September 7, 2007
Rob had arrived home earlier than when he had told his new wife he would be back from his sales trip. They had been dating for four years before he asked her to marry him. That was three months ago, and he yearned to spend his well-earned time off with his wife. Then Rob heard the strangest of noises coming from their bedroom. Gently placing his bags on the floor so he could surprise his wife as he thought of what she was doing while he was away. Then something his wife said stopped him in his tracks.
"Fuck me baby! Fuck me hard!" his wife -- Trisha -- moaned out from their bedroom. In a house that he had bought for her with his own god damn money was fucking someone else on his god damn bed! "That's it I want to feel you for days when Robbie gets home!"
Rob's fist clenched; his anger burned his face upon hearing his wife's words. Just how long had she been stepping out on him?! How long has he been fucking her cunt after someone else cock has been in there?! He knew he'd have to go get a blood test. He wasn't about to catch anything from his whorish wife that was for certain.
His rage burned in his eyes as his own brother was pounding his wife from behind. A brother whom he had covered for because for some odd damn reason he couldn't make the damn trip. Now he knew the reason: it was to fuck his wife! While he was doing his fucking job! The crashing sound of the vase breaking apart as it struck the side of his brother's head thundered in his bedroom.
"Robbie!" Trisha gasped in horror as Rob towered over them with a madding look in his eyes. "Baby I can..."
"Shut the fuck up! Explain! Explain! Just how long have you been fucking my brother! A month, a year, all the four fucking years we've been dating?! Huh? How fucking long you... You know what I don't fucking want to know. Here I was working my ass off so we could have a good life, and what have you been doing? Fucking that piece of shit behind my back and every Tom, Dick, and Harry for all I fucking know!"
"Robbie I know, I've..."
"You don't know shit! Get the fuck out of my house and take that piece of shit with you!" Rob yelled as he stormed out of the room so his anger wouldn't get the best of him.
"Get the fuck out," Rob snarled at his brother as he noted the blood-soaked towel he held to the side of his head. "We might be related by blood, but you aren't my brother. I don't want to see you here ever again. And you will be hearing from my lawyer," he said, glaring at his treacherous wife.
"I'm sorry..."
"Take that shit and shove it up your ass Trish, if you didn't love me why the fuck did you marry me?! You sure did love spending my money that's for damn sure. Your shit will be out on the lawn I'd suggest you get it before trash pickup since that fuck nut can't even close a simple deal without someone holding his hand," Rob said, before slamming the door in his soon-to-be ex-wife's face.
October 23, 2008
Rob laid face down on his couch. Jack Daniel's bottles lined the coffee table. Ever since he had gotten his marriage annulled Rob had been in a state of intoxication when he wasn't at work or had to drive somewhere. His life might have fallen into a dark pit of despair, but he wasn't an idiot. He would have thought some of his family would have been on his side when word got out. Not one, not a single damn one had his back. They all tried to get him to come around that Trisha and Brad were happy and that he should be happy for them. Yet they seemed to forget their happiness is what caused his destruction. But no, they chose them, and to his view of things they chose poorly.
Rob groaned from his hangover as someone pounded on his front door. His hand meandered around blindly as he sought something to throw at the door to tell whomever it was to leave him the fuck alone. Sighing as the falling bottles only made his pounding headache worse. Turning his head when he heard his front door opening.
"It smells like a distillery in here," Janet -- his sister, who was two years older than he was -- said as she walked into his house. A house she had no right to enter without his say so, and he so didn't want any of them on his property. Her shawl pressed against the middle of her upper back as the nooks of her elbows held it in place as she held her keys and purse in her hand. "Jesus, Robbie, you aren't even dressed," Janet groaned as she stood at the left arm rest in her bridesmaid gown.
"Why the fuck would I be?! It's my damn day off, and why the hell are you in my house?" Rob asked, trying to keep his voice down so not to aggravate his pounding head. Slyly glancing at her dress. Rob couldn't figure out why she was dressed so formally even if the dress was hideous.
"Well..." Her cheeks heating at his words. Over the past year she had seen how Rob had drifted away from the family. He no longer came into the office, unless it was for the mandatory meetings and the clients that were scheduled to come in, instead he chose to work from home and email his reports to them. Their parents didn't seem to mind as long as his work didn't slip and it hasn't, and there have been no complaints from their clients, so she knew he was handling his work load just fine. Even if it seemed to her he no longer put in the hours he once did for their company. Janet couldn't speak on it since he always met his monthly quota. Still... she did miss her brother, missed hearing his laughter filling the office when she's had a hard day. Her kids, his nephew and niece, missed him too, especially since he didn't show up for Thanksgiving and Christmas like he has done since they all left the nest. "Don't you remember what day it is? Didn't Brad mail you an invitation?"
"Oh, was that what it was?" Rob asked coldly, as he scratched his chin hearing his three-day stubble rustling as his nails moved through it as he sat up. "I tossed it in the fire."
"Robbie," Janet sighed. "I get it okay, but..."
"Uh-huh. Is that all? I'd rather go back to sleep now, thank you," Rob said, indifferently.
"At least come with me, Matt and Debbie miss you, you know?" Janet pleaded with her brother.
"Then bring them over, otherwise I'm not moving from this couch for a few hours more," Rob said, he so wasn't going to that wedding.
"Robbie can't you..."
"Don't," Rob said coldly, his eyes shooting to his sister.
"Fine Robbie, if you'd rather stay and drink yourself to death be my guest," Janet said, throwing her hands up. "I really wish you would stop though," she said, eyeing the numerous bottles.
"Well, when you find Mark fucking some woman on your bed while you're out covering for him, then you can judge whether or not if I've drank enough," Rob said, referring to her husband as he poured himself a shot. "Otherwise see yourself out of my house."
"Very well," Janet uttered before spinning on her heel slamming his door behind her as she left.
Taking a sip of the brown liquor, what they didn't know was that Rob had been looking for a new job. A job that would take him far away from this city, this state, and his family along with her. Yet with the economy as it was, jobs were hard to come by and with the field he worked in equally hard. Sure he could sell about anything, yet his years were in robotics and how many of those jobs ever came up? So, he had to wait, had to bide his time, then when the opportunity arose, and if the rate of compensation matched what he made, he would be gone leaving nothing in his wake to draw him back.
Rob was drying his face after he walked out of his bathroom. He knew couldn't drive he still felt the alcohol in his system, yet his head wasn't pounding any longer, so he took solace in that. Tossing his wet towel into the bathroom, he no longer used the master bedroom as it felt to... soiled, for lack of a better word, after what had happened, and he could only assume it had happened numerous other times. So the day after, in a fit of rage, not caring how expensive the mattress was, he had borrowed his friend's truck that, thankfully, had no connection to his family and drove out to a field. There he watched as the fire cleansed the taint upon his house as the ashes rose to the sky. So now it was used as a storage room. Although he still used the master bath otherwise it was just wasteful to allow all the money he had spent on the house to go to waste. Rob just didn't spend any amount of time in the room that was adjoining it. As he sat on the bed, he had bought after he had kicked Trisha out of his house, in his underwear, he pondered what he was going to do for the rest of the day. Obviously, it wasn't drinking since he had to work the next day. He needed to be at the top of his game so he could outshine his brother in sales. A wicked smile graced his lips as the blinking light on his phone caught his attention.
The light of his screen played along his freshly shaven face. Scowling when he saw three voicemails waiting for him, one from his mother, father, and his ex-wife along with half or so dozen of texts. If it wasn't from their office phones he didn't answer his parents calls, and he definitely wasn't going to listen to anything his ex-wife had to say. He didn't care if his parents were disappointed in him for not showing up, so he also deleted their texts. Groaning as his mother called again as he had almost set it back down on the nightstand beside his bed.
"What no hi Mom, how was the wedding? What did I miss, since I didn't bother to show up for it?!"
"You know what, I'm too tired for this shit. If you want to bitch do it to Dad," Rob said, ending their call and tossing his phone behind him. Oddly, he felt a little light hearted by doing that. As his blue jeans rose up his legs, tilting his head as he watched his phone crawl along his bed as it vibrated. Picking it up when he didn't recognize the number. "Hello?"
"Robbie, don't hang up..." What did she think was going to happen when he heard her voice.
"God damn it, what?!" Rob yelled into the phone as his sister called right after his ex-wife.
"Don't you dare take that tone with me Robert!" Janet growled over the line.
"Then what the fuck are you calling me for? My reports aren't due till the end of next week, my quota has been met for the month, what more is there to talk about?" Rob asked heatedly into the phone.
"Brad and Trisha want to ask you something. It's very important. You need to listen to them," Janet said, urging her brother to see reason.
"Whatever the fuck they want, I want nothing to do with them." Rob looked at his phone as it sounded like her phone was being passed off to someone.
"Robbie, you don't have to speak just listen okay. I'm pregnant, and we -- I mean your brother and I -- want you to be the godfather," Trisha said, hoping this would heal the rift between him and Brad.
"I refuse."
"Think about it Robbie, think about what you're saying." Janet's voice came over the line. Rob stood there for a moment listening to the background noise knowing he was on speaker. Hearing his mother's and father's chatter, along with the rest of his relatives and Trisha's he could only assume.
"I gave you my answer. I am not going to be responsible for their bastard child," Rob said, an evil grin raised the corners of his lips at the gasps that came over the line. "Let some other foolish mark of theirs handle that chore it sure as hell won't be me!"
"Robert that's fucking cold man," Brad said, as Trisha broke down in tears.
"No more than you fucking my wife when I was out of town, and covering for your ass," Rob said, wondering how many of Trisha's family knew the truth. Then again, he didn't care, he got his kicks in, chuckling as he ended the call. Tossing it on the bed once again, he finished getting dressed. Grabbing his keys once he had his shoes on, leaving his phone behind, he so didn't want to deal with them while he drove to his getaway spot he had found a few months ago.
Twilight was descending as he sat on the porch of his house with his legs propped up on the railing watching the daily happenings of his neighbors. He had gotten back a little over an hour ago. He wasn't surprised by what awaited him when he did. It seemed his phone had practically blown up since he was away. His mirth soon evaporated as he watched the two cars screech to a halt before his house.
"Fuck, now what," Rob muttered as he saw his family filing out of their cars. Doors slamming in their anger.
"Where have you been?!" His father asked in a growl, as he marched up his driveway.
"Do you know how worried we were?!" His mother cut in as she matched his father's stride.
"Well, here I am, now, you want to tell me why you're trampling my grass?" Rob asked, aloofly. Wondering why Trisha's sister, Kate, was with his sister.
"Hello Robert," Kate said sweetly, brushing her deep walnut brown hair behind her ear. Her soft blue eyes peered at him through the lenses of her glasses.
When Rob first meet her five years ago she was only seventeen. While some would call her thin body sickly looking, and that her breasts were on the low B range. When he and Trisha had first started dating he would find her somewhere in her house alone and trying to hide her red, puffy eyes. He would try to lift her spirits and tell her that not all guys were assholes. That someone would find her attractive, he certainly did, even if she was still thin as a bean pole. Still that didn't matter to him, she was still a beautiful woman, and from what he could see over the heads of his parents Kate had filled out into her adult body over the past five years.
"Hello Kate, it's been awhile," Rob said with a warm smile, ignoring his father's question.
"I was hoping to see you at the wedding," Kate said, her cheeks heated as she looked at him bashfully.
"Can you blame me for not going?" Rob asked, watching as she shook her head.
"Don't ignore us Robert!" His father barked.
"Why not, you seem to ignore my feelings all the time. See what happens when you push aside those who've done nothing wrong, yet praise those who have," Rob said, looking down at his father.
"What would you have us do Robert, push Brad out of the family? Because of what happen..." His father's words stilled in his throat as he saw the look in his son's eyes as he took a sip of his beer.
"We understand your angry son, and you have every right to be," his mother said, trying to be the neutral party. Something they'd had lots of experience with over the past year. "It's been over a year; don't you think it's time to forgive your brother?"
"Fuck no."
"Robert! Watch your mouth!"
"This is my house, my property, and you came uninvited to it. If you don't like how I fucking talk on my own land, there's your car," Rob said, pointing to his father's high-priced sedan. "No one's keeping you here."
"Robert please," his mother pleaded with him, "just think about it. We miss you, it's not the same with you gone from every aspect of our lives."
"Well, you chose a side. If you don't like the repercussions of that choice that's on you, not me. I'm the one who's lost four damn years on a woman who never loved me. Four years! Four years of her fucking who knows what! In my own fucking house! Yet I'm treated like I'm the one who broke all the rules! While you all throw yourselves at her and Brad's feet just to keep the peace! Well, you know what, fuck the peace!"
"Fine Robert, I hope you change your mind," his mother said, laying her hand on her husband's arm.
"As of now you're on a month-long leave. Do what you want, go where you want, stay here and sulk in this house for all I care. But when the month is over I want you at the table at Thanksgiving," his father said, thinking he could bully his son into forgetting his pain.
"And if I'm not?" Rob asked, calling his bluff.
"Then don't bother coming to Christmas dinner," his father said, spinning on his heel, marching off to his car. Muttering under his breath that he couldn't brow beat his youngest son like he used to be able to.
"Wasn't planning on it," Rob said, to his father's back.
"Please don't say that son, go somewhere, relax, and come back home. I really would enjoy it if you made it to Thanksgiving dinner," his mother said, reaching out and gently squeezing his right hand before leaving to go join her husband in the car.
"I guess I wouldn't be able to change your mind with anything I say, huh?" Janet asked, as she stared up at her brother.
"Not one bit," Rob said, taking another sip of his beer.
"Alright, but Robbie, you know we do love you. Don't make us choose between you or Brad. You might think we have, but we aren't on either side. We are just as upset at what Trisha and Brad did to you. But don't hold it against us because we want to keep the family together," Janet said, before turning around. "I'll wait in the car," she said, her hand lightly touched Kate's forearm.
"So..." Kate placed her hands behind her as she shyly approached his porch. "How have you been?"
"Been better, why?" Rob asked, finally stepping off his porch to face her at eyelevel.
"Well..." Kate's heart fluttered; her cheeks blushed hard as Rob stood before her. Ever since he went out of his way to cheer her up whenever the boys her age harassed her daily. She had watched from afar as her sister threw away a good man. A man that cared for her when she was too greedy to see it. Now it was her turn, she sure as hell wasn't about to let this opportunity pass her by. She was going to show him that she wasn't like her sister. That she would always be true to him. She had kept herself free just for this chance. Sure, she's been on dates, fooled around here and there, yet the parts that truly mattered she wanted only him to touch. To be the only one that will ever touch her body in such a manner. "I was thinking..." She might run the hottest women's lingerie company (not Victoria's Secret), a more classy, more affordable women's undergarments company where the material was as fine as Victoria's Secret just without the price, where for the price for one of their embroidered bras you could buy one of her bra and panty sets along with a teddy to match; and still being this close to him made her feel like that love sick teenager that longed for the days when he would come over. Just so she could hear his voice, to be near him, to feel close to him. "That since I'm in town for a while that maybe you'd like to spend some time with me," Kate said, the light evening breeze gently lifted her hair as she watched how the lights of the surrounding house's played along his eyes.
"Like a date?" Rob asked, his interest pegged. Sure he might have had offers before once he was free from his ex-wife, yet they were nowhere near as strong or as beautiful as Kate was, at least that's what he thought.
"I-if you w-want," Kate said, feeling her face burning hot. How she felt so foolish about him uttering the word date. "Get a hold of yourself Kate. You've been on dates before!" she berated herself in her mind.
"Sure, when would you like to go out," Rob asked, feeling like he was fourteen again when he asked the first girl to ever go out with him.
"I heard there's an orchestra playing tomorrow night." Stepping closer to him, to allow him to feel the heat of her body, the smell of her light perfume. "How about you pick me up at seven?" Kate asked, her left hand slowly reached out. Her fingers lightly touching his before her hand slipped into his.
"Sure. Where are you staying?"
"You remember where my parent's place is?" Kate asked, taking the chance, and closing the last remainder of the gap between them.
"Of course," Rob nodded.
"Good," Kate said, a smile formed on her face. "I can't wait," she whispered as her cheek brushed against his. Her lips brushed lightly along his ear as she told him her private number that very few had.