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One Time Ch. 05b

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Debbie goes to the market.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/29/2018
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Yesterday, which was a Saturday, Debbie came out dressed in a slightly shorter skirt, (progress), and a blouse with an extra button unbuttoned, (more progress). Normally she unbuttons the top two; she had unbuttoned the top 3. And NO SCARF to conceal any hint of cleavage. (Wow, more progress).

For those of you who have not kept up on my plight, here is a little background.

Debbie, my ultra hot wife, is 31 and stands a little over 5' tall. She weighs in constantly at around 96 to 98lb.

She maintains herself by working out regularly and has a rock solid firm body to prove it. Long, firm legs, muscular calves, lead up to her firm, apple shaped ass. Her firm belly is just under her two lovely firm breasts. They are not large, but at just a little over a handful, perfect.

Her tits are topped by her most attractive assets. When excited or chilled, her nipples protrude out. Her areola's swell and topped by her firm nipples they stick out almost a full inch. They are obvious even under her bra. And unless she is wearing a heavy sweater or a thick sweatshirt, you can generally see them.

She closely resembles a young Meg Ryan. Full pouty lips, cute button nose, big eyes, same hair color.

Perhaps her nipples are why she is so incredibly shy. I don't know for sure, but I do think they contribute to my wife's shyness. She blushes easily. While this does make it easy to read her, it has caused her to adopt an extremely reserved and excessively conservative style of dress.

This is something I have been trying to get her to loosen up on. A few weeks back I was able to convince her to wear a new, snaps all the way up the front, very sexy dress I had bought her.

And as a HUGE breakthrough, I convinced her to go bra-less for the first time in our married life. She did come out with a scarf around her neck and down over her tits, but at least I knew she was bra-less.

As firm as her tits are, she really does not need a bra. If it weren't for her nipples sticking out, she might not wear one.

Anyway, she mentions to me that she is going to the market to pick up a few items. She grabs her car keys and purse and is out the door on her way.

About an hour and a half later I hear her car and step out to help her with the groceries. We carry the bags into the kitchen and sit them on the counter.

Looking as hot as she does, I step behind her and twirl her around to lay a sensuous kiss on her. I notice her hesitancy and fidgeting as I kiss her running my tongue into her open mouth.

I was utterly shocked to both catch the odor of and the taste of cum in her mouth. As we part, she is bright red, and her nipples have come alive.

"Did I forget to tell you how sexy you are and how much I love you?" I said with flair.

She stuttered and stammered as she was moving her head from side to side as if looking for an excuse to break free from my embrace.

"Err, ahh, well, ahh, I guess you forgot," she offered meekly.

"Well, I do, and you are," I repeated as I kissed her again, to confirm the odor and taste of cum.

"Now get to work!" I playfully said, as I spun her around and slapped her firm apple ass.

"Clang, Clang, Clang" my metal stairs sounded my descent to my basement home office to seriously ponder this situation.

I had discovered I was surprisingly, but extremely excited when I first witnessed my wife being sexually molested in a hot tub in Oregon.

I was so turned on by what I saw, that since then, I have orchestrated other situations that resulted in her being sexually ravaged. In fact I have two videos of those encounters that I find myself jacking off to with regularity.

However, this was different. I was concerned and worried.

The unmistakable odor and taste of cum in my wife's mouth after she returned from shopping left me completely confused.

What could have happened and where? Hell she was not gone that long.

Moreover, whatever had happened, I was NOT there to watch it. That pissed me off. I was working myself into frenzy when my cell phone rang.

I looked and saw Ted was calling. "Hmm," I thought to myself as I said "Hello Ted."

"Hey ya buddy," he cheerfully said. "You will never guess who I ran into today?"

"Listen asshole," I interrupted him, "I have a pretty good idea and this is NOT cool!" I bellowed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ted said, "Please, let me explain."

He pleadingly began, "Look, I did not plan anything. I was just as shocked to run into your wife as she was to see me. I had just ah, stopped for some gum, that's all."

He rattled off his tale rapidly. He was practically begging me to cool down. I knew the last thing he would ever want to do was disrupt the arrangement he and I had concerning my wife.

Finally, I calmed down and told him I wanted a full and complete description of what had taken place.

I knew full well Ted had let his cock do the thinking and set this up on his own. Debbie is kind of like a drug, once you sample her, you begin to crave more.

The more Ted stammered and stuttered, begging me to cool down and let him explain, the more confident I grew, Ted would never pull another stunt like this.

He began, "I had just stopped by this market to grab some gum, like I said."

I laughed inwardly, "ya right, you asshole," I thought.

"As I was heading out I spotted your cute ass little wife at the checkout counter."

"Hey Debbie," I said, "Hi, fancy meeting you here," I said as I smiled at her.

"She looked a little shocked," he chuckled, "but finally said,"

"Oh ah, hi Ted, ah nice to see you." She gave me her cute little shy smile.

He continued, "She had several bags, so I offered to help her out to her car with them."

"No, really," she said, "I can get them. Nice seeing you," she added.

"Heh heh," he chuckled. "I knew she was trying to give me the brush off, but I really just wanted to help her out to her car."

I laughed inwardly again thinking, "you really wanted to cram you black cock up her asshole again!"

"I told her, No I insist, as I grabbed a few of the bags."

"She kind of sighed and with a slight grin said, "Ok, I guess."

"She had parked over by a concrete block wall at one end of the parking lot."

I know the store and I know Debbie always backs her car in to the end spot. She said she feels safer, knowing no one can sneak up behind her when she is unlocking her doors.

Ted continued his narrative, "I suddenly had an idea," he said.

"Ya, suddenly, my ass," I thought again chuckling inwardly.

He continued, "I loaded the bags into her back seat and she hurriedly got in the front seat."

"I mean shit man, it's not like I was chasing her, but she was sure in a rush to get in her car and slam her door." He laughed.

She said, "Thanks Ted," as she slammed her door.

"I quickly stepped to her window and tapped on the glass."

"The window rolled down, and before she could react," he said, "I unzipped my pants and hauled my cock out and stuck it in the window." He laughed.

"I stood upright, hips thrust firmly into the open window, with my black cock sticking out inside the car. I then just leaned across the top of her car, waiting to see what might happen."

"The way her car was parked, my ass was to a concrete cinder block wall and there were shrubs just ahead of her car. I knew the only way anyone could see what was going on would have been through the windows, or if they had walked up closer."

The windows in Debbie's car are tinted, so it is not that easy to see in the car, although you can see in. I found myself unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out as Ted continued. I was visualizing my shocked wife staring at his big black cock inside her car.

Ted continued, "So there I am, casually leaning across the top of a car, in a parking lot, as if I were waiting for my wife or something."

He laughed as he continued. "If someone had come closer, it would have looked like I was trying to fuck an open window he said with a snort."

"I don't know how long I stood there. Shit it must have been a good 5 to 10 minutes at least. Hell, I knew damn good and well your wife was looking at my black ass cock dangling inside her car window. I mean shit it had to be right in front of her pretty face."

He continued, "I could feel myself getting harder as I imagined what she was doing inside that car. The more I thought of her staring at my cock, the harder it got."

"I could feel pre-cum start to drip from my cock. I don't know where that was dripping to. I was imagining your wife catching it in her hand and lapping it up. This caused me to pre-cum even more. "

"Suddenly," he continued. "I could feel her small soft hand lightly grab my cock."

"She squeezed, as if she was urging more pre-cum to drip out."

"Then finally, I felt her warm mouth close over the head of my cock."

"Wow, I can't describe the feeling man. I was leaning over the top of a car in a grocery store parking lot in broad daylight, keeping watch, looking to make sure no one came close. My cock was in your hot wife's beautiful mouth."

"I felt her slide my cock deeper in her mouth. Then I felt her hand squeeze and she began to pump on my shaft."

"Her hand was going faster and faster. I knew she wanted to get me off as quickly as she could, so she could be on her way."

"Her mouth went farther down my black cock until I felt it press against her throat. Her hand had to be a blur on my black cock as she was clearly trying to make me cum in her mouth so she could be on her way."

"Just about then, I spotted and cute little blond walking toward us from the store."

"She was carrying one bag and getting closer. I began to worry. As she got closer it became obvious the car just beside Debbie's, was hers."

"However, Debbie had backed into her space and the cute little blond had pulled in front first. So I knew she would be getting in on the other side of her car and I was able to relax a little."

Ted continued. "Nice day, I said to the cute little blond with her hair pulled back in a pony tail. Damn, I thought, this little chick had a rockin bod too."

"Yes it is isn't it?"

"The blond responded as she looked at me with a puzzled look on her face."

"I was leaning over the top of the car drumming my fingers on the roof lightly."

"Waiting for my wife, I offered as the blond was opening her car door."

"Oh, I understand, she laughed a little as she got in her car."

"I could see her glance, and then do a double take as she looked toward your wife's car. I could see her head tilt to one side then the other as I knew she was trying to make sense out what she was seeing inside your wife's car."

"Leaning over in her seat I saw her eyes widen, as her mouth dropped open. She looked up at me as I was leaning across the top of the car, casually drumming my fingers on the roof."

"I just gave her thumbs up and a small wave. She jerked back behind the wheel of her car. She sat staring. She didn't even bother to start it. I know she was dumbfounded at what she was seeing."

"Now and then I would notice her lean over and sneak a peek at me, then duck back."

He continued. "Your wife had been pumping on my cock this entire time as her head was bobbing back and forth bouncing my cock against her throat opening on each stroke."

"I felt my cock press up once more to her throat opening and this time, the pressure increased. I mean shit man; I could feel your wife struggling to get my fat cock into her throat."

"I had helped before by grabbing the back of her head and pulling hard toward me. This time, I was leaning over her car with my cock stuck in the driver's window and she was trying to do it all herself."

"Suddenly I felt my cock pop into her throat and just after that, I felt my big black balls bounce against her cute little chin."

"I am telling you man, I was in heaven. She would pull back and I would feel my cock pop out from her throat all the way to where just the head was in her mouth, then she would lean forward and I would feel it press against her throat and pop back in, till my balls bounced again off her chin again. She was gagging and her throat was convulsing on my cock, but man, she was determined."

"The feeling of her throat muscles convulsing on my cock, as she struggled to breath, was pulling the cum to my cock. I knew I was going to unload soon."

"She picked up her pace. Again and again my balls banged off her chin. From time to time she would hold me balls deep and I could feel her throat constricting around my cock as if she were gagging."

"Finally, I started banging on the roof of her car. She pulled my cock out of her throat back to where just the head of it was in her mouth."

"I could feel her lips clench around the head of my cock. I felt her hand pumping on my shaft rapidly."

"I am telling you man," he continued, "It felt like I would never stop cumming. My black ass was clenching like a fucking jackhammer as my cum spurted into your wife's mouth."

"I was a little surprised that I could actually hear her loud gulping sounds as she swallowed my entire load. She kept the head of my cock locked tightly in her lips as she waited for me to finish pumping cum in."

"When the huge spurts had slowed, then subsided, I felt her suck my cock deep and she forced my cock back into her throat to my balls. She held it in her convulsing throat till she felt it soften and go limp. "

"She pulled her head back off my cock and I kind of staggered as I felt her release it from her mouth."

"I was completely drained, I felt myself stagger backwards as I fell back from her car. Shit, fuck man, I was dazed."

" I heard her start her car, and she drove off leaving me staggering back to the concrete wall with my fucking black cock swinging free outside my unzipped pants for anyone walking by to admire." He laughed.

"When she pulled out, there I was, leaning back against the wall with eight inches of limp wet black cock swinging between my legs. The little blond in the car next to us was staring in shock. Her eyes were the size of hub caps. Her mouth was hanging open."

"As I began to regain my senses, I smiled at the blond."

"She was leaning over in her seat, eyes wide, with her mouth hanging open in shock. I gave her a thumbs up sign. Then I grabbed my wet cock by the shaft and began swinging it back and forth kind of like signaling to her that she could be next."

"She was clearly stunned and simply stared directly at my wet cock swinging from side to side, almost like I was hypnotizing her with it." He chortled.

"I regained my footing and took a step toward her car."

"I heard her car start. Still staring in disbelief, she backed out and drove away slowly. She kept looking back at me stuffing myself in my pants, as she left."

I was holding my cock with a few paper towels clutched around the end of it that were saturated with my cum, as I listed to Ted vividly describe face fucking my wife in broad daylight at a grocery store parking lot. I reiterated to him that these "chance" meetings were to cease.

"I need to be involved or they stop happening," I emphasized.

"No man, I mean ya, I sure understand that, but this was an accident man, I did not plan anything," Ted frantically lied.

After a long pause, which I am convinced scared Ted, I said, "OK."

I added,"Let me know if you come up with any other ideas or plans." Ted, breathing easier, assured me he certainly would and hung up.

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49ers6949ers694 months ago

Not one of your best content wise, but still well written. To have Debbie's husband appear to get so angry at Ted and then start jacking off over something that to me wasn't very erotic, was a stretch to believe.

lbgjklbgjk6 months ago

Wife is really hooked now. She is going out of her way to meet Ted for suck sessions. Wish I could feel her mouth wrapped around my cock and as she sucks it into her throat, DAMN I love that feeling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
She’s there

You wanted to see how far your wife would go and she there. She’s Found out she loves to suck blackdick and black guys that are forward enough will be treated to a sexy little white slut sucking them while she cums from being forced to sallow. You can imagine her being taken to parties where she’s the only white girl their and she sucks all the blackmen there while the others watch. She’ll love having her tits and nipples abused as she’s used. Very hot that she addicted now.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowalmost 6 years ago
"cheating" yum yum

This chapter had what looked like a pre mediated 'cheat session' that husband accidently discovered. I enjoyed that husband was upset, make the wife sex even hotter IMO.

Just a violation of her body is, well awesome, as a starting level

Having her meet up and 'cheat' is a violation of her heart and soul.

I enjoyed husbands anger but don't want it too spin into a BTB story.

Don't want it to fade into a 3rd person omniscient narrative either.

Conundrum ; for husband to find out / maintain first person view

but also have lots of cheating sex.

would like to see wife descend into acts of depravity, roped into carnal pit by her lust.

but I'm a dark bastard for sure :)

really enjoyed

thanks for writing and posting

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