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One Fateful Evening Ch. 01-10


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One of the women patted me on the rump, propelling me gently out of the room and leading me, dazed, down the stairs and out of my front door.

"We're coming to the office with you, so don't be afraid. You'll see, Pippa, everything will be fine. You look great as a businesswoman, really great!"

Master Jerry was waiting in front of the house; he'd been in on the whole thing, and was going to drive us to my workplace. I was terrified, as only now would I find out if I would really be able to pull this off, being introduced to my staff as a woman!

In her role as the MD's secretary, Tracy met us by the door and showed me to my office. I was, of course, supposed to be seeing the premises for the first time and, wouldn't know where anything was, or who anyone was!

Hoping to relax for a while and gather my wits, I followed her into my workspace, but I had another shock waiting for me there!

A journalist from our local newspaper was there with her photographer, sitting at my desk, waiting to interview me.

She wanting my take on how '…being a woman in charge will change the way things are run in this company.'

Mistress Lisa ushered me into my en-suite bathroom as Tracy chatted to the reporter, giving me a few minutes to recover my senses.

I heard Lisa's voice, calming me down and prepping me for what was to come.

"We decided that the best way for you to adapt to your new feminine persona, was to be thrown in at the deep end, so we arranged that Tracy would try to muster up some 'public interest' in Pippa's take-over of the company. This is the first of three 'media' interviews that you will be giving and, it's probably the easiest one for you."

My nerves were still as tight as a bowstring, but my body had stopped shaking and, I felt that I was capable of speaking now, without my voice trembling too much.

I was very pleased that the assistants in the 'Transformation' shop, had spent a little time teaching me to feminise my voice and, that they had given me some inkling as to a woman's deportment.

"The interview that you are about to give is to a reporter from the local newspaper. She will probably spend no more than fifteen to twenty minutes with you, followed by a few well-posed photos being taken. Use this as a practice session and, as long as you don't give yourself away as a man, everything will be just fine."

I knew that I'd been forbidden to answer back, or to ask questions of my Mistress' whilst they were speaking; this was the case, unless I was given express permission to do so, or had been asked a direct question, but I couldn't help myself:

"Mistress, you say that there are two more interviews to come, please tell me what to expect…"

"Don't be quite so obsequious girl! You'll be told when we feel you ought to know. Now, let's get back in there, the reporter will be wondering what the fuss is about!"

"No, please, I can't do this!"

Mistress Lisa grabbed my arm, pulling me over her lap, as she sat on the toilet seat. She gave my rump six hard slaps before letting me stand again.

"Any more of that, and I'll invite the reporter in to watch me spank you! Now, get out there!"

Pulling down the hem of my dress and smoothing it out carefully, I opened the door and entered my office.

The interview passed without incident and, I was almost certain that the reporter had been fooled by my female persona.

The photographer asked me to pose for about a dozen pictures, which I did quite brazenly, making the shots as businesslike as possible, whilst still giving them a slightly sensuous look and a distinctly seductive feel.

As the photographer put away his equipment and prepared to leave, my eyes were drawn to his crotch. I was pleased to notice that his cock was straining through his jeans. I giggled, realising that it was I that had turned him on, and that had caused his rampant erection to show through his clothing.

"Well done, Pippa. You were very good; I have no doubt that the reporter, and her horny young photographer, were well and truly taken in." My wife and Mistress gently kissed my cheek as she told me this.

Mistress Lisa added quickly:

"Yes, and I noticed that you'd clocked his thick dick, as it strained against the fabric of his Levi's; you'd obviously made him want a little extra, had the opportunity arisen!"

Mistress Jackie smiled broadly and, turning to my secretary/PA, Mistress Tracy, she asked her:

"Tracy, I think that Pippa is ready for the next stage; would you ask all the department managers to meet us in the boardroom, in ten minutes. It's time that they got to know their new 'Boss-Lady'."

Nodding her head in concurrence, she opened the door, and disappeared into the main reception.

"Ten minutes it is!"

My wife took me by the hand and, leaning close to my ear, she whispered to me:

"Darling, you are making me so happy, I love you more with each test that you pass for my friends and I. The more I see of you as a woman, the more I think that you should remain so. I love you, Pippa!"

My mind was reeling, my future looked set and, my deep longing to be exactly the person that my wife desired weighed in heavier than any other considerations. This whole situation, I thought silently, was something that I'd brought upon myself; I wouldn't be in this situation, had I not been foolish enough to bet against two very clever women.

I'd underestimated my wife, and her friends, and I was now paying the price for my foolhardiness.

"Mistress Helen, I can't say that your choice of lifestyle has not overwhelmed me, but if this truly makes you so happy, I am your willing subject; treat me as you will, I wish only to serve you."

As I finished my remark, I heard my secretary, as she returned to our group:

"Everybody who is anybody is waiting in the Board room; each of them is wanting desperately to meet their new boss-lady and CEO. I think that now would be the perfect moment for Pippa's grand entrance."

As Tracy opened the office door, Mistress Lisa stood behind me, stopping any retreat that I might have been considering, whilst my wife and her friend Lisa stood either side of me, escorting me through the building towards the Boardroom, and my waiting staff.

Fear gripped my entire being, as I was ushered to the head of the long mahogany table; seated all around it were my senior staff, department heads and managers. I noticed a few of the younger men in the group leer at me, as they whispered to each other:

"Wow! She's a corker!"

"Oh, yeah! Have you seen the legs on her?"

"I sure have… I'd love to bury my face at the top of them!"

"She's got superb tits… I bet you could die happy, if you suffocated in between those!"

I called for silence, addressing them all in my sexiest voice.

"My brother has been taken seriously ill and, he will be away for the foreseeable future. He has asked me to step in to his shoes, running this company in his absence. I'm sure that I can count on your support, and will be meeting with each of you individually, to discuss my plans and my goals. If you have any questions, please address them to Tracy, my PA, who will brief me at her earliest opportunity. I would like to thank you for meeting with me so quickly. You may return to your duties now."

I rose quickly and returned to my main office, my legs trembling, as I felt the adrenaline pumping through my body.

My Mistress' followed closely behind me, making sure that no one could catch me for a 'private' word.

I sat heavily in my thick, leather office chair and, I felt my whole body tremble, as I realised that I had fooled my staff.

Nobody had questioned my gender, or even questioned how closely Pippa resembled their original boss, Philip.

The women were feeling high with our success and, my wife looked happiest of all:

"Pippa, now I'm sure that we can pull this off; from now on, Philip no longer exists, we'll continue with your transformation, until Pippa has completely taken over your life. I love you, my husband… or should I say, my soon to be wife!"

I felt a shiver run along my spine, as I wondered how far she intended to take this whole affair.

I didn't have long to wait before I found out her plans.

Standing all around me, the four women began to plan my future, speaking aloud, so that I was able to hear their every word.

"First of all, I think that we should find out more about female hormone therapy, and maybe breast implant surgery."

"I agree with you Helen. I believe that there are 'private institutions' that would be worth researching as well, where submissive men can be trained to speak, walk and act in a more feminine manner."

"Good thinking, Jackie. Now, what else must we consider?"

"Well, the ultimate step, of course, will be full gender reassignment. It's surgery that will remove Pippa's male sexual organs, and will replace them with a near to perfect vagina. The clinics also offer plastic surgery, to make the jaw line more feminine, and to change the figure, making it look womanly; you know, giving Pippa that hour glass figure, maybe a 38C-24-36?"

I was enthralled by this twist of fate, it seemed almost definite that my future would be led as a woman. In fact, it was almost certain that my wife intended me to go all the way, surgically transformed from Philip to Pippa, permanently and without the possibility of reversal!

The women decided that we should celebrate together and, we headed out to a 'five star' restaurant; situated in the main high street, near to my office.

We were all dressed in a very businesslike manner and, we fit in perfectly as a group of high-powered people, meeting for a 'business' lunch.

I was given the task of approaching the headwaiter, and of booking our table for five. I felt nervous, not yet fully confident in my new role and gender.

The Maitre D' however, didn't bat an eyelid, as I spoke to him, asking for the five of us to be seated. He showed us to a window seat, right at the front of the restaurant, which looked out onto the busy street outside.

The meal was excellent, and I found myself relaxing into my role, as I consumed cocktail after cocktail.

Without realising it, my Mistress' had been getting me very tipsy, as they constantly plied me with a variety of pretty looking cocktails.

Although I was not drunk, to the point of falling over or being sick, I was definitely less able to think straight, or realise what I was doing.

I paid the bill, using the company credit card, and we rose to leave. I stumbled once, as I remembered that I was wearing my 3" heels, but was soon giggling my way back down the street toward the office.

As soon as we arrived, Mistress Tracy shuffled me through the reception area and into my big office. My other Mistress', Helen, Lisa and Jackie, followed me in, locking the door behind them.

Pippa's Story. Part 10.
The Game. New Recruits.

Unknown to me, Master Jerry had been waiting for us to return. Though he was seemingly alone, he had a big surprise in store for me.

He opened the door to my small side office and, he signalled for someone to join us.

I was completely speechless.

I watched, stunned and shocked, as a lesbian couple that I'd known many years ago appeared in front of my eyes.

Both women were named Tina. These were women that I had worked with during my visit to Central America. Both of them considered me to be arrogant and chauvinistic. Each of them, had long harboured the wish to humble and humiliate me.

I had once made the mistake of hiding a video camera in their bedroom, and had shown the resulting movie to a group of my 'macho' male friends. The ensuing 'Stag' night had been raucous, but the guys hadn't been careful enough to hide the fact that they'd seen the girls 'at it', and I'd been caught out as the villainous 'movie-maker'.

I'd managed to convince the girls not to press charges, and had avoided any criminal action or prison time, but the two 'Tina's' still hated my guts for the humiliation that I'd caused them.

My wife had contacted them, as soon as she'd realised how compliant I'd become, and had used my 'company' credit card to pay for them to come over for a little 'holiday'.

She had found out about my nasty trick, when one of my friends had drunk too much, during one of my 'Poker' nights at home; he'd blabbed all about it to Helen, laughing and grinning as he found it so funny.

Helen had found Tina's number in my old address book and, 'Voila!' here they stood before me.

Fully feminised as I was, my face turned a bright scarlet, as I blushed profusely. Mistress Helen, my loving wife and now dominant partner, turned to me and said:

"Pippa, you remember Tina and Tina, don't you?"

"Yes Mistress, I know them well."

"Good, I've invited them to stay with us for the next week. They will be here on holiday, staying with us in our home. Because of what you did to them when you were working together, I have decided to loan you to them for the duration of their stay. You will obey their every command, or you will suffer the consequences. I will punish you thoroughly if you displease them, in any way. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Mistress, I do."

Mistress Jackie attached a leather leash to the ring on my collar, and then handed it to Tina:

"Pippa is now yours to command. You may use her as you see fit. You can take her out in public if you wish, and you may do anything you wish to her, even with people watching. Presumably it will please you to be able to humiliate her, so as to get your own back on her for what she did to you. Please feel free to do so."

Mistress' Lisa and Tracy decided to add some comments of their own.

"It might be amusing for you to parade her around when you go to any 'Lesbian Only' venues." Lisa smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure she'd attract quite a few comments, if you were to spank her in public there." Tracy grinned broadly.

Mistress Tracy looked at both the Tina's faces and added, slyly.

"Lisa and I have been toying with the idea of taking Pippa to the local 'dogging' area. We thought that some of the guys, or even some of the couples there, might find her enticing enough to play with."

Mistress Lisa added a suggestion:

"I've been thinking about a way to make Pippa available to some of the local gay 'rough trade', with only herself ever being seen. We could even videotape it for later viewing."

"How do you propose we do that Lisa?" Helen asked.

"Well, you know the woods at the viewpoint near Greenford?"


"It's a well known 'Cottaging' area for guys to meet."

"Yes, but how does that help?" Jerry asked.

"I was thinking of dressing Pippa in her most sluttish apparel, with a micro-mini skirt, but no panties, and leading her into one of the darker and less used pathways in the woods."

"You've got our attention…" Helen said, smiling knowingly.

"I was hoping that Jackie and Jerry would loan us a little of their equipment for a few hours…" Lisa continued, looking questioningly at the couple.

"Of course we will Lisa, anything you want to borrow is fine with us."

"Good," continued Lisa, "I'll need your hook and chain wrist cuffs, your ankle spreader bar with ankle cuffs, and the nipple clamps and connecting chain."

"I'm beginning to like the sound of this Lisa." Helen announced, obviously aroused by the idea.

"Great!" Lisa paused a moment, to think of anything she might have forgotten.

"Helen, if I'm not mistaken, Pippa's company has a P.R. department - and they have a digital video system that can be rigged to a Laptop, which in turn, can both record and transmit a live signal. That is so, isn't it?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, I've used it at some of our outdoor events." Helen replied.

"Tracy, you know how to set up a basic website, don't you? One that won't be traced back to the company?"

"Yes Lisa."

"Can you do it by tonight?"

"Yes, I think so, if it's just a Webcam transmission."

"Good, will you start on that straight away? The sooner it's up and running, the better."

"No problem." Tracy said, as she moved over to the PC and began working.

"Jackie, Jerry, would you go and fetch the items that asked for earlier. Bring them here as soon as possible." Lisa requested.

"Yes, of course," came the reply, as they made their way home to pick up the gear.

"Helen, you presumably have access to Pippa's office; could you fetch the laptop, video camera and accessories?"

"Straight away, Lisa."

Turning to the two new arrivals, Lisa spoke with calm assurance:

"Ladies, I must be able to distinguish between you, so if you don't mind, I'll call the shortest of you Tiny. Is that OK?"

The smaller of the two women answered Lisa:

"No problem, Lisa. It used to be my nickname at school, as a matter of fact, so I'm quite used to it."

"That's settled then." Lisa smiled happily.

The plan was well under way, and I still had no real idea of what Mistress Lisa had in store for me. All I knew was that something major, and quite complex, was going to be my fate later this evening.

Lisa, Tina and Tiny huddled together and whispered to each other for a long time. They remained out of earshot, but I could tell that they were finalising tonight's plan if action.

Mistress Lisa called everyone on their mobile phones, explaining where to meet up. It was decided that we'd all go to Jackie and Jerry's house, thus making it easier to change Pippa from business woman to full-on slut.

As soon as we arrived, I was sent to Mistress Jackie's room, and told to strip naked and remove my 'Office' make-up.

I did exactly as I'd been told, without even batting an eyelid; the fight in me was completely gone and, I now knew that I was totally submissive to the groups wishes.

Being naked and without make-up actually felt strange to me now, and I longed for my feminisation to begin. I didn't have long to wait!

Tiny and Tina entered the room, instructing me immediately that I was only to speak if spoken to. They told me that they were to be addressed only as 'Mistress', and that I was never to use their names.

Nodding my head in acquiescence, I lowered my head so as not to see their eyes. They both had grins on their faces from ear to ear.

"Before you dress, you will bend and touch your toes. We are going to spank your butt, a dozen strokes each. If you make a sound - any sound, you will get more strokes."

Embarrassed beyond belief, I immediately took up my pose, showing my naked arse to them, with my cock and balls hanging between my legs, shrivelled and small as it was.

The smacks began, Tiny being the first to tan my cheeks. I felt like howling, as she was laying them hard and fast, but I managed to stay silent for all twelve of the palm slaps that I received.

Tina decided that for her slaps, I should be wearing hold up stockings and 5" heels. I promptly put the garments on, and resumed my pose.

Unfortunately for me, the feel of the nylon on my legs began to excite me, and I was shocked to feel my dick beginning to stiffen.

Tiny noticed and giggling loudly, she told Tina what was happening between my legs. Tina laughed aloud and told me to stand straight, while she took some photos of me in this state.

"Something to show our friends back home," she tittered loudly.

The photos taken, I was told to resume my position, as the next dozen slaps were due!

Tina knew that it would be difficult for me to remain in place whilst I had on my 5" heels, and she deliberately told me to lean further forward.

"Remember, no sound and this time, if you move out of position, we'll start over and give you a fresh dozen. In fact, each time we have to start again, the strokes will get harder, as I'll use something harder to hit you with."

Tiny added quickly that she'd look around the room for any useful implements.


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