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Nice n' Slimy Ch. 02

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Gwen's body is hard to control.
15.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/30/2015
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Heather groaned as she sat up in bed. By her side, Yume also squirmed with her arm resting over her daughter's thighs. The teen merely sighed, recalling everything that had happened up to that point and knew it couldn't be denied; it had all been far too real. Just to prove it to herself once again, Heather raised a hand, seeing her normal tanned skin. With a blink of an eye, she was blue and slightly see through. Nothing about what had happened made much sense to her, but she knew the gist of it.

Her mother, who laid naked by her side, had invited Heather's class on a trip to her lab. It was free and educational, as such the school board had agreed in a heartbeat, particularly since Yume was a parent to a student. And then, within that lab run by her mother, Heather had stumbled upon an unstable experiment. It was a liquid, which, put simply, found its way into Heather's body and turned her into something of a slime girl. Now, after a certain series of events, she had altered her mother into, for lack of a better term, a food source. Said source turned out to be a Futanari who produced excessive amounts of semen.

Heather carefully moved Yume's arm away and stood up. She stretched and turned back to her human body, though it felt odd to be in such a state. Even though she was born that way it didn't feel right anymore, like when you're so used to something and it suddenly gets replaced entirely by a different version of it. You know it's the same thing in a way, but it's impossible to get used to. A poor explanation when compared with her situation, but it was satisfactory. Heather gave herself a once over.

It didn't seem like she would need to shower ever again. Her hair was perfect; silky, straight and styled just how she liked it. She sniffed herself, finding that her body odour was just like her usual wash. Everything seemed to be in tip top condition with no need for her to maintain it. Not only that, but she didn't feel hungry in the slightest, well, she was pretty thirsty. As if in reaction to her need, Yume stirred on the bed, sitting up and setting her gaze of on her daughter. She grinned widely.

"Morning, honey. Want some breakfast?" She asked, knowing full well what it entailed. Heather glanced around nervously, biting her bottom lip. Even if she knew what she needed to stay healthy, it didn't make it any easier to accept. Her eyes inevitably fell on her mother's cock, the now nine inch cock hard and waiting for her decision. Gulping audibly, Heather crawled back onto the bed. Yume happily spread her legs, moving up to the head of the mattress to give her child better access. She knew it was wrong, but her body's needs couldn't be denied.

She stared at her mother's cock. It was so hard, throbbing visibly and already leaking thick pre-cum. Yume was clearly looking forward to this, but knew Heather would take what she wanted. Yume had no say anymore, all she could do was offer herself to her daughter. She couldn't quite explain it to herself, but since Heather had given 'birth' to her last night, she wanted nothing more than to pleasure and obey her child. Even now, as she was about to once again commit an incestuous act, she could only feel excitement at the prospect of feeding her precious daughter. The slime girl opened her mouth and took the entire nine inch shaft inside.

Heather no longer possessed a gag reflex. Her transformation having removed the obstruction to her nourishment. She didn't care, as she engulfed the entire length, immediately soaking it in her copious spit, which, like her juices, worked as a potent aphrodisiac and temporary enhancer. She didn't know it yet, but her fluids were powerful enough to make an exhausted man spring back to life and increase their cum production several times over. And, despite her production already being extremely far above average, it had just as potent an effect on Yume. The Japanese mother moaned as her daughter used her.

Every time she took it all, Heather felt the cock pulse harder and faster. The veins throbbed against her tongue and lips, sending sparks of want through her body, even if they were morally wrong, not that it mattered to her. Those morals were for humans and she was obviously not human anymore, neither she nor her mother could find it in themselves to truly care. As Heather once more thrust her face down, her throat being filled once again by her mother's new prick, she found the sensation was actually pleasant. Perhaps she did possess a gag reflex and it had just been altered to derive pleasure from such an act?

Either way, she could feel the warmth of her arousal rushing through her. As if in reaction to her growing desire, her body changed back to its newly natural state, her blue hands lightly gripping Yume's thighs. The contact sent a wave of lust through her body, making her cock jerk and release a large spurt of pre-cum into Heather's lustful maw. She felt it sliding down her throat, settling into her stomach and sending a small wave of warmth and lust through her body. A shudder of desire ran through her, creating ripples through her liquid form.

Instinct drove her movements. Her lips wrapped tight around Yume's prick, massaging the throbbing shaft as her tongue lathered it in her affections, driving its owner closer and closer to climax. She moved her hand up her mother's thigh, every inch she moved forcing her cock to pulse strongly and send a spurt of thick pre down Heather's eager throat. Eventually, the slime girl's hand cupped Yume's twitching balls, the aphrodisiac striking her to the nerves like a bolt of pure pleasure. The Japanese futanari released a cross between a gasp and cry of building ecstasy.

Heather looked up at her. The slime girl's glowing, ocean blue eyes alight with her desire, the speck of bright azure in the centre of her pupils shining brighter now. Yume couldn't hope to resist her, even if she weren't under her daughter's control, she wouldn't be able to. That gaze held all the power of a God's stare; commanding, dominating, and utterly impossible to refuse. She knew her child needed her to cum, if only for her meal, but that didn't matter to Yume as she cried out in bliss. Her cum raced up her length rapidly to spray into the depths of her daughter's body.

If her angle of view had been better, she would see it as her semen gushed down Heather's throat. The opaque fluid, tinted a deep, cobalt blue by her skin, filled an invisible orb within her. Later, when Heather saw her reflection, she realised that her organs had simply blended into the colour of her skin, hardly visibly without looking closely. But now, it was clear where her stomach was as it filled and swelled with her mother's seed, whose massive balls were beginning to gradually deflate as she unloaded into her. Heather moved her other hand and dipped a finger into Yume's pussy. A giant burst of cum caused her belly to swell even larger.

On and on her orgasm went. Yume laid back into the bed, breathing heavily from the pleasure, her cock still sending spurt after spurt of cum into her child, the amount hardly decreasing over time. Of course, it couldn't last forever and her orgasm came to its end. Heather pulled out the rapidly deflating erection, sucking as she did so to draw out the final dregs of Yume's semen. She sighed happily as she laid back on her hands.

Lethargy rolled over the both of them. Despite both no longer being entirely human, they couldn't help enjoying the aftermath, even though Heather herself hadn't cum. The feeling of all that semen inside of her was delightful, in a strange way, like the feeling one gets after eating a large meal. She even felt like she could happily fall asleep then and there, however that day was a school day. With an exasperated sigh, she grabbed her phone, once again surprised that it stayed completely dry despite her aquatic state of being. Checking the time, she saw she had fifteen minutes until first period.

In an instant she was on her feet and back to her human form. She rushed to her closet, searching frantically for any clothes that would even fit on her new figure, however nothing quite did. The best she found was a shirt that, barely, covered her entire torso with her chest stretching the fabric. She didn't have any bras that could fit, no matter she may try. None of her pants could hope to fit around her shapely hips or conceal her cock, which had grown somewhat. Yume, having ever the analytical mind, estimated her daughter to be at least a foot long, despite it being entirely flaccid. Both of them were interested in what it could be when erect.

Heather decided to pull on a knee length skirt. To her fortune, she had a pair of panties with some real elasticity, able to fit her cock and balls in them like a sling. It wasn't entirely comfortable, however practicality took precedence at that time. Her panties should be able to keep her cock from view, however only a fool goes in without a contingency plan, hence the skirt. She checked herself in the mirror, finding that her body had changed ever so slightly since yesterday.

Her mind had apparently come to terms with all that had happened. The fact that she was an inhuman creature no longer seemed alien to her, nor was the fact that she had grown a penis and her breasts had substantially developed, as had her hips and rear. Her face hadn't changed much, save for her glowing blue eyes, and neither had her height of six foot nothing, but her breasts now fit her stature much better. The F cups sat proud on her chest, sagging just enough and capped by her large, silver dollar nipples. She had admit she was glad to have a rather impressive bust now.

Her waist was as slim as ever. The only change around her middle was that it was slightly softer, her six pack no longer nearly as visible as before, though it was still there if one looked close. Her slender midriff was accentuated further by her now wider hips, which had just enough flare to give her a decent hourglass figure. Her ass had seen some of the best improvement.

It was rather shapely before. Nicely curved, firm to the eye and touch. Now she had a good deal of padding to her buttocks, the skin smooth and free of any blemishes like every inch of her altered body. She'd always been good looking, there was never any doubt about that, but now was like a whole new level. She had never noticed it before when looking in the mirrors, distracted as she had been by her new eye colour and changing body, but her face looked slightly different. Her cheeks were a little fuller than before, with a natural blush to them, her lips looked slightly bigger, kind of pouting in a way. They were a pale shade of red at that moment.

Heather suddenly thought about an interesting idea. Focusing her attention on her lips, she imagined them turning to her slime state, but the rest of her body remained the same. For a while nothing happened, but, after a long blink and a sigh of exasperation, she saw that her will had been obeyed. She raised a hand to them, her full lips now a dark blue colour. They looked even more solid than normal, something to note. She turned them back and raised a hand.

Like with her lips, she focused on it. After a moment, she saw it turn a solid blue colour, almost like a skin tight latex glove. Curious, she moved to her mother, who was watching patiently, awaiting her next command, and touched her skin. In an instant, Yume moaned and her cock twitched in longing. Heather couldn't help but grin, unable to help the mischievous thoughts crossing through her mind; she could innocently brush against someone's back and they'd be overcome by lust. She pushed aside the ideas for now. Another glance at her phone revealed that she five minutes to go.

"Damn." She cursed sharply, grabbing everything she needed and bounding down the stairs to the door. In her hurry, she barely noticed the speed with which she moved, making it from her room to the door in little over a second. Yume herself was left stunned, but didn't question it, simply grinning and laying back in her daughter's bed.

"Oh, Heather... my mistress." She sighed, breathing deeply through her nose to indulge in Heather's lingering scent. Yume called her lab, saying she had come down with a sudden illness. She didn't go into excessive detail, the sentence 'faeces is spraying from my rear and vomit from my front... need I say more?' She didn't put it quite so eloquently, but it served to get the point across and thus free up her day. There was no real need to do so, however she had the feeling that her daughter would probably be rather hungry when she came home. In anticipation of this, Yume decided she would tease herself throughout the day.

Heather drove down the street like a woman possessed. Every opportunity to overtake someone that presented itself, she took and almost ran numerous red lights. Each time she stopped, she would glance worriedly at her dashboard clock, seeing as her time continually ran out until she was very much late by the time she pulled into a parking space. Her school was unforgiving when it came to attendance, a single lesson missed or numerous tardiness were grounds for expulsion as far as they were concerned. And Heather, in the past week, had been late to quite a few classes.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. Getting kicked out wouldn't be all that bad really, since she didn't even belong anymore, given her new status as some kind of slime girl. On a whim she changed her hands and smirked at the sight of the deep blue connecting smoothly with the rest of her body. Well, she thought, if all goes south I guess I could have some fun with this. Knowing taking her time would do no good, she gathered her things and stepped from her car. Immediate upon entering the school, she was met by Miss Dereck.

Most of the students at the school called her the Eye of Sauron. It was an apt description since, no matter how they tried to pull it off, she always seemed to know when they were late. Heather silently cursed her luck at being met by her. As her title implied, she was pure evil. Her sneer plastered on her face and confident, yet somehow domineering stance made that all too clear, with her nose upturned at the student.

"Miss Alistair, what time do you call this?" She asked, voice equally as condescending at her expression. Heather bit her bottom lip wanting nothing more than to flee, but kept herself in check. It was just a teacher after all.

"Sorry, ma'am, I lost track of time. It won't happen again." She said, hoping it would placate the diligent sadist. Heather wasn't one of those people who needlessly gave harsh descriptions to people, being a firm believer in the 'don't judge a book by its cover' saying, however she was certain Miss Dereck was Satan incarnate. Speaking of which, the teacher gave a sound of annoyance and stepped towards Heather.

"That's the third time you've been late to lessons this week, Miss Alistair. I doubt even your mother's attempted bribery with that little field trip will help this time. Now come on, you're coming with me to the principle's off...ice..." She trailed off. As she had been speaking, Miss Dereck had constantly moved closer to the young student and even placed a hand on Heather's shoulder. Her grip had been tight and even claw like at first, but almost instantly loosened to something akin to a caress. Heather frowned inwardly at this.

"Miss Dereck?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I must've dozed off or something. Um... you can go, Miss Alistair, just don't be late again." She said, sounding as confused as Heather felt, though trying to maintain her composure. The student didn't question it further and made her escape. Her teacher watched as she left, frowning as she did so. For her part, Heather was just as surprised, though she had her own theory as to why it happened. Chances were that, since she felt threatened, her body had liquefied to a certain extent. If that was so, then it meant skin on skin contact wasn't necessary for it to take effect.

Not only that, but it also meant it could have different effects. From what she could tell, the ability of her body depended on her state of mind. For instance, a time when she was sexually aroused would result in her skin acting as a potent aphrodisiac. In contrast, if she felt threatened her skin would take on the necessary properties in order to remove the threat, as if had done just moments ago. This meant her genetic makeup could change as needed, something that only made her feel more amazed at her body's ability.

Pushing aside the thoughts, Heather entered her class. She apologised for being late and took her seat, thankful that not many people were concerned with her, though Wendy couldn't tear her eyes from her.

"H-Heather?" She asked, staring open mouthed at her friend, whom she only recognised from her signature height and pitch black hair. Said black hair teen sat down as a small blush crept across her cheeks.

"A growth spurt, I guess?" She said questioningly, acting unsure.

"A pretty fucking extreme one at that." Wendy stated in disbelief, a small hint of bitterness in her voice. Unable to resist, Heather looked her over, her gaze lingering on her breasts and hips longer than they should have. Wendy wasn't a beauty queen by any means. She was of Irish descent and seemed to be a representation of every stereotype of the culture. She had fiery red hair, a wide splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and Heather couldn't remember the last time anyone had been able to drink her under the table. Wendy was fairly tall, standing at 5'10'', though her bust suffered from this. Despite being full C cups, they didn't appear as large on her body.

Though her lower half more than made up for it. Wendy was all legs, and with very good reason. The limbs were long, luscious and held a power befitting a track team member. Heather had befriended her during her brief time with the team, fortunate since the two had quite a few classes together. But now, like with Sharon prior to her complete transformation, Heather felt the need to go beyond simple friendship. It couldn't be helped given her new body.

Wendy didn't notice her friend's lingering stares. Like most of the class, she was trying to concentrate on what their teacher was saying, but Heather could barely focus on it. She had never really paid attention to it before, however she now noticed just how many female students were in the classroom. Now that she thought about it, the student body did seem to lean more in the girls' favour, which gave her quite the problem. While she couldn't deny that she liked how girls looked now, the fact of the matter is that she didn't know if she could control herself.

After what happened with her mother, she feared what she might do. She wasn't doing anything at that time, nor did she feel anything resembling what she had yesterday, however everything in this situation was new. For all she knew, the second she was alone with another woman, she would repeat exactly what she did. Heather looked at her desk, where her notebook laid open but otherwise unused. Even with the ever present fear that she might suddenly change personality like last time, she felt nothing but boredom, though she didn't know what she could do to change that. Well, there was quite a few ways.

None of which she could make use of. Between her legs, she could feel her cock against her skin. Somehow, she knew it would take some time before she had her first erection, almost akin to being in a growing stage. As far as she could say, her current body was a child form, though clearly growing in a different way. She doubted it would take very long in the grand scheme of things for her to reach 'puberty'. That was the best way she could think of it.

There was a certain sense of anticipation. It was like when a birthday was drawing near as a kid, the excitement just built and built, until the day came. The only thing she could hope for is that the experience lived up to the hype she was building for herself. However, there was always one key drawback to looking forward something, particularly when it seemed so close; the inevitable boredom that shrouds nearly everything leading up to that single moment. Heather had always been like that.

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