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Nude Cruise


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"Oh fuck, harder," I whimpered as I squeezed my tits, riding the sharp tingles.

I gasped and squirmed for many seconds before he quickly climbed over me. He plunged his cock inside me and fucked me hard, satisfying the hungry ache in my cunt. The fucking refreshed the tingles and added more pressure where I needed it. I was panting and shaking as the tingles continued. I had no idea I could feel that good for so long. I groaned like a dirty slut and sank my fingernails into his arms, making him groan as well. He fucked me faster and harder until he couldn't take it anymore. He grunted and shook as orgasm slowed his rhythm. He pushed deep inside me as his cock jumped again and again. I groaned and pulled him down for a kiss. There was a menagerie of flavor on his mouth. I could taste toffee, coconut, lavender, jasmine, myself, and him. It was wild and arousing in spite of being completely satisfied.

"God, you taste good," I groaned and pulled his head up so I could lick his neck, tasting more buttery toffee.

"Your pussy tasted like a coconut cream pie. I'm going to get an erection every time I smell coconut now," he chuckled and relaxed on top of me.

I smiled and squeezed him hard, enjoying his sticky chest against my tits. Megan and Jake distracted us with groaning and gasping a second later. We looked over to see Megan riding Jake's cock as he lay under her. Jake was squeezing her lushes tits and pumping fast inside her. My body tingled as I watched Megan gasp with orgasm. Duncan gently rocked inside me as we watched them cumming. It was making me horny again, but I doubted I had another round in me. The alcohol was taking its toll.

We eventually sat up and wiped ourselves down with damp towels from a warming bin by the booth. Bodily Delights Lounge had impressed me at every turn. I had never been that satisfied at a bar before. We collected a list of flavors we enjoyed and had a few more shots before departing the bar. We drunk-walked back to our deck and gave the boys sloppy kisses before we parted ways for the night. We planned to regroup in the morning for a naked breakfast to plan an exciting second evening. The entertainment choices were plenty and varied.

Day 2.

As we enjoyed a buffet breakfast in the buff, Jake tried to convince us to volunteer for the 'The BIG Tease, Masquerade Orgy Show!'

"That's a mouthful. What will we have to do?" I asked.

"If I tell you now, it will spoil the surprise. I promise you it's safe and really hot. You also get a huge rebate on your Cruise package for participating. Also, it's a professional stage show. How bad could it be?"

We all reluctantly agreed and went to the concierge desk to sign up for the show. If we were chosen to participate, we would be summoned to the auditorium ten minutes early to prepare. I didn't think much about it after that. Megan and I spent most of the morning hanging out with Duncan and Jake by the pool. After lunch, we convince the boys to join us for manicures and pedicures. They laughed at first, but then they enjoyed it.

After supper, we checked our message boxes and discovered we had all been accepted as participants in the 'The BIG Tease' stage show. We checked the ship's map and reported to the Voyeur Theater at the appointed time. A small crew of actors, stage attendants, and a director greeted us and began explaining what we would have to do.

I couldn't keep track of all the people that were introduced. There were three well-built, attractive men and three beautiful women that were professional actors and would be working with us during the show. Everyone would have to wear Venetian carnival masks over their eyes. The director explained that we would be bound in different positions on the stage and played with by the actors. We were given a safe word in case things got too intense for us. If the safe word was used, we would lose our rebate and would be removed from the show. Also, the crowd's favorite volunteer would win a two thousand dollar cash prize along with the rebate. That was an incentive to keep the volunteers from getting cold feet during a performance.

"My advice is to simply enjoy the show," the director said during the last-minute pep-talk. "This can be an incredible experience if you open yourself up to it. So, have fun, and don't be afraid to be noisy if you're really enjoying yourself."

After that, the actors and the volunteers donned golden masks and waited behind the main curtain. I was surprised when one of the masked men stepped over to our group with a long chain covered in manacles. Me, Megan, Duncan, and Jake received a metal manacle around our necks, chaining us together in a line. The lights dimmed, and the auditorium grew silent as primitive flute and percussion music began to play. It was like a mix of Egyptian and Indian dance music that was slowed down for a foreboding sound. It set the mood perfectly. Our attractive slave driver picked up the chain and led us out from behind the curtain and down the aisle.

I was walking at the front of the prisoner line since I was the shortest. Megan was behind me while Jake and Duncan were in line behind her. The privacy of the mask calmed my nerves a little as I looked at the nude audience. They were also wearing gold masks over their eyes. The small theater was bowl-shaped and held about two hundred seats. The round stage in the middle was slightly raised and held an assortment of swooning couches and bondage tables. I didn't know what else to call the tables. They had a collection of ropes, leather straps, and chains with manacles hanging on them.

My heart was pounding as the slave driver led us up a small staircase and onto the stage where we were presented to the audience.

"Greeting, fair citizens, I am the master," he announced and dramatically bowed to the audience. Then he tugged on our chain, prompting us to bow as well. "Do forgive these slow foreign prisoners. They are uncouth heathens by nature. We noble leaders shall properly train them in the ways of pleasure and submission for your enjoyment," he declared before turning to us. "Be polite to your master, and I will reward you."

Then he proceeded to remove the manacles from our necks as the rest of the actors filed onto the stage. The actors wore elaborate white and gold masks with feathers to set them apart from us. The lead male was called the master and had gold horns on his mask. The lead woman was called the mistress and also had gold horns. The men and women circled around us, touching and admiring our bodies. The situation was strange and not something I had ever imagined myself doing. I felt nervous, excited, and aroused as the masked men and women touched my breasts and groped my ass. One man even leaned in and gently kissed me on the mouth. He smelled like peppermint. I felt like a piece of meat put there for their enjoyment, and I liked it.

The master seized my arm and pulled me over to a pivoting table that was standing upright. It was shaped like the silhouette of a person with boards outstretched for the arms and legs. I was pushed against it and strapped in with leather belts. The belts were tightened over my ribs, wrists, thighs, and ankles. The mistress pulled Duncan over to the table beside me and began strapping him in. Megan and Jake were instructed to sit on the edge of the stage and watch their friends be played with.

All the men surrounded me once I was secured. My heart was pounding as they slowly brought their lips to different parts of my body. The man on my right kissed my inner elbow, tickling the skin as he proceeded to kiss up my arm. The man on my left leaned in and kissed the side of my breast close to my underarm. I jumped from the tickle it caused. I watched the master as he lowered himself to his knees in front of me. He leaned in and kissed the side of my lower belly before he licked it, causing me to jump again. They were tickling my most sensitive areas, making me squirm against my bonds.

I glanced to my left to see Duncan suffering the same torment from the lips of the women. He had an erection already, and I couldn't blame him. Moisture was gathering between my pussy lips as the strange men kissed and tickled me. A shudder of pleasure ran through me as the standing men kissed over my breasts. The soft flesh was groped, squeezed, sucked, and jiggled for their enjoyment. My eyes drifted over the crowd at that point. Many of the men already had erections, and some were stroking them.

Suddenly, a hot tongue lapped over my clit, making me gasp. The ache of arousal that throbbed through my body afterward was unreal. It made my pussy ache and itch for more stimulation, but the master had shifted his attention to the bend of my legs. He licked and massaged my thighs, sometimes sucking on the skin and gently nibbling it. The other men were still lavishing my tits with licks and sucks. I groaned with need and squirmed against my bonds again. I heard the master chuckle. He kissed over my mound, slowly moving closer to my clit. He pulled the soft flesh around it between his teeth for a gentle nibble. He was tugging at my sensitive skin, adding to my arousal. I groaned and squirmed, wishing he would touch my pussy again. I was uncomfortable from the intense arousal.

"Please, lick me again," I whispered.

"What a pitiful plea. That's not how a dirty prisoner should speak to her master," he said as he gently nuzzled my clit. It made the horny ache worse.

"Um, please, lick my cunt, master. I need it," I begged a little louder.

"You don't really sound like you want my punishment," he sighed with hot breath against my crotch. Then he gently flicked my clit with the tip of his tongue, making me cringe.

"Please, lick my dirty cunt, master. My pussy needs your punishment," I whimpered. I surprised myself with that plea.

"That's a good little prisoner. You're earning your punishment," he said before he put his mouth over my pussy and tongue fucked me like a professional.

I cried out with pleasure, finally putting on the show the audience wanted. Duncan suddenly groaned loudly to my left, catching my attention. I looked over to see his cock disappearing into a masked woman's throat. The other two women were kissing his neck and sucking his nipples. My body ached with tingles at the sight. I enjoyed watching his pleasure while a strange man licked inside me. The master was good with his tongue. He licked hard against the top of my cunt while working the base of his tongue against my clit. It was making me twitch and squirm. I could easily cum if he kept it up a few more seconds, but he suddenly pulled away, leaving me panting and aching.

"Please, lick my dirty cunt more, master. I love your tongue inside me," I pleaded.

"You're primed and ready. Rotate the table," he ordered.

I gasped as the table pivoted into a horizontal position, throwing me backward. The master was now standing between my legs with his thick cock close to my pussy. The other men's erections were close to my face, one on each side.

"I shall tease your dripping hole while you play with my men. Let's see how little it takes for your body to reach ecstasy."

I gulped as I felt his plump tip pushing into my swollen cunt. I squirmed with tingles as a strange man penetrated me. It felt too good. My inner muscles twitched, wanting to feel more of him, but he only entered me halfway. He gently rocked inside me, massaging my horny body with his tip. I shuddered and squirmed against my bonds. I wanted him to ravage me. I had never been so painfully aroused before. The men at my sides stepped forward and freed my wrists from the leather straps. I immediately grabbed their cocks and pumped them, pulling them closer to my face. I enjoyed the master massaging my cunt as I took turns sucking the tips of the men beside me. I was putting on a good show in hopes of encouraging harder fucking between my legs. I knew the master enjoyed watching my hungry sucking.

The man on my left was getting close to cumming. I could feel him getting harder and tensing. I lavished his tip with sloppy sucks as I pumped him faster. He grunted and shook with orgasm a second later, filling my mouth with salty cum. I groaned and swallowed it as my own body tingled closer to orgasm. The man on my right gasped as I pumped him vigorously. I felt his cum splash on my neck and left breast. The master was pumping into me harder as he watched my performance. He was hitting deep in my belly and jarring my tits.

"Oh yes, give me your cum, master. Please, cum inside me," I begged.

He groaned and grabbed my thighs, then he started pounding me. I gasped and squirmed as a powerful orgasm tore through my body. I cried out again and again as he fucked me relentlessly. His own orgasm slowed him down. He grunted and groaned as his cock jumped inside me. He squeezed my thighs and shuddered as his cum filled my cunt. I moaned as my body continued to twitch with little aftershocks of pleasure.

Another woman cried out in ecstasy a second later. I looked to my left to see the mistress riding Duncan's cock as he shook with orgasm. His head was hanging off the back of the table so he could lick the cunt of the woman standing over him. She was busy kissing and fingering the third woman while she enjoyed Duncan's tongue. I glanced at Megan and Jake on the swooning couch. They were red in the face with arousal. The master saw what I was looking at and smiled.

"Do your companions deserve attention now?" he asked.

"They do," I agreed.

"Very well, switch out the prisoners!" he ordered.

Duncan and I were released and sent to the couch to rest while Megan and Jake were strapped to the tables. We watched as they were teased and tormented like we were. It was an arousing sight. Megan and Jake were eagerly throwing themselves into the performance. They witnessed what the crowd enjoyed the most from our show and were giving us a run for the prize money. A majority of the audience had satisfied themselves during our performance, but everyone was warming up again as Megan begged the master to fuck her brains out and cum on her tits. She had no shame when it came to money.

"I enjoyed watching you get tormented by three women," I whispered against Duncan's ear.

"I enjoyed watching you handle three cocks," he grinned.

"What did you enjoy the most?"

"All of it. The cum begging was particularly nice. I lost it when I heard you say that," he chuckled.

"I'll have to remember that in the future."

Our conversation was interrupted by a screaming orgasm from Megan. She knew how to play it up in a convincing way.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say she practiced that," I whispered.

"Our prisoners are lively tonight!" the master declared as he pulled his spent cock out of Megan. "It is time for a special event. In a few minutes, I will be ready to perform again. I must know, who is the least experienced among you?"

Megan giggled and pointed at me. I scowled at her, but I doubted she saw it behind my mask.

"Excellent. The cute blonde shall receive my special attention."

The master directed Duncan, Jake, and me over to his favorite couch, then he directed Megan and the remaining women and men to various tables and couches on the stage. The last performance would be a variety of lewd displays, but I, apparently, was the main event.

"I sense you two are recent lovers, correct?" asked the master as he looked between Duncan and me. We looked at each other and nodded. "And the blonde is a friend?" he asked as he looked at Jake.

"He is," I nodded.

"Wonderful. We're all going to get better acquainted. The new lovers can begin our demonstrations with a casual fuck. Man on the bottom, please," the master instructed.

I smiled and pushed Duncan down on the couch and straddled him. He chuckled as I rubbed my pussy against his hardening cock. I laid down on him and kissed him for a moment, letting his cock grow even harder against me. Then I got up on my knees and guided him inside me. He groaned softly as he came to rest deep in my cunt. It was surprising how comfortable I was fucking him on stage for an audience. Who knew a nude cruise could be so liberating?

Duncan gently thrust into me, making me moan. He smelled good enough to eat. He didn't need fancy sugars to enhance his flavor. Jake was sitting on the couch close to our heads, slowly stroking his cock. He was watching us and the rest of the naughty stage show.

"Beautiful," the master purred as he watched us fuck. "Now, stop for a moment and let me borrow some of that moisture," he ordered as he gently touched my ass.

I got up on my knees and let Duncan's cock slide out of me. The master immediately penetrated me and fucked me a few times. My inner muscles twitched with arousal as he hit hard inside me, bouncing my tits over Duncan's face. He slid out of me a few seconds later and pressed his tip against my anus. My eyes when wide when I realized what we were about to do. It sent my stomach fluttering since I had never done it before. He pushed hard against me, slowly stretching my tight muscles apart and making me gasp and tense.

"What's he doing?" Duncan whispered.

"Anal," I gulped.

"Have you done it before?"

"No," I gasped as he pushed hard against me again.

"Relax, Taylor. It can feel good if he takes it slow. Tell him to stop if it hurts."

"I will."

The master backed off and dipped his cock in my pussy again, collecting more of my arousal, then he gently worked his tip against me. I took many deep breaths, and after a few seconds of gentle prodding, his tip slipped into me. I gasped and tensed from the shocking intrusion. He felt massive, and it hurt too much to enjoy. He gently rubbed my ass as he waited for me to get used to his thickness. Once the pain eased, I was able to appreciate the pressure inside me. It was intensely arousing. He pulled out of me and dipped his cock in my pussy one last time, then slowly slid back into my ass, and it felt good. He rocked inside me a few times, making me shudder with pleasure.

"Very good. Now it's time to punish you more," The master announced as he reached down and guided Duncan's cock against my pussy.

Duncan watched my eyes as he thrust into me again. I gasped from the incredible intrusion. I was stuffed with two cocks at once, and I liked it. The pressure was mind-numbing.

"God, that's tight," Duncan groaned as he gently fucked me, making me shaky with tingles.

"Wonderful. My dirty prisoner enjoys her punishment," purred the master, then he held my hips and started fucking me.

I cried out in pleasure as both men pumped into me. The violent friction was overwhelming and soon had me gasping like a slut. I never imagined I would make that much noise during sex, especially not in front of an audience.

"Your master enjoys your cries of pleasure, but you deserve a cock in every hole. Suck your friend as well," he ordered.

Jake got up on his knees and offered me his thick penis. I took it into my mouth without hesitation. I was beyond aroused by what we were doing, and Jake tasted and smelled delicious.

"You are so fucking hot, Taylor," Duncan groaned as he pounded my cunt and watched me suck his friend right over his head.

The strange concept of an open relationship was suddenly looking enjoyable. Jake ran his fingers into my hair and pulled it as he gently thrust into my mouth. He groaned as I took him deep into my throat, working the roof of my mouth against his tip. My body was throbbing as three men pleasured themselves inside me. I was shocked and proud of myself for it at the same time, and I was about to cum. I couldn't hold off the pleasure if my life depended on it.

I tensed and shuddered as orgasm worked through my cunt. The waves hit me again and again as the men pumped their hard cocks against my trembling muscles. I knew they could feel me cumming. Duncan gasped and grunted as he pushed hard into me. I could feel his cock flexing as he came. The master groaned a second later and tensed. He squeezed my hips and pushed deep into my ass as he shook with pleasure. The pressure inside me got hotter and wetter. Then Jake pulled my hair and groaned. I moaned as his cum burst onto my tongue, adding flavor to the overwhelming orgasm. I was slowly coming down from the ecstasy as cries of pleasure echoed across the auditorium. I swallowed what Jake gave me before I released his cock and looked at the audience. There were cocks being sucked and pussies and asses being fucked all over the room. It was like a Renaissance painting of stacked bodies.

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