy. I indicated to Kim that we should move along. She was almost bouncing as she headed back to her unit and I noticed that her breasts were certainly bouncing under that kimono. There just couldn't be anything under it to keep those puppies in line. Don't ever get sucked in by the line that Japanese women have small breasts. Kim was living proof otherwise.

"Thank you so much," she gushed. "I've truly never seen a spider like that before. Anything smaller than that I can ignore in future as they just don't count for much after seeing that thing. Would you like some coffee? It's the least I can do for you."

I smiled and accepted. She was quite a charming young thing. I sat at the table and she bounced about, preparing the coffee and talking non-stop.

"If you stick around a little bit longer you'll be able to meet my husband," she told me. "He's due home from work about now."

That's when her phone rang. She glanced at it to see who was calling, frowned, and answered. From the way she answered I was guessing it was her husband. I was also guessing she wasn't too pleased with what she was hearing.

"What? But it's Friday. You've been working overtime every day this week. How late will you be?"

She glowered into the phone, finishing up with, "Fine," which invariably meant that things weren't.

"I don't mind him working late," she groused, "but every night is a bit much. I rarely even see him. I know they have a bit of a rush on but he needs to learn to balance out work and home. It's not fair to me."

She grumbled a bit more about her husband before switching the subject, asking for local information which I was happy to share. She was rather a restless person, walking around as she talked, and while she moved I admired her movements and the way the kimono clung to her.

Did you know that the obi can be tied a number of different ways? The knots serve a decorative as well as a practical purpose and they also have a third purpose. The complexity of the knot can be deceptive, so in some instances a slight tug at the proper place can have the whole knot come apart and the obi fall away, letting the kimono gape open. A slight change to the knot and the same apparent releasing tug will just tighten the knot, making it even harder to undo. I couldn't help wondering about the knot on Kim's obi.

I'd visually traced the way the material seemed to flow and I was sure it was a lover's knot. Still, there was only one way to find out. The next time Kim came to a stop in front of me I reached over and tugged on what I thought was the correct place.

A far as I was concerned it was beautiful to watch. The obi just seemed to fall apart, dangling from my hand, while the two sides of the kimono swung wide, showing all. I'd been spot on with my guess of nothing but skin under that kimono, and very lovely skin it was.

Kim gave a startled gasp and hurriedly clutched the sides of the kimono together. I reached out and took hold of her wrists and gently pushed them wide, allowing the kimono to swing free once more. Releasing her wrists I reached for her shoulders and brushed the kimono away, where it promptly slithered down, only her bents arm stopping it from falling to the floor.

"What are you doing?" Kim demanded, sounding rather frightened.

"Wrong question," I pointed out. "We both know what I want to do. The real question is, are you going to let me?"

"I have a choice?" she demanded.

"Certainly," I said, trying to sound wounded, which was rather hard to do as I was also concentrating on stroking a ripe breast that had, by a lucky coincidence, fallen onto my hand. Well, not fallen, as such, as her breasts didn't droop that I could see, but it had been a convenient place to put my hand. "You have lovely breasts, you know, and your nipples seem remarkably responsive."

To test my theory regarding her nipples I bent my head and sucked lightly on the nipple on her other breast, feeling it respond nicely.

"Yes, remarkably responsive. If it's all the same to you I'll just get a feeling for your delectable body while you decide how you're going to answer my question."

I had one hand on her back, holding her in place, while my mouth was tasting her breasts and my other hand had drifted lower for some additional exploration. She twisted about a little, her hands coming up to push against me, just not firmly enough to actually accomplish anything.

I was sinking to my knees in front of her before she seemed to catch enough breath to say something.

"What do you mean, am I going to let you?" she gasped out. "How am I supposed to stop you?"

I drifted my lips over her mons, a nice smooth mons, I noticed, and then my tongue darted between her legs, stroking her lips. I pulled my head back.

"Well, really, all you have to do is order me out of your unit," I pointed out. "It would be terrible manners for me to remain after being told to go. Excuse me."

I returned to tasting her, hearing her breathing deeply as my tongue slipped inside her. A very prehensile instrument the tongue. It's surprising what you can do with it. Not, from the way she pulled my hair, that Kim appreciated the way it touched her clitoris.

I rose back to my feet, unzipping as I did so.

"You'll really leave if I tell you to?" asked Kim, apparently not knowing whether to believe me or not.

"Of course," I told her. "It would be the gentlemanly thing to do. Your turn."

I had my hands on her shoulders, pressing down.

She looked down and saw my erection standing out. I assumed that she'd be able to work out what she was supposed to do now. What she wasn't supposed to do was look at it and yell.

"What the fuck is that thing? You have got to be kidding me."

"Oh, come on," I protested. "It's only average size. Maybe a little above average but not much."

"Average for what? A horse? If you think you're going to stick that in me you're in for a major disappointment."

"That's not what I'm trying to do," I pointed out, still pressing on her shoulders.

She sank down to her knees, grumbling to herself.

"Average he says. By whose measurement? I should grab it and use it to drag him to the door. I'll bet he'd move along right smartly if I was pulling him by that. Something like that should be kept on a leash."

Her hands closed firmly around my cock. For all her muttering she wasn't scared of it and knew just how to handle it. I took a deeper breath as her mouth closed over me and I let her have her way.

Ever been in a situation where something you've wanted is taking place and you're regretting it? That's where I was now. Kim wasn't trying to bring me pleasure. She was doing her best to use her mouth to drive me insane. She very quickly brought me to a point where I thought I was going to explode and then she held me at that point.

Really, it's one thing for a guy to take a woman to that point and delay his pleasure while holding her there. That's just fair and reasonable. It was something else entirely when a woman does that to you. I couldn't even grab hold of her head and jam my cock down her throat because she had one hand firmly clasping it, and it wasn't going anywhere she didn't want it to go.

I finally said enough, pulling myself free and pulling Kim to her feet. She looked at me with a totally innocent face and a nasty gleam in her eyes.

"I suppose that this is the point where I'll have to insist that you leave," she said.

I was appalled.

"You wouldn't," I said, undoubtedly with anguish in my voice.

"Well I'm certainly considering it," she said. "You have to admit that your behaviour has stepped a little beyond the bounds."

I was going to have to strangle the girl, I just knew it.

"Well I'll tell you what. While you consider it lean back against the table and I'll just see how far past the bounds I can push things. I'll even let you watch."

She backed up to the table, leaning back against it with her hands behind her, supporting her. Her legs were parted giving me easy access and I just moved up to her, my erection already poised for a grand entry.

I didn't bother to part her lips. From what I could see she was sufficiently aroused that her pussy would probably reach out and snap closed over anything that came within range. I pressed forward a little bit, feeling her hot wet flesh brushing against me, and then she shifted her position slightly and I was sliding into her.

She didn't give any sign to acknowledge what was happening. True, she was certainly watching my cock sink into her depths, but her face was a masterpiece of oriental inscrutability. Her passage was tight but she was also pushing to meet me, subtly encouraging me to go as deep as possible. I saw no reason to disappoint her.

Kim gave a very slight shudder when my groin finally rubbed against hers. She took a big breath and made her decision.

"Seeing you've started you might as well see what you can do. It's not likely I'll be getting any from anyone else tonight."

Oh dear. Still peeved at her husband working late again. I'd have to see how well I could cheer her up.

I'd died down a little from that desperate need I'd had earlier. I resolved to take things slowly and build back up to that point in stages. If I rushed and exploded too soon I figured I'd piss both of us off.

I was sliding in and out with a fair amount of ease, ably helped by Kim's actions as she pushed to take me. For a while there she was looking down, just watching this cock pushing into her and withdrawing, seeming fascinated by it. After a while her eyes closed and she had a look of sensual appreciation on her face as she moved with me.

I still wasn't rushing but I did pick up the pace a little. Kim was breathing harder, little gasps escaping her, especially anytime I gave a slightly harder thrust. It wasn't going to be too much longer and I'd have to really put some effort into what I was doing.

In good time I cut loose, finding Kim more than willing to meet me. We both climaxed or at least I'm assuming we did. If Kim didn't she put on an amazingly noisy act of faking it. Afterwards she slowly straightened up from where she'd been leaning and then seemed to burst into a frenzy of activity.

"I can't believe that you'd take advantage of me like that," she rapped out, pushing me towards the door. "You should be ashamed of yourself. It's certainly past time that you departed. I need to have my shower."

I barely had time to zip up before I was back out in the corridor, Kim's door closing behind me. I crossed the corridor and entered.

"I'm home," I called and my wife came wandering out of the kitchen.

"Busy day?" she asked. "You're a trifle late."

"Not really. I've just been talking to our neighbour. One of Andy's spiders got loose again. That boy's a menace."

That started my wife going. She can't abide spiders, rating them just above Andy as a lifeform. I listened to her, smiling.

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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
I like

I like Ashholes rape stories much more than the first commenter. I always give him 2s.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 5 years ago
I wonder

How long before he is in prison for rape.

Written well enough, but hated the story even though I could not finish it.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Cuck stories and cheat stories pretty much all suck. But the Veteran Writer pulls this POS off so smoothly I had to laugh, and give him 4 Stars Thanks Ashson!

Well played sir!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Simply Fun

Difficult to take seriously but a fun story.



Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 5 years ago
its amazing how he's called a rapist

when every woman it his stories only has to say 1 word....."STOP" and they never seem to

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Gave it two, good story but wrong category

LW is not from the perspective of the guy fucking a cheating wife

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 5 years ago
Working Overtime at Home and Adjacent Domiciles for a Smile

If one mulls it over, Kim made out quite well. The fearsome spider is banished. Neglectful husband has been paid back. Overtime on Friday ?Five consecutive days? Nay I'm not buying his story. Enjoyed the one by Ashon though, a lot of nifty nuances to cliche. Well played.

Ergo the obvious score.

Full marks *****

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsalmost 5 years ago
Five stars is not enough

Wish I could give this six stars. Also, I learned a little bit about tying a kimono. What's not to like?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Always give Ashson the rapist a one.

It gets tiring, but it's my pleasure.

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