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Nude Cruise

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Hot friends enjoy classmates on a wild nudist cruise.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/24/2023
Created 07/07/2021
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Day 1.

The bell chimed over the ship's PA system, announcing the twelve-mile mark of our trek out to sea, officially starting our Nude Cruise! Megan and I laughed and stripped as fast as we could. This was by far the wildest thing we had ever done for spring break.

"Tay, let's go to the lunch buffet first! I'm starving," Megan declared.

"The first thing you want to do naked with strangers is eating?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why not? We can scope out the food and the men."

I agreed, and we simply left the cabin in our birthday suits. I was tempted to drape my long blond hair over my breasts, but I knew my intentions would be obvious. So, instead of hiding, I tossed my hair back and held my chin high. It was nice not worrying about what to wear, but it was weird strolling naked along the deck. The warm Caribbean breeze felt incredible on my skin. It was hard not to stare when eye-catching men and women walked by. I was surprised at myself for checking out the women as much as the men. Megan was doing it too. There was a sign posted outside of the main dining room prohibiting lewd activity in that area. Megan and I had already signed the waiver about what activities were allowed in certain areas. There were exceptions to these rules, depending on the time of day.

"Wow, the food and the men look amazing," Megan observed as she picked up a frozen pina colada and handed it to me.

We were standing by the beverage bar, scanning the room. Suddenly, I saw someone I was not expecting.

"Holy cow, there's Duncan!" I squeaked and scurried behind Megan to hide.

"Wait a minute... 'dreamy eyes' Duncan from your Wednesday morning class?" she chuckled and looked in the direction I was peeking in. "Hey, that's Jake with him. They're both in my statistics class. Damn, Duncan does have dreamy eyes, and dreamy hair, and a smoking hot body. Taylor, why are you hiding? Let him see those perky tits and cute ass," she grumbled and shoved me out from behind her, causing me to dump the icy pina colada down my chest.

I gasped loud enough to catch the attention of the whole room. There were drawbacks to dining naked. I met Duncan's eyes a second later. He was staring at me with his mouth open. I looked down at myself to discover my nipples were raging hard, thanks to the slushy ice. Above that, snowy splatters of whipped cream were stuck to my breasts and beginning to drip between them. Megan erupted with laughter when she saw me. I glanced at Duncan to see him and his friend Jake hurrying to sit down at a nearby table.

"Megan, I'm going to kill you," I grumbled as a waitress rushed over to help me clean up.

"I wish cameras were allowed for times like this," she sputtered.

Keeping my head down, I collected a salad and a turkey sandwich before sitting down with Megan to sulk.

"Taylor, stop moping and lighten up. That was hilarious!"

"For you, yeah," I grumbled with my mouth full.

Suddenly, two handsome figures joined us at our table. They sat down rather quickly, sparing us the view of their crotches as we ate. It was Duncan and Jake. I stared at Duncan with wide eyes as he smiled at me in amusement.

"Hey guys," Megan announced with a big grin. She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder and stuck her chest out a little. She knew how to work her luscious body when men were close.

"Hello, ladies. It's Taylor and Megan, right?" Duncan asked as he looked between us.

"Yes, It's nice to see you boys outside of statistics class for once," Megan said as she turned her flirty gaze on Jake. He had messy blond hair and big blue eyes, one of Megan's favorite combinations.

"It is. I wasn't expecting to see classmates on this cruise, but it's a pleasant surprise. Is this your first Nude Cruise?" Duncan asked as he turned his big gray eyes on me.

"Uh, it is," I stammered. "I'm learning all about it the hard way," I admitted with my face burning. My arms were still sticking to my sides after my pina colada bath.

"Yeah, that was hot. I mean, hilarious," Jake chuckled, causing Megan and Duncan to start chuckling too.

"Actually, it was freezing," I grumbled.

"Yeah, we could tell," Megan added with a huge grin.

I groaned and put my hand over my eyes.

"Taylor, you don't have to be embarrassed," Duncan said as he reached over and patted me on the back.

It was a harmless, innocent gesture, but it felt intimate being touched by my crush while naked. It sent my heart fluttering. I looked at Duncan, and he gave me a thoughtful smile.

"Not to sound too flirty," he continued, "but in all seriousness, Jake is right. You looked really hot covered in a pina colada."

I chuckled and nodded, accepting my fate as the 'pina colada' girl.

"Uh, thanks. I appreciate the compliment."

"I bet she tastes pretty good now, too. You should offer Duncan a sample," Megan suggested.

I kicked Megan's leg under the table after that remark.

"That kind of tasting is forbidden in the main dining room this time of day," Jake added, "but there are other times and other rooms where it is allowed."

"Really?" Megan asked, sounding intrigued.

"Mmhmm, I reserved a private booth at the Bodily Delights Lounge tonight. All Duncan and I need are dates. Then we can enjoy an assortment of tapas and exotic drink chasers from all over the world. They have stuff on their menu from countries I've never even heard of. It also has amazing reviews."

"That sounds pretty tame. I wouldn't mind doing that," I said and looked at Megan. She was wearing a huge grin. I suspected she knew something I didn't.

"We would love to join you and Duncan at Bodily Delights," she agreed.

Megan was grinning all the way back to our room that afternoon, and she wouldn't tell me why.

"It's nothing, Taylor. I'm just excited about spending time with Jake," she insisted.

"And I get to spend time with Duncan. God, getting my tits frozen was worth it after all. You really think they came over to talk to us because of that?"

"Yes, one hundred percent," she chuckled.

We refreshed our sunblock, which is critical on a nude cruise, and lounged by the pool for an hour. The sun chairs were as soft as our cabin beds. I sighed contently as an attractive group of men and women strolled between our chairs and the pool. I was seriously enjoying people-watching. The variety of bodies was fascinating. I was surprised by how relaxed I felt on our first day. It wasn't like me at all to enjoy a provocative environment. I was overly cautious most of the time. Besides, Megan was wild enough for both of us, and she helped me come out of my shell. The nude cruise was the epitome of my wildness that year.

"Are you missing Tony yet?" Megan asked in reference to my ex-boyfriend.

"Don't mention that name while I'm enjoying myself."

Tony was the bane of my freshman year of college. He took my virginity and then cheated on me with two other virgins in the same month. Megan said he likely had a virgin fetish. I didn't care either way. What pissed me off was his dramatic confession of love before he fucked me, and my idiot self believed him. He left me skittish about relationships and lowered my expectation of how pleasurable they could be. Tony had disappointed me at every turn. I was determined not to repeat that fiasco. It also opened me up to the idea of experimenting.

"Just reminding you of why you need to have more fun in life. Don't sell yourself short again."

"Thanks, Meg. I appreciate your tough love."

Later that evening, we showered and examined the ship map to find the Bodily Delights Lounge. My stomach was fluttering as we met Duncan and Jake outside the French-themed bar. It was weird meeting up with nude men. I was getting used to it a little, but it was still a shock to everything normal for me.

A waitress led us to our private sitting area. It was a huge round booth with plenty of space in the middle. A low table sat at the center of the area. It didn't obstruct any eye candy sitting around it. The booth's long cushion was draped in a red velvet cover that could easily be removed and washed. I wished we had furniture like that in our dorm. I sat next to Duncan while Megan scooted close to Jake. We selected the most expensive and exotic chaser collection they had. We weren't disappointed when the waitress returned with a large tray of shots and a candy-like assortment of flavored salts, crystallized fruit sugars, flavored oils, and many complimentary spices. The waitress instructed us to push a button in the middle of the table if we needed her again, then she made her departure, leaving us cozy and isolated in the fancy booth.

"Wow, what is all this?" I asked in amazement as Jake began sorting through the flavors and giving everyone samples.

"A lot of this you lick off your hand and then take a sip of vodka to get a hit of intense flavor. The more exotic flavors should be applied to different parts of the body before licking them," he said with a grin before passing the flavor instruction guides to everyone.

There was a detailed list of how and where to apply different fruit sugars to the skin to produce a unique flavor and some required intimate parts of the body.

"Holy cow, this is why you were grinning like an idiot after lunch, wasn't it?" I whispered against Megan's ear.


"This is... intense," Duncan observed as he read down the list. "Are you ladies sure you want to do this with us?" he asked as he looked at me for an answer.

I gave Megan a nervous glance, and she smiled at me and nodded.

"Uh, yes. We're up for it if you guys are," I agreed.

"Excellent, let's get started," Jake announced and began handing out shots. "Let's have a few normal drinks to loosen ourselves up a little."

After a watermelon lemon shot followed by a vanilla coffee shot, I was feeling flirty, but I hadn't moved past small talk with Duncan yet. We were both on the reserved side compared to Megan and Jake. They had already been licking salt off of each other's hands.

"Alright, it's time to spice things up even more," Jake declared as he picked up the special menu and looked at it. "I recommend Megan put a dab of mango saffron sugar between her tits for me to taste," he said with a huge grin.

She chuckled and blushed at his suggestion. Then she retrieved the little glass cup from the tray and stuck her finger into the flavored sugar.

"Let's see, I dab this on my skin and wait two minutes, right?" she asked as she rubbed her finger down her chest, letting the sugar stick to the valley between her tits.

"Yes. In the meantime, what would you like for me to dab on my neck?" Jake asked.

"Hmm, avocado orange sounds interesting," she said as she set her flavor down and retrieved the next cup.

Jake smiled and collected the sugar on his finger and applied it to the front of his throat. Duncan and I were watching them with a blush on our cheeks. Megan noticed our hesitation and pounced on it.

"You two are hopeless," she sighed and picked up one of the sugar jars and scooted over next to me. "Duncan, this is cherry lime. That's what you'll be licking off of Taylor's tits," she said before she dipped her fingers in the sugar and smeared some on my nipples and breasts.

"Megan!" I hissed, provoking a laugh out of her as she put the cherry lime away and picked up honey toffee.

"Here, Duncan. Put this where you want Taylor to lick you," she ordered and put the cup in his hand. Then she scooted back to Jake and relaxed against the red velvet cushion.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be," he chuckled as he dipped his fingers in the sugar and rubbed some on his neck.

My heart started pounding as I watched him dab some on his stomach and sides. Then his eyes looked past me and went wide. I looked behind myself in time to see Jake licking between Megan's breasts. He groaned as the sweetness of the mango saffron sugar played over his tongue.

"Wow, that tastes and smells amazing," he grinned.

"Really? I want a taste," she said and pulled his mouth to hers. She gave him a long kiss before she finally released him. "Mmm, that is delicious," she agreed, then she leaned in and licked his neck. Jake chuckled and groaned as she licked and sucked on his skin. His enjoyment quickly showed as an erection.

I chewed my lip and looked at Duncan. We were both blushing furiously. He had his hands in his lap in an attempt to hide his enjoyment of the scene. It was my turn to step out of my comfort zone and boldly break the ice.

"Uh, Duncan, would you like to try the cherry lime?" I asked with a gulp. He smiled big at my offer.

"I would love to," he said and slowly leaned in.

I shuddered as his warm lips closed on my right nipple. He groaned softly as he sucked the flavored sugar off my skin. I jumped when he touched my thigh. He gently squeezed the soft flesh as he lavished my breast with licks and sucks. He was making me extremely hot. He groaned softly as he lapped up the last of the sugar crystals. Then he straightened up and licked his lips. I smiled at the blush on his face, then my eyes drifted down. His thick cock was happily pointing at me. My insides tingled as I admired him. Then I remembered the sugar on his stomach.

"My turn," I said and gently pushed him back against the cushion.

He gulped as I partially climbed over him and kissed his neck, being sure to taste the honey toffee he had applied earlier. I groaned as the delicious shock of flavor spread across my tongue. I licked his neck for a better taste, and he shuddered. I smiled and kissed down his chest to his stomach. His breathing was excited as he enjoyed what I was doing. He jumped and laughed when I licked into his belly button.

"You are delicious," I whispered as I licked and kissed his stomach and sides, searching for more honey toffee.

His cock was brushing my arm as I worked. I could smell the heady scent of his skin mingled with the added flavor. It was a yummy cocktail for the senses, and I suddenly wanted to suck his cock. We were moving fast already, so I decided against it. Besides, there were more exotic flavors to explore. Once I licked away all the delicious honey toffee sugar, I raised up and looked into his big gray eyes. He quickly leaned forward and kissed me. He moaned softly as he collected the stray sugar from my lips.

"Mmm, you're delicious too," he whispered.

He was about to kiss me again, but Megan interrupted.

"Cool down, you two. We have a few more flavors to apply before we go any further," she said as she carefully picked out the most exotic samples on the tray.

"Let's see, Taylor gets jasmine coconut mint, I get green tea hibiscus, Jake gets caramel sage, and Duncan gets sweet lavender butter," she said and handed us little lip-balm-sized jars full of sticky goo.

"Uh, where does this go?" I asked.

"Watch and learn," Megan said with a smile.

She leaned back, spread her legs wide, and smeared the flavored balm on her pussy. She moaned softly as she slid her fingers into her cunt, working the flavor deep inside her. My body tingled at the sight.

"You next, Jake," she said and snatched his jar from him. He smiled and groaned as she massaged the caramel sage gel up and down his shaft and over his tip, making his cock shine. "There we go," she grinned. "Now we enjoy another drink while we marinate. Taylor, Duncan, you're getting behind," she noted as she picked up a tequila shot.

"Uh, I guess I'll go next then," I sighed and leaned back against the soft cushion.

Everyone watched as I spread my legs and rubbed the cool jasmine coconut gel all over my pussy. I felt hot and tingly touching myself with Duncan's eyes on me. He looked sleepy and aroused as he watched me work the flavor deep inside my cunt. He chewed his lip as he proceeded to smear the lavender butter all over his cock, making it glisten.

"I would have let you do it, but I'm too hot already," he whispered when he saw me staring.

"Taylor, do you want the last vodka shot since you're not a tequila fan?" Jake asked, distracting me from my admiration of Duncan's cock.

"Uh, sure," I sighed and pulled my finger out of myself.

"Mmm, I feel tasty," Megan giggled as she licked salt off her hand.

"You smell like a candy factory," Jake groaned as he leaned down and stuck his nose between her tits.

"I think we smell like a pastry shop," Duncan noted as he leaned close to my neck and inhaled.

"Coconut key lime pie is probably my flavor at the moment," I agreed.

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" he asked.

"No, have you?"

"Nope, and I probably wouldn't have if you and Megan hadn't shown up. This is really wild for me," he confessed.

"I know how you feel. I'm really glad you showed up too. You and Jake are making this enjoyable for me. I don't think I could have done it or enjoyed it with complete strangers."

"Me neither. Um, by the way, I noticed you staring at me in class a few weeks ago. Was there a reason for that?"

"Oh... you saw that? Well, I've... kinda had a crush on you since last semester."

"Really? Wow, you just made my year," he said with a huge smile.

I looked at him in surprise after that comment.


"Because I've had a crush on you for two years now," he chuckled.

I stared at him in disbelief for a moment, then I leaned in and kissed him. He ran his fingers into my hair and kissed me back with equal passion. I had to pull away to breathe a few seconds later. We stared at each other for a moment, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the situation. I had my crush all to myself, and I was going to enjoy him. He watched with wide eyes as I climbed off the seat and knelt between his legs. I picked up his cock and licked it from the base to the tip. He groaned softly as I did it again and again, lapping up the delicious lavender butter. The tastes and smells were incredible. The sharp flavors mingling with the natural oils on his skin made my mouth salivate. I couldn't get enough of it.

I took Duncan's cock deep into my throat and sucked it greedily. He groaned and twitched, unable to mask how hot he was at that point. He ran his fingers into my hair and gently guided my rhythm. I was not well practiced in sucking cock, but I was enjoying sucking him. I knew to pump the base with my hand when my jaw couldn't take the strain anymore, so I jerked on him and sucked his tip. He was tense and squirming as he gently pulled my hair. He was making my pussy ache with want. A second later, his cock grew extra hard before he gasped. I slowed my sucking as his cum burst hot on my tongue. He grunted and shook as orgasm worked through his body. I swallowed the salty mix of flavors filling my mouth. It was almost too much to handle, but I managed not to lose any. I chuckled as I felt his body relaxing. He moaned softly as I continued to gently suck his spent cock, working out the last few drops of his natural flavor. Then I raised up and licked my lips. He gave me a brilliant smile.

"Get up here, please," he said and patted the seat beside him.

I returned to my seat, and he immediately pushed me down on the bench. He pulled my legs up on the cushion so he could get his head between my thighs. A second later, his tongue plunged inside me, making me gasp in delight. I groaned as he licked hard against my inner muscles, lapping up the jasmine coconut cream that was smeared inside me and dripping out of me.

"Mmm," he hummed as he indulged in the flavors.

I squirmed against the bench and squeezed my tits as he made my cunt tense with pleasure. I looked over my head to see Megan's cunt hovering over Jake's face as he licked inside her. I suddenly regretted not sixty-nining with Duncan, but I figured we would have more opportunities in the future. He was busy putting delicious pressure against the top of my cunt while licking hard bellow my clit. The friction was maddening. My whole body twitched when he slid two fingers inside me and massaged the bottom of my cunt, pulling down on it with each stroke. What he was doing was shockingly good. I whimpered with tingles before I gasped with orgasm. He felt my body tensing and quickly pushed his fingers deep inside me. He worked them against my trembling muscles as pleasure stole my breath.

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