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I turned around and walked out of the kitchen and back to my room. I took my shirt and my boxers off and went into the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and jerked myself off. Fuck. I'm a sick person.

When I got back to my room, a text was waiting for me.

Katie: "If that's my punishment for trying to hook you up with Becca... maybe I should try and hook you up with some of my other friends as well... *giggle* ..."

Oh shit.

Me: "You like getting spanked?"

Katie: "Maybe :)"

Me: "Maybe I should do it more often then..."

Katie: "Maybe :)"

Me: "Say MAYBE once more, and I'll come over and spank you right now."

Katie: "MAYBE"

Katie: "Lol."

Me: "You like teasing me, right? :)"

Katie: "Yup."

Me: "I'll try to work now... and not think about your cute little butt."

Katie: "It's over here... just fyi... if you want to look at other things than your books..."

Me: "..."


Friday, February 1, 2019

Five days later Katie went shopping after school, with Rebecca and Ashley. She had the girls over for the night. Our parents were still out of town. Katie texted me during the day, to see if I was okay with it. Of course I was. But, since I didn't really wanna bump into Rebecca that much, I told Katie, that I would go out. So I went to a bar with my friends Peter and Steve.

When I got home, I saw that the girls were watching TV in the living room. I just peeked in and said: "Hey, girls."

All three of them said "Hello". I walked straight to the stairs and wanted to go to my room, but Katie came running.

"Hey you. Did you have fun?"

She had a big smile on her face and she hugged me.

"Yeah. How about you?"


"Okay. I'm going to bed. Have fun, sis."

"Goodnight." Again, she hugged me. And then she turned around and walked away from me. I quickly took my phone out and took a pic of her, as she was walking away. She wore a new shorty-shorts and a new tank top.

About twenty minutes later, I was done in the bathroom and went straight to bed. I was pretty tired and was already half asleep, when my phone vibrated.

Katie: "Sweet dreams :)"

Me: "Have a nice slumber party..."

Katie: "Thanks. Wanna join?"

Me: "Not tonight."

Katie: "K"

I thought about what to write next... then I typed...

Me: "Was this an invitation?"

Katie: "What?"

Me: "This..."

I sent her the picture I took from her.

Katie: "Lol. You took a pic of me?"

Me: "Yes. So?"

Katie: "What?"

Me: "Can I take it as an invitation??"

Her shorty shorts had the phrase "KISS MY ASS" printed on it.

Katie: "Yeah. Like you would do that..."

Me: "If it's directed at me... Maybe..."

Katie: ":)"

Katie: "Do you like it? I bought it today?"

Me: "I do."

Katie: "I bought a few new outfits."

Me: "Can't wait to see them."

Me: "Okay... now... have fun with your friends :)."

Me: "Good night."

Katie: "Night"


Sunday, February 3, 2019

On Sunday, two days later, I was pretty excited. It was Super Bowl Sunday. I always watched the Super Bowl. I live in Europe, but still, I love American Football. So when Peter and Steve and I were at the bar, we decided that we would have a Super Bowl party. Peter invited his brother Frank as well.

Of course, mom and dad knew that I always watched the Super Bowl, so they planned their skiing trip according to my schedule. They returned home on the day after the Super Bowl.

So... like I said... I live in Europe, which means kick-off is at 12:30 a.m. So me and my parents knew that it would be a long night. The game is usually over at around 5 a.m.

My friends liked Katie and they knew that I would kill them if any of them would behave inappropriately around her. But I knew Katie hated sports anyway, so she usually spent Super Bowl Sunday in her room. Peter and Steve were 26 at the time and Peter's brother was 30. I knew that Peter's brother was a huge guy, so I knew that it would get a little crowded on our two sofas. So at about 7 p.m. I went into dad's study and carefully dragged his recliner out into the living room. I wanted to make it comfortable for everybody.

So at about 9 p.m. my friends came. We started to watch the pre-game shows. We made popcorn, drank beer, ate a couple of burgers... We were all pretty excited.

At about 11:30 p.m. it got a bit quieter in the room. Everybody felt a bit tired from the burgers and the beer. But then at 12:30 a.m. when the game kicked off, everybody was wide awake again. We all had a great time.


Monday, February 4, 2019

But then... the game was really, really boring that year. So when halftime came, the score was 3:0 for the Patriots over the Rams. So with every second of the first half, me and my friends got more and more tired. Peter and Steve were sitting on the same couch. They could barely keep their eyes open. Frank was lying on the second couch. He was already asleep, before the first points were even on the board. I was sitting in dad's recliner.

This was a crazy Super Bowl party. One guy was already asleep. Two were half-asleep. I was pretty tired as well, but somehow I managed to watch the entire game every year, so I was determined to see it through to the end that year as well. But I knew halftime was the most difficult part... Me and my friends hated the halftime shows. I wanted to watch football, not a concert. So I hoped that I would somehow be able to not fall asleep. Maybe the game would pick up in the second half...

But then, about a minute after the first half was over, Katie walked into the living room.

"Hey guys," she whispered.

That was weird. I thought she would probably be asleep by now.

"You're still up?"

"Mhm. I wanna watch the halftime show. I love Maroon 5."

I didn't even know that Katie knew who performed at the halftime show... and I wasn't aware that she was a Maroon 5 fan either.

"Can I watch it with you guys?"

"Of course," I said.

She was looking around the room. Frank was still sleeping. He didn't even wake up, when Katie came in. Steve and Peter sort-of woke up, when she came in. They took their eyes off the TV and looked at Katie.

She was wearing a stunning outfit, which I had never seen before. I guess, she had bought it two days earlier as well. It was definitely sleepwear, but it looked amazing. It was salmon-colored... It looked like it was made out of silk or satin or something. It was a two-part. The top was a button-down shirt which had a black stripe on the collar and all the way down the front. And then there was the shorts... which was pretty loose at the legs. It had a huge black bow on the waistband in the front. The entire outfit looked really cute...


Katie looked around and then she realized that there wasn't really any place for her to sit. The entire time she stood next to the recliner I was sitting in. So then she came closer and sat down on the armrest of the recliner. She sat there for a couple of seconds and then she got up again. She walked over to the couch and took a blanket. Then she walked back over to where I was sitting.

Again, she sat down on the armrest, but then she let herself slide over the edge of the armrest and was now sitting next to me. Actually... her left butt cheek was sitting next to me, her right butt cheek was sitting on top of me.

But that wasn't very comfortable for me, and I guess, for her as well, because she lifted her ass up and moved further onto the chair... further onto my lap.

"Do you mind?"

Katie took the blanket and placed it over us... over the entire recliner...

I shook my head, slightly, but I guess she didn't really wait for an answer anyway. The halftime show started and Katie had her eyes on the TV screen. She moved back even further. She was now basically sitting directly on top of me... but she was sitting diagonally... her legs were to the left of my legs, but her upper body was to the right of my upper body.

The fucked-up thing was, that her butt, was resting directly on my junk. Fuck.

Out of the corner of my eyes I looked at Katie, who was watching Maroon 5 perform. I glanced to my left and looked over to my friends. I saw that Steve and Peter had their eyes closed. Every two or three seconds they opened them for a tiny bit, but then they closed them again. It looked like they were already half-asleep.

I tried to focus on Maroon 5, but that didn't work. Of course, it didn't work. Katie was sitting on my lap. Her shorts was so fucking thin, it didn't even deserve the term material. I was wearing a loose basketball shorts, with nothing underneath it, which usually went down to my knees, but when Katie sat down, and wiggled around... it rose up. So my bare legs were touching Katie's bare legs.

But of course, that wasn't the real problem.. the real problem... as always... was Katie's butt.

Because, seeing it, was one thing. Spanking it or touching it with my hand, was one thing. Now she was sitting on my lap.

The entire living room was dark. My friends were basically asleep. And Maroon 5 was singing... which I didn't really care about. So... all I could focus on, was how fucking amazing Katie's butt felt on my dick.

It was nested right between Katie's butt cheeks. And... I couldn't help it... I was getting hard. Damn.

Katie didn't respond. She just watched Maroon 5. But then.. when the halftime show was over... Katie stayed were she was.

Her head was right next to mine.

"Maybe I watch some of the game with you guys," she whispered.

And then she shifted in the chair. Fuck. She must have felt my dick.

"I think they don't mind." She looked over to my sleeping friends and smiled.

Her new position was even worse than the previous one. My dick was getting even harder.

And then the second half started. And the game was as boring as the first half... or maybe... I didn't even care any more at that point. I actually wanted Tom Brady to loose, but to be honest... I couldn't even tell anymore which offense was on the field.

And then it happened. Katie moved her butt a tiny bit. The entire rest of her body remained completely still, but her butt moved an inch to the right and then an inch back to the left. Damn. The pressure of her butt on my dick was too much... I was getting harder. I had to do something. And there it was again.. Katie moved her butt -- this time an inch upwards and an inch downwards. Fuck.

And she didn't stop. The time between her tiny movements became less and less. She was sliding her butt all over my growing dick.

I looked over to my friends. They were asleep.

"Katie. Please stop moving around," I whispered as softly as possible.


"What do you think, why!?"

"Just enjoy the game."

Enjoy the game? Which game?

I had to do something. I grabbed Katie's hip. I thought, maybe that way, I might prevent her from grinding her butt against my dick. But she moved her butt anyways.. and by holding her, and her having to fight my grip, the sensation was even more intense.

Katie put her hand on mine. She grabbed my wrist. And then she moved my hand to her belly. I didn't protest. I was now hugging her from behind. And as soon as my hands were gone from her hip, Katie started moving her butt again. My dick was now completely hard. It rested between my sister's butt cheeks. Katie started to pinch her cheeks together. Fuck. She was now massaging my dick with her butt.

I looked over to my friends again. They were completely out.

"Katie, please stop," I moaned softly.

She didn't stop. In fact, she actually took my hand from her belly and guided it lower... And then her hand and my hand slipped into her shorts. Oh fuck, Katie...

She pushed our hands further down between her legs. Her hand was on top of mine, so I felt her skin with mine. I already knew that Katie was shaved down there. She felt so smooth. And then I felt her pussy lips. I stretched out my middle finger. I couldn't resist. My finger slipped into Katie's pussy. She was so fucking wet, again.

Katie started panting softly, but rapidly.

As soon as my finger was inside of her, she continued to massage my dick with her butt cheeks. She was dry-humping me. I didn't know how she did it... it looked like her body was completely still... and with the blanket over us, our friends probably wouldn't even have noticed something, even if they were awake, but yet, her butt was massaging my dick.

I tried to get back to my senses. My finger stopped moving in and out of Katie's pussy, instead it stayed in there, completely still.

I had to put an end to this. I was about to cum. And it would have been a complete mess, if I did... I had to stop.

But Katie had other plans. She sensed that I stopped fingering her. I felt her hand come closer again, and then she started to play with her clit. She stopped moving her butt, but her fingers were pretty busy.

I couldn't believe it. Again, I looked over to my friends. They were all sleeping. And Katie continued to masturbate, while she was sitting on top of me.

And then all of a sudden, her butt started moving again... and a few seconds later her entire body froze.

Oh shit. I think Katie just had an orgasm, while sitting on top of me.

She didn't move for a minute or two. The entire time, my dick was still hard as a rock. I didn't dare to move. And then, slowly, Katie grabbed the blanket, stood up, and put the blanket back over my lap.

This was so crazy. I looked over to my friends, and saw that Peter opened his eyes, as Katie was walking out of the room. He looked over to me, then back to the screen. And a few seconds later, his eyes were closed again. I wasn't even sure if he actually recognized that Katie was there and walked out of the room. Still, I tried to cover myself up, as best as I could.

I was so confused and... I don't know... I guess, like Peter, I wasn't really aware of what was happening around me. Everything that happened a few moments earlier, was totally crazy.

But then, about 5 minutes later, I was startled. My phone vibrated.

Katie: "What's the score?"

Me: "I have no fucking idea."

Katie: "Distracted? :)"

Me: "What do you think?"

Katie: "Sorry :)"

Katie: "Was it the new outfit?"

Me: "Well... yeah..."

Me: "...and your butt."

Katie: ":)"

After that, there were no new messages. I thought Katie was definitely asleep by now, but about 5 minutes later, my phone vibrated again.

Katie: "Are your friends staying over after the game?"

Me: "No. I will kick them out once the game is over."

Katie: "Hm."

Katie: "You wanna masturbate do you? :)"

Me: "KATIE!!"

Katie: "What??"

Katie: "You do, don't you?"

Me: "I'm not gonna comment."

There was a short pause.

Katie: "Do you wanna look at my butt while you do it?"

Oh shit. I didn't know what to write back.

Katie: "I heard guys always need visual aids and I feel like I owe you one... :)"

Me: "Katie, please, stop it."

Katie: "Sorry :)"

Katie: "Enjoy the rest of the game."

Me: "Thx."

Damn. I didn't know what to think. I looked over to the TV. Fuck. Still 8 minutes on the clock.

I had to get rid of my boner. Once the game was over, I had to get up and wake up my friends. I tried to focus on the game. Thankfully it was a close game, but still, I couldn't really concentrate. The Patriots won, which usually meant, that I was in a bad mood, but that night, I didn't even care.

Thankfully my dick went limp, after all.. So as soon as the game was over, I stood up and walked over to my friends. And thankfully, they were all pretty tired and bummed that the Patriots won, so they didn't wanna watch the celebrations and pretty much left right away.

As soon as I closed the door behind them, I walked up the stairs and down the hallway. And then I saw that Katie had left her door open. Usually, we both had our doors closed at night.

I walked closer and then I peeked into her room... and I couldn't believe my eyes: Katie was lying in her bed. She was facing away from me, so I couldn't see her face. She was hugging the blanket and it looked like she was sleeping.

But that wasn't the scary part...

Katie wasn't wearing her shorts anymore. She was bottomless. And her naked butt was pointing directly at me.

Oh shit.

I mean, it was dark inside Katie's room, but the light from the hall clearly showed, that my sister was bottomless. And the butt that was sitting on top of me, half an hour earlier, was looking as amazing as ever.

What was she thinking? Did she really want me to masturbate, while looking at her naked butt?

I had to get out of there. Her butt looked so fucking perfect, but I had to control myself. You're her brother, damned.

Katie didn't move. Thankfully. She was asleep. I could just stare at her butt for a little bit...

But then, my dick was starting to get hard again... Katie's naked butt was just too hot... too sexy... too perfect...

I walked into my room, took my shirt off and climbed into bed. But as soon as my eyes were closed, the image of Katie's butt popped into my head. I rolled to the side... I had to distract myself.

But then... the phone on my nightstand vibrated.

Katie: "My butt's not enticing enough? :("

Damn. Katie wasn't sleeping.

Me: "Maybe too enticing..."

Katie: "What?"

Me: "I don't trust myself..."

Katie: "I told you, you can look at it..."

Me: "I'm not sure I can just look at it and not touch it."

Katie: "Oh."

I didn't know what else to say. Thankfully Katie didn't write anything else. I had to... just... distract myself and fall asleep.

But about three minutes later, another text came...

Katie: "Can I ask you something?"

Me: "Sure."

Katie: "How did my butt feel..."

Katie: "...on your..."

Me: "Katie, please stop it."

Katie: "Pleeease. I wanna know."

Me: "Damn, Katie..."

Me: "Couldn't you tell??"

Katie: "Because your... it felt so fucking intense when it constantly poked at my... you know..."

Fuck. I didn't know what to respond.

Katie: "You know what I was thinking about... before...!?"

Me: "What?"

Katie: "It must feel ten times more intense than your gift..."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Katie: "Your thing... in my butt."


Me: "Katie, what the hell??"

Katie: "Sorry ;("

I didn't fucking know what to think.

Katie: "I know you think I'm crazy"

Katie: "I don't know..."

Katie: "It felt so intense"

Katie: "Do you think..."

Katie: "Can we try it??"

Katie: "I just wanna know what it feels like. Just a tiny bit... maybe... just the tip or something."

Katie: "Please, David"


These last 7 messages all came right on top of each other. There was no time in between them. I didn't know what to think.

Me: "Katie!?!? Are you serious???"

Katie: "Yes."

Me: "Katie.. I don't know. That's taking it too far. I'm your brother."

Katie: "Did you ever try it?"

Me: "No."

Katie: "Aren't you curious?"

Me: "Of course, I am... but that's not the point."

Katie: "We can stop anytime... if you don't like it."

Yeah. Like that would ever be the case...

I was so fucking horny. My sister gave me a lap dance an hour earlier and I didn't cum... And now she's talking about letting me put my dick in her butt... My balls were aching. My dick, of course, was hard again.

Katie: "David?"

Me: "I don't know."

Me: "I don't know what to say..."

Katie: "Don't say anything. Just... come over here..."

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