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2 Mistresses: A Study in Seduction


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Carolyn couldn't believe how well Maslow's theory fit this young girl. Mindy was desperate for the loving and belonging that Carolyn could give her. An unconditional, if unorthodox, love that provided an unbreakable bond with another, and often with more than one other soul, that transcended the bland, stilted, average expectations of love and happiness.

"This may sound out of the blue, but it is an important question," Carolyn said, "Do you swallow?"

It was out of the blue, yet somehow it didn't surprise Mindy. She answered honestly and frankly, "Every time." After a pause, "Except the last few times when he began giving me facials."

"Did you like getting facials?" Carolyn asked, her hand again beginning its slow journey up her pet-to-be's leg.

"Not really," Mindy admitted, glancing down at Carolyn's hand, "it was sticky, gross and humiliating." After a pause she added, "Yet to tell the truth it made him happy, so I tolerated it."

"Did you enjoy swallowing?" Carolyn continued, seeing the stereotypical submissive before her... doing things she didn't enjoy to please others.

"It was okay," Mindy shrugged. "It's rather tasteless."

"Did he ever get you off?" Carolyn asked.

Mindy scoffed, "God, no. He fingered me and went down on me a couple of times, but I always had to finish myself off after I got home."

"That's a shame," Carolyn said, her hand now straying under the dress. "They're lost down there, and men never ask for directions."

Mindy suddenly roared with laughter! "Isn't that the truth!"

"Are you still a virgin?" Carolyn asked.

"No," Mindy sighed as she flashed back to the three minutes that had deflowered her in a shabby office for a gig she didn't get.

"I'm assuming it was anti-climactic?" Carolyn said.

"I've regretted it ever since," Mindy admitted.

"Only one man?" Carolyn asked.

Mindy didn't want to sound like a slut, but she had been with four men since moving to Los Angeles which was probably a lot. "No, ma'am."

"How many?"


"Did you find fulfilment through sex in your quest for love and acceptance?" Carolyn asked, sounding more like a psychologist than a Mistress.

Mindy laughed bitterly, realising that this quest was exactly what she was pursuing in this very bedroom! She was trying to erase the past and find love. "No, and please pardon my rudeness but hell no. Every time only increased my own self-loathing." She knew she was baring her innermost wounds and tragedies to this woman, but somehow she didn't feel she was making a mistake.

Carolyn smiled at just how much Mindy was a poster child for her Maslow theory seduction. She was searching for self-worth, searching for a purpose, searching for a way she could discover her true self. Carolyn opined, "I'm assuming you have never been with a woman."

"Does today count?" Mindy joked, trying both to lighten the mood, but also to hint that she was willing to explore a new side of her sexuality. She hadn't been curious about sex with another woman ever before, but today curiosity was tingling her kitty and the kitty wanted to come out and play.

"Not yet," Carolyn laughed, her hand giving the girl's thigh a soft suggestive squeeze.

After a pause, while Mindy wondered how soon she would begin to change her answer about being with a woman, Carolyn asked, "Do you follow instructions well?"

Mindy laughed, as, in retrospect that was exactly what she was doing. Trying to erase the past and find love. "No, each time only increased my own self-loathing."

Carolyn smiled at just how much Mindy was a poster child for her Maslow theory seduction. She was searching for self-worth, searching for a purpose, searching for a place she could discover her true self. Carolyn asked, "I'm assuming you have never been with a woman."

"Does today count?" Mindy joked, trying to both lighten the mood, but also hint that she was willing to explore a new side of her sexuality. She hadn't been curious about sex with another woman ever before, but today curiosity was tingling her kitty and the kitty wanted to come out and play.

"Not yet," Carolyn laughed, her hand giving a soft squeeze at the girl's thigh.

After a pause, Mindy wondered if this was the moment she did indeed change the answer to the question just asked. Carolyn asked, "Do you follow instructions well?"

"Yes, ma'am," she answered.

"Can you follow instructions without hesitation or questioning?" Carolyn continued.

"That's a bit scary, but with you, yes ma'am," Mindy nodded, wondering about the boundaries, if any, of what she was committing to.

"Remove your dress," Carolyn ordered.

Mindy was smart enough to understand that this first order was a test of her last two agreements. She didn't question it, didn't delay her response, but simply stood up, faced away and asked, "Will you please unzip me?"

"Yes I will, my dear," Carolyn smiled. Carolyn stood up and slowly slid the zipper down her back... everything she did was calculated and paced. Eventually Carolyn finished her task, but since she was a Mistress she only unzipped but didn't do the actual undressing, and instead allowed her pet to fulfill on her own the order that had been given.

Mindy turned back around and nervously, not because she was getting naked in front of a relative stranger, but instead because she was insecure about her body, allowed her dress to drop to the floor.

"Your body is even more beautiful than I had imagined, my dear," Carolyn complimented, building the young girl's self-esteem as the lengthy seduction continued.

"Thank you, ma'am," Mindy said. She had been told she was beautiful many times, had believed it many times, but this time she felt different... liberated.

"Now come remove my robe, my dear," Carolyn ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Mindy nodded, wanting to see the woman's body.

Mindy reached to the sash, her hands trembling slightly. She undid the robe slowly.

Carolyn gazed with satisfaction at the young woman's nervousness, but was also completely intoxicated by her facial expression. A look like that could only happen this first time... like the first time you ate a chocolate... or a pussy.

Even as she admired the shape of Carolyn's breasts through the silky garment, Mindy opened the robe slowly, as if unwrapping a Christmas present.

Mindy stared at the voluptuous breasts that were contained firmly in a sexy black bra.

"Finish the task, my dear," Carolyn ordered, watching in amusement as the young girl stared at her large breasts.

"Y-y-yes, sorry, ma'am," Mindy stammered, embarrassed that she had been caught staring. She removed the expensive silk robe and carefully folded it on the couch.

Mindy obediently returned to her position directly in front of Carolyn, looking forward to more questions, more orders. She couldn't explain it, but obeying Carolyn gave her a natural high and an inexplicable desire to obey her even more.

"Are you willing to be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week?" Caroline asked, very happy with the eagerness of the young pet.

"Yes," Mindy nodded, as she stared at the deep valley of flesh between the woman's breasts... her mind in stasis and her body in lust.

"Are you willing to obey without hesitation any order you are given?" Carolyn asked, seeing the impact her body was having on the woman. The power of sensuality, mixed with the ability to seduce, was rare for a woman... But it was something that Carolyn not only did, but exuded.

This might be a dangerous question since it had absolutely no qualifications. Yet Mindy, now totally in thrall to the powerful woman, nodded, "Yes."

"Take off your bra and panties, my dear," Carolyn ordered.

Mindy knew that again this order was a test of the last two questions. But by this time she had no reservations; her heart, soul and body belonged to Carolyn; no looking back to her fearful, stilted, prior life. She looked deeply into the brunette's aqua blue eyes and surrendered her heart, "Yes, Mistress."

Mindy unclasped her bra and allowed her 34B breasts to be freed.

"Very nice breasts, my dear," Carolyn complimented, keeping up her positive reinforcements throughout the seduction.

"They're too small," Mindy demurred, always having hated her breasts and wished they were bigger.

Carolyn smiled, "They are the perfect size, my dear. Not too big, like these heavy jugs, and not too small. Really, they are the perfect size." Carolyn cupped them with gentle palms.

Mindy felt a gush of wetness escape her pussy as bolts of electricity coursed through her body and she felt feelings she had never felt before. This was not a man, and everything was completely different.

Carolyn leaned forward and took Mindy's left nipple in her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over the diamond-hard nipple.

"Oh," Mindy moaned, not used to enjoying her breasts being touched. Men handled them with recklessness; this was far different. This was respect. This bordered on worship. Men didn't do worship, what they did was grab possessively.

Carolyn gave a brief bite to the nipple, before moving to the other protruding diamond and replicating the attention, knowing that symmetry and attention to detail were important.

Mindy's head was spinning, her body was burning and her pussy was leaking.

Mindy had never experienced true intimacy until that moment. She realized that she had never been made love to, she had only been fucked.

Carolyn gave just enough of a sampling of pleasure before she stood back up and ordered, "Now remove your panties."

Mindy, wanting to let Carolyn know how horny she was, admitted, "I need to; they are completely soaked."

"Why is that?" Caroline asked, testing the young woman.

Mindy didn't have an answer to the question. She couldn't explain her feelings. She didn't even comprehend her feelings. She admitted, "I honestly don't know."

"I do," Carolyn smiled, seeing the confusion this question had caused. But her answer had been completely sincere... this innocent really hadn't a clue.

"You do?" Mindy asked.

"You have always had this part of you, but it was hiding, dormant. You just needed someone to awaken your sleeping sexuality," Carolyn explained, as she moved her hand to Mindy's pussy and slid two fingers inside her.

Mindy was shocked and exhilarated and aroused and she moaned. Carolyn slowly fingered her as she asked, "Have you ever tasted yourself?" Carolyn asked.

"Nooooo," Mindy answered, having never thought to do so, struggling to speak coherently as the fingers inside her drove her wild.

Carolyn pulled her fingers out, again just enough of a tease to draw Mindy deeper into the abyss of submission. She moved her digits to Mindy's lips and said, "Time to change your answer to that question."

Mindy obediently opened her mouth and tasted her own pussy juice off of Carolyn's fingers.

"Good girl," Carolyn purred, as she watched the young girl slowly bob back and forth on her fingers.

Mindy was surprised that her taste was tangy and sweet. She wondered instantly why her ex had complained that her taste was gross. The next thing that popped into her head was 'I wonder what she would taste like?'

Carolyn moved, pulled her finger out, and ordered, choosing now as the time to use a new endearing, yet powerful term, "Remove my bra, my pet."

Mindy's eyes went big at the term 'pet.' This was obviously a term that implied her role as more submissive than dominant. It also implied that in some fashion she was a cherished possession of this powerful woman, and that idea felt strangely comforting. It felt appropriate. Her pussy leaked again, this time slightly down her leg, now that she had discarded her panties. She obediently reached out and unclasped the woman's lace bra and released her breasts from their lace captivity. Mindy stared. They were voluptuous and still stunningly firm. They were gorgeous. Mindy wanted to dive in and lose herself in them.

"Do you like?" Carolyn asked, the question rhetorical. It was very obvious her new pet was almost hypnotised with awe.

"Can I please feel them?" Mindy asked, almost begged. These large breasts were almost double the size of own.

"I insist that you do, my pet," Carolyn smiled.

Mindy took the breasts in both hands. "They're so heavy. How do you even walk straight, carrying these around?"

"They can be a burden," Carolyn agreed, before hissing as Mindy began squeezing her nipples, "They're also super sensitive to the touch. That feels very good, my pet."

"I imagine so," Mindy nodded, staring at them as if she were caressing the soft breasts of the Mona Lisa.

"They are even more sensitive to the touch of a woman's lips, tongue and teeth," Carolyn added.

"Oh my!!" Mindy breathed almost silently, still awe-struck. "May I be allowed to kiss them? Please?" Mindy asked, her mouth watering.

"You may worship them all night, my pet," Carolyn offered.

"Oh, thank you; 'worship' is such a lovely word." Mindy leaned forward and kissed the left breast. She scattered kisses all over this heavenly mound before moving to the big erect nipple.

Carolyn moaned softly, "That's it, my pet. You will spend a lot of time between my tits and also between somewhere else if you decide to come work under me."

Mindy couldn't even count the number of insinuations in that last sentence, but she couldn't spare any attention for intellectual pursuits. She never wanted this to end. She still wasn't totally convinced she was going to accept the job offer, much less move to New York. But tonight, this moment in time, she was just going to forget any doubts and obey anything this heavenly woman told her without hesitation.

"Now the other one," Carolyn ordered, explaining, "It's very important that a pet spends equal time on each breast."

"You believe in symmetry, too?" Mindy asked, as she moved to the other breast.

"You really are going to be a good full time pet," Carolyn smiled.

Mindy swirled her tongue around the nipple as she pondered whether she would be able to resist the temptation to take the job offer. It was one thing to give in to sexual submission for a night, but for a living? That was an entirely different matter. That said, again she pushed the doubt out of her consciousness, for tonight at least determined to live in the now.

Carolyn noticed just the hint of doubt in the eyes of her pet and said, after a couple more minutes of having her right breast pleasured, which had her pussy wet, "Time to remove my panties. On your knees, Mindy."

The order was so fraught with implications, both sexual and dominant, that Mindy felt a rush of adrenaline. She reluctantly stopped playing with the tits in her hands, and lowered herself to her knees. On her knees, she couldn't help but feel she had arrived home. She reached up to Carolyn's hips and slowly pulled the sexy thong down her nylon-clad legs. As she did, she couldn't help but look at the older woman's vagina, which was shaved completely.

Carolyn explained, "A Brazilian. I will set one up for you as soon as you arrive in New York. A pussy is a lot more enjoyable to lick and please when it is hair-free and smooth."

"Oh, okay," Mindy said, as Carolyn lifted up her feet so Mindy could finish removing the thong. Mindy felt bad that her pussy was so hairy. She had never shaved it, although she had used scissors to trim it on occasion.

"Don't worry, my pet," Carolyn said. "You will regularly not only pamper me and others, but also you'll be very pampered yourself."

Carolyn walked over to the couch and sat down. She ordered, "Crawl to me, my pet."

"Yes, ma'am," Mindy nodded, the humbling task actually turning her on. She crawled the few feet and was now kneeling at the feet of the older woman... naked except for these sumptuous thigh high stockings.

"Do you want to taste your Mistress?" Carolyn asked, introducing the final new term she would use today. The final step in the complete seduction of the young lady was now at hand.

Mindy looked at the inviting, slightly glistening, pussy, the temptation to bury her face in it almost irresistible. Mindy looked up at the beautiful, exotic, intriguing older woman as she pondered the final word... 'Mistress'. A word that embodied the older woman perfectly. A word that embodied the entire evening. Carolyn was the boss, and she was the employee; Carolyn was the seductress, and she was the prize; Carolyn was the Mistress, and she was the pet, the submissive, the servant... the cherished possession.

Carolyn watched the young lady ponder the question... ponder her fate. The final answer was never in doubt, just the tactics of whether Caroline needed to guide the pet any further. She was confident the seduction was complete, but every once in a while a final push was needed. That said, this time she had completed her mission.

After her long pause Mindy finally answered, giving in unconditionally, with her words, her heart, and her submission, "Yes, Mistress."

"This can still be a one-time thing, my pet," Carolyn said, "or it can be the beginning of your new lifestyle, a new relationship, a new world."

Mindy had no idea for sure if she was willing to make this a new lifestyle, but the idea of a relationship was appealing.

"But until our late breakfast tomorrow, you are mine body, mind and soul," Carolyn explained the verbal contract. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress," Mindy nodded, not worrying at all about tomorrow, only focused on what promised to be an unimaginable, but amazing, night.

"Now go ahead, my pet, you are now where you were meant to be, doing what you were born to do, you are now home," Carolyn said, knowing that although she had offered her pet the option of simply a one night stand, her long experience told her that no woman had ever been able to resist the draw of her aura, and this young pet wasn't going to either... even if she didn't consciously quite know it herself.

Mindy took a few moments to process the words, 'body, mind and soul' and savour them for the tender security they offered, then caught up and realized from her Mistress's' next words that she now had a physical surrender to enjoy. She leaned in, extended her tongue, paused briefly savouring the anticipation, and tentatively licked.

Fireworks sparked on her tongue! Biting chills coursed her being! Butterflies fluttered, tickling her stomach inside and out. Her soul stirred with purpose. She was indeed home.

The expression on her pet's face the moment her tongue made contact with Carolyn's pussy and her wetness had attacked Mindy's taste buds was all the confirmation Carolyn needed to know that this pet was unconditionally, undeniably, forever hers.

Mindy slowly explored the entire pussy, leaving no crevice untouched.

Carolyn was impressed by the first timer's tender eagerness. She moaned, "Such a good girl, you're a natural down there."

"You taste so delectable," Mindy crooned, unable to get enough of the intoxicating, addictive, piquant taste.

Carolyn gently reached down to Mindy's chin and lifted her face up to look into her eyes from only a few inches away. "Mindy, this is your home. On your knees, between my legs is your home. It has always been your God-given purpose in life to be on your knees serving someone. I am so grateful She has led you to me."

Mindy listened to words that should have been ludicrous, but she knew they were true. She had never felt this free, this complete. She knew that Carolyn needed her, understood her and would love her. And although a few moments ago she hadn't been sure she was willing to give her life to a woman she had met only a couple of hours ago, had been unsure she was willing to sacrifice her dream of Hollywood stardom, unsure she was willing to move to New York and start a new life... she now knew she was.

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