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No Clue


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It was almost six months later before the trial of Warren LeGuarde. They had proven that the two men that tried to kill me were in his employment and the van they were in belonged to him. That alone garnered him twenty five to life and when they added the twenty for the I.R.S. debacle and another ten for grand theft, it looked like Warren LeGuarde would die in prison.

They also were able to show that he had used money Kelly and he had stolen from me to purchase several properties and I sued and was able to get the title to those properties but also was able to recover about half of the money they stole that was still in their account. Thankfully he had enough legitimate businesses that I was able to sue his estate and get back all of the money that Kelly and he had taken plus my legal fees.

That hardly made up for my loss. I was alone and hurting. I went to work, often skipping lunch. After work, I'd head to the gym and work my butt off then stop at Panera Bread for a salad or bowl of soup, or sometimes Subway, then go home to an empty house. Often I'd work seven days a week, just so I didn't have to stay in that empty house by myself. I had given all of Kelly's things to Goodwill except those that Rhonni wanted. Tommy didn't want anything to do with his mother. The cars and condo in Kelly's name had been confiscated by the I.R.S. which made it easier for me, I didn't have to deal with them. Let me tell you, I should have paid someone else to pack up that fucking yellow dress and hat though. That really stung when I shoved it in the big black trash bag, remembering what Jack Palmer had told me.

I seldom slept, usually thrashing about having nightmares about Kelly and Warren fucking and him letting his friends take her in every sort of perverted way possible. Then one Friday evening, Emma showed up at my door. She stood there as a light rain fell and I wasn't sure I was going to let her in. Her bottom lip was quivering and she said, "I suppose you hate me, don't you? I guess I royally fucked everything up, didn't I?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to hear about it but I invited Em into the living room and we sat across from one another. I just looked at her and hadn't said a word. She was wringing her hands and said, "You're not making this easy, dammit." I just shrugged my shoulders, staring at her. "Could I please have a glass of water, Don?" she asked. I got up, went to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle out of the fridge and as I turned around she was standing right behind me and wrapped her arms around me, her firm body bringing back memories of the times we had spent together. Then I thought of Kelly and I pushed her away and sat down at the kitchen table.

I managed to say, "Emma, have a seat. Apparently you came here to say something or get something off your chest. Please tell me what you have to say or leave. I once loved you very much and this is very hard on me now having lost both of the most wonderful women in my life."

A smile broke across her face as a lone tear fell down her cheek, then she said, "So you really did love me too, didn't you?" I nodded. "Don, I can't imagine how devastated and betrayed Kelly's affair affected you. She had been pestering me about what it was like being with Michael and Paul for several weeks and I thought that by setting her up with a nice gentleman like Warren for a little fling she could have some fun then go back to being her normal self, you know, your loving wife. I really didn't know what kind of man he actually was. I also didn't realize that she would turn into such a slut for big cock. I've been hurting so much this entire time and I know you probably hate me, don't you?"

I couldn't answer her for the longest time. My mind was a jumble of thoughts. Kelly was the one that wanted to find out what it was like but it was Em that had introduced them. Taking a deep breath, I said, "Em, I can't say I hate you but I really don't like you either. Kelly had a fantasy and if left to her own, she might have had a one night stand and come back to me. As it turned out, she apparently fell in love with him, either that or with what he gave her that I couldn't. Now we all are paying for it and I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Emma started crying as I stood up and helped her up then guided her to the front door. She stopped and turned to me as if to say something but I shut the door in her face without saying a word. It hurt too much.

The next morning, after shaving and showering, I dressed and was about to head into work as this empty house was suffocating me when my doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood Sherri, my secretary. She was wearing a pair of Lycra running shorts and a sports bra and running shoes, her long cinnamon red hair in a pony tail. She was sweaty, obviously she had been running hard. "Good morning, Mr. Wilson. Why are you all dressed up? Going in to the office on a Saturday?" she asked.

"Yes, and please call me Don," I said, "there's not much else for me to do. Television is boring, I don't golf and the kids have their own lives. What brings you here?" I was seeing her in a different perspective than ever before. Her lithe body wasn't hidden under her normal business dress. Her nipples poked through her sports bra and I could make out her camel toe in her shorts. Dammit, what was I thinking? She had to be at least fifteen years younger than me.

"Well I was practicing for a 10K coming up and accidentally dropped my water bottle and it broke. I was only a block away and I thought I'd stop by and see if I could get a bottle of water to cool off if that's OK with you?" she said with this angelic smile. I ushered her into the kitchen and offered her water or a sports drink. She took a sports drink and so did I. We sat at the kitchen table and talked. I found out her fiancé had dumped her a few months earlier for another girl and a lot about her family. Due to office gossip, she already knew a lot about my situation. Seeing the sweat on her forehead and arms, I offered her a kitchen towel and she said, "I guess I should get going, what I really need is a shower."

I don't know what came over me but I said, "Well, you could always shower here."

Sherri gave me a smile and said, "And what about these sweaty running clothes?"

I said, "I'll just throw them in the wash and you can wear a robe while they wash and dry." For some reason, I was hoping she might stay around for a while.

She got this wicked grin and said, "What about you going to the office? Won't that mess up your plans? I don't want to hold you up." I assured her that it was not a problem and I was glad to help. I guided her up to the master bathroom where the big walk-in shower was, then brought her one of my plush robes. Figuring I'd be there a while, I removed my coat and tie. Sherri came out wearing the robe and handed me her running outfit so I could put it in the wash and I headed down to the laundry room.

I could hear the water running and my mind was thinking of the times Kelly and I had spent in the shower and was becoming hard when I heard Sherri calling out, "Don, Oh, Don. Could you come here a minute?" I ran up the stairs, trying to avoid the pain caused by my erection by moving it aside in my pants.

I stood at the door of the bathroom and asked, "What's the matter Sherri?

Suddenly the door opened and Sherri, dripping wet like Aphrodite rising from the sea, pulled me into the shower with her, planting her lips onto mine as she began undoing my shirt buttons. I was in shock but my horniness took over as I pulled her to me and caressed this beauty as she undid my slacks and let them fall to the floor of the shower next to my shirt. Quickly my boxers followed as her one hand pulled my head tightly to hers and the other stroked my shaft to it's ultimate hardness. She then lifted her one leg around my waist and guided my steeled shaft into her silky tightness and we began to move together passionately. It was like we had been lovers for a long time. Soon she had both legs wrapped around me and I had her pushed into the corner of the stall, pounding her with all my might. Her cries of ecstasy echoed off the glass as her polished nails held my sides tightly. Each time I felt I was going to cum, I changed positions. She had the tightest pussy I had ever fucked. Then I realized she was only my third as I had only been with Kelly and Emma. I wanted this to last. Eventually we had to move to the bed, we ran out of hot water, dammit.

We were giggling like two school kids as we dried each other off. Sherri crawled under the covers as I quickly ran downstairs and threw her clothes in the dryer and ran back to her at light speed. Our tongues dueled with each other then I gently moved down and kissed my way to her shaved mound. I parted her luscious lower lips and slowly licked from bottom to the bundle of nerves at the top, sucking her clit deeply into my mouth as she arched her butt off the bed and moaned in appreciation. I kept this up until she grasp at my hair and it was if she couldn't decide whether to pull me tighter or push me away as she filled my mouth with her love juices. She came and came and came.

I moved up next to her and held her as I nibbled on her ear and softly kissed her neck. Sherri turned to me and asked, "Now wasn't that better than going into the office?" Sherri kept smiling and watching my face then said, "Don, I've had the hots for you ever since I went to work for you. I never made a move on you because I saw how much you loved your wife. I'm really sorry how that turned out. Maybe I can make your life a little better, at least for a little while." All I could do was smile and nod. We spooned and drifted off to sleep, at least for a short nap. About two hours later, I was awakened by the most wonderful blowjob I had received since I was with Kelly and Emma. Hell, maybe even better, truth be told. I blasted off in her sweet mouth so hard it almost hurt. My balls were drained.

I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply, tasting my juices on her tongue and lips. "Can I take you out to dinner and dancing?" I asked.

Sherri playfully slapped my chest and said, "What, in my running outfit?"

Smiling like a Cheshire cat I said, "No sweetheart, I can either take you home to get dressed or I'll take you shopping and buy you a new outfit, whatever you'd like."

She got this impish grin and said, "I think I'd like a new dress for my new boyfriend."

'New boyfriend', I thought. That sounds kind of nice. Damn, what are my kids going to think. Then my mind said, 'Screw them, it's about time I had some happiness.' I kissed Sherri and ran downstairs to get her outfit out of the dryer. We dressed and I drove her to the mall. She picked out this black velvet wrap around dress, a pair of crotchless pantyhose and a pair of 4" strappy heels. You should have seen the looks I got from the matronly cashier when I paid. When I asked her if she wanted to stop at Victoria's Secret's she leaned in to me and whispered, "You don't wear lingerie with dresses like this."

Needless to say, we had a delightful time at dinner and dancing was an absolute blast. After the last dance, I said, "Sherri, I want to thank you for the most wonderful day I've had in a long, long time. I really hate for it to end." We kissed as my hands caressed her back and her soft hair.

Sherri smiled and said, "Who says it has to end? How about we stop by my place so I can pick up some clothes and things, then we go back to your place to continue where we left off?" giving me this glowing wonderful look. I hadn't felt like this since I first met Kelly. I told her it sounded wonderful and we left. It was daylight before we fell asleep, curled together in complete satisfaction.

I woke about noon and Sherri was sleeping tight to me. I had to ease out of the bed so as not to wake her. I needed some coffee, slipped on some sweatpants and made my way down to the kitchen and turned on the Keurig. I had just taken a cup when I heard a car pull into the driveway and went to see who it was. There was Tommy, Casey and the kids. I met them at the door and the kids all demanded hugs from grandpa. We moved into the living room and Casey was talking about a job offer she had when Donald said, "Grampa, who's that?"

We all turned and saw Sherri coming down the stairs wearing a set of pink sweats. Her smile made Tommy and Casey look at me and grin. I know I blushed. I introduced them and hugs were given all around. I asked them to wait a bit while we dressed and we took them out for barbecue for lunch. I swear little Kelsey ate more ribs than both of her brothers. Sherri took to those kids like a duck to water. As I was paying the bill, Tommy came up to me and said, "Dad, Casey thinks she's a little young for you but I don't know when I've seen you happier. As far as I'm concerned, go for it." He started to turn then stepped back and whispered, "Can I be your best man?"

Holy shit, I hadn't thought that far. This was our first time together. Could they see something that I hadn't? After lunch, we went and played miniature golf. Hell, I laughed and had so much fun. I realized that I hadn't spent enough time with my grandkids and needed to spend more time with them. I also realized how beautiful Sherri was and was wondering how she'd feel about having an older man like me for a husband.

We started dating, well if you could call it that. We'd go out to dinner on Friday night and end up at my house making love and spend the weekend going wine tasting, or taking in the theater or finding other things that we both enjoyed. That's not to say we didn't tear up the sheets every chance we got. She'd usually go home late Sunday night and I'd see her at work on Monday. I'd found out she was actually 22 years younger than me but she said she loved me and the age difference didn't matter to her.

At Christmas time we were all together as a family. Sherri and I had been planning on a June wedding. Just before dinner, Sherri pulled me aside and asked, "Honey, how would you feel about getting married on Valentine's Day?"

A little shocked as we had already hired the hall and made all the usual arrangements . We had the invitations designed but hadn't had them printed out yet thankfully so I kissed her and said, " My love, I thought you always wanted a June wedding? Why the sudden change?"

She leaned in close to my ear and said, "I'm 7 weeks pregnant." I picked her up and swung her around, kissing her as I did. Here I was, almost 58 years old and going to be a father again.

I let out a big "Yahoo!" and Donald and Nick came running into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. I hugged the two of them up, though Donald was a chunk and said, "Go tell everyone that you two are about to have a new aunt or uncle, OK?"

Soon we were surrounded by Tommy, Casey, Rhonni, Annette and the kids. All congratulating Sherri and me and making wedding plans. I was on cloud nine.

Sherri had found a wedding dress that would reasonably cover her baby bump and we were getting married in the park by Annette, who was a licensed minister. After the wedding, we went to the reception hall and were having a wonderful time, dancing and enjoying ourselves when Sherri went to the bandstand and took the microphone off the stand and said, "Don, my sweet husband, would you please join me?" I did. She continued, "I want to thank all of you wonderful people that came here today to share in this most wonderful event. As most of you know, at least I hope you do, I'm preggo. Four months along now. Well yesterday I had an ultrasound and what my husband doesn't know is what we're having, a boy or a girl." The room fell silent.

Now I was extremely excited as was most of our friends. I rubbed her little baby bump. One of Sherri's bride's maids brought up a rolled up ultrasound and Sherri untied the bow and asked me to open it. I looked at the squiggle and tried to make it out and Sherri asked, "Do you see them?"

'THEM' I thought. Sherri shouted, "It's twin boys folks. We're having twin boys!" The crowd erupted in applause and shouts and whistles. I kissed my new bride as everyone came up to congratulate us. I had always wanted a large family, I just never expected it to be this spread out.

Sherri had a reasonably easy pregnancy. We walked a lot and took Lamaze classes together. I moved Carl, my number 2 into my position so I could spend most of my time with Sherri. I hired a new secretary and changed Sherri's title to personal assistant and kept her on the payroll with a nice increase in pay. I wanted her to have a good Social Security.

June 27th, Benjamin Nelson and Samuel Carter joined the Wilson clan. I cried as I watched my sweet young wife holding my two newborn sons proudly for the photographer I had hired. As I helped him carrying out his equipment to his minivan, he turned to me and shook my hand saying, "Don, you are one lucky son of a bitch. Don't you ever forget it!"

I realized I had been dragged through the depths of hell and now was walking through the clouds of heaven. When I returned to the room, Sherri had both the boys completely naked, going over every millimeter if their bodies. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Sherri kept looking over the boys then like Morgan Stanley when he found David Livingstone she smiled and said, "Yes!"

Walking over and put my arm around her and asked what was so interesting. Sherri said, "I've been laying her wondering how in the heck we could be able to tell these two apart. I mean they are like two peas in a pod. I was even thinking of having a very small tattoo put on them like an S and a D on their wrist." I nodded as their every facial feature and body part seemed to be exactly the same. Smiling, Sherri gently picked up Samuel's right hand and there where his wrist joined his forearm was a small black birthmark. Benjamin didn't have one.



Sherri and I decided we didn't want that house with all the bad memories so we sold it and bought one of the largest motorhomes on the market. I also sold off Foremost Insurance and Bonding. I did keep the rental / lease properties but hired a management company so I didn't have to be there. Sherri was still my personal assistant so on paper, so we were both still working. We took our young sons and toured the United States and Canada.

When Rhonni went to see Kelly, she told her that I had remarried and that Sherri had given me twin boys. That night Kelly tried to commit suicide. She lost a lot of blood but not enough to really kill herself. All that did was put her in psych ward, chained to bed at night for the next year. All her letters to me ended up in the trash.

Warren LeGuarde didn't fare that well. He tried to be a tough guy in prison but without any hired henchmen like he had previously, he pissed off the wrong people. One day after the exercise period, as the crowd of men walked back towards their cells, a crumpled LeGuarde lay in a pile of blood, two shives stuck deep in his back. Nobody saw anything or if they did, they weren't talking.

Sherri, the boys and I spent the next several years, criss crossing the country trying to figure out where we'd like to settle down. She had started home schooling the boys very early. After five years living in a motorhome, I could tell she had enough so we drove home to Larson and I purchased 20 acres outside of town and hired an architect to build our forever home. The property had two lakes and several streams. Our home had three stories but knowing I was getting older there were ramps, heated ones outside and inside we had two elevators.

This time, I made sure to enjoy every bit of my young son's lives and spoiled the hell out of Sherri as much as she'd let me. I was going to cherish every moment that I was allowed to stay on this earth. I have a beautiful wife, wonderful children, now 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. I can be laid to rest a happy man.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
WetheNorthWetheNorth3 months ago

I was waiting for you to throw in a boring LW cliché or two but then I got caught up in the plot again.

Great story

Schwanze1Schwanze13 months ago

He married a crazy slut. Why would he be surprised at ANYTHING?

redboat7redboat73 months ago

Great Story!! Loved it!

dgfergiedgfergie3 months ago

Have to agree yyou need to flesh out the characters more, I did find the story entertaining. It seemed to be missing something and I'm not critique nor an English major, almost flunked English a couple times. The only parts of speech I'm sure of are nouns and adjectives. I'm just and old retired mechanic. 5 stars

RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago
Train wreck.

The biggest problem with this story is that you don’t have characters, you have caricatures. That’s why things seem unbelievable, because you don’t have an actual character with all of the motivations and impulses belonging to a person. You just fill out the parts that allow you to make the woman the “bad guy”, in the most egregious manner possible.

Your more intelligent readers are saying to themselves, “People don’t do that. Why did she do that?“

The answer is, of course, “Because the Author wrote her that way, because he needed her to act out of character so the rest of the story would come out the way he needed it to.”

Some really good writers have said that they are sometimes frustrated because their characters insist on doing things differently than they, the author, had intended. That’s when you know you have created believable characters.

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