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Not Quite a White Witch Ch. 03

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Celebrating a new contract with a consensual gang bang.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/14/2020
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The City Of Angels, Summer 2008

Chapter 0. Introduction.

This story deals with planning and completing a contract closing - sex ceremony where three women willing give and take pleasure with six men. All chapters involves sexual activity. (If you will allow a personal note on the subject, I might especially direct attention to Chapter 7.) The main emphasis is group sex, with short incidents of anal and bondage. Two of the three main characters are father and daughter, so incest is part of the fabric.

This is a continuing story, parallel in time to some events in "Not Quite A White Knight Book 3" and in sequence after "Not Quite A White Witch Book 2." This introduction sums up some of the relevant plot points building up to the third computer contract. The White Witch in the stories is Samantha Zeek, who had exerted herself to capture the will of law firm head David Barnes at the behest of her master, Our Hero Eric Grey or Paulo Zero the Prince, who is not on camera in this story save for a brief mention. The Witch has encouraged the incestuous sexual drives of David Barnes with his formerly estranged biological daughter Rose.

The "White Witch" stories center on the interactions (mainly contract signings/closings/consummations) between the law firm of Shunt, Huttle, Barnes and Associates LLC and the computer services firm BHS Inc. where Samantha Zeek in the CEO. The computer firm was created when a security breech at the law firm was discovered. Some members of the law firm, with assistance from part-time comedians employed by the previous service firm, breeched the law firms supposedly secure systems. The reasons to institute the breech were petty but the jokers could have destroyed the firm and ruined the partners in moments, except they lacked the imagination and skills.

The breech gave Samantha an opportunity to demonstrate the great peril his law firm faced from web-based pirates (they were hours from being destroyed - David Barnes saw a countdown on his own computer screen so it had to be true) and her own ability to, like a witch, defeat the vile attackers and turn them upon themselves in a dark web battle royale. Or so it appeared.

After the demonstration, and given the fact that the computer firm CEO was an attractive female, David Barnes, the lead partner of Shunt, Huttle, Barnes and Associates LLC, decided this computer service contract merited a "special" closing ceremony between the two CEOs, where he supposed he would get his business into Samantha's corporate interests and make them both feel good. He was quite sure of it.

He was surprised.

Years ago, as a subordinate in the entertainment industry, Barnes had taken part in negotiations with some Japanese firms. Some of these contracts involved "binding" the firms through the ritual sharing of women. When he became head of his own company he modified the closing ceremony to one where the two white male CEOs each "enjoyed a woman" side-by-side as a bonding exercise or team building exercise - or just plain fun. It beat going to a ball game like other executives did. Samantha was attractive enough, and the contract was important enough, that Barnes thought they could deal with the business between just the two of them in a hotel room.

He was right. But she was a witch.

For the first closing Samantha made the reservations at the new unopened Blank hotel, it was the talk of the town that everybody wanted to see. The room Sam had reserved was plainly intended for business, sharing a fine meal and then enjoying sex, all in one luxurious room. When Barnes got there they quickly concluded the contracts and transfered the money. Then they had an incredible meal from room service. They both knew what came next. That was when she made the facts of life clear to him: she had saved his ass... ets. He had seen it with his own eyes. He was grateful. So when it came to the sexual favors she schooled him on how the pleasure should flow. It didn't go quite as Barnes expected. Among other things she asked him to sodomize her, deeply and with feeling, using his tongue. He had no choice. That made their positions clear.

It turned out that Sam was not the heartless degrading bitch the request suggested, because of her extensive and unique prep he actually enjoyed the experience, and he got even more out of what followed. When they parted Sam suggested for their second closing he might include a sweetener they could share for the evening. She was not picky, but suggested perhaps his daughter Rose might be interested. Rose substituted for his older wife at his firm's socials, bedding his other partners at the wife-exchanges.

The relationship between father and daughter was both more complicated and more interesting than most. David was in his third marriage. His daughter Rose had recently given up on the shallow males and most females of her own age. David, his third wife and his daughter Rose all acknowledged some mutual sexual attraction, but had never acted on it directly. However, the three did share a bed, and they liked watching. Prompted by Samantha's suggestion, father and daughter crossed the border of incest and liked it.

The second closing, where Rose eagerly participating sexually with Samantha and her father, was as different from the first closing as a white witch was from a black witch. It was a real pleasure, start to finish, for all involved. Near the end Samantha made two comments that resonated. First, she mentioned how various terms (like "wife-exchange") were somewhat misogynistic. Second, maybe a few more participants might be more enjoyable for all. Rose saw the merit in these suggestions.

White Witch Book 3 involves the third contract closing between David Barnes and Samantha. Both invited guests to witness... and participate without their clothes.

Main Characters:

David Barnes (David) - lead partner of Shunt, Huttle, Barnes and Associates LLC. Blood Father of Rose. Graduate of the University of Wisconsin law school. In college he was engaged to and impregnated Edith Barnes (no relation then) and was intimate with a woman named Ann (from a Milwaukee suburb) who was engaged to a man she eventually married and moved with to California. After graduation David moved to LA with his first big client, an entertainer he also met in Madison. Like many LA lawyers he changed firms and wives several times before he found the chance to make a difference at what was then Shunt, Huttle and Associates. He saved the firm from a death spiral and became the lead partner, adding the monthly wife-exchanges and service girls to bring the lawyers closer and working harder. (The attractive young service girls get naked and give the lawyers oral sex in their office, eliminating time-wasting coffee breaks, water-cooler chatter, football pools and general recreational chasing extramarital pussy. It also keeps the lawyers at work longer nights and weekends. By eliminating the constant male quest for "strange," the firm has sharply reduced divorce.) At the start of 2008 the firm had about 80 lawyers, all white males with significant legal experience. Half of the lawyers were partners, a friendly willing wife (or a qualified substitute) for the monthly social was a requirement for partnership. The firm did not deal with the messy, depressing public in need of help, they furnished accurate in-depth legal analyses for very large companies who could pay to keep their high-stakes disputes (and their stock price) from the time, expense and random chaos of a trial in a California courtroom.

Samantha Zeek (Sam) - CEO of BHS Inc., a computer services company started and owned by Our Hero, her master/savior/lover/drug prince with the names Paulo Zero and Eric Grey. (The man has two US birth certificates and honestly can't testify as to which is real. His parents are dead.) Sam is 30 but she looks more mature, she has some hard years on her tatted up body. Sam's mother was a slut who, as a career choice, decided to hook-up with a rich scion, lie, get knocked up, and after birth she would sip mai-tais by the pool for the rest of her life. It didn't work that way, the guy she picked used an alias in high school and dumped her when he left for college. In between the two schools she had no sense of fidelity during the summer they lived together, when she was pregnant. He kept her as his night-time recreation until he left for college, then he left her 8-months pregnant with nanny cam videos of her infidelities and rent due on the apartment. The rich scion's father - Sam's grandfather - kept a distant watch over her, but never made contact. He used third parties to see the child was cared for. Sam was bright and was noticed, she was emancipated early and went to Cal Poly as a young gifted scholar. There she collected graduate degrees in computers and business. She was very successful, but her boss/lover made mistakes with enemies who were especially serious. After Sam was burned in a fire she got hooked on pain killers. A former neighbor, Our Hero, found her and paid for a drug induced coma to free her from addiction - it was gone like a bad dream. But Sam knew she would always need something, she was born vulnerable to addiction. At her ardent request Our Hero hooked her on Pink, a sexual party drug which was unknown to the authorities and hence not illegal. The drug was available only from the Prince's chemist in Peru. With his blessing Sam is secretly engaged to Our Hero's uncle, a very muscular native Amerindian born high in the Andes.

Rose Barnes - out-of-wedlock daughter of David Barnes and Edith Barnes (no relation) who were both law students at the time, and engaged. They became estranged between impregnation and delivery, Edith was not suited for Law School or a happy life. Their fathers were neighbors and the partners (but not related) in Barnes and Barnes, a law firm in DePere Wisconsin. From birth Sam lived with her mother in DePere, San Francisco and LA. Edith lived on short-term contracts writing ad copy for a living and spent money like she was poor. In LA, David and Edith met again 15 years after the breakup. They married when Rose was in high school. It did not last, they divorced when Rose graduated. Edith thought Rose would come with her after the divorce, but faced with a choice between a tiny budget apartment and a lawyer's mansion, Rose chose to get to know her father, who gave her a pink Mini-Cooper. As roomies they sharing a five-car garage and the attached mansion with a private pool. When David married the now twice-widowed Ann from the Milwaukee suburb - his 'other woman' from Madison when they were both engaged - the woman legally adopted Rose as an heir. After burying two wealthy husbands Ann was rich but she was seeking a lifetime companion who she could trust to outlive her. Young Rose was ideal. From the start Ann and David found sexual inspiration from Rose sunbathing nude by the pool. It was no secret, Rose appreciated her chance to make them happy by sunning her wonderful bare bottom while the inspired couple made love on the balcony. Rose also stood-in for Ann in the law firm's monthly wife exchange, where she spent one night a month in bed enjoying the pleasant attentions of an appreciative older man who worked for her Father. Despite sharing a bed with her parents, Rose did not act sexually with her father until Sam suggested it. She became friends with many of the younger women (second wives, daughters, etc.) who were also part of the law firm's activities. (It was originally strictly a wife-exchange, but older partners with older wives began to bring 'substitutes' like a willing step-daughter in place of their older wives. All the partners benefited from such substitutions.) Now in her early twenties, Rose is at her physical prime. Prior to her father all her romantic experiences were disappointments or worse.


Chapter 1. A Lawyer Recalls

Sunday Night, July 20, 2008 and Monday, July 21, 2008.

Master Bedroom of David Barnes, his Wife and Daughter

Three people were in their new large triangle-shaped bed, but one was not sleeping yet.

The new bed was being considered for the pilot of a new TV show that Ann owned a piece of. It was indeed shaped like a triangle. The proposed show was a comedy set 150 years in the future, a combination of the "Jetsons" and "Three's Company." They were not sure yet who would do who, but they would sleep in one bed and a marketing intern suggested a triangle. The idea caught fire so David Barnes decided to try it. There was some discussion of trying a trapezoid-shaped bed next month.

The week of the partnership meetings - the longest on record - finally wrapped up after a rare Sunday session. A number of critical issued had been addressed. Recently blown-up partners took up a lot of time. All of the issues did not go the way David Barnes wanted, but with more than 30 partners present, each of whom thought they were the smartest guy in the room who deserved the most money, it never did. As the partner-in-charge, David Barnes usually could use profit projections to sway minds, since they were in this for the money. But that didn't always work, especially two weeks after seeing body parts of their partners strewn around the parking lot they all used. No culprit had been identified. Eventually all the issues were settled and each partner returned to his billable work.

One of the agenda items was agreement on a new and more expensive contract for Samantha's computer service firm. Now Barnes had to arrange for it to be wrapped up by the end of the month - only 10 days away. He hated deadlines, especially short deadlines. Well, hopefully this would be the last short deadline for awhile. Sam had played it straight when presenting terms. Before their last contract was signed, their disagreements were serious, which was the reason the previous contract was so short. Finally Barnes took the three contentious issues to the partners with firm price-tags, to let them decide. He was outvoted on two of the three.

The partners had decided to remove one security hole relating to their convenient access to personal investment data, a few of the partners liked to play with their money, but the majority saw the real security flaw and voted for less convenient/more secure system for their money. This came after another security attack the Friday before the meeting.

They also saw the need for camera surveillance of the parking lot and the areas around the building, the hang-up was ownership of the images. Samantha finally proposed a expensive solution. On both of these issues the partners sided with Samantha's advice over David's frugality. Seeing body parts inspired a bit of extra caution. (No arrests yet due to a lack of leads, the FBI knew they would never solve it so they kicked it back to the local cops as soon as the news cycle ended.)

They did, however, decline the very expensive line-by-line audit of their code. As promised, Samantha included a strong disclaimer of liability to the contract. The disclaimer was a good one, written by a top lawyer someplace. Barnes wondered who, but that was a small issue.

Barnes had to stress to his partners that Sam was not trying to hold him up or leverage her company unfairly, security cost money and her prices were not extraordinary considering what had happened. Dead partners changed minds about ethical issues, even Judge Stern admitted his view had moved as long as they would own the videos. There were no surprises in the outline of the deal. Now they could finally agree on a contract for a year, with a second five-year contract for the camera operations. (Five years would amortize equipment costs.) All he had to do was get it in black and white and then seal the deal with his signature and, most likely, his cock making Samantha happy one night with whatever erotic theater she elected. That was why they paid him the big bucks.

But dollars were not David's late night concern.

For the first time that last part - sealing the deal - was giving David Barnes some pause.

In the past, Barnes had closed a few major deals with others using a model based on a closing ceremony he was exposed to early in his career, by some Japanese firms.

Before at his first closing with Samantha (Sam), the computer firm's CEO, he thought he was going to hold the upper hand and fuck her as he willed. Wasn't that normal? But given the skill she had shown him defending his firm, she held the power so he really had no choice but to do something he thought he would never do; he was asked to sodomize Sam's ass with his own tongue. As he bent forward David thought it would be disgusting. He was wrong. She had prepared her ass with great care, including finishing her cleanse with fine scotch, so the experience turned out much better than he ever imagined. The evening was an unforgettable pleasure. But those initial few moments of loathing and doubt after her request stayed with him.

For their second closing Sam asked for something more, a sweetener. Barnes brought his own daughter Rose and all three enjoyed it when she participated sexually with both at the closing. It seemed that Rose was more experienced than David expected. David fell in lust with his own daughter, and she returned the favor. Sam went both ways and considered Rose a very sweet girl who deserved plenty of pleasure. It all turned out well because Rose was thrilled with the experience, she and Sam hit it off wonderfully. Even more fortunate, while getting ready for the meeting David opened himself to the profound joys of both physical and emotional love with his wonderful daughter. The truth was, Rose had been absent from his life for so long she was more like a beautiful stranger - one that he slept naked with - than a daughter. When he married his current wife, she quickly grew attached to Rose and was overjoyed with Rose's increased participation in both business and, unexpectedly, the sexual part of their marriage.

When David and Rose prepared for the closing they ended Rose's sexual drought. She had given up on immature males her own age and only allowed herself the once-a-month law firm socials, where she spent to night with one of the mature lovers working for her father who strived to impress her. They were skilled, very considerate of her needs, and did the job to their limits, but once a month was really was not enough to satisfy her.

With her father Rose discovered both emotional and physical love were better than she had ever known. David was also impressed.

After that, Barnes found himself questioning whether he was prostituting his daughter while he was falling in love with her. Strange feelings indeed. Also, Barnes felt concerned about some of the things Sam said previously because of what they suggested about him and his Rose for this third closing.

Awake in their shared bed, thinking about the whole issue led David to reminisce about some of his past experiences with contract closings.


David would readily admit that his special method of closing a significant deal was not typical. It said more about him and his ego than it did about contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code. But then, his introduction of the service girls at the office and the wife exchanges at the monthly socials was also not typical. Both paid off well.

Early in his career as a lawyer David worked for a law firm that specialized in the entertainment industry. For one job he was attached, at a low level, to a complex Japanese contract dealing with a complicated multi-picture international distribution deal for everyplace except North America. They had to negotiate with the Japanese firm, the studios, and various individuals (directors and stars) with contractual rights regarding the movies, all with an eye toward the way the movies needed to be modified for different markets. It was a quagmire, many of his superiors were convinced that no deal was possible.

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