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Never Bet with Your Ego Ch. 02

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Paul's day of reckoning comes.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/31/2016
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It had been just over a week since the fateful day my ego had been making promises I was increasingly unsure my body could deliver on. And tonight Sandy was coming over "for a few drinks" and to see what happened. I flitted between bouts of extreme nervousness and extreme excitement. I would often find myself picturing scenario's in my head and they were all red hot. I was probably giving Sandy way too much to live up to and was currently feeling pretty confident should anything happen tonight.

I was still unsure anything would happen, I kept expecting Chrissy to tell me it was a huge joke they were both playing on me. Who knows maybe they'd both burst my bubble when Sandy arrived.

Talking of which it was now 7:20 and Sandy was almost due. My palms were sweaty and I went and poured myself a JD and coke to try and calm myself down a little.

A couple of minutes later the doorbell rang and I heard Chrissy shout "I'll get it". I heard her clonk across the wooden floor in her heels and welcome Sandy. There was some quiet chatter and then lots of laughter and they both walked into the room together.

"Hey lover boy, How are you?" Sandy was her usual bubbly self. I dragged myself off the sofa and went across to say hi and give her a peck on the cheek.

On my way across the room I couldn't help but notice how fantastic she looked. I'd always thought she was very attractive with her wavy strawberry blonde hair and a smattering of freckles across her nose.

She was a good 5 inches shorter than Chrissy but had the most fantastic legs. They weren't long and slender but shorter and she had the most awesome strong and toned thighs, all topped off with a really nice curvy butt. All of this was accentuated by the black wetlook leggings she was wearing, She really did take my breath away and I think she could tell.

I gave her a peck on the cheek and she put both arms around me and gave me a big hug. She smelt just as good as she looked.

"So, how you been Paul? Made any more silly bets lately?" Cue sniggering from both of them.

"I bet you like Sandy's leggings don't you dear?" said Chrissy.

She knew I would as I love her wearing them and always pester her to wear some for me on special occasions. She's pretty good and will usually if I go on enough about it, still on Sandy they looked just as good and didn't she know it!

"Just call me Sandy D" she said and started singing summer nights into an imaginary microphone, cue more laughing.

"Drink Sandy?" i asked.

"Ooh, yes please. Can I have a Gin and Tonic?"

"One G&T coming right up"

"Hey, Paul?"

I turned to look at Sandy who has a mischievous look on her face.

"Make it a large one babe" and she gave me a wink.

I must admit I was rather enjoying this, I'd always liked Sandy's sense of humour and probably flirted with her more than I should have. I got on really well with her and had another pang of worry that things may be about to change forever.

We sat around for a couple of drinks and Sandy regaled us with a couple of funny stories, I wondered if it was going to turn into just another meet up with us ordering in some food and watching a film but out of the blue Chrissy just came out with it.

"So, are we going to carry on with this whole bet thing or not?"

I didn't really know what to say, I looked at Sandy and for the first time since she'd arrived I sensed she was maybe a little nervous or uncomfortable.

After a moment she spoke up. "Well it's really up to you guys, you know me I'm always up for a bit of fun but obviously I don't want any of us doing something we might regret"

"Oh I don't think you'd regret going to bed with Sandy would you dear" Chrissy said.

This was the moment of truth, I looked at both of them. I sensed their eyes on me waiting for my decision.

"Well if you're sure Chris, I mean I don't want you to get upset"

"Hey, don't put all the responsibility on me. I've said yes, and if you seal the deal with Sandy we'll all stay in and have a few more drinks and let you bask in your glory"

"Ok" I said "Let's go for it"

Sandy sprang up from the sofa like a little jack in the box, and immediately stopped and looked at us both. "Oops, I guess I'm not supposed to be that excited about sleeping with my best friends hubby, am I?" and we all burst out laughing.

"Oh it's ok Sandy, I bet this is doing wonders for his ego"

"Well of course it is, having a hot little thing like me waiting to jump in the sack with him!" "Anyway Chris, how is it going to work, are you going to come in there with us?"

"You know what Sandy, I'm fine with it but I'm probably going to go take a walk around the park for a while. I'll give it an hour or so and head back. We'll take the rest of the evening from there" "Just let me put some flats on and I'll get going"

Sandy grabbed my hand and led me off to the guest bedroom. I'd not really given that much thought but I guess doing it in our marital bed wouldn't have been the best idea.

"Okay lover boy, I'm just going to go into the bathroom and freshen up and then I'll let you do the same"

I watched Sandy bounce off and into the en-suite, I couldn't quite believe my luck. Sandy, here in the bedroom with me. And I have to say she seemed really keen!

She was out in a couple of minutes and she'd taken her top off. She was in a powder blue satin bra and her tits looked magnificent in it. Added to the high waisted wetlook leggings they really got my heart racing, and a lot of the blood it was pumping was heading straight between my legs.

"Ooh Paul, you do flatter me. Is that a little semi I see in your pants?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said with a cheeky grin.

"Well it's your turn, I'm just going to get my bag as I bought a couple of bits we may need. You go and freshen up and strip off and I'll be waiting on the bed" With that she made a claw of her hand and a comical growling noise, spun on her heel and walked out of the room laughing at her own joke.

I went into the bathroom, gave myself a good clean up, cleaned my teeth, stripped down to my shorts, looked at myself in the mirror, pinched my love handles and wished I could have got rid of them, took my shorts off, put them back on again. Debated it for about 20 seconds and decided they were staying on. There was quite a little tent on the go down there. One last look in the mirror and I turned the light off and left the bathroom.

I'd expected to find Sandy on the bed or in the bed stripped off and ready for action. Instead she was still in the state of half undress and putting something I didn't quite see back into her bag.

She turned to look at me and I felt her eyes on me, They seemed to linger a very long time on my shorts. She jutted out one of her hips, put her hand on it and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you were supposed to be stripped off?"

"You can hardly talk, you're still dressed exactly the same as when I went in the bathroom!"

"Ok, ok, fair point. Still why haven't you taken your shorts off, are you hiding something?"

She walked slowly across the room towards me never breaking eye contact and stopped about an inch from me. My by now very hard cock poked into her belly and she mouthed a barely audible "Ooh". I was pretty transfixed looking into her striking green eyes, my mouth suddenly felt dry.

Quickly she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of my shorts and yanked them down. Dropping down herself so that she ended up squatting face to face with my achingly hard cock.

"Hello there, you're a little cutie" She looked up with a smile on her face. "I'm not going to lie, I always thought you'd be a bit more well hung"

"Hey, come on now. I've never had any complaints!" I hated the small whine I heard in my voice.

"Oh come on Paul, don't go getting all defensive on me and ruin the mood. It's just I am used to quite large ones and yours certainly doesn't fall into that category" "And as far as never having any complaints, haven't you only ever been with Chris?"

"Well yeah" I didn't really know what to say. I was going to make some protestations but decided whining through more denials wasn't going to sound great.

"Well he is a little cutie, and I've not had many uncircumcised men so that will be different. Who knows we may be a perfect fit and you may be just the right size to hit my G-spot every time" " I did think you'd have more than about 5 inches though, that's not even average Paul"

"Hey, now I know you're trying to get to me, I'm definitely more than 5 inches" The whine was back but not as noticeable as before.

"Trust me, you're 5 inches. Probably a little under. I tell you what we'll have a little measure and see shall we?"

She got up and strolled over to her bag, looked in there for what she wanted and came strolling back over.

"Come on, on the bed" she said and I quickly got on the bed. She placed something I didn't see at the foot of the bed and then climbed on with a decorators type tape measure.

I laid on my back and she crawled up my legs. Her shiny leggings felt very slippery and cold on the bare flesh of my legs and I must admit totally wonderful. She reached down and touched my dick for the first time. Her touch was like an electric shock going through my body and I felt myself let out a moan as she drew back my foreskin with her thumb and forefinger.

"Ooh, you like that don't you." It wasn't a question, more of a statement. One that I certainly couldn't deny. "So, shall we see what you're packing?"

"Sure, go ahead" I was curious now.

Sandy extended the measure out to what I could see was 9 inches. "Don't think we're going to be needing all of that are we?" she gave a little teasing laugh and reduced it down to 6 inches. "Hmmm, getting closer"

6 inches looked about right to me, "there you go, that's about right. Told you I was at least average"

Sandy just shook her head, lowered the measure down. It felt cold as it pushed into the flesh at the base of my dick. She leant forward from her position sitting at the top of my thighs and twisted her head round so she could see the measurement for herself. Her hair felt fantastic as it tickled my exposed midriff.

She flicked her head back up and looked at me with a knowing grin. "Told ya! I make that about 4 and ooh about three quarter inches?" I looked at the measure and she was pretty much spot on, she may even have been a touch generous.

I looked back at Sandy and she was pouting out her bottom lip. "Aww don't be sad you've only got a widdle one" she said in a babyish voice and immediately started laughing.

I didn't know where to put my face, I could feel myself going bright red and put my hands up to cover my face.

I felt Sandy get off my legs and was just about to look up to see where she had gone when I felt her get back on the bottom of the bed and put something around my ankles. She started moving it up my legs and I looked up to see her pulling a pair of pink satin panties up my legs. She was looking up towards me with a big grin on her face.

I started to protest but got a swift "Shhhh" from Sandy and even found myself lifting my butt off of the bed for her to put them on me fully. She pulled them all the way up and tucked them over my throbbing dick. The material felt so slippery and smooth and Sandy started rubbing me through the material.

"Mmmm, you like that don't you?" "Chrissy told me how much you like her shiny panties and the glossy leggings so I thought I'd try them on you"

"Obviously they aren't designed to have dicks in them but you only really half qualify. You're not even big enough to poke out of the top"

She got up and stood over me on the bed. She looked amazing towering over me and I started to feel even more out of my depth. It was then I realised she'd got up so she could remove her leggings.

I loved the look of her in them and was tempted to ask her to keep them on but there was no way anything was going to happen while she was still wearing them.

She pulled them over her butt, did a little wiggle of her hips and started sliding them slowly down her legs. They made a slight whispering sound as she moved them down her legs and I now saw that she had on some nice blue satin panties that matched her bra.

She kicked off her leggings and dropped slowly down until she was straddling the top of my legs, we looked at each other for a few seconds until I got up the courage to reach out a hand, put it behind her back and guide her down towards me.

She leaned forward, her face approaching mine and I felt her long hair cascading around my face as she leaned in and we kissed passionately.

Our hungry tongues explored each other's mouths and she started to grind her hips and rub her panty clad pussy into my groin. It felt amazing and I couldn't help but respond, Thrusting my hips up to meet her movements.

She pulled away and sat up, she looked hot and her cheeks were flushed. I suddenly felt better as it seemed she was actually getting into this.

She scooted down my body, freed my aching dick from the clinging satin and once again pulled back my foreskin to expose my throbbing almost painfully swollen dick.A little tear of precum appeared at the tip and I met Sandy's eyes.

"Aww, don't cry little one. It's not your fault. Sandy's gonna make you feel a whole lot better."

Keeping her eyes on mine she lowered her head and took my whole length into her mouth in one quick motion, her eyes fluttered shut and she showed me just how an experienced woman does it.

It felt like heaven as she went to work sucking and licking my dick, swirling her tongue round the head and moaning softly which sent delicious vibrations through my by now ultra-sensitive cock.

She came up for air briefly. "Wow these little ones make a girl feel like a porn star, How's the show for you up there?" Grinning mischievously she got straight back to it.

She was picking her pace up now, sucking harder and bobbing her head up and down all while working me with her hand.

I was enjoying it so much I just wanted to go with it and last forever but began to feel the familiar feeling of my orgasm building.

I reached down and gently lifted her chin. Her mouth popped as my dick came out and she looked at me with almost glazed eyes.

"You wanna fuck me now?" she asked.

"I'd rather return the compliment, why don't we swap places?"

"Nah ha, maybe later. I wanna fuck"

She quickly went back to the end of the bed and picked up a condom from the floor which she must have left there earlier. "Sorry, you're going to have to use one of these" and threw it onto my chest.

I'd not had much experience with condoms apart from a few months early in my relationship with Chrissy and that was a long time ago.

I'm not sure I'll need that Sandy, I don't think I can have kids. Chrissy and I had considered having children but after years of trying and after having to take a small cup of cum to the hospital it was discovered that most of my swimmers didn't seem to know what way was north and just swam around in circles.

"Chrissy's told me you have a low sperm count, but I'm not going to take the chance. If you want to slip little Paul into my snug little pussy you'd better put that on"

That was al the convincing I needed. I tore off the corner of the packet and looked at the condom, I must have looked a bit puzzled as Sandy said "Give it here, I'll do it for you"

She took it from me and held my dick gently with one hand while placing the condom on top and started to roll it down. She finished and looked up at me with a strange expression. "Um, I think we have a little problem. I don't think Trojan were thinking of you when they made the Magnum XL sweetie."

I looked down and saw the problem, my dick seemed to be drowned in it. There was a lot of extra latex that I'd not be needing. "Well surely better to have too much protection than not enough?" I said.

"I don't think that the issue Paul, it's just too big. I think I could fit two of you in here side by side" With that she pulled it up from the top and it slid straight off. She slid it back on and held the base. "I guess if I get on top and hold the bottom somehow with my hand it might work?"

As if to test her theory she held the bottom and started rubbing my dick up and down. "What do you reckon, think it might work?"

She looked up at me but I was struggling. The feel of the slippery lube in the condom and of her tugging on me was exquisite; It was like she had magic in her fingers.

I saw a smile spread across her face. "Ooh, your little dick really likes that doesn't he!" My dick twitched and I couldn't help but thrust into her hand.

"And I guess from that he likes it when I call him little?" Again My dick betrayed me and I couldn't help but thrust into her now tightening grip.

She moved up and sat across my lap again. I could see her shiny blue panties right next to my dick, it was so close I could feel the heat coming from her. I waited for her to pull them to one side and let me slip inside her hot sweet pussy but she just kept on pumping me with her hand.

"Please, let me fuck you now. I want you Sandy, I have done for years"

She looked down at me. I thought she looked conflicted somehow or uncertain.

"Paul, I don't think it's going to work. I can't really hold the bottom of the condom. I'd probably lose another inch of you with my hand there and you of all people can't afford to give up an inch"

I couldn't believe it. I was this close and wasn't going to miss out like this was I?

Sandy inched up and now my dick was rubbing up against the front of her panties with her hand holding it in place.

"Ooh, that's it Paul. You see your little stump can still get me off. You're rubbing right on my clit."

She threw her head back and started moaning. "C'mon, rub my clit with your little dick. Show me what it can do" I couldn't remember ever being this turned on. How can someone demeaning your manhood drive you this crazy? If someone had told me this I'd have thought they were mad. For most men it would probably have had the opposite effect but for me it was a cruel, confusing ecstasy.

I looked up at Sandy, the sight of her bucking on me and the sound of her moaning was heaven. But this time when I looked up her head wasn't thrust back, and the moaning had stopped. She still rode me and as I looked into her lovely green eyes there was a slight shake of her head that told me she'd been toying with me. The moans were fake.

"C'mon Peewee, pump that little cock"

I couldn't hold myself back any longer, I knew I was at the point of no return. I tried to hold back the tide of my orgasm but it just kept building and I came with such force that almost threw Sandy off of me and onto the floor.

It was the most intense orgasm of my life and Sandy kept pumping me until she'd milked every last drop out of my now rapidly deflating cock.

I was in a daze, and only just aware of Sandy slipping off of me and lying by my side. I felt her tuck my flaccid dick back into my panties and give it a couple of little taps.

I came out of my post orgasmic fog and was suddenly aware of Sandy next to me. She ran her finger up and down my stomach.

I felt a mix of emotions; Embarrassment, shame and a whole load of others that I couldn't put a name to. I just wanted to pull the sheet over my face and hide.

Sandy tickled my stomach some more. "Hey." She said.

It was a struggle but I turned my head to one side to face her. Found her striking green eyes waiting for me.

"Hey" I croaked back. "Sorry."

She gave me a smile, "Don't be sorry, You know what? I actually quite enjoyed it" "I've never really been in a position to dominate a man like that. I found it quite a turn on"


"Well, yeah. It was a lot different from what I'm used to. Most men I sleep with are a lot more dominant and I like submitting to them" "Once I saw you were quite small I just kinda wanted to take control, and when I got those panties on it was like you were putty in my hands. I could tell you loved those and I knew then that I had your number."


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