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Oceans Treasure Pt. 02

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The hunt for Mariana.
7.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 05/12/2022
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Ocean's Treasure Part 2

Randy and Maria have tried every way possible to find the location of Ursula's secret Garden but have not even found a clue to expand on. One year has passed and they don't know where to look next. They searched every place Maria could think of a few other places just to try and get some kind of hint.

The pain of losing their child has taken a toll on both of them. Their love has gotten stronger trying to find Mariana, but their love life has suffered because of the heaviness in their hearts.

The knowing she is alive is what gives them hope since Maria survived all those years as a maiden under the sea after being taken by Ursula and eventually found her way back.

The just prayed they would find her soon and in their lifetime.

"We really need to find a way to put something back in our lives that is not destroying who we are inside. We have become bitter and forgot the friends we do have. Let's take a walk since it is a nice sunny day outside." Randy finally acknowledged.

During their walk they talked about needing to get out, when all of sudden a gust of wind circled around them and some papers, that fell out of a garbage truck, were flying around. Randy had one paper fly up and stick to his face and it was a flyer for Roberto's.

Maria laughed and told him, "Well, now we know what to do Wednesday, Roberto is having a cookout at the pub. Let's go to that and reunite with our friends."

They arrived early for the cookout on Wednesday night and Roberto ran up, hugged both of them, then quickly said, "That old man was in here last night. He said to tell my friends to just get away this weekend and camp out under the stars. I started to say something but he just got up and walked out."

"What? Really? That's all he said?" Randy questioned excitedly.

"Yep, that's all he said, then just got up and left," Roberto replied.

Maria looked at Randy and said,, "Maybe we do need to escape for a little while and just let our minds go free for a few days. Our brains are clogged and we need to reset them, besides, there is something about that old man that just makes me feel like he is trying to help. I swear he seems like someone I should know. Where do you suggest we go?"

"Let's take the sail boat and go to Love Found Cove where we first met, and just clear our minds for three nights under the stars."

"My favorite place on earth," Maria smiled. "Okay let's go."

The cookout was a huge success and for the first time in a while they were able to laugh and dance. Hope had delivered a message.

The following morning they loaded up the My Maria and set sail to Love Found Cove. They set anchor just off the beach and used the dingy to go ashore. After they gathered up some wood and set up their small campsite, Maria got undressed to go for a swim.

Randy sat back and watched her as she walked toward the water and kept thinking how lucky he was to have such a beautiful wife. It seems like she never aged a day. Her legs were as shapely as ever, her ass was still as firm as the day they met and her breasts and nipples stuck out like they were sculpted.

His cock started growing watching her walk to the water so he got up, ran after her and tackled her in the water laughing. Maria, still as avid a swimmer as she ever was, grabbed him by the arm and started pulling him into deeper water until he could not touch the bottom.

"So, you want to play?" She laughed back. "Let's see if you can make love to me in this deep water without drowning."

Randy tried his best and finally relented and swam back to the beach. Maria, after making him wait a little, swam back also; when she reached the beach, she slowly walked toward him teasing him all the way.

"Let' s see if you can do better on land." She cooed at him.

"With pleasure my love."

Randy put a large beach towel down and embraced Maria tightly then started kissing her from the neck down until he reached her now warm pussy.

"Only warm? Let me see it I can heat this pussy up for us."

He slowly moved his tongue around her pussy lips teasingly and then lightly sucked on her clit until he could feel her about to orgasm. When he stopped, Maria scowled and he would start again until she was about to orgasm, then stopped once more. Maria legs were getting weak from the edging he was doing to her.

"You rotten tease," she laughed and swatted his head, "Finish what you started."

He then laid her down on the towel and proceeded to bury his tongue as deep as he could inside her now hot quenched pussy.

The taste of her pussy was like a drug fueling his desire for her even more.

Maria laid back and just let her mind fill with the enjoyment Randy was giving her. Finally, she grabbed his hair, pulled him up and with a look of lust in her eyes and heavy breath whispered, "Fuck me now."

Randy slowly kissed his way up to her lips and as he was kissing her, pushed his hard cock into a very red-hot pussy dripping with orgasmic fluids.

Randy started with slow and long thrusts, making sure the hilt of his cock rubbed her clit on each stroke then worked up to a fast and furious pace ramming his cock in and out of her pussy. It was just plain hard fucking and it seemed to be draining all the frustration he had built up from the year looking for Mariana. His rock-hard cock just kept pounding her red-hot pussy.

Maria was riding his cock hard and was feeling the same results. Her body responded to his emotions and she could feel her frustrations of the past year evaporating in the heated passion. They drove each other hard, grunting savagely and just riding the storm out emotionally.

Finally, Randy's head went back and with a roar, unleashed a massive orgasm that felt like it would never end. That roar of his brought Maria to her own massive orgasm and her whole body just shook as she kept driving her pussy on his cock hard until it went soft. They fell asleep in each-other's arms until morning.

"Holy shit, that was the most intense sex I ever had," Randy admitted. "It was like a conduit for all of the last years emotion to escape."

"All I know is, it was what I have needed but the timing was never right until now."

They kissed each other lovingly, and this time, the sex was just plain love for each other.

They went swimming and diving during the day and caught fish and lobsters to cook over a fire for meals. It was a very relaxing time for both of them.

Neither one of them noticed on the second night, an unwanted visitor came up from the water and climbed aboard the Maria.

They camped on the beach all three nights and on the third night, they had wonderful sex again and just laid out looking at the stars afterward.

Tonight, something special would happen in their search.

"I love all the stars in the sky at night, they are so relaxing." Maria said.

"Maria, don't you know all the constellations, planets and star patterns?" Randy asked.

"You know I do, why?"

"Look just behind your right ear. I don't recall seeing that bright star before. It's not a planet and not a satellite because it isn't moving."

Maria stood up and Randy pointed to the star he was talking about.

"Huh, I never seen that one, I know it's not a planet at this time of the evening. It seems to be twinkling and planets don't do that."

They watched the star for awhile then Randy heard Maria gasp.

"What babe?"

"Randy, he said follow the star. That star just appeared."

"Are you sure? Maybe we haven't noticed it before"

"Randy, I have looked at the stars every night since I was seven hoping. I know each star and planet in the night sky. That star has never been there. That looks like it is near the Southern Cross."

"The Southern Cross? I didn't think you could see that from here."

"In this early hour in the morning you can." Maria informed him.

Early the next morning, they hurried up and cleaned up the campsite, loaded everything back on the sailboat and went started back home.

Making the turn around the corner of the island where the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea basically meet is usually a little rough but today, it was extremely rough and dangerous. The winds all of sudden jumped to hurricane force and they had to hurry and take the sail down before the mast cracked in half. Randy tried to get the motor started but all it would not even try to start.

"Damn, I just had that motor checked," he thought angrily.

Maria was trying her best to keep the boat turned into the waves. Things were getting bad quickly. Randy jumped in and took over and had Maria get on the radio and call for help.

"Mayday, Mayday, can anyone hear us?" she broadcasted on the radio.

"Randy, it's not working, nothing, not even static.," Maria yelled over the sound of the wind to him.

"Now the Radio is broken? What the hell?" Randy hollered.

"The radio is out. The motor is broken, something weird is going on" Randy told Maria. "Get my phone please, let's see if it works."

Maria went down and found Randy's phone and as soon as she handed it to him, he tried calling Roberto. The call went through.

"Roberto, this is Randy, we are caught in a terrible storm just off the coast of Aguadilla Pueblo. The Maria is taking a beating and is starting to break up. Get us help immediately."

"Randy, are you sure you are in a storm? It is perfect weather here and no storms are showing on radar."

"Roberto," Randy yelled, "trust me, get us help! Now! I will set off the homing beacons. We are going to have to abandon the Maria and pray we don't drown."

The Maria started breaking apart so Randy grabbed life jackets, dropped the dingy in the water and held it close to the My Maria, as he was helping Maria get in the Dingy, he noticed wires just ripped out under the console. Less than a minute after they got off the Maria, it broke in half and sank

They were tossed around violently and had to hang on to the rope railings with everything they had not to be thrown in the swirling ocean. Then, all of sudden, the weather and the water calmed down.

30 minutes later a rescue boat reached them and carried them to shore.

"I've never seen anything like that before," the captain told them. "Everything was calm and perfect, then a major storm surge just appeared in that area and after 20 minutes, disappeared."

Randy and Maria looked at each other and said, "Ursula," at the same time.

"Someone sabotaged our motor and radio." Randy told Maria. "Leaning over helping you into the dingy, I saw wiring ripped out under the console."

They made it back to the Coast Guard station, made out the needed report and thanked the crew for saving them, then was given a ride back home by the captain.

"Sir, I just want you to know, we were all caught off guard by that storm. I was watching the storm center and nothing indicated that kind, or any kind of weather disturbance in that area, it just appeared out of nowhere. It is a miracle the both of you survived."

She dropped them off and again they thanked her for the help and the ride home.

The first thing, they did when they got in was to pull up star charts to see if they could find out what they had seen. The charts showed nothing Maria didn't already know.

They went to the marina and talked to boat captains they knew and no one knew what they had seen. Franco, one of the charter captains recommended contacting the people that run the Arecibo Telescope,

"They still take amateurs out to Vieques, Sleepy Island, for stargazing, especially to see the Southern Cross, maybe they can shed some light on your star." He told them.

Randy called the center and found someone who just got back from the Island stargazing and made arrangements to meet with him that afternoon.

"Hey, I am Randy and this is Maria. Are you the person I talked to this morning about the stargazing trip?

"I am Tony; you actually talked to my brother but I was there also. I am expecting you are inquiring about the mystery star that all of sudden made an appearance. Seems that is the talk of everyone who was out last night."

"Yes, we are, is there anything you can tell us about it?"

Not really, other than it showed up until sunrise then disappeared. We are thinking if it was a UFO. It wasn't a star or planet, and for sure not a satellite. It was strange. It just showed up, moved east and just stopped."

"Did you or anyone by chance track the location where it just stopped?" Randy asked.

"Let me call a few friends who have tracking equipment here on the island and find out if I can give you some coordinates, I am positive someone will know given the rarity of the event. Give me your cell number and I will be back in touch."

Two long days went by and finally Tony called Randy.

"Hey Randy, Tony here. I found out where the mystery object stopped. It was at 37.30 degrees South and 12.68 degrees west."

"Tony, you are the greatest. Thanks so much for the info. I will make sure your club gets a sizable reward."

"Maria," Randy called out, "Come quickly, I have some information that might lead us to Mariana."

Maria was working in her garden when Randy called out and dropped everything and ran into the house.

"What did you find?" she asked.

"Tony called and gave me the coordinates the star stopped at. I have it up on the internet, see, there is an island called Inaccessible Island in that area. The harbor there can only be reached at certain times of the year. It is about a seven-day voyage for Cape Town. It's almost halfway to South America. We need to get ready and leave for Cape Town."

"Cape Town? South Africa? I don't know of anything that was there belonging to Ursula."

"What about Amphitrite? Did she have a place there?"

"None that I know of, I know there is a Statue of Neptune there and a lot of ship wrecks happened going around the horn. Especially at certain times of the year. Let's get ready and let me think about it on the way there."

Two days later they arrived in Cape Town and went to several charter boat business looking to hire a Captain to take them out for a four-week cruise to Inaccessible Island. They were not having any luck.

"Only larger supply vessels actually go there on their way to or from Buenos Aires. This is almost the right time of the year to catch a ride there. You will need permission from the local government there, just email them. They rarely turn anyone away." The last captain they talked to told them.

Sitting in a local restaurant for lunch, having some delicious fish cooked in a huge wok with olive oil and seasonings, a person walked by their table and dropped a note on the table.

Randy opened it and could not understand what the writings were and handed it to Maria.

Maria stopped eating, looked at Randy and said, "We have to go, now."

"Why, what?" Randy exclaimed.

"I'll tell you when we are away from everything. Get us a cab and have him take us to Queens Beach." Maria said in return.

While they were standing alone waiting for the cab to arrive Randy asked," You could read that? Who was it from?"

"Yes, it is an old language not used anymore. It was from an old friend that was taken away from me, Coral. She wants to meet and said to make very sure I am not being followed."

"Coral?" Randy asked.

"Coral and me were best friends, she is a daughter of Amphitrite, when she found out we were looking for answers to help me return to human form, she banned us from ever seeing each other again. Whenever we would try and meet, we were repelled by some spell she had put on us by Ursula."

The cab arrived and when they said they need a ride to Queens beach, he informed them no one was allowed there right now due to renovations.

Randy asked him to drop them off near it and they would just walk around. He explained it was on their bucket list to see while they were on vacation.

"Good luck, walk past the beach entrance about 50 meters and there is a guest house. Maybe you can talk to them to let you walk out to the beach."

When they arrived, Maria looked at Randy and said," I have to go alone. There is a very nice hotel just ahead, let's get a room there then I will go meet Coral after dark."

They booked a room at the President's Hotel and waited in the room until darkness fell.

Maria got up and said "I'll be fine, Hopefully Coral can give us some answers."

"I love you, be careful" Randy replied back and got up and gave her a tight hug.

Maria walked to the beach and looked around. She didn't see anyone out and watched the shorelines carefully also. The waves were light crashing on the beach and nothing was to be seen. She walked away from all the lights and suddenly she saw a spot where the waves had stopped and there was a small pod of dolphins swimming just offshore from the beach. When she arrived and looked out, she caught a glimpse of Coral just outside of the breakwater.

Maria stripped out of her clothes and swam out to meet Coral. Coral swam toward her to water they could stand in and gave Maria a long hug.

"I miss you so much," Coral told her. "My mother forbade me to ever see you again."

"I know, she did the same for me.," Maria said crying. "I Loved you so much and missed you dearly. Thank you for helping me back then and now for finding me. How did you get away to meet me?" Maria asked.

"I caught a ride inside the mouth of a whale migrating from the Indian Ocean toward Cape Horn. It kept me hidden from all her networks and somehow blocked the spell put on me. I can barely feel it so we don't have very long to chat.""

"I wanted to help you but she kept me under tight rein, I was able to help a little, Ursula had one of her mermen try and trap your man in the cave at Triton, near the coast of Urs. After they left him to die, I handed him his breathing apparatus and left before I could be spotted. It was the least I could do. I am so glad he passed the test and freed you."

"How did you find me and why did you summon me?" Maria asked her.

"I have a few spies' mom don't know about; I have been keeping watch over you when I could. I am so sorry about your daughter. I did not know they took her until a few months ago. I have been using dolphins as my lookouts hunting for her. I finally got word of where they are hiding her."

"You found her? Where? Can we go get her? Is she okay?" Maria exclaimed excitedly.

"She is fine right now; we will have to find a way to get her away from where they have her. I have some help, you met him already."

"Who? The old man that gave us the hint about the star?"

"His name is Theseus, a son of Poseidon's, we are best friends and are always helping each other. You will remember him when you see him, he was always flirting with us a long time back. He was the one who actually helped your husband pass the first part of the testing. He was the old man at the bar."

Coral continued, "When I found out where they are holding your daughter, we devised a plan to let you know where to go without being obvious. I know you have always watched the stars and would notice anything unusual, so I knew the plan would work. We asked Astraeus, the God over the stars, to add a bright star over the island near your daughter during the nights of your camping trip on the island. He has always been good to me."

"Why there, what is so special about that area?" Maria asked.

"Everyone is aware of Ursula's and Amphitrite's play grounds and of their palaces in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, nobody knew about Ursula's secret garden. It is called, "The Towering Gardens" I have since learned. It's located near the middle of the ocean between the tips of South Africa and South America. It is basically no man's land except for the island that very few people travel to and no one knows what's underneath the waters there. Some of the inhabitants are actually guardians in case of intruders and can help protect the Garden's easily. Anytime someone gets too close, accidents happen."


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