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One Dead Fuck

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Protective brother and cutey sister.
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Parts of this story are factual and some fiction however some is what happened in my youth and has been etched in my head forever wanting out so here is my first attempt at writing of an account of my sister and myself.

Firstly the true facts of Lisa and myself at the time of this story.

Lisa - 20 medium length hair brunette 5-6 95lbs. 38d with long thin legs.

Dennis – 21 curly short brown hair 5-8 140 lbs. 8.5 inch cock.

This all happened totally unintended and developed slowly into a very open relationship between two siblings. As Lisa and I grew up we have always been close sharing time together and me looking out for her. After a long summer season of construction I was laid off and enjoying time house sitting for my parents as they spent winter in Arizona. I was cleaning up items for parents in their garage and putting items in attic, as I moved boxes making room an older box caught my eye with label old films. Upon opening box I discovered old 8mm films and an old projector, one of the boxes contained films marked stag film. As a horny teen that loved porn I dragged down the box and planned to watch films when my younger sister was away some day.

Friday came along and sister asked if I could take her into city as we lived in small suburb 15 minutes out of major city, as a good brother I took her in and dropped her off and stated I would pick her up when she called later.

After stopping in at a few friends I found no one wanted to party so I went to strip club for late shows and waited for Lisa to call. After 12:30 my cell rang and it was Lisa wanting to head home so I headed to address she gave. As I pulled up she came out of house and walked down walk, at that time I noticed how tight her jeans were and how her long legs looked good to me. Shaking my head I thought man too much strippers and no sex she's my sister for fucks sake.

She hopped in and said thanks, ride was quiet and I notice she was very drunk and seemed upset by her expression. After we got home to house we said good night and went to our rooms her downstairs and me upstairs bedroom. I was still horny as hell and went to my closet and grabbed out few of my favorite porn magazines and laid down now naked for a round of beating my cock till would sleep.

When I had finished lying in bed as things were very quiet I could hear my sister crying so as a caring brother I put on jeans and headed downstairs to be sure she was ok. I knocked on her door and stepped in she was lying crying face down on bed dressed in an ankle length blue satin nigh gown so I sat down next to her and asked her if she was ok and if she wanted to talk?

She started to tell me she could not talk with me and she kept crying almost breaking my heart to hear this I stated we can talk and I would see if I can help her. Lisa slowly rolled to her side and said she is too embarrassed to tell me about this problem.

I laughed and said we can talk about anything as we are family and best friends as well. Laying on her side I looked into her eyes and saw her thinking about my words and sobbed sharply causing her breasts to bounce giving me a great view of how big they are on her as well how hot they looked in the blue satin gown with a deep V in neck. Again I had to rattle my head back to say for real Lisa you can tell me anything.

To which she blurts out tonight Wendell her newest boyfriend stated she was a dead fuck! With that she started crying again leaving me with a very red face and stunned beyond belief as to what she had said.

Slowly I reached out and caressed her back and gathered my thoughts saying to her that it was ok and that we are young as hell and I think both of us are very naïve and inexperienced and should not worry what some asshole says, besides she will learn about making love as she discovers a man who can please her how she wants before pleasing him.

With that she stops crying and sits up looking at me with a pleased look and wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me. I put my arms around her and held her tight saying you will be fine Lisa just trust me on that and I squeezed her tight. Feeling her large breasts tight to me got my hormones working again as I could feel her nipples sticking into my chest, with that I stated to her I should let her sleep and we can talk tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

The next day I awoke early and tried to be quite as Lisa slept continuing on with garage clean up and waiting for her to wake, after few hours Lisa stuck her head out into garage and stated she had some breakfast for us made. I walked in to see Lisa at sink in her long night gown in slippers and with hair pulled back she said sit down and have a bite to eat and that toast would be up right away.

I sat and heard her curse as toast was sending plume of smoke up. She said can't even use toaster right slamming hand on counter, I hopped up opening window to get fresh air and told her calm down as we can make more and that it was not really a big deal to which she spit back yes and I had to drunkenly tell you what Wendell said to me last night.

Again she stands there with cool air blowing in window and she is in a deep blue satin gown with her huge tits with nipples standing out hands clenched at her side trying not to cry. I said to her you have just got to calm down and you will learn things in your life as to what a man likes as well what you want from a man.

To this she yells at me how the fuck am I supposed to learn when men say such terrible things that I never want to try again, you tell me she yells placing her hands on her hips with a matter of fact look in her eyes.

To this I yelled back fuck I will give you pile of my old porno magazines and you can see and read personnel columns and see what others like. Red faced she looked at me then I yelled out fuck if you want we can watch dad's old stag films I found in garage.

Lisa's face went red and she stood thinking deeply then she blurted out I will read your dam books but not some fucking porn movie.

Fine I said and spun around and headed to my room to get stack of my magazines to give her. When I returned she was sitting quietly in chair playing at food on plate as I set down pile I said here and if you want I have more, to which she looked up and said pervert laughing.

Everything kind of went back to normal I spent time in my room jerking off and she spent time in her room. Again Friday came and Lisa asked if we could head to city for evening as she wanted to get out and dance at clubs and have a few drinks. As always again I stated yes so later that day after we ate I dressed for evening and called down to Lisa and asked if she was ready, when she came upstairs I looked and thought wow she is no beauty pageant girl but man her legs in her tight jeans and high hells made her close to my height with her chest hiding under a tight sweater that was straining to hold those tits in.

Ready she pipes in and says do I look ok to be out tonight as she spins around stunned for words I blurt out sexy as hell sis to which she grins at me. Off we went with plans to stop at a dance club and few drinks as night progressed Lisa danced and drank with me watching over her every chance I got and thinking man I need some relief so I told her I would be back in few hours for her.

I headed out to strip club for my own sanity, after blowing cash on few lap dances and working myself into frenzy all the while thinking of Lisa I headed back to pick her up to head home so I could relieve myself. When I arrived Lisa was still dancing and grinding on some guy only to leave him standing on dance floor when see noticed me sit down as she headed to table I noted how flush she looked and how she was beaming at me when she says well brother ready to hit the road.

As I followed her out my eyes were glued to her ass and legs as she bounced along to the car, once in the car she smiled and drunkenly hugged me and said thanks for helping me feel better I had a great night.

As we drove on Lisa turned on the radio and bopped about in her seat causing her tits to bounce causing her nipples to stick out, got me worked up as hell and in need of relief. We pulled into garage at home and walked into house Lisa turned wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply and not as siblings should, she looked into my eyes and said if I wish we could watch those old films if I wanted to set the projector up.

I very emphatically said would only take me few minutes to change and set it up Lisa stated ok she would change as well and be right up to watch with me in living room. I headed through kitchen and grabbed another beer and headed out to get box from under tarp in garage and dragged it into living room sipping on my beer I set up old camera and turned it on up came flickering light to verify it was working fine, next I headed into bedroom to find old sweats so I would have room for the hard on I knew was in the works.

After dressing I headed into set up first film and stretch out on couch when sister came waltzing through in full length red satin night gown and her heels she had on all night to which I said little over dressed for this aren't we.

Lisa grinned and says hey they make me feel better and hope you are ok with them smiling.

I said hey looks ok to me looking at her standing there thinking fuck she looks hot in this and had to adjust my cock as it stiffened. The first film I picked was an old party film with the usual mindless story and not too much story line however did steal look at Lisa as she watched and commented some of that was pretty bad. Next I picked out an old John Holmes vid with a real hot Asian lady on cover it started out slow with a lot of petting and then the lady lays back and Jonny dives in to eat her, next I hear a moan from Lisa as she stares at screen I notice her lower body kind of grinding on couch.

Lisa next states that looks interesting and she will need to find partner some day and try it. The film then moves on and Johnny drops his pants and out drops that legend of a dick my sister's eyes popped out and she says is that real.

I say yea he has been in these movies for years and is very real. We both watched as beautiful lady proceeded to suck and massage the cock on screen which in turn made me very very hard and found myself shifting in my seat and looking over at Lisa staring at screen I noticed her hand in her lap rubbing at her crotch absent mindedly. After the longest blow job and hottest scene the time came for johnny to mount his lady as he rose I noted Lisa's mouth open slightly and when the rather large cock went in Lisa had eyes so big and her hand grinding in her crotch became more urgent.

I was beyond horny and knew I needed to relieve myself and was not sure how I would get up with such a hard on. As the pounding of bodies on screen came to an end Lisa looked at me and stated she needed to get to bed and rest asking if was ok to leave me to watch more if I wanted.

As she walked out I noted a damp looking spot on her butt end the red satin shining, this caused me to become even harder and in need of blowing off a load. I decided to leave projector and after cooling it down shut it off and hurried to my bedroom to stroke out a load.

Grabbing lube and starting to stroke my mind kept going back to Lisa on couch and here great looking tits heaving up and down on her as she tried to diddle herself without me seeing. This had my mind racing and I could not cum so laid back resting hand and could hear something from down stairs. I got up and naked crept to top of stairs and listened to what sounded like moans and talking from Lisa's room.

gently I stepped down stairs and listened to Lisa moan and to my amazement heard her say that's it Dennis lick me there mmmmmmmm yes stick that tongue in my wet cunt and more moans of pleasure now my cock was rock hard and hurting from stiffness.

Now not thinking and only my cock doing the thinking I carefully opened the door and stepped into Lisa's room. I looked at her spread legs with her eyes closed, softly saying to her how about my real tongue in there. Her eyes flew open as she stopped dipping her fingers in her bushy cunt and froze. My own eyes were riveted on her very bushy cunt and those rock hard pointed tits standing straight out.

next she yelled at me what the fuck are you doing, to which I meekly stated you have been looking so hot tonight and all I can think of is to eat you and have you suck this as I thrust out my pelvis with my thick solid cock about a foot from her face. Lisa stopped dead and stared at my cock and I could see her fingers flex in that black bush between her legs slowly and I knew just maybe!

Not even thinking I leaned down and kissed her on the lips and pulled her to me as she reached up with her arm to push me away she placed the hand on my chest and moaned as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. I next softly spoke and said just let me eat you how you want and I will leave promise.

She then looked unknowingly at me and slowly laid back and I knew what she wanted so I knelt down and started to kiss and lick up her thighs while gently brushing her bushy pubic soon as I could smell her wet hot cunt it drove me wild and I reached up with tongue to find her clit and started to lick and suck as she widened her legs for me to gain access now with fingers I opened her cunt lips and could see her soaking labia and drove my tongue even deeper as Lisa grabbed my head and ground my face in her cunt.

She was thrashing about the bed and was not aware That I was now working my way around to straddle her so my face was in her cunt and now my stone hard cock hung in her face inches away from her mouth and as I dipped my ass down she instinctively opened and sucked in my cock. As she did this I lifted my face and said to her, only as long as you are ok stroke it like the girl on film.

Lisa states just fucking lick and I will show you if I like it popping my cock head into her mouth and I reattached my mouth to her cunt with renewed vigor pulling her legs under my arms widening my access to her cunt and now her ass as well to stroke my tongue from her cunt to ass this hade Lisa shoving my cock clumsily deeper into her mouth and at one point touched the back of her throat.

All this was driving her crazy my tongue entered her ass and dove back into her sopping cunt. We stayed at a frenzied pace until she howled enough. She had me stop and lay beside her as she stroked my cock gently and she said I am too sensitive to continue I have cum to many times and need to rest.

With very disappointed eyes I looked at her and said ok I will not push it, with that she says to me hey if you wish I will stay sucking you but you can't touch my poor cunt for a bit.

With a grin I laid back and she knelt down in front of me and started the wettest sloppiest blowjob in my life. After a bit she sits up and says so hey do you think I am learning now LOL! Also Lisa says the magazines you gave me had few articles that explained what to do and that she had taken the guy at club outside and blew him, that is why she was as heated up as she was when I returned.

Now she dove back down on me and slowly worked my cock into her throat, my eyes rolled back and I started to say to her Lisa stop or I am not going to be able to stop. With this she flexed her throat and bobbed her head with more urgency with that I figured fuck it and flexed my ass up and let go the largest most intense load of cum I have ever done in my life.

Lisa staved off gagging and drew back catching all of my load in her mouth and slipping back sitting up she looked me in the eyes and opened her mouth showing the thickest white gob I have ever seen and winked and swallowed completely. I could only moan and Lisa lay down across my chest, now I slowly brushed her hair back and said that was the wildest sex I have ever had in my life.

Lisa looked up and smiled saying not a dead fuck? I grinned and said well I cannot speak to that but we both definitely are on the right track but had best quit for tonight and rest before we do anything more we may regret.

The next day started as always me sleeping in and sister away to her job with her 2 car pool girls. When she came home she said she needed to talk with me about our wild play night, my mind sank and I was panicked that she was upset.

After supper we cleaned up house and then sat down in living room together on couch with her facing me she started with you do know what we have done is very wrong and I nodded in agreement and said yes with my head held looking down at her feet. Next she says I had no right to walk in on her and cannot do that again, now my heart sank and I said to her I am sorry as I had not planned to yet hearing her call my name and sounds of her pleasuring herself had me not thinking and I fucked up.

Lisa looked at me and said I should be out with other ladies and she would be ok but she wanted one favor from me! With that I looked up at her with a questioning look and said anything you want Lisa.

With that she stood up and says Dennis I want you to go get into mom and dad's bedroom and wait for me ok. With no idea what to expect I said ok and headed down the hall to the very large room that was our parent bedroom, once there I noticed the old projector set up and a sheet hanging on far wall. As I heard Lisa come down the hall I turned to ask what it was she wanted when I saw her I almost fell down as Lisa was in her red long night gown however she had on what appeared to be red stockings and open toed red heels and for some reason her tits stuck out wildly with the hardest nipples I have seen.

My jaw hung open and I could not speak and Lisa stood in front of me and says now you will finish what we started the other night and I will learn how not to be a dead fuck.

I could not believe me ears and said are you for real with this, with her stepping forward and groping my cock through my pants she says I read your dirty books and saw all the lingerie so when I could I bought this outfit, next I have read about cock sucking and have shown you I learn fast so now I will show you I can take care of a man's cock in many ways and you will tell me if I am any good at this game before I start dating again.

My mind went blank and my cock went as stiffer than it ever has in my life. As I stood dumbfounded Lisa walked over to our fathers night stand and reached in taking out a pill bottle and grinning at me she says we will need this little blue pill because I do not want to stop until we have tested my skills thoroughly.

With that she hands me a Viagra and glass of water and steps over to foot of bed spinning she says and just for some added help we will watch film from other night as tutorial. With that Lisa dimmed lights and turned on the projector on screen came Johnny and his Asian partner.

Lisa reached up and turned on our mothers reading light and said you might wish to see this as she slowly slipped the satin night gown over her shoulders and looked at me ,well are you planning on leaving those cloths on or are you going to get ready to fuck me proper.

I scrambled to lose my cloths and jumped on the bed as I turn I see Lisa in the wildest corset that squeezed her waist and pushed her tits with nipples showing over its top with garters, hose and crotch less panties with 5 inch red heels.

I stared and Lisa says to me Dennis is this ok for playtime? All I could say was wholly fuck Lisa you are the wildest looking dish I have ever seen in my life.

She just giggled and says even your stripper girls. No Lisa I have no idea where to start, all I know is this cannot be a dream because my cock has never been this long and hard in my wildest dreams and I now have an open invite to sample you.


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