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No Clue

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Clueless husband doesn't realize he's being cuckolded.
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I was going over the new policy for my good friend and long-time client, Jack Palmer, when he picked up the photograph that we had professionally taken of my wife and I for our 25th wedding anniversary, three years ago. It was obvious he wasn't listening to me and the advantages of this new policy over his old one so I said, "Jack, something on your mind? You seem more interested in that picture of Kelly and I than how this new policy affects you and your business."

Jack smiled as he sat the framed photo back on my desk and said, "Don, do you know how lucky you are to have such a beautiful wife like Kelly. Most husbands in this town would kill for a wife like her. She is definitely a MILF!" In our picture, Kelly's blond hair comes down to her mid back. That day she had it done up in a French braid, she was wearing a silver, size 4, cocktail dress which was very conservative and very normal for my wife. Slightly scalloped neck, 4" sleeves, mid-calf hem and 2" wedge pumps. Conservative clothes filled my wife's closet.

In all my years in the insurance business, I had never had a client talk about my wife like that and in a way it made me proud that she was my wife. I knew she still looked hot, I just wished she was more interested in sex than all the groups and meetings she was involved with.

"Thanks, Jack. I feel the same way. She's the love of my life and treats me like a king. I can't believe I've known her for almost 30 years and still love her as much today as I did the day I saw her. I was a junior at State and she was a sophomore. I saw her and just stood there, gawking at her while she talked to her friend, Emma, as they hustled down the hall towards me. Her friend was every animated in her description of something and Kelly was watching her and walked right into me, knocking her books out of her hands. She bent over to pick one up then as she straightened up, banged her head right into my stiffie which was caused by her."

Jack laughed at the vision of our first meeting. "It wasn't funny." I exclaimed, "How was I going to explain to this goddess that she had been the double cause of my pain? Dammit Jack, would you stop laughing. I so wanted to ask her out and I could hardly breath. I was holding my crotch and Kelly kept saying she was sorry, over and over as she picked up her books. As she picked up the last one, Emma took her by the arm and started to lead her away. Not wanting her to get away, I hollered, 'YOU OWE ME! DON WILSON, 325 West Elm St." She yelled, KELLY ANDERSON, her friend waved and said, I'm Emma.

"So that's how you impress a girl, is it Don?" Jack said trying to stifle his laugh. I sat there trying to come up with an answer. Jack asked, "By the way, Don, does Kelly have a sister or cousin that looks a lot like her over in Westchester?"

"No," I told him, "Kelly's sisters and cousins don't really look a lot like her, why?"

Shaking his head, Jack said, "I swear I saw a hottie that looked a lot like Kelly there last week, at least her face looked like Kelly. But man, I'd have given anything to have been the guy she was with."

Now I have never had any reason to suspect my wife but for some reason Jack's statement got the wheels turning in my head. I turned to him as I started making notes, "Tell me more about this woman with Kelly's face. What about her hair?"

A big smile formed on Jack's face as he remembered the sight then said, "She has a body like your Kelly, blond hair but with a few gray streaks in it and she had it piled up in a bun under this big floppy yellow hat, it was ringed with small white daisies. It matched her yellow dress which was low cut in front like a corset and pushed her breasts up and out, her short skirt barely covered her ass and when she bent over to pet a lady's toy poodle, you could see her matching yellow thong. The guy with her, I got the feeling he wasn't her husband, was spoiling her and flattering her to pieces. He was also feeling her up whenever or wherever he felt like it. He was tall, well developed like an athlete, a little grey in his hair, he was well dressed, probably Brooks Brothers. We happened to have a lunch meeting and they were eating not far from us. As we were leaving, I overheard the guy order a pot of melted chocolate delivered to room 1242 in one hour. When he said that this Kelly giggled and French kissed him as she grabbed his crotch. That's when we had to leave. Sorry Don, but I've been fantasizing about your wife for a week now."

I shook my head, "Jack, don't worry about it. It's obviously a case of mistaken identity, maybe a doubleganger? Kelly is too involved with all her community groups and the church to do something like you're suggesting. Now take your new policy and go over it if you'd like. It's a little cheaper than your old policy and has better coverage, especially now that you have installed that new security system. By the way, thanks for recommending me to them. I had them install systems here and at home and I'm going to be working with them on their bonding and insurance. It's a win-win situation."

Jack and I rose and I shook hands with him and walked him out. I asked, Sherri, my new secretary, to screen my calls as I needed some time for myself. She smiled and nodded. I looked around the office, it was more like home as I grew up here. Foremost Insurance and Bonding had been started by my father's uncle Thomas. As his business grew, he first took on his own son Robert, who he ended up firing for stealing, then hired my father, Greg, who became his number one salesman, and eventually partner. When Thomas passed away, Robert thought half the business would become his but his father left 50% to my father and 50% to me. I was just 7 at the time but my destiny was predetermined, little did I know.

All my parents talked about was what I needed to study in order to take over the business. Mom, bless her heart, mainly wanted dad to retire so she needed someone to take over the reins at Foremost. I studied hard and mostly avoided partying and trouble. Well, that is until I met Kelly and Emma. God, Emma the wild child.

When I first met Kelly, I definitely fell head over heels in love with her. I thought I'd try to give her a call and opened the phone book. I had given her my address in case she wanted to call me but so far she hadn't called. Looking back it only had been a few days. I opened the phone book and do you have any idea how many Andersons there are? I didn't either until then. I started by looking at the addresses and the obvious business ones got a checkmark. Next, ones in the seedy parts of town got a zero. I know it was stupid but the ones in the ritzy part of town I gave pluses. Being a jerk, I started calling the pluses. I called. . . and called. . . and called. . . and with sore ears and fingers soon found myself on the next set of numbers, the biggest set.

I thought I'd give my fingers a rest when my mother hollered, "Don, you've got visitors. There's a couple of young ladies waiting for you in the front room. Get yourself out here."

Shoot, I'd never had girls come to the house before. I ran my tongue over my teeth, pulled on a clean tee shirt, ran a brush through my mop of hair and spritzed on the first cologne I came across before rushing out to the front room. I went from sixty to a dead stop when I saw Kelly and Emma sitting there in my front room. Kelly rose and asked, "Want to go for a walk?" I nodded; my mouth was suddenly as dry as the Sahara. Emma was right on our heels.

Thankfully there isn't much traffic in our neighborhood as we walked down the road, arm, in arm, in arm. Me in the middle. Kelly apologized for bumping into me and I told her that it was alright. We walked towards the newer part of the city and I asked where we were going. Kelly said, "Relax, I told you I owed you an apology and we're going to give you a proper one if you will hold your horses." She pulled me to her, forcing her tongue into my mouth, wrapping her tongue around mine. Emma, saddled up behind me, wrapping her arms around me, unbuckling my belt before sticking her hand down my jeans and grabbing my cock. Cars were passing by at 45 MPH. We were almost in downtown Lawson.

"Wait a minute girls!" I managed to get out as I held them at arm's length, "We can't do this out in public."

Emma smiled and said, "I know and she pulled me up the sidewalk to the porch of this very nice home and unlocked the door. As soon as we entered, Emma shut the door then shut down the alarm system. The two of them giggled and they each grabbed a hand and yanked me into the bedroom. Clothes flew everywhere as those two attacked me, pushing me down onto the bed. As I was tongue wrestling with Kelly, Emma went down on me. I only lasted about thirty seconds before I blasted off, my ass arched high off the mattress. As I opened my eyes wide, Emma looked up at me and said with a grin, "Virgin, huh?"

Kelly laughingly said, "Not any more he ain't. Now get him hard, I want to ride him a bit." Emma went back to sucking me and Kelly began to suck on my nipples. Between Emma and Kelly, my Johnson was hard and ready in no time. Emma patted Kelly to let her know I was ready and then moved up next to me. Kelly straddled my crotch, letting her labia just brush the head of my cock. I'm no monster but I'm not small either, about seven inches long and five and a half inches in circumference.

Her hand guided me into the tightest, most wonderful place I've ever felt. But then again, she was my first. "Oh God, Don. Damn, this is nice. I may have to apologize more often." She said as she worked her way down on my cock. Emma was Frenching with me and pulling on my nipples as Kelly rode me, her nails occasionally digging into my stomach as she orgasmed. I could feel her pussy tighten when she orgasmed. "F" "U" "C" "K" "HOLY FREAKING CHRIST" "OH MY GOD" she screamed out as she squirted her love juice all over me and the bedding. Her pussy squeezed me so hard I came before I realized it.

Emma moved away in awe and Kelly collapsed on my chest and I held her and caressed her ever so softly. I knew then I wanted her in my life. She looked up and smiled then said, "Thank you, that was wonderful." Kelly rolled over and Emma brought over a warm washcloth to cleanse Kelly up. The three of us dressed and I asked if they were going to walk home with me but they said they had other plans. I walked home on a cloud. I had just lost my virginity then had sex with the girl of my dreams.

I kept dating Kelly, usually taking along Emma, and we had a lot of fun. I mean besides the fucking. Kelly had encouraged me to include Emma into our lovemaking as she didn't want to make her feel left out. We'd go to the movies, skating, dancing, all the fun stuff you do when you date only with the three of us. At times, we'd get some funny looks but we ignored them.

After graduating, I went to work with my father at Foremost but I was still dating Kelly and Emma. My parents thought it was strange but we explained it as they were just best friends. Then over Kelly's senior year Christmas break she got very sick and ended up in the hospital. She had a lung infection that wasn't responding to antibiotics. Then she developed a flesh eating bacteria. We went to see her. Emma and I stood there holding hands and asked to see Kelly and the nurse said they weren't allowing visitors other than immediate family. I said, "I'm her fiancé".

The nurse looked at Emma and asked, "So who's this?" Emma burst into tears and ran out of the building. Realizing what I had said, I raced after her. I caught her only because of the traffic at the second block.

Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I nuzzled her neck and asked, "I'm sorry if I hurt you my sweet Em. You're my fiancé too. We'll just have to find a minister that will marry the three of us."

Emma was shaking her head as the tears streamed down her cheeks as she said, "Maybe we can but no government or company or insurance will recognize such a union. I've been a silly cluck to believe that the three of us could live as a couple. Hell, I've even been thinking of having your baby. You and Kelly will make beautiful babies, I just know it."

That hit me like a ton of bricks. She was one hundred percent right. I convinced Emma to go with me to my duplex that night. The girls usually visited three or four nights a week but only occasionally spent the night with me. As we entered my phone was ringing. It was Susan, Kelly's mom. She explained that Kelly's condition was very precarious and asked for my understanding. She said she'd call if Kelly got better or if she got worse. Either way, she figured that Kelly would want to see me. I thanked her and told Emma what she had said.

Emma had this far-away look on her face and half smile. She stepped up to me and gave me a long kiss then said, "It's time I live for me. I think it's time I do a few things I've wanted to do but have been afraid to try. Would you be willing to help out?"

A little shocked, I said, "Sure, I'll do whatever I can. When would you like to begin?"

Emma got this wicked little grin and said, "Now. Got some lube? I want you to fuck my ass. Meet you in the bedroom." And off she went, pulling off clothes as she walked away, wiggling her cute butt.

I rushed in, remembering the K-Y lube we kept in the nightstand and found Emma on all fours, wiggling her ass at me. She smiled and said, "I took your virginity now I'm offering you mine. Nobody's ever had my butt." I quickly stripped and grabbed the lube.

I hopped up on the bed behind Emma and lubed my steel-like cock then began lubing up her puckered rosebud. I first worked my index finger up to the first knuckle, then the second, then all the way and began stroking it back and forth. Emma was rocking back and forth helping the stroking motion as I circled the finger, gently stretching her out until I felt she was ready for my thumb. I worked my thumb in her for a few minutes and thought I was going to get her to orgasm, close but no cigar.

I removed my thumb and positioned my lubed up glans at her rosebud and grabbed her hips. I gently applied pressure and just as I felt my cockhead pop in, Emma pushed herself back onto my shaft and orgasmed loudly, gripping the bedding with both hands as she did. Tightly manhandling her hips, I began pistoning my shaft into her bowel faster and faster. Emma had reached under and was furiously manipulating her clit and having what seemed to be one continuous orgasm. She was screeching, cursing and shaking, her sex juices squirting all over my bed as she had this huge orgasm. Her sphincter clamped down on me so hard it literally pulled the cum out of my prostate. I came with such force it hurt. We collapsed together, still connected for several minutes, until I softened enough that I popped out of her backside, reminding me of two canines post-coitus.

I pulled her to me and softly kissed Em. "Thank you. You will make some guy a wonderful wife," I said as I nuzzled her neck.

Emma sat up, gave me this funny grin and said, "Not unless he likes his women real kinky."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I didn't think we had done anything that outrageous.

Emma looked at me rather bashfully which was out of character for her and said, "I sort of have a date I'd like to make for Saturday and need your place. I also need you to be here in case anything goes wrong."

"What are you talking about, going wrong?" I asked. I was now curious as hell. Emma just said she wanted me there so I agreed to be there as her friend. The next day she showed up with a carpet cleaner so we could clean my mattress. I purchased a waterproof mattress pad for future uses.

Saturday morning, Emma showed up bringing snacks and beer and cleaned the duplex. She spent the afternoon in the bathroom getting ready, long bath and shaving everywhere. She walked out of the bathroom to show me. I asked, "Why didn't you ever do that for me?"

Smiling Emma answered, "Silly, you never asked." When Emma came out, I let out a low wolf whistle. "Thank you kind sir," she said. She had on a white silk long sleeved blouse with no bra. Her titties were clearly visible through the thin fabric. She had on a long pleated skirt that easily flew up when she twirled, showing off her silky thighs and smooth pussy. Her curled red hair accented by long red nails and red CFM 4" strappy heels. She slipped on a rabbit fur jacket and said, "I should be back soon with my date, wish me luck."

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked.

Emma shook her head, she said, "I don't think the guys over at Delta Ky Delta would like you coming by their fraternity house." With that said, she stepped out the door.

I stood there in a haze, then I remembered, Delta Ky Delta was a black fraternity. Was Emma bringing a black guy here? Was that part of her new plan? Why did she need me here? Was she trying to embarrass me? Trying to avoid all these stupid questions, I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and downed it. That tasted so good, I opened another.

I'm not sure if I was on my third or fourth one when Emma opened the door and introduced me to Michael .. . and Paul.

Michael was probably a football player, about six foot five, probably two seventy five and looked like he could bench press a Volkswagen. Paul was probably a basketball player, six foot nine, maybe one sixty, if that. Each of them shook my hand firmly as Emma introduced us. She explained to them, "Don was my boyfriend and the only reason I'm allowing you two to fuck me is so he can watch. You are not to put him down or make fun of him. Just let him watch and maybe join in if he wants. Got that?" They both agreed.

I was pleasantly surprised as both of them were gentlemen with Emma. They were both kissing and caressing her while she was trying to undress her dates. She pointed at me then to a chair I realized she had moved in from the living room for me to watch from, so I sat down to my private show. Part of her problem was there were two of them and between their kisses and them feeling her up, she was becoming highly excited. Emma decided to take matters into her own hands and ripped her clothing from her body, kicking her shoes towards me. She hopped on the bed and asked, "Ok, boys, who's going to be first?"

You should have seen the clothes flying. While Paul was taking his time to take his shoes off and fold his pants, Michael just kicked his shoes off using the heels of his other shoes, then unzipped his pants, pushing them and boxers down to his ankles as he hopped up behind Emma and impaled her with his fat black cock. Michael was probably about eight and a half or nine inches in length but he was a good nine inches in circumference, imagine a 16 oz coke can. His cock head wasn't that big but soon after it was and his balls were huge, bigger than those on a pool table. Emma's pussy was stretched out so much that her skin was pushing in as he thrust tight to her and then clung to his fat shaft like suckling lips as he withdrew from her silken womanhood.

Emma's orgasms were echoing off my windows and Paul says to us, "I'll keep her quiet," as he climbs up near her head and shoves his dick in her mouth as she's moaning in rapture. She greedily grabs his cock with both hands and draws it to her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head, painting the precum by licking from the tip hole around to the edge of his helmet. Emma's lips slip slowly over Paul's cock down to her hand and then she begins to move her hands in time to the movements of her mouth in giving his really long cock some excellent head. I'm guessing he was somewhere around 11 inches long and between 6 and 7 inches in circumference with a strong curve up about 4 inches from the glans.

I couldn't believe how much of Paul's cock Emma soon was taking. I could actually see it in her throat. Granted, she'd have to push him off at times so she could breathe but he would always quickly comply and always thank her and kiss her, telling her how wonderful she was. Emma was glowing. Of course, Michael's cock plowing her pussy didn't hurt matters either.


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