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On Loan

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He loans his wife to his best friend.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 10/25/2004
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Jim and I have been friends for years. He is, I guess, my best friend. We get together now and then for drinks and he has been over to the house many times. He and Kathy get along great. Great would be and understatement since they tease and flirt with each other unmercifully. It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and I had about enough of Kathy's power shopping so I call Jim to meet for a drink.

As we started our second drink Jim said he wanted to ask me a big favor. With out even thinking about it I said, "Sure, anything just ask." That's when he started in, "Well you know I just started this new job and……"

"And what?" I asked trying to pull the question out of him.

"There are social events coming up that it would look much better if I had a date even though everyone knows that I am single."

"And?" I asked again still trying to get to the question.

He looked away and continued, "I was wondering if I might borrow your wife, Kathy, to go with me?"

I was stunned and started to laugh saying, "You want to date my wife?"

He answered kind of sheepishly, "Only for the Holidays."

Now I was really laughing, "You not only want to date my wife but you want to take her to a series of holiday parties. Parties where people tend to drink and get wild."

Jim looked at me and asked, "Does Kathy drink and get wild at parties?"

I shook my head and said, "Not normally, but last Christmas, oh boy!"

Jim was very interested now and asked, "What happened?"

I smiled and said, "Well let's just say that my work environment has been very enjoyable since then."

Now Jim was even more excited and asked, "Now you have to tell me."

So without thinking I told the story, "Well we had a few drinks before we went to the party. Kathy was feeling no pain. She let my boss have her as an appetizer, she had him for desert and before we left he did her doggie-style. My boss has been hinting that he would like to get together again but I told him it was a one-time thing and he should be grateful it was him. To show his gratitude he has been making it a pleasure to come to work."

Jim asked, with a devilish grin, "So do you think Kathy would go with me?"

I looked at him stunned and replied, "I never said it was ok with me!"

Jim got this big grin on his face and asked, "Is it ok if I date your wife and take her to a holiday party where there might be some drinking and things might get a little wild?"

Thinking back to the party I replied, "Watching her with my boss was very exciting and I have to admit that I have thought about the three of us getting together. I have never said anything to Kathy and always thought that "if" something ever happened, it would be the three of us. I don't know if I'm willing to let the two of you out alone, not the way you two flirt and tease."

Jim tried to get back to reality saying, "I just wanted a date for the party. Now you have created a lot of things I never even thought of. I'm sure it will be just a nice fun party."

I smirked and said, "I doubt if you two could go just to dinner and it be just a fun time, but I'll run it past Kathy and see what she says, ok?"

With a big grin Jim says, "That's all I ask."

Just about this time my cell phone rang and it was Kathy. She was finished shopping and was ready for me to pick her up. We finished our drinks and as I left I said, "I'll ask but can't promise anything."

I picked Kathy up with all her packages and we went home. I didn't know just how to bring up Jim's request. When we sat down to eat Kathy asked, "So, what did you and Jim talk about today."

Ok, the door was wide open. I figured it's now or never. I smiled and said, "It's funny you should ask. We talked about you mainly."

Kathy smiled and said, "Something good I hope."

I couldn't help but laugh and said, "Well I guess it could be something good."

Kathy was interested now and asked, "What do you mean? What did you two talk about?"

I mustered and the strength I had and said, "Well it seems that Jim has some social events coming up and would like to take a date. Since he isn't really seeing anyone; he was wondering if maybe you would go as his date."

Kathy screeched, "Really! He wants to take me on a date. Is it a real adult date, it's not like taking your sister to the prom?"

Now I was stunned and said, "No, he wants a real date and you could be a little more reluctant about it. Make me talk you into it."

Kathy just smiled and said, "I'm sorry but for the longest time I have had this fantasy. I know I never told you about this but ever since that time with your boss, I've thought about the three of us maybe, you know, getting together."

I cocked my eye brow and asked, "Are you sure that's when it started? You and Jim have been flirting a lot longer than that."

Kathy asked, "How long have we known Jim?"

I said, "About 6 years."

Kathy said without losing a beat, "I guess it started about 5 ½ years ago, but after that Christmas party things got better in my fantasies."

I had to ask, "So I assume you decided to go with him."

Kathy stroked my face and said, "Not if it would bother you in any way."

Now it was my turn to confess and said, "Now I must confess that since that night I too have thought about the three of us getting together. I just never thought about you two going out alone together."

Kathy smiled and said, "That wasn't my fantasy either but since it has come up we both have admitted that we would not mind if things went a lot farther. Let's try this; we both wanted it to be the three of us and we are going out Saturday night with Jim. Why don't I go as his date Saturday and we'll see how things go?"

I asked, "So if anything happens……."

Kathy calmly says, "It would be the three of us. If it doesn't then I'll find some way to tell him I wouldn't feel right to "date" him."

I kissed her and said, "I can live with that."

Sex that night was outrageous. It was the best ever; even better than it was after the Christmas party. The next day I called Jim and told him that I had talked to Kathy and she wanted to think about it and would let us know Saturday night. I knew she had already made up her mind to go and was just keeping me from feeling left out. I believe if I said no, she would turn him down but I had already made my mind up that I wanted her to go. I'm just glad she arranged it so I could see it first.

The next week our sex life was fantastic as we openly expressed our fantasies. The next night Kathy was on all fours and after I slid deep into her pussy from behind I leaned across her back. I started playing with her tits and whispered in her ear, "Pretend that it is Jim's cock sliding in and out of you." As I was pumping in and out of her and massaging her tits I continued to whisper, "At first I'll just watch Jim fucking you. I'll watch his cock slide in and out then you'll look up and see my cock in front of you. You'll look up and smile and open your mouth for me to slide my cock in. Soon you'll be getting fucked from both ends. After watching you with Jim and feeling your hot mouth on my cock I won't last long and will soon shoot my load in your mouth. Seeing me start to cum sets Jim off and you feel yourself being filled from both ends at the same time. This pushes you over the edge and your orgasm is the most intense you have ever had."

Kathy must have climaxed five or six times as I was talking and fucking her but when she felt me cum inside her, her whole body went stiff. Both arms and both legs just shot out from under her and we both fell to the bed with my cock still imbedded in her pussy. When we were able to breathe again I said, "I think you enjoyed that."

She rolled over pulling my cock from her. She grabbed my head and kissed me passionately and said, "Fucking Jim for real could not be more intense than that was. If it is I'll die in mid orgasm."

She fell back to the bed and I kissed her and smiling said, "I guess we'll find out Saturday."

The next night when I got into bed with Kathy she rolled over on top of me and she took the lead. She said, "Come here "JIM" and give me that big cock of yours." She rode me hard and fast telling me all the things she wanted to do to Jim and with the two of us. When I came in her pussy again she went off like a rocket. I thought she would shoot right off my cock and burst into a thousand pieces like a Roman candle. That's the way our sex was all week. Getting bigger and hotter all week then finally Saturday morning came.

Sometime after breakfast you could see Kathy's expression change. I was holding her and stroking her when she said very lowly, "Tonight it won't be fantasy any more. Tonight it is for real." Kathy looked like I felt; every emotion in the book, good bad and otherwise all going through your mind body and soul at one time.

I held her close and kissed her and told her, "You are in total control. You can say stop at any time and neither of us will push you to go farther. We both love you."

She looked up and smiled and said, "I think that is just what I needed to hear." She got the devilish grin and said, "Let's go shopping and get me an outfit deserving of my "Date" tonight.

I backed away and said, "You go shopping and surprise me. Going shopping with you is how this all started. I've got some things to do and really don't want to see your outfit until you come down the stairs tonight. I want to see you just as Jim sees you for the first time."

Outside of sex, life goes on and I did have a few things to take care of but mainly I wanted to see her the same way Jim did just before we told him she was his for the night. All through the day those emotions I mentioned came back but only one or two at a time. The day was like an emotional roller coaster and I'm sure Kathy felt the same way. That was another good reason for Kathy and I not to spend the day together. When she got back from shopping she was aglow with excitement. I asked to see what she bought but she teased saying, "You wanted to wait now you'll see me when I'm dressed for my "date"" then she hurried up stairs. I didn't see her again until after Jim arrived.

Jim came over about 6:00; we were going out to eat then dancing. This is the same thing we have done many Saturday nights. I told Jim that Kathy was still getting ready and we went into the kitchen. I got us both a beer and I was on the side of the island facing the stairs while Jim had his back to them. Kathy came and stood at the top of the stairs until she got my attention which didn't take long. She raised the front of her short skirt and flashed me her very sheer white panties. They were so "clear" that even from this distance I could see her neatly trimmed bush. She later told me she thought about not wearing any but the thought of Jim pulling them off her had her dripping into them before she got them on.

Kathy started down the stairs and I poked Jim to turn around. I don't know clothes but I'll try to explain what she was wearing other than the white panties and her thigh highs. She had on a short pleated navy blue skirt that came to mid thigh. Her top was a black see through covered with a navy blue blazer. When she reached the bottom of the stairs Jim and I both just stared with our mouths open. She was dressed to kill; well that's not right, she was dressed to fuck. Coming to the kitchen she did that walk that women do where they cross over putting one foot in front of the other. That walk that makes everything look great and move so sexy.

She came over and put her hands on Jim's shoulder resting her head on her hands. She batted her eyes and said, in her most sexy voice, "I hear you want to take me out."

All of Jim's excitement and confidence just melted away. He started stammering, "There are these things coming up that I would feel better about if I had a date."

Still batting her eyes and cooing she asked, "What kind of things? Where do you want to take me?"

Jim was still off guard and stammered, "Well there are these Christmas parties….."

Kathy cooed in his ear, "ooooooh, I just love Christmas parties."

Jim was almost speechless now and said, "ttttthat's what I've heard"

Kathy playfully slapped my arm and said, "You told him?"

I shrugging my shoulders and said, "It just sort of came out in the conversation last week."

Kathy pulled away from Jim and got very business like, "Dave and I have talked about your request and while during this last week we have discovered that we both have had fantasies involving the three of us; neither of us considered my going out with just you alone. We are still not sure how we feel about this actual "dating" so we came up with a plan. For the rest of the night I'm your date and Dave is going with us. Just like every other Saturday night we've gone out except that I'm with you. Since Dave told you about that party last year I'm sure you know how good of a date I can be."

Kathy moved back over and took Jim's arm and said, "This is our first date so just treat me like Dave does when we go out."

Jim's eyes flew open and his mouth dropped. He jumped and said, "I couldn't do that!"

Kathy and I looked at each other and she asked, "Why not?"

Jim looked away and said, "When Dave kisses you he always reaches up and cups your breast. I've always been jealous when he does that."

Kathy and I look back at each other and she says, "Yes, I guess he does. I seems like a good place to start" and she leans in to kiss Jim. Their lips touch and they share their first kiss. They have touched lips before when they were playing and teasing each other but this was the first tongue twisting soul-searching passionate kiss. Jim's hand slowly crept up Kathy's side and in so doing pushed her blazer open. In the bright light of the kitchen I could see Kathy was not wearing a bra and her tits were on full display. When Jim's hand touched her tit and he realized she was braless he jerked his hand away. Kathy broke the kiss long enough to tell him, "It's ok, I dressed like this for you." Then she put his hand back on her tit and continued the kiss. When she pulled her hand away from his she slid it down to stroke his cock as she does with me.

Kathy and Jim continue their kissing and stroking for a while then Kathy looks over at me and sees me stroking my slacks where my very hard cock is very much on display. She breaks the kiss but keeps her hand on Jim's cock and smiles and says, "I guess you both like my new outfit." Kathy breaks away and turns to stand beside Jim in so doing she opens her blazer. This is the first time Jim sees her tits on full display and just stares at them. Kathy says, "It seems that everyone is ok with how this date is going so far." She looks at Jim and sees him staring at her tits. She pushes his face away and says, "How about we get going. Before either of you get any ideas, I was promised a night out." This brings Jim and I back to reality and we head for the car.

Jim and Kathy get in the back and I get in the driver's seat. When I turn to back out they are kissing again and Jim is playing with Kathy's tit. As I'm backing I say, "Most of my first dates didn't even end like that let alone start that way." We all laugh and it broke the tension and set the mood for a relaxed night out together.

The ride to the restaurant was a lot of fun just like our other nights out. We laughed and joked and teased. The only difference was that Kathy was in the back and not up front with me. When we got there I opened the door for Kathy and as she got out she pulled up her skirt showing me her panties. I don't know if she was just flashing me or showing me she still had them on. I didn't care why I just enjoyed the show. We walked in arm in arm but Kathy made it clear that she was with Jim. The hostess showed us to a booth but Kathy wanted the corner booth. She and Jim got in one side and I came in on the other side putting Kathy in the middle, which is what she wanted.

The whole time our waiter was taking our order Kathy was stroking Jim's leg. As soon as he left Kathy took Jim's hand and placed it on her leg. He looked at me as he stroked Kathy's leg on and below the hem of her short skirt. I reached down to stroke her other leg and she slapped my hand away saying, "When we go out Jim never pushed his way in like that. Tonight I'm with him so you'll just have to watch like he always does. Maybe you'll get an idea of what you've been doing to this poor boy all these years."

Jim stroked a little higher under her skirt and added, "Now it's your turn to watch and go home and jack off."

I don't think Jim realized he just shared with us that he has been jacking off thinking about my wife for years. Kathy patted his leg and said, "Let's not go that far." She pats his hand on her leg and says, "I know this is our first date, sweetheart, but I plan to make the most of it. So far this has not been a typical first date and before this night is over I plan to have both of you, separately and together as many times as you two can get it up." Kathy slides forward and her skirt rides up showing her panties. She snuggles in close to Jim and says, "You are right though. I think Dave needs to learn a lesson about what his playing with me in front of you all these years feels like." Looking me straight in the eye she pulled Jim's hand up her leg to the edge of her panties. She let go of his hand to see what he would do. With both of them watching me he started stroking Kathy's panty covered pussy. He was just pushing the panty aside and slipping his finger into her when Kathy saw the waiter coming with our food. She held his hand in place with his finger in her but threw her skirt over them.

Kathy's blazer cover her nipples and the light was not as bright as our kitchen but the waiter could plainly see the out line of her tits and could easily tell she was braless. Needless to say we received excellent service but every time he came back Kathy would throw her skirt over her panties. Then as soon as he left pull it back again. When Jim wasn't playing with her we could both sit and look at her. Just watching her eating with her panties showing in public was a turn on in it's self. I know I never put Jim through anything like this. I never played with Kathy this openly in front of him but I guess if you add up all the years of teasing from both Kathy and myself then this is fair. Being made to just sit there and watch was pure torture the only thing that kept me from going crazy was that Kathy had said that at some point tonight she wanted me to fuck her with and without Jim.

Somehow I managed to make it through dinner without losing my load. It wasn't easy since Jim ate most of his meal one handed. It seems that finally getting access to Kathy's pussy he could not get enough. It wasn't like they were hidden under the table Kathy sat back so I could watch the whole thing. The waiter was coming back with our bill. Kathy pushed Jim's hand out of her pussy but didn't pull her skirt down. The waiter asked if we wanted desert and Kathy grabbed both our cocks and said, "No thank you I think I already have more than I can handle. I thought the waiter was going to lift the table off the floor with his cock as he quickly dropped the bill and ran off. I asked how much of a tip we should leave and Katy said, "I just did." We both looked at her and she had pushed forward and the blazer was pulled back on both sides. She was right under the light and the waiter had a clear view of her panties and her tits lit by the light. As we walked to the car the whole kitchen staff seemed to be taking a break in the lot. When we got to the car Kathy lifted the back of her skirt showing them her thong. Of course they couldn't see the thong, all they could see was Kathy's beautiful tight ass. We were all laughing like crazy on the way to the dance club.

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