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Night Out Ch. 01

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Dinner with wife's shy friend turns out not to be so shy.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/31/2020
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Amy and I have dabbled in the swinger lifestyle for several years now. We have enjoyed making new friends with the same outlook on life, but most of all, we appreciate how much closer it has brought us in your relationship. Plus, it has allowed us to explore our sexual fantasies openly together. Amy and I both enjoy reading about other people's sexual fantasies and experiences here on Literotica. Several stories on here have been the impetus to exploring some fun scenarios, one in particular that led to an eye-opening dinner party. Our closest friends become friends with benefits, but that is a different story.

The events of this story took place on a weekend night. Amy and I met up with Keith and Amanda for dinner in the city; Amanda is one of Amy's long time college friends. They are long time vanilla friends. Dinner was terrific, and the conversation had all four of us laughing throughout the night. Occasionally conversation turned to sex and sexual fantasies. Amy, as usual pushing the conversation in that direction with some very pointed questions of Amanda's likes and dislike in the bedroom.

While I enjoyed the time we have spent with Amanda and Keith over the years, I have always found it odd that Amy and Amanda became friends in the first place or remained friends over the years. Amanda is the exact opposite of Amy, very quiet and shy. Sometimes, at dinner parties, I almost forget she is there; she is so unassuming. Amanda is attractive in a plain Jane sort of way. I have asked Amy in the past how she and Amanda have remained friends. Amy said she doesn't know why, just that she does enjoy her time together with Amanda, plus, it doesn't hurt that Keith is so attractive.

Which my response is always, "really?" Keith is a nice enough guy, but I would never put him in the handsome category, but then what do I know. When I ask Amy if she is attracted to certain men, I think she would be attracted too, almost every time she says, "not in the least."

Anyway, Amy kept asking leading sexual questions during the dinner every chance she got, "Have you ever?" or "would you ever" type of questions. Amy directed the questions mostly to Amanda, trying to see if Amanda had a wild side pent up in her very stoic demeanor.

I knew why Amy was steering the conversation in this direction. The night before, Amy and I read a story about Adult book stores and the glory hole rooms in the back of the stores. In the usual scenario, the husband takes his shy inexperienced wife into an adult book store, and next thing you know, she is banging endless mystery cock's sticking through the wall.

I should have known Amy would find a way to bring that up during dinner. As she explained the story to Keith and Amanda, she kept pausing, hoping for a reaction out of them. But neither one did much more than smile.

Amanda, saying, "Oh my, that's crazy."

Amy turned to Keith and asked him directly if he had ever been in an adult book store and ventured into the back rooms.

Keith said, "Well, I have been to an adult book store or two in my life, but never seen any that have booths in the back."

Amanda perked up upon hearing that from Keith and asked, "When was this mister?"

Keith stuttering said, "um, well, remember your birthday present?"

Amanda blushed and said, "oh, never mind."

Amy wasn't about to let that go unchallenged.

"So, what was this birthday present? It sounds fascinating. Amanda, you are such a lovely shade of red right now." Amy said, giggling.

"Oh, it was nothing, really!" Amanda responded.

"Come on, girlfriend, spill it. What kind of toy is it, and do you like it? I may need to get one if you give it a good review. Five screaming orgasms rates Amanda." Amy said.

Amanda was very embarrassed now, and she wasn't taking Amy's teasing very well.

Amy picked up on Amanda's discomfort with the current topic and quickly changed the subject.

Amy said she needed to go to the bathroom. As she got up to go, Amanda jumped up with her saying she needed to use the facilities as well.

The girls left for the bathroom, and I quickly apologized to Keith and told him I hope Amy didn't embarrass Amanda or you with her questions.

Keith said, "it was OK. Amanda is timid and private, as I am sure you have noticed. I am sure I am going to get a talking to about bringing up that birthday present."

I said, "well, I hope Amanda isn't upset. We enjoy hanging out with you two. We need to do this kind of thing more often. We don't take advantage of living so close to the city enough."

Keith said, "agreed."

I was dying to ask Keith what kind of toy he did buy Amanda for that birthday. But figured best to let it go, for now, I did file it away, for now, thinking next time with a little more alcohol, it might be a good time to ask.

The girls were in the restroom for much longer than I expected. Keith and I passed the time by ordering another drink and debating whether the national league should have the designated batter rule. He had clearly lost his mind by advocating for the designated hitter.

The ladies returned to find Keith and me in a heated debate.

Amy said, "Hello, boys, we are back."

Amy and Amanda were standing at the table with their arms around each other's hips. I had never seen these two so touchy-feely with each other. I was looking forward to asking Amy just what went on in the bathroom between the two of them.

I noticed Amanda was still slightly flushed, and I figured Amy must have embarrassed her some more in the bathroom.

"All is well, ladies?" I asked.

Amanda said, "Couldn't be better, but it is late, Keith; we have an early day tomorrow if we are going to head to the lake. We should call it a night."

I looked at Amy, wondering if Amanda was upset; Amy just gave me a wink, which I knew meant she had something to tell me when we were alone.

We said our goodbyes, and Amanda surprised me by kissing me on the lips as we hugged. That was the first time that had ever happened.

We parked a few blocks away, and Amy and I started walking back to the car.

"So, just what happened in the bathroom? Amanda was still blushing when you got back to the table and full of giggles." I asked as we walked.

Amy said, "None of your business; it is between Amanda and me."

"Oh, come on, that's just mean," I said.

Laughing, Amy said, "Well, it seems Ms. shy and demure Amanda has some pretty wild fantasies."

"OH? Do tell. Anything we could help with?" I asked.

"You dirty bastard, yes we could IF I was at all attracted her that way," Amy said.

That caught me off guard. Amanda isn't the most beautiful woman, but she isn't ugly. I find myself attracted to her physically. She has a beautiful smile and captivating blue eyes. A woman's eyes are my main weakness; her long legs and round butt don't hurt either. I was kind of shocked that Amy had no sexual attraction to her, but then Amy has been very clear about her preferences when it comes to female sex partners. Petite brunettes with big tits and curves.

"How about Keith," I asked. "Are you attracted to him sexually?"

Amy didn't pause, "hell yeah, he is hot."

"So, you know I am attracted to Amanda. I am dying to know what she told you in the bathroom and what Keith bought her in the adult store," I said.

Amy laughing now said, "Well, she didn't tell me what it was exactly but that it was big and black."

"WOW, seriously? I would never have guessed that." I said.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise to me too. Amanda is so prim and proper all the time, and her fantasy to be with multiple partners, all at the same time, both male and female, really caught me off guard." Amy said.

"Gang bang style? I didn't think she even knew what that was." I said, chuckling.

So wound up in the conversation, I hadn't noticed as we walked well past our parking garage and found ourselves in a part of the city we hadn't explored before.

As we turned around to head back to the parking structure, Amy pointed and said, "Look."

There was a strip club down one of the side streets.

"Well, that looks like fun; you up for it?" I asked.

Amy said, "Yeah, this conversation has me wet, but if I don't get in for free, I pass. Dinner was more expensive than I budgeted. Please let me order the wine from now on; you always spend too much."

"Hey, it was good, wasn't it? We don't go out all that often." I said.

"Yes, it was, but still. I don't like spending that much on a bottle of wine." Amy continued.

We got to the door of the strip club and entered. It was a fully nude club, so no alcohol, which was good as we didn't need another drink, especially since I was driving.

The man at the entrance said it was $60 for me and $40 for Amy.

Amy just turned around and walked out. "Crap," I thought. But she was right; the last strip club we went to in Vegas, the women got in free. She was right $100 to get in and then another $100 or so for lap dances? Time to head home.

I caught up with her outside, and she said, "Look over there."

I didn't know what she was looking at; I thought she was pointing at another strip club. All I saw was a dimly lit storefront. It wasn't until I read the awning "Adult Books and More."

Laughing, I said, "Oh, should we go buy some books?"

"No, silly, let's go see if they have booths in the back like that story. I bet they don't, and if they do, it is just a booth for guys to jerk off while watching porn. Which by the way, why would you need to go to a store for that? With the internet and all you can do that at home," Amy said matter-of-factly.

We crossed the street and went into the store. The store lights were so bright inside; it shocked our eyes and took a while to adjust. There were 3 or 4 guys in the store looking around and trying not to stare at Amy. Amy's comment about why guys would be there when the internet was available crossed my mind. Then I thought, how is this store even in business anymore? As expected, as soon as Amy and I walked in, all eyes turned and checked her out. All of them but one, attempting to hide their stares, one guy just stood there staring at her. It was like he just saw bigfoot, a very attractive bigfoot for that matter.

Amy kept wandering around the store; I knew what she was doing; she was looking for a back room with booths.

It was a typical adult book store. Rows of videos and magazines, which, to be honest, I didn't think they even made any more. Then one entire corner with every kind of sex toy you could imagine and a few that I had no idea what a person would do with them.

I got Amy's attention to come and look at all the toys. We both were giggling as we checked them out. Amy found a new type of rabbit that she wanted. I told her it would be cheaper to buy it online, but she had to have it right then.

We took the dildo up to the check-out counter; as I was paying, Amy asked if it came with batteries.

The guy told us, nope, but he would sell us some for $20.

I looked at Amy and said, "Seriously? Thought you were worried about our budget? The batteries are almost as much as the dildo."

Amy kissed me and said, "It's a long drive home. I will make it up to you when we get home; I promise."

I told the guy, OK, give us the batteries too.

Then Amy said a bit too loud, "told you, there are no booths here."

That got the guy's attention from behind the counter.

"Honey, we have booths in the back if you are interested, but you need to know you can't return this if it's opened." He said, very plainly.

Amy's eyes perked up, and she asked, "Where? I don't see a back room."

He finished ringing us up and then came out from behind the counter. He walked to the back of the store where the videos were. Between two rows of racks was a black curtain covering the entrance to the back.

He pulled the curtain aside and said, "through here if you are interested."

Amy looked at me wide-eyed, and I wasn't sure if I saw excitement or nervousness in her eyes.

She turned to me and said, "Come on, I doubt there are holes in the walls."

I said, "Babe, are you sure? Those booths are probably plastered with cum."

The man said, "Oh no, we have to sterilize them twice a day, or the city would close this place."

The city is stricter about what we do here than what goes on across the street at that fuck club; I mean dance club." He said, making air quotes with his fingers when he said "dance club."

Amy grabbed my arm and said, "come on, I want to prove those stories are BS."

I was a bit excited and nervous at the same time. I knew Amy could get pretty slutty in the right situation, but at the same time, I doubted a creepy porno booth would push her over the edge into slut Ville.

We walked behind the current, and my first thought was from the wizard of Oz, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." It caused me to laugh.

We were the only ones in the hallway.

Amy looked at me and said, "well, which booth strikes your fancy? Six has always been part of my favorite number."

I said, "works for me." There was a total of 8 doors.

We went into booth number 6, and I was surprised; it was immaculate, and it smelled of Pine-sol. I instantly flashed back to the summer I was 20 and working in Tahoe at a summer camp. It was a camp for families to hike the many trails around the lake.

The staff bathroom area at the camp was co-ed, and it was cleaned every day by one of us with Pine-sol. The smell of the Pine-sol transported me back to those summer days, and one summer in particular.

The trail master at the camp was a beautiful 30 something-year-old woman named Liz. She was tall and lean, with small breasts and eyes as blue as the lake. She was just coming out of a divorce and kept to herself most of the time. The males on staff all bragged they were going to fuck Liz before the end of summer. They had a pool going for the winner.

I didn't enter the pool as I didn't think I had a chance, plus Liz always looked sad all the time. I did my best to cheer her up whenever she invited me to join her group on a hike. She said it was sweet of me to try and cheer her up, but she was in a rough spot right now, but always thanked me for trying.

The showers the staff used were in a co-ed bathroom, as I said, with no designation as to who used which. They were OK showers; we were in the mountains after all. Each shower was divided into two spaces with a curtain covering the entrance to the stall. The first area was a bench to sit on and a wooden mat with slats to stand on and change out of your clothes. Then there was a curtain separating the changing area from the shower itself.

I was in taking a shower one night after everybody had gone to bed; that was the best time to get as much hot water as you wanted. I heard the door open, and I wondered who it could be, as I usually had the place to myself at this time of night. I kept undressing and turned the water on.

As I waited for the water to get hot, I was just about to step into the shower when the curtain to the changing area pulled open. Liz was standing there completely naked.

I couldn't help but say, "holy shit" when I saw her flawless body. She was cut, and you could see every long sinewy muscle in her lean body.

Liz just smiled and said, "I thought maybe I could wash your back, and you wash mine."

I was speechless; I had only been with two girls at that point. One was my high school sweetheart, who was now my wife, and the other was my mom's younger sister, a very wild and sexy aunt.

She looked at me with her deep blue eyes and said, "John, you have been so sweet to me. You will make some young lady very happy someday."

Then she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me, kissed me long and hard. Her tongue was in my mouth before I had time to think.

I was rock hard in an instant.

Liz wrapped her hand around my cock and, smiling, said, "mmm, even happier than I thought."

We showered, and she went down on me, and I returned the favor. She had such a sweet pussy, not a single hair to be found.

In the middle of eating her out, she pulled me up to her and said, "I want you inside me, but you can't tell any of the other guys, OK? I know about the pool. If you do, I will be very hurt. You don't want to hurt me, do you?"

"oh no, Liz, I would never hurt you. Plus, I am not even in the pool," I said. My cock was aching to be inside.

"You're not? How come?" Liz questioned.

Nervously I said, "To be honest, I didn't think you had any interest."

She giggled and said, "Oh, I noticed you that first day of orientation. Now put this big cock in me."

We fucked several times that night. The rest of the summer, she would meet me in the shower late at night. We would shower and fuck. Towards the end of summer, she started sneaking me into her cabin late at night so we could fuck, and I could hold her while she slept. Several times she woke me up in the middle of the night crying hysterically. I never pushed for an explanation, figured she would tell me if she wanted.

Summer came to an end, and I left to go back to college. I never heard from her again. I think about her now and then and hope she is happy.

To this day, I get a chubby whenever I smell Pine-sol. Because of Liz, I am overly attracted to tall, slender women with small perky breasts and blue eyes. It is like Pavlov's dogs. Except I not only drool, but I also get a raging hard-on as well.

Tonight was no different; the smell of Pine-sol in the booth had me sporting more than a chubby thinking about Liz, but tonight I was with my wife, Amy.

Amy turned to me and saw I had a bulge in my pants already and said, "Easy big fella, we just got here. Turn the movie on."

I looked at her and said, "I don't know how to turn the thing on."

Amy said, "It looks like it takes tokens."

"Crap," I said.

Amy continued to look around and said, "See, no holes, I knew it was BS. Go get some tokens; we might as well fool around some."

I went and got some tokens, and the man behind the counter asked, "do you need condoms?"

I was caught off guard by that and snapped back at him, "No, she's my wife; I don't need those anymore."

I mumbled something under his breath as I walked back to the booth. I knocked on the door, and Amy said, "come in."

I opened the door, walked in, and said, "WOW, really? You're not even going to ask who it is first?"

Amy, a bit surprised by my questions, said, "Oh, gosh. I wasn't thinking."

Amy was sitting at the far end of the booth in a love seat. The video monitor was just inside the door, so we faced the door as we watched the video.

There was a small chair in the corner, which I thought was a bit odd, but all of this was kind of weird, even for us.

I put some tokens in the monitor, and a menu of movies popped up. One titled "Summer Camp Fun" was on the list. Oh, we are for sure watching that one, I thought.

So, I turned it on and dimmed the lights a bit. Amy was sitting on my left with her shoulder, almost up against the wall.

As the movie started, it was a typical porno, fake moaning and screaming. Amy had her hand in my lap and was softly rubbing my cock through my pants.

Amy was watching the movie intently. I have to say, that was one of her traits that I loved. She is a very visual woman. She loved porno and watching others having sex.

I looked over at Amy, and I was startled. There was a cock sticking through the material covering the walls. We didn't notice when we walked in that the walls are covered with a material that overlapped. We had expected to see a scarcely decorated booth with holes in the wall.

I motioned to Amy, and she turned her head and jumped up.

"Oh my God, it's true," She said, a bit too loud.

I looked at her as she moved over to the cock, sticking out of the wall. She pulled the material apart to see a rather large hole in the wall. We could see the guy's entire package.

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