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One Night Together

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Two people finally together for one night.
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He lay next to me under the covers. His hand rest around my stomach. I'm pretty sure he could feel my nerves. I was so scared I can't believe I was doing it. I lie away from him but close enough to feel his breath on the back of my neck.

He started kissing my neck and moving my hair aside. It comforted me but I still felt guilty. I turned my body and lay on my back. I turned my head to collide with his soft lips. It was sweet and wet. He started to kiss down my cheek to the side of my neck. I couldn't help but gasp at the tingles that ran threw me.

I felt his hand move from my stomach down under my panties. I parted my legs to feel his hand between them. He started to rub me. I couldn't help but gasp in relief, it felt amazing. I haven't been touched like that in god knows how long. My head arched back as he kissed my neck. My moans turned him on, I could feel it against me. But then I felt like I couldn't do it.

"No Stop I can't." I grabbed his hand from between my legs.

"Yes you can, we both want this to happen." He looked at me with his blue eyes I started to feel weak. He started kissing my lips.

He glided his hands across my breasts. He started to massage them. I started to feel warm from the motion that made me excited. I started breathing heavy as he left my breasts and went below my stomach. He glided his figures across my clit and I couldn't help but let out a gasp.

His lips broke away from me and started down to my chest. He licked my hard awaiting nipple. It was wonderful. Slowly sucking and licking. I laid my hand on the back of his neck as he started to move down to my stomach. He twisted his body to his knees to get in front of me.

He parted my legs wit his as he kept kissing down my stomach. He pulled away my panties to place them on the floor. I was totally exposed to him. There was no going back now. He placed his face between my legs.

He smiled up at me kind of like at last. He enjoys my landing strip as he moved his fingers down it. His finger tips slide across my clit as it slid inside of me. I moaned and grabbed the sheets. He just smiled at me.

His tongue glided across my clit. He flicked his tongue and pushed inside me with his fingers. He knew what I wanted and he loved it. My hips started to wave as he went with them. I could feel it already.

He flicked his tongue faster across my clit and sucked on it. I couldn't help but shutter right before my climax. My moans got louder as the ripples started to come.

He pushed his fingers in fast and harder as his tongue had success on my climax. I grabbed the sheets and arched my back as my body became his. This was his doing and he enjoyed every second of it. Watching me moan and scream as my body twitched from his work. I laid there eyes closed as he pulled out his fingers and licked one last time to see me squirm.

He kissed up my stomach and up my chest to meet my lips. All I thought was him all I wanted was him all I wanted was this. He laid one hand under my back and lifted up against the stack of pillows. He never left my lips as he put the other hand under my neck.

I continued to moan as we kissed, I wanted him but he was teasing me. I tried to reach for his dick to rub it but he grabbed my hand and held it against the bed. Our fingers together just like our bodies. He paused to kiss me for a few minutes. He was so sweet so good at this. God I wanted him.

He adjusted his legs and started to enter me. Oh my god it was the best feeling. He groaned as we kissed. My legs spread as I tightened. I started to breath heavy and moan louder. God it felt good. I was wet and craving his dick. He started to go harder and our lips broke but his forehead touched mine. He kept looking into my eyes. He smiled at me and I leaned into to kiss him.

He embraced my kiss and started to go faster. I waved my hips against his. I put my hands on his back and started to claw him. He arched his back and groaned. My body started to arch I was going to climax. He kissed me as he started to thrust as hard as he could. By this time I started to scream. At first it was Oh God but then it started to be his name.

He climaxed as I did and it felt amazing. My body tingled as he started to slow down. His body collapsed onto mine. He put both his hands under my head as he kissed me. Our bodies were pressed together and didn't come apart for a long time. He kissed my lips for hours and also glided on my neck. He stayed inside me until he went down.

As I laid there to go to sleep cuddled against him I had just realized. I had just cheated on my boyfriend.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Truly delightful story

~ especially erotic as "you" were screaming "his" name before you realized you were cheating on your boyfriend :) ~ hoping to read lots more of you...

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