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One More Time Ch. 10

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Brad faces his biggest test of all.
8.1k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 08/09/2013
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Brad faces his biggest test of all


The first couple of weeks at the bank were packed with learning as much as possible and settling into a routine with the new job and summer courses at school. My mornings were filled with classes, my afternoons were owned by the bank, and almost every evening was spent with one assignment or another to deal with.

The first weekend I begged off from the expected regular appearance at Derek and Lacy's by claiming too much studying to do. While that was partially true, it was also the test run for putting a little space between him and I too. A small guilt trip from Derek of "Dude, I haven't seen you all week. Surely you can break away for a few hours," wasn't successful at getting me to change my mind. A similar ploy succeeded the following weekend, but only because I promised Lacy faithfully that I would be there the next Wednesday.

By the time I was starting that third week of no real contact with Derek or Jeremy, I was seeing one or the other in my brain at least once every waking hour. Plus, my subconscious had been continually injecting both of them into remembered dreams that caused me to find rock hard morning wood daily. Even though I had spent immeasurable hours thinking about what to do, I still whacked off each morning with them both alternating behind my closed eye lids. It was quite clear that I was having withdrawal pains for both and was no closer to figuring out what the hell I was going to do than the morning Jeremy left me the note.

I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work on Tuesday, and as destiny would have it, both of them were working. Derek caught me first in the dairy section and gave me a bear hug while reminding me that if I didn't show up for dinner the next night, Lacy would do more than just show me her collection of whips. I laughed and confirmed that short of being taken hostage in a bank robbery, that I would be there as demanded.

The bone I had popped when Derek hugged me had thankfully shriveled because the next aisle I trotted down found Jeremy busy stocking shelves. He too hugged me and my erection instantly returned. We made some generic small talk as if we were both afraid to ask how things were going with the other. "I'm having dinner at Derek's tomorrow night," I finally uttered as if it was a confession.

"As well you should, Brad," he stated. "He whined to me here over the weekend that it seemed like you had disappeared since your last day. Don't avoid won't help you sort things out."

I shrugged and looked at Jeremy. "Maybe so but I thought maybe being away from both of you would help me get my shit together."

"Your shit is together,'s just that there are more bags of it than you realized." The look he gave me was one of near wisdom as he added "You aren't ever going to get it shoveled either, if you pretend it isn't there."

That line made me laugh and I thanked him for being so understanding of what I was going through. "I'll call you next week," was my concluding comment as I left him to his work and headed for the checkout.

I unashamedly squeezed my crotch the whole drive home, trying to figure out why both of them affected me the way they did. It was more than just physical, but with each it was emotionally different somehow also. Each one of them stimulated me in various ways and I knew I was making myself crazy trying to make sense of it. Just thinking about either one set me off. I was like stone by the time I walked up the stairs to my apartment. I dumped my purchases on the kitchen counter and went straight to the bedroom to change out of my dress clothes. I was still fully hard by the time I had stripped down to just my boxers, and decided to flop on the bed and jack off in hopes it would short-circuit my brain for a while so I could study. All that little exercise in futility did was to make me fantasize sucking Derek off while Jeremy drilled my ass.

* * * * *

It turned out that dinner Wednesday night had a hidden agenda. Lacy was going to be going down to West Virginia with her mother for the weekend to attend a baby shower for her cousin and make some family visits while there. "You know I barely trust this little sex maniac when he is at work...I need to know you are babysitting him and keeping him on the straight and narrow while I am gone, Brad," was the plea she made.

"Yeah we can grab dinner out and then come back here, drink some beer, and play Nintendo like the good old days before the ball-and-chain got me," was the sardonic line Derek used. "It will be fun, buddy." His smile was so tempting and so convincing.

My initial reaction was to find any way possible to say no, and I attempted the 'have to study' ruse again. It only took a few pleas from both to get me to cave quickly. I would later admit to myself that I liked the idea of a evening alone with Derek. Whether it was a good idea or not could be decided later. Claiming I had three chapters to read for a morning class yet that night, I managed to escape early and avoid any chance of the 'gotta see the new porno' inducements. It wasn't until I was on the short drive around the lake that I realized I had just agreed to the same type of date with Derek we had so often had back in high school.

I had been tempted to call Jeremy and tell him what was up, but finally decided I had to deal with this on my own. After all, it's not as if Derek and I were going dining, dancing, and then to a one of the local hot-sheet motels. He had been married for coming up on two years and my overactive imagination was inventing shit I concluded with a snicker to myself. I was so busy the next day and a half that I didn't even think about it as much more than an appointment with a friend.

* * * * *

I was at Derek's by 6pm and we drove into town in the infamous Camaro. What I had assumed was going to be 'dinner out' as hitting the McDonald's drive thru or maybe the Friday night buffet at Friendly's, turned out to be a classy meal at a local landmark called 'Pufferbelly.' It was a fairly upscale restaurant in a well renovated 100 year old railroad depot full of iron horse memorabilia. It was also one that was usually filled on any Friday night, mainly with couples, but we got a small table off to the back quite quickly. "My treat," was the answer Derek gave after I whispered that appetizers alone were above my budget when I looked over the menu. Knowing it had always been useless to argue with him, I sighed silently and decided I would try their renown baked lasagna. Derek ordered surf-n-turf and an overpriced drink for each of us. "The margaritas are killer here. You gotta have one," he used to convince me. By the time we were done an hour later and sharing a dessert plate and a having a second drink, I was stuffed and feeling good.

"So...on to phase two buddy," was the direction he gave me as we headed to the parking lot. "I haven't kicked your ass good at Mario for weeks," came with a guffaw and fist punch to the shoulder. It felt enjoyable to have the 'Derek and Brad Show' on the road again, even if it were for only this one night.

When we got back to the apartment, he headed for the bedroom. "Be right back...I'm getting into some shorts. If you want a pair too, just say so." I didn't answer him, but did kick off my sneaks while pulling the game console from its shelf. When Derek came back into the living room, I instantly saw that his idea of 'getting into some shorts' meant a pair of very tight and very skimpy, nylon running shorts...and nothing else. I knew at that moment, that this night was most likely not going to end well.

* * * * *

As I looked at my nearly naked friend, I tried to deny to myself that seeing him like that brought back many memories. I also tried to convince myself that the out of the blue hard on in my jeans wasn't really there. "Get yourself under control," I silently ordered myself, but even with that warning, I couldn't help but watch him intently as he walked to the kitchen. His shorts rode up his ass cheeks as he walked and it was apparent that he was commando in them too. "You have no idea what you are doing to me, Derek," zinged through my mind and I pushed down on the bulge that was becoming far too pronounced.

When he came back, he handed me one of the two beers he carried and then flopped down next to me on the floor. "You are always easier with a slight buzz on," he teased as he grabbed one of the game controllers. He leaned into me with a shoulder bump and added "Ready to try to come out on top for once?"

I knew he had no idea at all of the innuendos that came with his cracks. Without thinking, I added one. "Give it your best shot and let's see who gets lucky tonight, stud," popped out before I could stop the words.

Derek laughed and pushed the second controller to me. "We will see won't we," came with a wink I didn't totally understand. Three beers and an hour later, he had beaten me handily as usual, and shut off the console. "Now for a more interesting portion of tonight's entertainment buddy. Got a new porn for you to see."

I really wasn't up for watching smut, but had enough alcohol in me that I didn't want to drive. "If I must," I said with heavy sarcasm and a laugh.

Derek started the DVD player and killed the lamp on the end table. As the picture filled the screen, he settled back down next to me on the floor with our backs against the couch front. Just like I expected, the first two scenes were hot and heavy straight sex and I went along with his occasional added direction to 'check out those tits' or comments like 'man can she suck cock.' As the next scene set up, Derek looked at me as he rose. "One more beer." It was more of a ruling than a question. Just as I was about to tell him no more for me, the scene got interesting and he was in the kitchen before I could decline. When he came back with them, my eyes were glued to the TV watching two well built naked guys helping a buxom blond out of her clothes. She had just taken one of them in her mouth when Derek bumped my shoulder. "This gets a little different. Hope you don't mind," was all he said as the second guy worked his full rod into her mouth also.

The double blow job continued for a moment or two and then I realized what Derek had meant as one guy pulled out and dropped to his knees beside the chick and began helping her service the other. I took a sideways glance at Derek with my eyes and saw that his were fixed on the movie. I also caught his hand disappear up inside the leg opening of his shorts. The massive lump in them couldn't be missed either. I returned my gaze to the screen and shifted the bulge in my jeans best I could without being obvious just as the guys went into a sixty-nine position with each other. Another quick glance at Derek found him still focused and rubbing himself inside his shorts. I didn't know what to do...just ignore the shameless playing with himself, go to the bathroom and whack off, unzip and stroke myself right there, or head for the front door and walk home! Thankfully the plot changed and the two guys stopped sucking each other and repositioned the blond so one could take her mouth while the other plowed her pussy. During the final few minutes of the scene, they concentrated mostly on her, but also were running their hands over each other's chests. I damn near blew my load in my pants when they leaned in to kiss as they both came. As the screen faded to the next scene, Derek only offered "Last part, buddy." I swear his voice had an air of breathlessness to it.

The last scene was totally straight which meant I had calmed down a lot as it neared the end. From the way Derek was squirming around, he had a bone that was ready to rip out the seams of his shorts. I snickered to myself and watched as intently as I could to the final cum shot across the face of a well stacked red head. As soon as the final moans and groans and sperm dribbles were over, Derek used the remote to kill the player. "Fucking hot flick wasn't it?" came through the darkness of the room.

"Yeah it was, Derek," I said with just enough enthusiasm to pacify his question. "I just shouldn't have had that last beer though. I sure can't drive."

"So spend the night, Brad," was the solution he offered. "Don't need to take any chances and I am in no condition to drive you home either." He raised up to his feet, spread a grin across his face, stuck out his hand, and asked "Need a boost up, ya drunkie?" "Fuck you," I joking said as I rolled to my side and pushed up to my knees. "I think I can make it on my own but thanks." Using the couch for leverage, I managed to finally stand. On the way up though, I noticed that the swelling in his clingy shorts was still there and quite large.

Once I had gotten fully to my feet, Derek circled his arm around my waist and said, "Come on Brad, you need to sleep this one off." I was expecting to plant myself on the couch like any other night I stayed over, but I didn't even question or try to resist as he guided us both towards the entrance to the bedroom. Even though I needed sleep, what I needed more was about three minutes in the bathroom with my right hand first, but that didn't happen as he pulled me into the room I had last been in more than a year and half before. For a fleeting moment, my brain tried to tell me this wasn't a good idea, but I ignored the warning and began to undress as I watched Derek strip completely down and crawl into bed nude and with a bone that couldn't be missed. I peeled my polo over my head and my pushed my jeans off, but left my boxers on as I tumbled in beside him.

"Just like old times, eh buddy?" came from his side of the bed as he shifted around to get comfortable.

"Uh huh," was all I dare let leak out, even though I was thinking the addition of "Except you are totally naked already, hard as hell, and married," would be appropriate. I bit my tongue instead.

We were both laying on our backs staring at the ceiling when I felt his lower leg brush up against mine. For the first time ever, I pulled it away from the contact he had made. As horny as I was also, and as much as I wanted him, I just couldn't bring myself to respond like I had in the past. I remained silent in hopes that both of us would simply fall asleep quickly. Only one noise finally interrupted the stillness in the room, and at first I was sure I was dreaming it. My ears went to full attention as I heard it again, and there was no doubt this time. It was that ridiculous pube scratching code! No fucking way! I peeped through the slits of my eyes and caught sight of Derek's hand playing in his man bush and his head turned just enough towards me to be looking at my own hard on. As the volume of sound of his fingernails scraping in the thick curly hair increased, my hand unconsciously went to my shaft. I squeezed it hard and begged it to shrivel, but it ignored me and instead spit out a huge trickle of pre. I let loose of myself, dropped my hands to my sides, and pinched my eye lids shut. I desperately tried to think of anything and everything that would turn me off and deflate my cock so that I would ceased being tempted. Before my brain had a chance to succeed in the quest, it heard words it didn't need to...words that were far too familiar to me.

"You are hard as hell too, buddy," wafted into my ears followed instantly by Derek's palm firmly rubbing my shaft. I somehow stifled the moan that tried to escape my throat and managed to not shove my hips up into the grasp he had now taken on me. "We both need to get off, Brad," came at the same time he moved closer and took a hesitant stroke on me through the cotton boxers.

Just as my body was on the verge of full surrender, my last two functioning brain cells bumped together. I rolled up on my side, propped my head on my palm, and with Derek still tugging slowly at my rod, words burst out that took both of us by surprise. "What the fuck do you expect of me, Derek? What the hell do want from me tonight?"

His hand motion stopped, but he kept the grip on me and squeezed as he began to stammer. "I just know...just thought that maybe...maybe that we could...well...maybe just one more time, Brad." He gave me a smile with the words and resumed his seduction by cupping my balls. "You want it as bad as I do, don't you?"

I reached down and pushed his hand away from my nuts and pulled back enough that our bodies were no longer touching. My eyes had to have been blazing as I screeched out "Hell yes I want it Derek! I want it and a whole lot more! But fuck many 'one more times' am I expected to go through with you?"

The look he gave me said he was completely perplexed. He reached out to fondle one of my nipples and softly asked, "What do you mean, Brad? You don't mess around anymore or something? You always liked to."

I let out a frustrated sigh, pulled his fingers from my nub, and placed his hand on his stomach. I was still hard as an old oak tree, but any erotic thoughts were rapidly fading. "It isn't just fucking 'messing around' when we are as old as we are and sucking each other off, Derek. 'Messing around' is what kids do in junior high or at scout camp!" The attitude in my voice was still harsh.

Derek took on his own shrill tone. "What in the hell has you so fucking wound tight, Brad? Holy shit, man! I only wanted to get off together like we always used to do." Even as upset as he was getting, his left hand had gone to his cock and was leisurely pulling on it as if he couldn't control the motions...or as if they possibly would sway my mind.

I squirmed up into a half sitting position and let my eyes drill into his. "I'm 'wound tight' as you put it, because I really don't know what the hell is going through your mind. Do you think I can just willingly be your available, nasty little down-low fling anytime you want to play on the dark side or what?" Without letting him answer, I added to my ranting with, "I need more than just a cock to suck, Derek. A whole lot more, dammit! 'One more time' my fucking ass! What were all those times while you were engaged? What the hell was the night of the bachelor party and the night before the wedding? When does 'one more time' end, Derek?"

Derek had finally quit playing with himself and my own boner had shrunk. He crossed his arms and gave me an attitude with his eyes. "Just forget it, Brad. Just pretend this never happened. Pretend nothing ever happened before, too."

I laughed out loud. "Derek, that's always been your way of dealing with this...being all into it and then pretending nothing ever happened. I understood that the first few times, but the longer things went on, the more crazy it made me. You have always been in denial about us."

"I said forget it, Brad." He rolled to his side and hugged his pillow tightly. "Just go to sleep."

Instead I crawled out of bed and began to get dressed. Once I was done, I leaned over the bed and rolled him onto his back again. Our eyes were locked on each other as I spoke softly. "Derek, you want to know what my problem is? Deal with it or not, but I fell in love with you and you treated what we had as just a way to get off. I wouldn't have thought much about it, but as time went on, you were as into the blow jobs as much as I was."

"I don't want to talk about this."

"So just listen," I ordered. "Whether you want to face facts or not, were almost as addicted to sucking my cock as I was yours. You just wouldn't let it go any further like I wanted so much. Any move I attempted was blocked and I finally stopped trying."

"What do you mean 'go further'?"

I swallowed the laugh I wanted to let out and looked seriously at him. "I wanted you to take my virginity like you had so many chicks in high you took Lacy's on the honeymoon. I wanted you to not only fuck me, but to make love to me, Derek. I just couldn't ever tell you for fear it would change things with us."

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