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Of Roses and Thorns

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A couple is haunted by infidelity...
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All characters are older than 18. This story was a FAWC 5 entry and has been edited for resubmission.


Upon the table lay three items: a handkerchief, a book, and a knife. He studied the objects in silence, cupping his chin in his hand. His brain felt fried. Weakness gripped his body, though a surge of nervous energy coursed through him like an electric current. A cold knot swelled in his chest. All he could do was stare. The same familiar thoughts raced in his head but he couldn't make sense of the babble.

Three simple things. They didn't even belong together, not in any way that made sense. It was like a bad joke or a puzzle missing its pieces. He couldn't remember seeing anyone that even used a handkerchief, especially not one so decorative. The more he looked at the items, the more frustrated he became. He rubbed his eyes as if to erase the images from his sight.

A hand touched his arm.


He glanced over wearily. Rachel was sitting so close to him that he could feel her breath. Her touch was as soft as a feather, but he could feel the tension in her fingers.


His eyes met hers. "Yeah?"

"What do we do now?"

Adam couldn't hold her gaze. There was so much worry and uncertainty there. Rachel was better than he in tough spots. She was so much more fierce than he could ever be. It unsettled him to see her this way, looking to him for answers. The swollen cut on her cheek made it no easier for him to look at her.

Adam sighed. "What can we do?"

"We have to do something," Rachel said. "We could... we could move, or take a vacation and see if things settle down."

Her voice was too desperate. Adam could tell she didn't even believe her own words.

"You know that won't help," Adam told her quietly. "Nothing will."

Rachel squeezed his arm. It was more than he'd felt from her in so long.

"There's gotta be a way," she said. "We can't live like this."

"I know, Rachel."

He traced her gaze to the leather bound book in the center of the coffee table. Adam blinked. He imagined that he could hear the words of that book whispering, seeping out from the pages and into his head.

Rachel reached for the book. Adam's arm shot out to stop her.


It was the only word he needed to say. She searched his face, and Adam could see her eyes pleading with him. He still had no answer. There wasn't any comfort he could give her.

He looked away, his lips tightening. "Every time you open that diary, it only makes things worse."

Rachel eased back into the couch. The flatscreen on the wall chirped away about a new weight loss program. Adam tried to follow his wife's lead and focus on the TV, or take up any distraction to ease his mind. Still his mind writhed in his skull. What could they do? What could they do? How the hell could it be really happening? Why couldn't things be like they were? The whole thing was making him so nervous he felt sick.

The lights flickered. Adam shot a look at Rachel. Her chest rose and fell as she squeezed her eyelids shut. He leaned forward and scanned the living room. The glow of the lamps on the end tables dimmed slowly. The bulbs in the ceiling fan flickered. Images on the television screen became a distorted digital mess.

Then all at once, the house went black. The fan overhead slowed. Gone was the gentle hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. Adam thought he saw the waning glow of the lifeless TV as it faded amidst the black of the room. He could hear Rachel's quivering breath. Her fingernails dug into his skin as she clutched his arm.

Darkness and silence were all that remained. It was Rachel that spoke first, and the frailty of her voice chilled Adam to the core.

"Oh god... they're coming."


I found the tanning lotion in the bottom of the pile in my lotion basket. Digging in that basket made me think of Adam. Every time he saw all the lotion I had he would smile, shake his head, and say something about how ridiculous it was for women to own so much shit.

Smiling to myself, I stretched out a leg with my foot on the bathtub and filled my palm with the oily lotion. The stuff smelled sweet and incredible. Spreading it down my bare thigh and under my calf, I instantly felt more relaxed. If there was one huge plus to quitting my job, it was wearing out the pool during the day. I was really getting used to owning a home and being a housewife.

Housewife. The silliness of it made me giggle. I never imagined myself affording rent for my old trailer in bumfuck, let alone being married and paying a mortgage. I wondered how long it would take for the excitement to dwindle. It'd have to one day, I knew that. I shook the thoughts away and just allowed myself to be happy.

When I finished my legs, I started working on my upper body. I started wishing Adam would come home so he could see my new bikini. I admired the little skull decorations on the top. The black and white two piece fit the designs of the tats on my arms and sides too well. When I put it on, I did worry that the neighbors might shoot me dirty looks if they saw me wearing it, more because of my ink than anything. It just looked too damn cute for me to care. Suburbia would just have to get used to me.

I gave myself a last look in the mirror, fetched a towel, and made my way from the master bathroom. It was time to get some sun. The house was smelling clean and everything was tidy. I got a little rush of excitement when I saw the clear blue water of the pool through the windows overlooking the back yard.

The front door opened and a sweaty Adam walked in. I had hoped he'd have caught me sunbathing, but I turned so that he could see me anyway. I put one hand on the wall and struck a little playful pose for him. He was about to greet me as usual, but I saw his eyes scanning my body. A half smile formed on his face.

"Oh wow, babe." Adam rubbed his neck. "Didn't expect to find you like this."

I shrugged. "You caught me. I was just about to lay out and take a dip."

Adam motioned to me. "New bathing suit?"

"You like it?"

"Uh, y-yeah," Adam replied with a grin. He started toward me and I put up a hand.

"Uh-uh! Boots off, mister! I just got everything clean."

He raised both eyebrows, but did as I told him. As he bent to unlace his boots, I could hear him chuckling.

"Look at you, getting all 'woman of the house' on me," he said.

"Yep," I replied smugly. "Laundry is drying, dishes are running, and you've got lunch sitting on the stove."

"Cooking too, now?"

I shot him a look. It was a bit of a cheap shot.

"Easy there, boss man, it's just a sandwich. But it's a very big sandwich."

He was still chuckling when I closed the back door behind me. Stepping out onto the deck, I inhaled the fresh air and basked in the heat that hit my oiled skin. I used to hate the heat at the trailer, but of course I also wasn't staring at a huge pool full of sparkling water back in the desert. This uppity neighborhood seemed more and more appealing everyday. It was long past time to forget about old stuff, and the scars of wounds that had healed. I eyed the reclining patio chair and tossed my towel on the wooden railing of the deck. I almost turned away when something caught my eye.

It was some kind of cloth. A napkin maybe? The small piece of fabric was draped on the rail near my towel. I picked it up and immediately admired the decorations that adorned both sides. The sunlight gleamed against the silky pearl colored material, but it was the design of the rose in the center that caught my attention. There was something about that shade of red... it was breathtaking. The folds in the petals of the flower were layered somehow, which gave it realistic depth. I had to resist the urge to put it to my nose and smell the rose.

I wondered why it had been out on the deck, and who it could've belonged to. I shrugged the thought off. Adam would probably know more about it. For all I knew, he might have gotten it for me as a gift. I took my place in the patio chair and reclined until I was comfortable. The heat of the sun coated my slick skin and nearly made me moan. I knew I'd have to hop in the water before long to cool off. Closing my eyes, I melted into the chair. Lost in that void between sleep and conciousness, my mind cleared as minutes drifted away.

I heard a splash. Batting my eyes against the brilliant afternoon sun, I peered out toward the pool water. I expected to see Adam, but there was no one. The sparkling surface of the water was calm. A gentle breeze kissed my slick skin. I had forgotten about the little napkin thing in my hand until it waved in the wind. I felt so relaxed. There was something about that rare breeze, the sunshine, the crisp smell of pool water, and that smooth cloth in my fingers...

I slid my fingertips across my stomach, tracing the curves of my waist. I couldn't keep my legs still. My thighs glided against each other as my hips twisted slowly in the chair. It felt like the air had been sucked from my chest. My hand crept lower to the tiny bottoms of my bathing suit. Something inside of me was building, filling me with a warm glow that made the sunlight seem cool. The fabric touched my cheek and I inhaled the sweet flowery scent of spring.

The back door opened. I blinked as Adam stepped out into the sun.

"How's the water, babe?" He stopped when he saw me. "What's that?"

I glanced down to realize that I was holding the little napkin thing close to my face. For a few seconds, I stared at it dumbfounded and tried to find words to say.

"I... I dunno," I said squinting up at Adam. "I just found it out here. Thought maybe you'd know?"

Adam's brow furrowed when he reached for it. "It's a handkerchief. Fancy one. You found it out here?"

I nodded. "On the railing. I figured it was a gift for someone..."

I tried to hide my grin, but Adam smiled wide. "If I was going to give you a gift, it'd be a whole lot better than this little thing."

I rose from my seat and brought myself close to him. Locking eyes with Adam, I hooked my fingers deep in the pockets of his jeans. Pulling his hips to me, I could already tell I'd flipped a switch inside him.

"You could still give me something if you wanted to," I said with an innocent little shrug. "Maybe a repeat of yesterday?"

He glanced away with a smile. "Not today, baby, I have to get back to work."

I reached between us for the button of his pants.

"C'mon, we haven't christened the pool yet. You're not gonna leave your new wife out to dry, are you?"

I let my tongue barely glide between my lips. He saw it, and I felt him throb against me through his jeans. Adam grinned and cut his eyes up and away.

"Baby, I've got Robert and his crew with a busted main up in town and my whole other crew is off this week," Adam explained. "I gotta get back as soon as I can."

"Mmm, I like you when you're all dirty." I was eyeing the gleaming sweat on his thick neck. "C'mon. Little quickie like yesterday."

I held his gaze as I unfastened his jeans and slid my hand into his briefs. Adam let out a stuttering breath when my fingers found his swollen shaft. I watched his body tense as I squeezed him in my hand. His dick pulsed, growing harder. As hot as I was, I got a little chill inside feeling Adam get hard for me.

"I wanna make you late again," I told him with a smirk.

Adam sealed his moan behind his lips. "I... fuck me... I can't baby, not now."

"Well, I hope you'll be thinking about me at least," I said.

I released my grip and pulled my hand from his pants. Adam sighed. I could tell he wanted to throw me down. I wondered how he would be after work. He buttoned his jeans and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touched for several seconds, neither of us wanting to stop. We finally broke away and Adam headed for the back door, smiling and shaking his head.

"You're terrible, girl," he said.

"You love it," I said with a sneer.

"Hey you should keep this." Adam waved the handkerchief before setting it on the rail of the deck.

"What am I gonna do with a handkerchief?"

"I dunno," Adam replied. "Keep it as a charm or something. I should be home around five or so. Cook us something up tonight."

"Ha, ha, ha."

He chuckled. "Love you babe."

"Uh huh."

I sighed. It was freaking hot. Turning my eyes toward the pool, I adjusted the clip holding my hair. My head was on fire. Having black hair sucked in the summer. I moved to the ladder and dipped a toe into the water. Out of habit, I glanced back to make sure Adam wasn't about to shove me in. I eased my other leg into the water. In seconds, I was gliding across the surface.

The water felt perfect. There was a chill, but just enough to kill the heat on my skin and soak me with relief. My eyes were ready to roll in my head from the sensation. I did give a little chuckle and a moan. I swept my arms through the water and soared through bliss. I rolled and floated along on my back. I let the heat warm my face while the cool water carried me along.

Skinny dipping. I wasn't sure why I hadn't thought of it. Feeling the water on my skin made me want to take my little bikini off and let it's cool embrace take me. I'd have to get Adam to skinny dip with me sometime. I closed my eyes and imagined wrapping my arms and legs around him under the water, our faces close, and riding him. Under the stars maybe. That was one hell of a pleasant thought. Romantic and kinky, just the way I liked it.

I heard a splash.

I rolled in the water and glanced around. Had Adam come back? I searched the deck, but there was no sign of anyone. I started to wonder if I was hearing stuff. Scanning the pool, I was about to call out when I heard a voice behind me.

"It's so beautiful."

I yelped and spun around. There was a sound, a lovely sound. In my shock I realized it was a woman's laughter. Following my ear, I spotted her. She was floating maybe five feet from me. The woman stood and wiped her eyes. I realized I must have splashed her.

There was a woman in our pool!

"Wh-who the hell are you?" I blurted.

She blinked at me and I shivered. Her eyes were so... clear, so...

"A friend."

I barely noticed that she'd spoken. I was staring at her in disbelief. There was a woman in my pool. A woman with long blonde hair that gleamed in the sunlight. A woman with skin like cream and eyes that made the sparkling water seem dull in comparison.

I shook my head. "I... I'm sorry, what? What are you doing here?"

The woman smiled and I felt a flutter inside of me. Her crystal eyes watched me for a few seconds before she eased herself forward, split the water with her hands, and glided across the pool.

"Just a friend," the woman said. "Maybe a friend of a friend. It's so lovely out here isn't it?"

I was so shocked that she was there. I didn't know how to act. Crouching low in the pool, I absently covered myself with my arms. Not that it really helped. The woman seemed carefree, oblivious to what I was doing.

"Uh... y-you know Adam?" I asked timidly.

Her only response was a laugh. It was a beautiful sound, gentle and melodic like the hoot of an owl on a clear summer night. I watched her drift across the water. Her graceful movement entranced me. I blinked hard. What the hell was I doing? There was a woman in our pool!

"Listen lady, I don't know what the hell you think you're doing," I said, "but you're not supposed to be here. This is our pool, our home..."

I trailed off when she twirled in the water and floated along on her back. Her shimmering hair fanned out around her head. Her lips drew wide into a smile as her lashes batted away the sunlight. I gasped when I saw the mounds of her bare breasts flecked with glistening beads of water.

"Do you not want me here?"

I watched her lips form the words but I hardly noticed their sound. My cheeks grew hot and my insides bubbled. My eyes traced her naked body, from her erect nipples to her gently paddling feet. Every curve was luscious and perfect. Her skin seemed so smooth and flawless. The woman was an angel in the water. I couldn't stop staring at her.

She was floating toward me.

With a rush of breath I found my senses. Who the hell was she? A stranger that just appeared in the pool. Naked. My mind raced as I headed for the steps of the pool ladder. I had to call Adam, or the cops, or something. It was so fucking wierd. My eyes darted from the nude woman to the deck. I started to feel angry and offended. What was this bitch doing here? She had to be some obsessive crazy whore that Adam knew. Had to be. After all, he and I...

"Leaving so soon? We've only just met and it's a wonderful today."

Her voice was like the song of a wind chime.

"I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on," I spat.

"You should stay with me."

It had sounded so absurd. I turned to say something mean when I saw that she was right in front of me. The words hung in my throat and evaporated. I could hardly breathe. Her blue eyes were staring right into me. Her yellow hair hung wet and looked like flowing silk. I eyed her round breasts that bobbed just below the surface. It felt like if she came any closer I would faint.

The woman smiled. My next shallow breath was little more than a stutter.

"You're so pretty," she said.

My mouth hung open. The woman came forward. Instinctively I took a step back, but I slipped when my foot hit the bottom of the pool steps. She still advanced. Her hand was suddenly pushing me back with such ease. I drifted down in the water until I was sitting on the steps of the pool ladder.

"It's okay." Her eyes shone like sunlit sapphires when she smiled. "Just relax."

"What are y-you..."

She was straddling me!

The blonde hovered in the water and lowered herself to my body. Somewhere in my head I screamed at her, and I wanted to push her away. I thought I wanted that. A rush of excitement exploded in me when her hips sank into my lap beneath the water. I had never been this intimately close to a woman, and I suddenly found myself between her legs. Her face was so close to mine. I smelled rose petals and summer rain. The stranger placed a hand on my cheek. My mind emptied of all but bliss.

"I want you," she whispered. "I want to be with you. Just you and I."

I leaned back as she sank against me, our legs intertwining. Her cool plush lips closed on mine. Our breasts pressed together as we kissed. I felt her hand slide from my cheek to my shoulder as she steadied me in the water. Before my eyes closed, I saw her grip the plastic handrail of the ladder.

Her hips rolled. Her crotch slid over mine and sparks skittered through my head. I moaned against her lips. She responded by rolling her body into me again. A familiar warm sensation was kindled below. It was incredible. The woman continued her slow ride, her hips ebbing and flowing into mine as our mounds slid together. Even through the fabric of my bathing suit I could feel bare lips bathing mine.

The stranger hung her head, opened her mouth, and found my tongue with hers. She worked slowly and passionately, tasting me and pulling me deeper. I had to grab her. I had to. My arms wove around her waist. I tugged her into me when she thrust again, and my eyes flew open at the unbearable pleasure it caused. Her skin was like cream. Before I knew it, I was clutching the flesh of her ass in my hand and squeezing.

Thought was lost. I knew only a smooth delicate body and fluid calculated thrusts. Our lips parted and we breathed into each other. Her cheek pressed into mine. Still she smelled of flowers. I couldn't want her more. My body swelled against the waves of her motions. We were one.

My grip tightened into her flesh. I could hardly breath right. The water sloshed around us. Our eyes locked and I was lost in the facets of her irises. My thrusts grew more frantic while her body rolled along gently. I felt the heat intensify below, building and filling me until I couldn't stand it. I pulled her closer and whimpered against her grinning lips.

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