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Niece Rindi Ch. 08 - The Prom

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The Senior Prom.
7.5k words

Part 9 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/09/2022
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In chapter 1 my sisters adopted niece comes to live with me, after graduating nearly four months early. We have both been invited as chaperones to a Senior Prom.

------------Saturday, Prom day

I wake up in my bed alone. This is the first time in three weeks that Rindi isn't in bed with me when I wake up.

She isn't in my bathroom, I take care of my morning business. The three Ss, shit, shower, shave. Putting on my bathrobe, I leave the bedroom and walk out to the living room. Passing Rindis room, I hear her talking on her phone but can't make out what she's saying.

Entering the kitchen, I quickly put breakfast together. I put biscuits in the oven, fry some sausage. Scramble a few eggs.

When everything is finished, I yell out. "Rindi breakfast is ready, come and get it! Before I feed it to the seagulls!"

Putting the biscuits in a bowl, I cover them with a cloth. Get out my home made raspberry jam. Carry everything to my dining room table. I am eating when Rindi walks in.

She has a new nightgown on. I haven't seen this one before. Yellow, see through. Her dark brown, acorn sized nipples clearly visible. Her dark brown hair still has the little curls at the bottom, just past her shoulders. No panties, I see her heart shaped landing strip, through the thin material.

She sits next to me and we both begin eating. "These are great biscuits, did you make them?" Rindi asks.

"I think we had some elves visit us this morning and they must have left them," I tease her. "Try the jam, they left it too."

We make quick work of eating and cleaning up afterwards. Then I go and sit in my recliner. Rindi climbs onto my lap, puts her arms around my neck and rests her head on my right shoulder.

This is the usual way we relax after a meal and also when she just wants to talk.

"You told me Prom night was when you would finally make love to me," Rindi said. "I'm excited and a little scared too. I talked to Candy and she said her first time was really painful. Then I called mom and talked to her about her first time. She said it was a bit like a really strong pinch that hurt for a few seconds and then was gone."

"Every woman is different," I explain. "Some hymens are thinner and some thicker. Some really hurt and others barely feel it. Don't worry, I'll do everything possible not to cause any more pain than is necessary. Remember anytime you ever need me to stop anything I do, just say stop."

"I'm just happy that my first time is going to be with you Uncle Roy," Rindi said. "I know we love each other and you will make it special for both of us."

"About the dance tonight?" I ask her. "Do you want a limo or my own car? The reason most guys rent a limo is so they can drink and not worry about any consequences. They rent motel rooms since most still live with parents. We will come back here and have a glass

or two of wine. Take things slowly and see where it leads us."

"I really don't need a limo. I love this house and everything here." Rindi tells me.

"I do want to show you off a bit today and I'll be wearing my tux and your dress is spectacular." I said. "Do you want a fancy place?"

"Pirates Cove is fancy enough and we both like the food there," Rindi says.

"How long do you think you need to get ready this afternoon?" I ask.

"It shouldn't take me too long. I will want your help of course." She tells me.

"The prom starts at seven, I want to be early, say around six. That way I can talk with Abyss Andrews before too many people arrive." I tell Rindi.

We play pool for a couple hours, I'm convinced by now that she's a hustler. She does occasionally let me win. She is pretty sneaky though, while I line up my shots she makes sure that I'm staring at her cute little body. She will yawn and stretch making her boobs puff out the gown a bit. Makes it really tough to concentrate.

"You would play better if you weren't always trying to see under my gown," Says Rindi. Should I take it off and see?"

She doesn't hesitate and pulls it off over her head.

"That's dirty pool, you little brat." I say as I grab her and pick her up, putting her over my right shoulder, I swat her butt twice.

She giggles as I carry her from my man cave, through the living room, finally in my room. I dump her onto the bed. I toss my robe over the desk chair in the corner.

She sees me come towards her, eyes big and watchful, full of mischief. She moves back a bit. I reach into the headboard and come out with the edible, watermelon flavored, massage oil.

I put a bit on my index finger. Yep it tastes like oily watermelon.

"May I try a little bit?" Rindi asks.

I hand her the bottle, she puts a bit onto her finger. After tasting it, she smiles even bigger. Then pours a small amount into her left palm. She smears the oil around

both of her big nipples and her little boobs.

"Is that an invitation?" I ask her.

"You're still stupid, if you have to ask that." She says playfully.

So I licked the oil from all around her little boobs. Avoided the big acorn sized nipples at first. Kissed her mouth letting her taste the watermelon flavor on my tongue and lips.

Back down to her left nipple, I engulfed the whole thing with my mouth, running my tongue all around the nipple, using a bit of suction I made sure to get every drop of oil. I repeated on the right side.

"Still don't want your boobs to get jealous of each other," I tell her. She giggles.

I contine licking the right nipple and start massaging and squeezing the left side. I switch sides a couple more times. It takes longer for Rindi to reach a boobgasm each time I play with her boobs. I think it has to do with building up a tolerance for the pleasure. It takes nearly twenty minutes before she starts to pant and gasp for breath.

Rindi doesn't faint this time but still has a happy smile and the glow of orgasm about her whole face, when I finish.

"Should I put some oil on your erection now?" Rindi asks me.

"No, the last time I ejaculated was yesterday morning at the table, so we want to save it for tonight. It will be better if we wait.

My pecker is not in agreement with my brain. "Why should I have to wait? She wants it, I wants it, pwetty pwease, just a taste, a sample, an appetizer, I won't break her cherry, just a taste?" My penis begs.

"Tonight," My brain says, "Now be good and go back to sleep until later."

Some cold water from the shower and my erection decides sleeping is better under the current conditions. I use some 24k gold body spray. I sniff, smells good.

I put on my black briefs, the black slacks, the gold vest, the black jacket. I put on the cummerbund and the studs. The black bow tie reminds me why I hate ties. I keep it on anyway. I put on the cufflinks. I know you're not supposed to wear a cummerbund with a vest but dang it, seeing my reflection in my mirrors, I'm looking sharp.

Black socks and my black wingtip dancing shoes. My outfit is complete.

Time to check on Rindi.

"Holy Shit! Who the hell are you, coming into my bedroom while I'm naked and where is my Uncle Roy?" Rindi asked when she saw me. You look very handsome," She added, smiling.

"I need your help," Rindi says.

First she puts on the shiny gold satin granny panties. Covering up her heart shaped landing strip. Hands me the shiny matching satin gold bra, turns her back to me. I put the bra in place and hook it just over and around her boobs.

She opens a dresser drawer and dabs on some perfume. A light floral scent, I recognize it. China Rain, one of my mothers bottles. Sheila had given it to Rindi. I brushed a small tear from my eye.

Her gown is next. It's been a few days since I've seen it. The shiny gold mesh design leaves nothing to the imagination. The bra and panties are necessary for the school dress code, also for decency. The fabric of the gown is see through gold lace from top to bottom.

Rindi puts it on, I zip it up. She brings out the wooden jewelry box, hands me the necklace. I hook the clasp behind her neck. The 24k gold matches the gown nicely, her bosom looks wonderful with the heart locket between them. Next she puts on the earrings and tennis bracelet. She sits on the bed to put on gold knee high stockings and the gold sandal shoes with the ankle straps.

She has transformed from a cute little girl, into a ravishing young lady. An instant walking erection to any red blooded male.

"You are the most gorgeous lady I've ever seen in my life. Even better looking than the blond in the convertible, from the movie. I've always preferred dark hair.

Lets get the corsages and take a few pictures," I tell Rindi.

I fasten the double carnation onto the left side of her head. Slip on her wrist corsage. Put my bouttonierre on my left side and we are ready.

After I get my camera and set up the tripod. I Take a few shots of just Rindi. She takes a few of me. We stand sideways to the camera and using my remote we get some good shots of us both.

We are both slightly nervous to be attending a prom at a school neither of us has ever been to before. Our outfits are spectacular.

Each time we go to Pirates Cove they have a different hostess. This one is really cute, half American, half Korean. The white blouse, cut low to just the tops of her copper colored boobs. A bra that matches her skin tones.

"Ouch!" I cry out softly as Rindi elbows me in my stomach.

"That's for staring at her boobs," Rindi says grinning. "Now pick your jaw up from the floor and put your eyes back in their sockets."

Susanne, the new hostess/waitress leads us to a table. Candy isn't working this evening since it's her school having the prom.

We don't need menus, I tell Susanne, we want two of Uncle Roys Luscious Lasagna combos.

"How do you know about the specials?" Susanne asks. "I have never seen you in here before."

"He's Uncle Roy," Rindi says proudly.

Susanne heads to the kitchen to place our orders.

"Whoot Whoo, what a cutie, holy shit those aren't real, Uncle Roys stupid, ha ha ha, Awwwk!" Squawked the parrot.

"Fresh baked parrot with Bourgios sauce sounds good to me tonight," I tell Jack as he grins at us.

"Rindi I recognize," He says. "She is more gorgeous every time I see her, but who is this ugly mug with her? In the monkey suit and bow tie? Actually my restaurant could use a monkey to play straight man to the parrot."

"Ha ha, very funny," I might just rent a monkey for your wedding and then see who laughs?" I tell Jack.

"You wouldn't dare, or would you?" Jack asks.

"Sometimes Rindi rubs off on me a bit," I tell Jack. "She has a bit of a mischievous mean side."

"Do tell me," says Jack.

I tell him about poor Kitty from the sex shop leaving out her name. He about dies laughing when I tell him I was almost ready to call 911.

"Have fun tonight you two, and make sure Candy gets a few dances. She told her mom and I, she is dumping Clod tonight, actually his name is Claude, very fitting." Jack says.

I send Sheila a couple pictures of Rindi and I. Before we left the house I uploaded them via bluetooth.

My phone buzzes almost instantly. "Hi Sheila," I say. "What's up?"

"I just may have to kill you," She tells me, "You have turned my little girl into a walking sex toy. Is this your idea of taking care of her?" "Now let me to talk to Rindi."

"Can you talk or is Roy right there?" Sheila asks Rindi.

"He's here, we are having dinner before going to the prom. What do you think of our prom outfits?" Rindi asks.

"You are just gorgeous. Remember we still think of you as you were, with glasses, pimples and braces. We are replacing some of your old pictures with new ones so keep sending them. Phyl and I are happy that you are getting along so well. Just stick to the plan." Sheila says.

"We love you baby girl."

Rindi hands my phone back to me.

Taking our time, we finish our meals.

Susanne brings us the bill at the table and I hand her my debit card and show her my license. I leave her a twenty dollar tip. She says that Candy told her all about the three of us and she would like to come visit with us sometime, to play pool and other things.

"Well I leave all those executive decisions to Rindi, I tell Susanne. "I'm simply her humble monkey."

Both girls are giggling and smiling. Sizing each other up. Susanne hopeful. Rindi noncommittal.

Putting the address of the school into my phone, I say, shortest distance from my current location. The map pops up.

Susanne gives Rindi her cell number. I open the outside door, then hold open the passenger door of my Escape and Rindi climbs in.

We arrive at the school at exactly six o'clock. Fine, that gives Rindi a chance to go to the washroom to check on things that girls always worry about.

I open doors for Rindi, she says it's weird but my parents taught me manners. Actually I think she likes it, now that she has gotten more used to it.

I wait for Rindi to get finished and escort her into the gym by following the signs on the walls.

Inside the gym we are greeted by a good looking lady in a modest, black, form fitting dress. "Do you have tickets?" She asked.

At the same time another lady has approached and she says, "If I'm not mistaken these are the two chaperones that Candy told me about."

"Abyss Andrews," I hold out my hand and we shake firmly but gently. "I'm Roy Maxx and this beautiful young lady is Brat. I mean, my Niece Rindi."

"You both look just lovely," She says. "Rindi you look divine."

"Thank you," Rindi says blushing and turning a couple shades redder than normal.

Abyss Andrews is wearing a dance skirt in different colors. It reminds me of many from the dance classes that Sheila and I attended. Now I think I know why she selected the band for tonight.

"So as chaperones, what are our duties?" Will we get to dance or just watch?" I ask.

"We will all get to dance. The chaperones just make sure that no one does anything too risque or stupid. We don't want to see any butt grabbing or nipple rubbing," Abyss says. "There are a few guards at the punch bowls to make sure no alcohol is added to any of them. Most of our kids just want to have fun but there are always a few troublemakers. For the money these kids spend, no one wants to be forced to leave early."

Abyss Andrews, Rindi and I all go over to a table and sit down after each of us gets a glass of punch. We just make small talk for several minutes.

Candy comes over to us when she arrives with her date, Claude.

"Rindi! your oufit, hair, flowers, jewelry, and not even makeup. You look incredible! Simply incredible!" Candy gushes.

"Thank you," Rindi tells her friend.

"You look halfway presentable yourself," I tell Candy. "Of course silver shoes on a green mermaid sheath dress probably not the best choice."

"Ouch! I didn't duck out of the way quite fast enough, underestimating how fast Candy could move in the silver heels.

"That will teach you," She said grinning at me, while I rubbed my arm.

"Can I get you to kiss it and make it better?" I asked Candy.

I picked her up off the floor and planted a kiss on her lips, while she giggled. Then I put her down while Claude glared at me.

"She's with me." He said and grabbing her arm led her away.

"Rindi, check on Candy once in a while tonight." I tell her. "I've known a lot of insecure losers like him. I'm getting a bad vibe though."

Rindi nodded and went to find where Candy and Claude had gone.

I went over to the band area. Talked about the music with the lead guitarist. Took out a hundred dollar bill and asked for a few of my favorites. Especially, one for the final song. Take My Breath Away from Top Gun, a rumba.

You know dance music, his eyes twinkled knowingly. You look young but I see the way you move. Knock their socks off tonight.

The band started tuning up, so I went to find Rindi.

The Way You Look Tonight, was the first song up. When I finally found Rindi, I asked her if she'd like to dance with me.

"Of course," She smiled and said.

I led her to the big area designated for dancing. The song started and we got into proper ballroom position, I told Rindi to look over my right shoulder and just pretend we were still at home.

She just seemed to glide with me as we danced around. A few of the braver guys asked their dates to dance after watching us for a few seconds.

It was obvious that most of the guys had never done any dancing before. One or two of the half dozen had a bit better timing but most just couldn't get the rhythm.

The second song started, a waltz, Moon River. I was in my element now. Rindi flowed around the dance floor. I did a few basic turns just so she could get the timing, then I upped the level.

I did a simple diamond turn, followed with a box finish. A promenade Weave, an inside turn. Lacing in and out. I rolled across her to the outside, we both back stepped. I rolled her back to the outside. I did a simple maneuver, followed by a spin turn, again a box finish. We ended in a flourish with a side corte.

There was clapping and cheering, we had been the only ones dancing. Neither of us had been paying attention to anyone else. We had just been enjoying ourselves while we danced.

The next song was the twist. A bunch of kids started dancing now. We sat down over by Abyss Andrews.

"You didn't tell me you were a dancer?" She accused me.

"It's been quite a few years now," I say, "I learned with my sister, her adopted mom, I pointed at Rindi."

"Rindi how long have you been dancing?" Abyss turned and asked Rindi.

Rindi blushed. "Go ahead and tell her, it's okay," I let Rindi know.

"Uncle Roy taught me yesterday in our living room." Rindi said, like it was no big deal.

The Abyss looked impressed. Looked at Rindi a few minutes, then studied me even longer.

"You two just seem made for each other, it's amazing that you learned all those moves in just one day." Abyss says to Rindi.

"She didn't," I said then, "I only showed her the basic timing. Any girl can dance if the guy knows how to lead."

Runaround Sue started, a Jive, I don't think Rindi wants to jump into this one, I tell them. Abyss Andrews, May I have this dance?"

"Please call me Angie, and I would love to dance with you." She says with a smile.

We start out with a fallaway rock. This lady is smooth. I balance left then right she follows, I do a few forward swivels. Four point steps, a sand step, lock and turn, a throwaway whip, Spanish arms, double Cuban. We finish with a triple wheel, and I dip her back, nearly to the ground, holding her there with just my right arm, then lift her back up to her feet.

The entire audience cheers when we are done. Both of us are out of breath, we return to Rindi and sit again.

"Amazing," Said Rindi. You both looked like you had a lot of fun.

"Your uncle is a terrific lead," Said Angie. "I hope you don't mind my borrowing him a few times tonight."

Rindi and I both smiled, thinking that Candy had said nearly the same thing a few days earlier, of course for a totally less than innocent reason.

I'm a bit thirsty so I go and get punch for all of us. We are still drinking it when Candy comes over to us, just before the next song starts. Her eyes slightly red, like she had been crying.

Rindi asked first. "What's wrong Candy?"

"Oh! I just told Claude that simply because he spent money tonight on his suit and a limo that doesn't mean he owns me. When Roy gave me that little kiss, he got jealous. He left a few minutes ago." Candy said.

Angie looked at all three of us. "There is something going on here between you three. I'm not sure what and it isn't my business. We are not here about school right now. Roy go dance with Candy a few times I want to get to know more about Rindi." She said in a voice that was used to being obeyed.

The band was playing Moon River, a rumba, I had requested. Candy had a little dance experience, not a lot but she followed easily enough. I led her


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