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No Money, No Honey - The Reception

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Mike and Sarah get married and have a very hot reception.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/22/2023
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I made a point of getting home at my normal time so no one, especially the children, would suspect that I had not spent the full day at work. Amy, of course, knew where I had been. Her expression every time she looked at me said she was very eager to hear about my day.

Bedtime finally came. Amy didn't bother to put the twenty into her purse before crawling into bed with me. "Tell me everything," she said breathlessly. "Was she tight?"

"Yeah. We had fun," I said.

"Is that all you can say? I want every little detail. What was she wearing?"

"Her blouse was see through. She didn't wear a bra. The skirt was so small that it didn't even cover her ass. No panties."

"I bet that got you hot."

"Oh, yes. Her body is much like yours. Same height and probably the same weight. Her boobs don't sag."

"What was like it fucking her? Is she any good?"

"I didn't fuck her."

"What? Isn't that why you made a date with her?"

I put my fingertips over Amy's lips. "I didn't fuck her. I made love to her."

She smiled. "I should have known you would. You always put my pleasure ahead of your own. That's what I love most about you. You are always thinking about the other person."

"You know my motto. Your pleasure is my most important product. Now, tell me about your day."

"This morning wasn't too great. I saw a guy in his hotel room. It was rushed. He was only interested in fucking. Right after he came, he said he had a meeting and started getting dressed. He didn't say thank you or kiss me goodbye. Nothing. He is definitely on my never-again list."

"At least you got his money. What about the rest of your day?"

"Mike came to visit me at one."



"So he was with you in our bed while I was in theirs with Susan." I shook my head and chuckled. "Those kids played us well. I have to give them credit for that."

"Am I missing something? He paid me."

"And I paid Susan. The money went in a circle. We all had freebies."

She laughed. "You're right. They are smart. To top it off, I'm the one who told them that was why we wouldn't do them at the restaurant."

"How was he?"

"He's learning, but he wants more lessons."

"He couldn't ask for a better teacher."

"You still haven't told me about Susan. Is she tight?"

"Once I got her in the right mood, she was great. She slowed down and let me take over. There's no question she needs training, and she admitted it. She wants more lessons too."

"Are you going to teach her?"

"I reminded her that students pay tuition."

"That probably didn't go over very well. I suppose what will happen is that I will teach him, and he will pass the lessons on to her."

"We'd make more money that way."

"I would make the money. Did she say anything to you about me wearing my anniversary dress to their wedding?"

"Yes, she did. I think we've been invited to an orgy. That probably means nobody will get paid."

"I guess I can afford to give it away three times in twenty years."

I left work early on Friday so that Amy and I could get ready for the wedding.

After she gave her pussy a fresh shave, Amy decided to shave my cock and balls like a porn actor's, a procedure that threatened to make us late. Without any hair in the way, my equipment did appear larger, and she felt that would make me more desirable to the ladies if, indeed, there would be a whole lot of fucking going on. The evening air was cool enough to justify wearing long coats so we could get past the children without their seeing their mother's wardrobe.

We arrived at the hotel suite at quarter to eight. A man in his mid-twenties opened the door. "You must be Ed and Amy," he said. "Come on in." He closed the door behind us. "Let me put your coats away." His eyes flew open as Amy gave him her coat. "Suddenly I don't care if I catch the garter."

A woman in her early twenties approached us with her hand extended. "Hi," she said shaking my hand, then Amy's, "I'm Ellen. That's my husband Chuck hanging up your coats. Where did you get that dress? Does the front close any further down?"

Ellen's little black dress hid very little. The neckline plunged down below her navel. The hemline stopped an inch above her pussy. "I made it," Amy said, "and that's as low as it goes."

"Could you make one for me? I'd pay you well for it."

"I keep pretty busy. I doubt that I could find the time."

I glanced around the room. I didn't see any bras or panties on any of the women. Chuck rejoined us. "The minister will be here soon. By the way, I'm the best man, and Ellen is the matron of honor."

"I know I don't look matronly," Ellen said, "but when you're married, that's the title. Did anyone tell you about the reception?"

"Only that they wanted me to wear this dress," Amy said.

"That's appropriate. When the preacher gets here, they will do a typical ceremony with 'I do' and all that stuff. Mike and Susan will sign the marriage papers, and the minister will leave. They will cut the cake in the corner and give us all some of it. Susan will toss her bouquet, and Mike will throw the garter. Here's where things get different. The girl who catches the flowers gets to spend the entire night with Mike."

"And," Chuck continued, "the lucky guy who grabs the garter gets to spend the entire night fucking Susan."

"What about the rest of us?" I asked.

"We won't be as exclusive," Ellen said. "We'll have our own version of a busman's holiday. All of us girls are prostitutes. We'll pair off and have a hooker's holiday. No money will change hands tonight. The guys are our husbands."

"Amy, I hope you won't feel insulted," Chuck said. "You are a very gorgeous woman. I'd pay a thousand dollars to spend one hour in your bed. With you in it, of course."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Amy said. She stepped up to him and took his right hand with her left. Her right hand found his trouser snake and start stroking it. "You know if I don't get the bouquet and if you don't get the garter, you can save a thousand dollars."

A broad grin expanded across his face. There was a knock on the door. "That must be the minister."

Amy and I went to the makeshift bar, and each of us got a glass of wine. "I want you to get the garter," she whispered. "Chuck doesn't deserve Susan."

"Why do you care who gets her?" I asked softly.

"I like her. She's a sweet kid. Maybe I'm feeling motherly toward her. I am the one who recruited her into the business. Her wedding night should be special."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Chuck called out, "it is my honor to present the bride and groom."

A bedroom door opened, and Mike and Susan came into the main room. Her sheer white dress with its five-foot train drew several gasps. Every bit of her body could be seen through it. Her breasts with their dark puffy nipples and her inviting pussy were visible to everyone. White thigh-high stockings encased her trim legs. And there was the garter every man wanted to catch. Mike's pants were tight. Two of the girls licked their lips when they saw his cock outlined inside his fly.

The ceremony was brief. Their vows were the usual love, honor, and cherish, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, in good times and bad, until death do they part. The marriage documents were soon signed, and the minister was gone twenty minutes after he had arrived.

Champagne flutes were filled and passed around. Chuck raised his up high. "Unaccustomed as my big mouth is to speaking," he began. Everyone laughed. He paused. "I really don't know what to say. I've known Mike and Susan since high school. He and I were in the marching band together. He played the trumpet. I played the trombone. Susan was a cheerleader. I guess 'Good luck to both of you. I wish you love and happiness. I wish you children, as many as you can handle. To Mike and Susan!'"

"To Mike and Susan!" everyone yelled and sipped from their glasses.

Ellen stepped forward. "I was on the cheering squad with Susan," she said. "We've been partners ever since in everything we do. She convinced me to be a prostitute, and I am so happy that she did. Thank you, Susan, for everything. And Chuck, thank you for your support. I'd be a miserable whore without you."

"Would anybody like a piece of cake?" Mike asked.

The guests seated themselves at the two tables. After Susan set the top tier aside and removed the support posts, they cut out two pieces of the lower cake and fed them to each other. A drop of frosting fell and landed on her dress over her left nipple. Mike gentlemanly sucked it off making sure he got of mouthful of nipple with the icing. Afterwards, she cut out more pieces, and Mike passed them out to their guests.

When everyone was done eating, Susan said, "All right, ladies. These flowers are getting heavy."

Amy joined the line in the center. Susan looked over her friends before turning her back toward them. With one smooth motion, she flung the bouquet over her head hitting Amy squarely in the chest. Chuck's face cleared showed his disappointment. Everyone cheered as Mike came forward to claim his prize. Amy opened the three snaps on the front of her dress between her navel and her pussy. She pulled the panels over her breasts aside proudly putting her hot body on display. I even took a deep breath at her brazen act. "Hey, guys!" he hollered. "Look what I've got!" He sounded like a kid with a new toy.

She took his face in her hands and gave him a slow teasing kiss. His hand went to her hairless pussy. "What's your hurry?" she whispered. "We've got all night. Go toss the garter."

Susan sat down on the sofa and pulled up the front of her gown to allow Mike access to the garter on her left leg. He knelt before Susan and glanced at Amy's charms before sliding it down her leg using his teeth. He stood up, and the men lined up. I was second from the right. Chuck positioned himself in the middle directly behind Mike. As the garter left Mike's hand, I flung my arms wide apart blocking the men on either side of me, lunged forward, and grabbed the frilly ring. Chuck's expression soured as I slipped one of Amy's cards into his shirt pocket. "Cash only," I said.

Susan approached me with her arms extended in my direction. "I am so happy you got me," she whispered as we embraced. Our kiss was passionate and eager. "I need you," she whispered when our lips separated.

"I hate to intrude," Mike said, "but we have to figure out how we are going to do this. Each bedroom has two king-size beds. Do we want to be in separate rooms or the same one?"

I looked at Amy. "I think same room," she said. "That would give the others extra space."

"That sounds good to me. Ed? Susan?"

"I have never seen Amy with another man," I said. "Just thinking about it is exciting."

"I'll make it unanimous," Susan said.

The four of us entered a bedroom, and I locked the door. Mike and Amy sat on one bed facing the other. Mike and Susan watched transfixed as I leaned over to give Amy a long, tender kiss. "I love you," I whispered.

Susan and I sat on the other bed. We just looked into each other's eyes. After a minute, she put her fingertips on my chin and guided my lips to hers. Our lips barely touched before we drew slightly aback. Again we gazed at each other's eyes before our lips came together. What felt like an electric shock passed between us, but it didn't separate us. Our mouths stayed together longer. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mike's hand on Amy's inner thigh. She put her hand on his. "Let's just watch," she said quietly.

My lips traced the edge of Susan's chin from one side to the other. She tilted her head back as I kissed her neck repeatedly. Her breathing was deeper, but still quiet. I kiss her chin from one side to the other. She tilted her head back, and I kissed her neck and throat. At last, she began to try tugging my shirt out of my pants. I stood, and she unbuckled my belt. When she opened my fly, I tossed my shirt across the room. She pulled my pants down to my ankles. This time there was no underwear to contend with. Quickly she got my shoes and socks off, and I stepped out of my trousers. I stood naked before her. "Let's get you out of that dress," I said. She stood and raised her arms above her head while I lifted the gown up over her head, then off her arms. It, too, landed on the clothes heap.

We stretched out on the bed beside each other. The back of my fingers caressed her cheek as I gave her another tender kiss. Her nylon clad leg rubbed against my bare one. I smiled, and she smiled back. Her leg caressed mine some more. There were more kisses that grew in intensity. I laid her on her back and left a trail of lip prints between her boobs. Her solid nipples begged for attention, which I gladly gave them. Down my hand went to her wet sex. My fingertip started at the bottom of her slit and slid slowly toward her clit. When I reached what I felt was the right spot, I began to circle her nubbin with my middle finger. "Just a little bit higher, please," she whispered. I moved my finger as she desired. "Perfect. Keep doing that." I continued to go around her button. Soon her climax rattled her body, but I did not stop until she relaxed.

I spread her legs apart and placed my head between them. My tongue savored her juices. I began to hum. Unlike Thursday when I went up the scale from baritone to soprano, I started at middle C. I varied my pitch making her hips buck. Without realizing it, the variations turned into, of all things, a Christmas carol. In October. She started giggling when she recognized the tune but held my head firmly in place with her hands. I switched to a Souza march, which elicited more laughter. This time I stayed on the same song. Her hips bucked again making me fear that she could break my jaw. "I want you," she gasped. I scooted up and slipped my cock into her waiting cunt. She pushed against me taking as much of me as she could into her body. We began thrusting slowly. She wrapped her legs around my waist and locked her ankles together. Mike and Amy could clearly see my dick in Susan. As the friction of my cock against the walls of her pussy intensified, our pace increased. Our vocalizing reached a fevered pitch. We both screamed in ecstasy as I shot my cum into her; her pussy gripped my cock firmly.

We laid gasping for air for a minute.

"Tell me what you just saw," I heard Amy say to Mike.

"I hope I can fuck her as well as he just did," Mike said.

"You have so much to learn. Ed did not fuck her."

"What do you mean? I saw his cock in her cunt."

"Listen to me. He did not fuck her. He made love to her. Look at their faces. See how happy they are. They are glowing. He put her pleasure ahead of his own, thereby enhancing his own. When he fingered her clit, she told him what she liked. When she saw he liked the feel of her hose on his leg, she continued to pleasure him with it. They communicated." She closed the three snaps on her dress and put the shoulder panels back over her breasts. "Right now, I'm too turned on to do anything but fuck. Not that there is anything wrong with that. There are times when it's the best thing to do. Let's leave them alone, get some wine, and calm ourselves down. When we come back, you are going to make love to me. If you don't do it right, you will do it over and over until you do."

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