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Nymph's Adventure - Mannia Series

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Phase 2 of a crazy sci-fi story. Includes cross species sex.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 01/15/2024
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The Nymph Goes on an Adventure

The next morning, Sorcha dressed in her usual thin blouse and short skirt. Slipping on a pair of flat sandals, she headed for the Superintendent of the castle instead of the kitchen. Mr. Hood was fat, tired, and humorless. He was in charge of keeping the castle running smoothly, and it was a tremendous job. He always looked resigned when Sorcha entered his office. Especially since he was running out of work to assign her and she was sure today was no exception.

He sat behind a desk covered in papers. There was a sleek new data processor on a table to the side, but Sorcha had never seen him touch it, preferring his papers instead. Waving her into a chair, he leaned back and crossed his fingers over his ample belly.

"You kissed Matilda." His voice was blank.

"And groped her tit. I have no clue what she wears under that starched dress of hers, but damn, I couldn't feel a bit of softness." Sorcha crossed her legs and bounced the foot dangling in the air.

Mr. Hood closed his eyes. "I didn't need that visual."

"Sorry, not sorry. She's not a good kisser, by the way."

Raising his hands to rub them over his face, Sorcha heard him sigh. "What am I supposed to do with you now?"

Sorcha only smiled at him, as she didn't have a clue either.

After a moment, Mr. Hood cleared his throat. "Have you considered maybe opening your own business? In the village."

Confusion filled Sorcha. "My own business? What the hell would I do?"

Mr. Hood looked everywhere but at her, "You could charge for what you... already do."

The light went on, "Oh, so become a paid whore instead of giving it away for free. I see." Her eyes went flat. "Does this mean you aren't going to assign me a new job?"

He said nothing but spread his hands wide, showing their emptiness.

She nodded. "And there's no one to appeal this to, right? The king isn't going to help me. Hell, the Queen makes sure I can't get within fifty feet of the guy. That's it then? You're tossing me out." Again, she thought.

Pressing his lips together, Mr. Hood shrugged, "I have nothing left. You've done it all and burned every bridge in the process."

An emptiness filled her. Having a job, a proper job, was the one thing helping her hold on to her sanity. Uncrossing her legs, she let them fall wide, flashing Mr. Hood her pussy. "Want one last chance before I go? You're one of the few that haven't taken a ride."

She saw him start to shake his head and then change his mind; his eyes glued to her crotch. "What the hell," he muttered and stood and unbuckled his pants. Walking around the desk, he took her arm and jerked her to her feet. He filled both hands with breasts and squeezed almost painfully. Jerking her blouse up, he looked his fill before squeezing again, making her nipples turn red and pulse in time with the heat building in her pussy.

He turned and shoved her down over his desk, scattering papers, flipping her skirt up out of the way. A sharp slap on her ass made her gasp. Before she could recover, he continued to spank her, hard and with no break between, alternating his hands to get both sides of her ass. She'd never been spanked like this and was amazed to feel herself responding. But then his hand moved, and he slapped her weeping pussy. Wetness gushed out of her, making a splash against his fingers.

"Fucking whore," he mumbled before she heard the jingle of his belt hitting the floor. With tears streaming down her face and her cunt crying for a dick, she waited. She didn't know for sure who he was punishing. Her or himself, but her heart was breaking for a man who had so far been decent with her. He ran a hand through the wetness dripping out of her, spreading it over her thighs and ass. Suddenly he hit her again, a flurry of slaps on her now tender ass cheeks. All the while, he was mumbling something under his breath that she couldn't hear. Sorcha assumed he was cursing her and himself for his weakness.

Finally, she felt the press of the nob of his cock against her. With a final slap, he shoved in hard and fast. He was bigger than she expected and gasped in surprise and relief to finally have her aching emptiness filled. Mr. Hood hammered her cunt with short strokes. She was so wet; it splashed against them both. With his hands gripping her hips, he plundered her.

Quickly, she felt the tightness build inside her. His harsh pounding pushed her over, and an orgasm swept through her. As she shuddered and convulsed over his desk, the wet flooded them both and drizzled down her thighs. Her pussy walls gripped him tighter and tighter, and with a groan, he jerked free of her and shot his cum all down her legs.

Sorcha felt his big belly against her back as he braced an arm on the desk to catch his breath. After a moment, he jerked her up and shoved her into a tiny bathroom; shutting the door on her. Looking into the mirror, she saw her shame in the red, tear-stained face and wild tangle of curls. Turning away, she grabbed a handful of paper towels and wet them, cleaning herself as best she could. The two of them had undoubtedly made quite a mess.

As she reached for the doorknob, she heard the outer office door slam. Opening the bathroom door, she found Mr. Hood had left her alone. The message was obvious. Leave and don't come back. Her time working at the castle was over. Mr. Hood and his spanking to never be spoken of again. Even though she'd offered it, she now realized she wished he hadn't taken it and had remained one of the few that respected her as a person enough not to fuck her and walk away.

With a deep sigh, she opened the office door and started through the tiny outer lobby. There sat the black man, Portman, in his strange mottled blue and gray clothes. In an instant, Sorcha knew that he'd heard the frantic, punishing sex. Without a word, she continued on her way, her ass still stinging and her face taking on a stain of red.

She didn't get far when she heard footsteps following her. As Portman drew alongside of her, she couldn't help herself. "Enjoy listening to that?" Sarcasm rained from her words.

Portman shoved his hands in his pockets. "It was... interesting. It sounded rather... wet."

"Mmm. Who knew Mr. Hood had it in him? I certainly didn't know I liked that sort of thing."

The large man was silent as they wandered down the road toward the village. Sorcha had no destination in mind, just away from the castle that was no longer welcome to her. When Portman spoke, she stumbled to a stop. "Come with me. It's obvious you're done here."

"What? What does that mean?" She shook her head, confusion reigning. "Come with you where? Why? And why am I done here? This is my home."

Shaking his bald head, Portman turned to look at her. "I didn't come here to pick up a passenger. I certainly don't need the complication of a nymph. But this is not your home. I don't know how you got here, but you should be with your own kind. That is most certainly not here."

Sorcha turned away to look out over the village. This was all she knew, this place and its people. She couldn't deny that she was different, that there was something wrong with her. The state of her pussy was clear. She'd just received a spanking to remember, a pounding that had her gushing, even so, she wanted more. Right now, right here, if an entire platoon of guards walked up, she'd toss her legs in the air and take them all.

"You said the nymphs that you met, they all kept searching for that one that could satisfy them. What happens if they never find that one?"

She saw Portman shrug out of the corner of her eye. "I don't know. That didn't come up in any discussions I had with them. Look, I have places to go, things to do, so I don't know when I'll make it back to Mannia. But it's obvious that unless you want nothing more than to be a village whore, there's nothing left for you here."

"Mannia? Is there where I'm from?"

"No clue really, but that's where I encountered the nymphs and I haven't even seen them anywhere else."

Sorcha took a moment to think. She considered Kailey the only one she could have called a friend, but after yesterday, she wasn't sure. She liked Jeb at the kennel, but he had a wife and had only indulged in Sorcha when that wife was heavily pregnant. It looked as though Mack the dog was probably the only one that would miss her. "I'll get my things. It won't take long. Where should I meet you?"

"My transport is just south of the village. I want to leave within the hour."

"I'll be there."

~ ~ ~

Portman's transport was not what Sorcha expected. Although to be honest, she hadn't ever been on a transport before, so she had no idea if his was like all the others. But it seemed to be larger than the ones she'd seen flitting in and out of the village. While made of the same Talmanian metal that was the strongest ever discovered and used for all space-worthy craft, there was a clean, and dare she say, plushness to the furnishings.

Portman showed her to a small but well-appointed cabin that held a large comfortable looking bed and a bathroom the same size as her own in her shack. That was where the commonality ended. While hers was functional, this one was sleek and modern, and Sorcha worried it would take her hours to figure out all the buttons and gadgets. He showed her where to store her things in the small, amazingly organized closet and then led her to the cockpit of the transport.

Light gray leather that she wasn't entirely sure came from cows covered the chairs of the cockpit that sat in front of a control board that made her slightly dizzy to look at. A large, slightly curved control screen stretched from one side to the other and lit up with moving graphs, maps, and more things she had never even imagined before. It all drove home to Sorcha how sheltered and limited her life had been in one small village.

The little teachings that she had received had taught her that the world was covered in landmasses separated by seas. Those land masses varied by climate and contained mountains, deserts, or grasslands, and different kingdoms covered all. Every inch of land had been claimed and divided and, in most cases, walled off from each other. Wars were rare, but they did happen. Mostly, kings preferred to remain in their territory and rule as they wanted.

Beyond the rolling hills that cradled their village, a tapestry of kingdoms unfolded. Each a kaleidoscope of customs, languages, and traditions, ruled by monarchs as varied as the stars. Her village teacher, with his worn maps and well-thumbed chronicles, could barely paint a picture of this vast mosaic. Even Priest George, whose sermons brimmed with tales of faraway lands, only spoke with certainty about those kingdoms his trade had touched.

That meant Sorcha hadn't bothered to learn about life outside of her village and castle. She did know that three other villages lay farther away from the castle under King Bernard's rule, but she did not know the kingdoms surrounding theirs. Sitting in the chair beside Portman, Sorcha suddenly felt very small and very ignorant of the world in which she lived.

"Strap in. There shouldn't be any issues, not in this part of the world. In emergencies, you can strap into the chair in your room. It's rare for me to become engaged with an enemy, but this transport is fully capable of defending us and keeping us safe. I've not yet encountered something I couldn't get out of."

Portman's words sent chills through her. All she had thought was to escape her fate in the village. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. What was wrong with being a village whore, anyway? Sorcha felt the vibration of the transport all through her body and, in a surprising twist, discovered that the sensation was rather pleasant.

"Oh, and don't touch anything. I may teach you how to assist me with some things up here, but for now, keep your fingers away from the board." Portman shot a glance at her and, for once, she had nothing snarky to say in return. She refused to admit to anyone other than herself just how intimidated and scared she currently felt.

With her eyes huge and feeling as though they may fall out of her head as she gawked out the viewscreen, Portman slowly raised the transport into the air. She heard him speaking to someone, but Sorcha didn't care and didn't bother to pay attention. As the ground fell away, the craft turned slightly, and she had the perfect view of the village where she had spent her entire life.

From the air, it seemed small and dingy. The buildings were mostly gray and brown, as if people couldn't be bothered with color. Even the white castle on the hill looked much smaller and unimpressive from the air. She secretly hoped that the world, in general, wouldn't always be so disappointing. She had no idea if Portman's transport ship was typical or of a finer quality than found in her kingdom, but she suspected that her life had just changed much more drastically than she had ever imagined.

"I have a stop to make on the other side of Bratemia; it'll take about 4 hours to get there. You can shower, nap, eat, whatever you like. I have some work to do though, so, for now, you'll be on your own." Portman efficiently slid his fingers over the screen. Sorcha heard a few dozen beeps and watched as his fingers had things lighting up and fading away. In just a moment, he had popped open his chair straps and stood, preparing to walk away.

"You're just going to leave me?" Sorcha was quite unsettled, looking out at the world now flying past them far, far beneath the transport.

"Yes. You are an adult. Take care of yourself." With that, Portman walked out of the cockpit and disappeared.

With shaking hands, Sorcha opened her straps and gingerly stood, as if the motion of the transport would cause her to fall. But nothing happened. There was no pull on her body, no sway to the transport at all. With a frown, she made her way back to the galley Portman had pointed out to her. There she found a kitchen that caused her to stand and stare. Gleaming metal, flashing lights, and nothing that looked at all familiar to her stared back at her. With a shrug, she turned and left it, deciding that she'd deal with hunger later.

Entering her room once more, she wandered back into the bathroom. Deciding that surely she was smart enough to figure out how to work a shower, she stripped off her clothes and set them aside. After some fumbling and a near scorching with over-hot water, she had a refreshing spray going and stepped inside. The force of the water felt as though it might remove a layer of her skin, but she found she liked the harshness of the sting and finished up the cleansing, feeling cleaner and fresher than usual.

Walking nude into her room, she looked at the large bed and, with a light jump, bounced on top. Immediately, she was amazed at the firm mattress that molded to her body. Never had she felt something so comfortable. Even though she didn't mean to, in moments, she was sound asleep.


She came awake slowly to the feeling of being thoroughly aroused. Something warm and pliant was between her spread thighs and the things it was doing to her sopping wet pussy were amazing. A moan slipped from her lips as it undulated and caressed her. Spreading her legs wider, she lifted her head to look and see what was down there.

But once she focused on the thing between her legs doing the most incredible things to her pussy, she frowned, as she still had no idea what it was. A semi-transparent purple blob was attached to her, flowing over her pussy and spreading between her thighs. Reaching down, she gently touched to find it warm and soft and moving.

Warmth flowed over her engorged clit, and a bubble rose from farther back of the purple mound. Suddenly, she heard a voice that was not her own in her head.

Hello, my name is Chkawinneedlhomakx but you can call me Chuck. You taste divine and I just couldn't help myself.

Sorcha attempted to speak but only managed a weak, "what?"

I'm the engineer on the ship. I could smell you as soon as you came on board. When I finished my duties, I had to come to see what smelled so good. I found your pussy and, well, I just couldn't resist.

The purple blob began to do something to her clit that had her eyes rolling back in her head in pleasure. Heat built steady and hot low in her belly and the soft ooze caressed her and seemed to suck on her clit gently. "Fuck me. What are you doing to me?" she whispered.

I need to taste more. I hope you don't mind. And then something harder pushed inside her vagina. It moved deeper and deeper into her pussy, pulsing and throbbing as it went. It filled her like no cock ever had, and then it pulsed even harder.

It wasn't the same as a cock pounding into her; this was something completely different. But the intense feelings of pleasure had her nearly screaming. Sorcha could only lay back and moan as the thing seemed to heat up a bit more, sending pulse waves through her pussy to flow out through the rest of her body in exquisite pleasure.

The purple still outside her body softened and spread slightly up over her stomach and then she felt it pushing gently against her asshole. Heat flushed through her from inside and out. Never had she been so full, the pulsing pushing against her inner walls, stretching her without hurting her. The part that was outside her body, on her stomach, seemed to work with the part inside her. It was massaging her, inside and out, hot and firm, yet pliant and molding to her every tiny crevasse.

Pleasure built slow and steady, flowing from her center all the way to her fingertips. She felt as if she were floating on a warm wave of sensation. Then the blob found that secret nub deep inside her that only Kailey had ever found, and it pushed and rubbed and then sent a warm pulse through it. Feelings, intense, incredible, pleasurable, shot through Sorcha and that time she did scream. "More, don't stop, oh god please don't stop!"

Right there? No problem. But it tastes too good. I don't know how long I can last.

Chuck released another heated pulse on the bundle of nerves, and then the tiniest shockwave zapped her deep inside and Sorcha erupted. Her back arched, every muscle spasmed hard and had her screaming as the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt washed over in wave after wave. She vaguely heard Chuck making some sort of strange noises in her head, but she was too out of her mind to pay attention.

Her pussy let loose with a torrent of fluid that the blob sucked up immediately. She heard Chuck moan and she could swear the fluid absorbed straight into his... body. He quivered and shook and the movement prolonged the best orgasm she thought she'd ever had. When her body finally released her from its spasms, she lay floating in bliss and felt Chuck slowly sort of deflating, but he remained snug inside her.

A voice cleared roughly from the doorway. "If you two are finished, we'll be landing soon. Chuck, get back to engineering. Sorcha strap in, either here or upfront."

Oof, like I can work after that. Hell, like I can move after that. Woman, your body is the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. I hope you'll let me dine from you again soon. Sorcha felt him slowly pull free of her body, and even though he was taking nearly all her moisture with him, she didn't feel dry. She only felt the absence of his presence and the soothing warmth that left her almost chilled.

"Ugh, yeah. Just... you know... maybe ask or give me some warning next time." She watched, and the purple blob that was rather smallish oozed down the side of her bed to plop onto the floor.

Chuck gave another groan and flowed across the floor toward the door. Sorcha sat up and swung her legs to the side and slowly stood up. They felt like limp noodles, but in the most pleasant way. Giving her head a shake, she stumbled to her closet and pulled out a fresh skirt and blouse.


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