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One Way To Spice Up A Marriage Pt. 04

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Another lost bet and Jenn takes control.
7.8k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2015
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Monday started a new week at work. I started my morning by checking my e-mails. There was one there from my boss. She wanted to see me sometime this morning. I was still trying to recover from the party but I managed to finish checking my mail and install some updates to our new security program before heading upstairs to see her. I wasn't looking forward to facing her after everything that had happened at the party. I walked into the reception area and asked Ms. Adams if the boss was available. Ms. Adams told me Mrs. Ballmaster was on the phone but would be out in a few moments. I took a seat and waited.

Joyce Adams was Ethel's 20ish year old administrative assistant. She was drop dead gorgeous and knew it. As usual, today she wore a thigh length dress that showed enough leg to excite a priest and enough cleavage to wake the dead. More than one guy in the office had approached her but none had been able to get in her panties. Some actually suspected she was a lesbian. If she was, it was a loss for the entire male population.

She got up to get a cup of coffee and asked me if I wanted any. I tried to avoid staring at her as she walked across the room but her high heels clicking with each step just seemed to draw attention to her and her sculpted body. I was still staring as she bent over slightly to pour her drink. She must have known I was staring because she gave me a mischievous smile as she turned to return to her desk.

I couldn't believe an erection was building and my pants were beginning to tent. Twenty-four hours earlier it was dead to the world. After the workout it got during the party and the sex marathon with my wife that followed, I didn't think it would be capable of anything more than peeing for the next week. As Joyce passed my chair I had to avert my gauze having been caught red handed staring at her fantastic body.

Ethel finally came out to greet me. The dress she was wearing did little to alleviate my problem. Although she would be considered a plus sized woman by most, she was attractive for her age.

Today she was wearing a thigh length black leather dress that enhanced all of her curves. The dress helped to slim her appearance and make her look quite attractive. The high heels she wore reminded me of the foot worship I had to perform at the party. I didn't know why high heels made a woman look more attractive, but they did.

My mind was also replaying the events of the first party when she had me eat her pussy in front of a room full of women. The thought made my cock stiffen further. My pants were now fully tented but I couldn't adjust myself without drawing unwanted attention to the area. When I stood, both woman took a moment to appreciate my problem. I followed Ethel into her office and heard a little snicker from Joyce as I passed.

We talked business for about 30 minutes. Ethel asked about the new security system that I had been working on and seemed pleased with the progress I had made.

I was sitting on the couch in her office. She came over and sat next to me. She showed me some plans she had for expanding the company and wanted to know how the plans would affect our current computer network.

As she sat next to me I smelled her perfume which again reminded me of how she tasted. She seemed amused at my fidgeting as I tried to discreetly adjust my package. I noticed her glancing over and not so discreetly staring at it.

She was asking my opinion about something when she casually put her hand on my lap and started to massage my inner thigh. My face turned red in a matter of seconds. It was hard to concentrate on what she was saying as my arousal continued to distract me.

"So how did you like the party?" Ethel asked as she abruptly changed the topic of conversation.

"" I stuttered as Ethel smiled at my discomfort.

"I really enjoyed both of them," She said. "You're a born submissive. You have a very talented mouth and I loved the sight of your ass as I turned it red. I'm really looking forward to a repeat performance at some point. Maybe I'll invite you and Jennifer over to meet some of my friends. Would you like that?"

I continued to stutter, not knowing how to react to her sexual advances. Having her fondle me at the party was one thing, but here in the office was something entirely different. I was faithful to my wife and didn't know how to deal with this situation. Was this how women feel when their boss sexually harasses them. I was embarrassed; but also aroused.

"I really liked the way you addressed me at the party." She continued. "I think Ms. Ethel or Ma'am is appropriate for when we're in public, but I prefer Mistress Ethel in private."

"Yes ma'am" I replied as she continued to stare. "I mean yes Mistress Ethel."

"Good boy. Now tell me, how's your little game progressing?" She asked. "I think it is so cute. In fact, I made up a little game of my own. Want to hear about it?"

"Yes Mistress Ethel," I replied as she continued to massage my swollen member.

She told me that she had been emailing pictures from the first party to all of her female friends, including all of my female co-workers. She said that none of them revealed my identity but she encouraged everyone to try and guess whose prick was in the pictures.

"I talked to Jennifer about it at the party." She continued. "She said she's ok with it as long as the pictures don't reveal anyone's identity. I'm glad I've got some new pictures to share. You know everyone is dying to know your identity."

"I'm even offering a cash prize to the first person to correctly identify you. The prize increases by a hundred dollars each week. This week it will be worth $500.00." She added.

"Oh my God." I exclaimed. "You can't be serious."

She gave my package a squeeze through my pants.

"I'm sorry Mistress Ethel." I said.

"Jim," Ethel continued. "In case you haven't figured it out, I love playing sex games, especially when I'm the one in charge. My husband and I experimented a lot before he died. In fact, we were members of a sex club. Although it is technically a swinger's group, many of the members explore some of the more erotic aspects of sex. I guess many would call it kinky or perverted. After watching you and Jennifer at the party, I think you'd both fit in nicely."

"Seriously?" I replied.

"A lot of my friends belong." She continued. "We're not really a singles club, so if you're married, you have to join as a couple, but those who are single are also welcomed to join."

"That's sounds kind of interesting?" I replied. "Jenn and I have been wanting to try some new stuff and there's a few things we'd feel more comfortable trying with someone who has some experience. So this might be something we'd be interested in doing."

"We have close to a hundred members now." She replied. "Between them I think we have just about every imaginable type of kink covered. There are a few things that we don't allow at our parties but we can talk more about that if you decide to join."

"We meet once a month at a local hotel." She continued. "The parties typically have a theme and begin with a social hour. A buffet dinner follows the social then we choose our partners and spend the rest of the night 'playing'. Nobody is forced to do anything they don't want to do but most of us do like to experiment a little. You know, get a little kinky."

"Wow!" I said. "That sounds pretty interesting. SO, what kind of kink do you like the best?"

"I love to dominate men." She replied. "I'll switch now and then with a woman, but men have to submit to me. I really like being in control."

She was squeezing my balls a little harder now. I was still rigid and I suspected precum was dripping from my cock. Was I really a submissive male? I wasn't sure but I wouldn't have minded dropping to my knees and submitting to her here and now.

She said she couldn't go into a lot of details about the club until we submitted an application. If it were approved we would meet with the board of directors who would explain everything in more detail. She gave me an application package and told me to talk it over with Jennifer.

Jenn and I discussed the group over dinner. Jenn wasn't too interested until I told her about Ethel and how she was into female domination. After that, Jenn seemed to get more excited.

"I know you and Lori have been discussing this female domination thing a lot lately." I said. "And I think it might be something I would enjoy too."

"Really?" Jenn replied a little surprised at my comment.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'd want to submit all of the time" I added. "I like being in control too. The thought of dominating you excites me, but the group would give me an opportunity to experiment with others and try things you don't want to try."

"I see." Jenn said. "So you really enjoyed the party the other night didn't you? You liked submitting to all those women and letting them spank you. You liked the humiliation too I bet."

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied. "I didn't care for the paddling, although the thought of allowing those women to do it did excite me. God it hurt, but thinking about it now makes me hot. It's hard to explain."

"You're really excited about this aren't you?" Jenn continued.

"Yes I am." I replied. "I think we should give it a try. It's pretty exclusive according to Ethel, they might not even accept us. They do a thorough background check and interview all perspective members to help ensure everyone's safety. Ethel says they're very selective."

"OK," Jenn replied. "I'll give it a try. Maybe we can get Jack and Lori to join too. I'd be more comfortable if we did it as a group."

"You know, we could incorporate their parties into our game." I suggested. "Loser has to submit..."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." She replied. "By the way, have you recovered from the party yet? You didn't finish what you started the other night and you know how I hate leaving things undone.


We filled out the application the next day and submitted it. Ethel liked the idea of inviting Jack and Lori to join. Although she hadn't met Jack, Lori told her about their relationship; it was one that she totally controlled. Ethel liked Lori and agreed to sponsor all of us.

Jack and Lori submitted their application a couple of days after ours. While we were waiting for a response we continued with our challenges. It was Jenn's turn to come up with something. She suggested a fitness challenge.

"How about we do a fitness challenge?" She suggested. "You've wanted to start working out again so this would be a great way to get you started."

"OK." I replied. "I'm game. What are you thinking?"

She suggested the challenge would consist of ten exercises. Each exercise would be a separate completion. Whoever won the most competitions would win the challenge.

"Who comes up with the exercises?" I asked.

"How about one of the trainers at the gym?" she replied.

"OK," I replied. "It's your challenge so you decide what we're playing for."

She thought for a moment before replying.

"You said you wanted to try being in control, well here's your chance" She said. "Winner gets to dominate the loser."

"Wow, are you sure?" I replied. "How long are you thinking about?"

"How about a day for each competition you lose?" She said. "The winner of the challenge would have to win at least six competitions so that means the loser of the bet would have to do whatever the winner tells them to do for at least six days.

We arrived at the gym about 2 pm on the following Saturday. We knew it wouldn't be busy on a Saturday afternoon so it would be a great time to complete the challenge. I met Liza when we arrived. Liza was Jenn's trainer. Jenn had told her about the challenge and asked her to work out the details and serve as the referee.

Liza was working out with the free weights when we arrived. She was doing squats and I immediately noticed the muscularity of her thighs as she placed the weight on her shoulders and began her squat. When she finished her set she came over to greet us.

She gave Jenn a hug as women often do and then reached out to shake my hand. She squeezed it enough to demonstrate her strength. Her grip was stronger than I expected.

"We'll start with the treadmill." She said. "It's a good warm up exercise and is gender neutral. We'll start out slow and then increase the speed and amount of incline every two minutes until one of you quits."

She really put us through our paces. Sit-ups were next followed by stair steps and push-ups. By the time we took our first break I was losing three events to one. My legs already ached and I knew I was in trouble.

After a short break she focused on some upper body exercises. I was sure I'd be able to catch up and even take the lead by the time we moved on to the lower extremities. We used free weights and proceeded through four additional exercises. The winner of each event was the one who lifted the most total weight.

Liza explained that we could lift a heavier weight which would probably result is being able to complete less repetitions or we could use a lighter one and repeat it more often. She thought that was the fairest way to be accommodate both sexes since men typically had more upper body strength than women. I realized this would make the competition more even. When we took our next break the score was tied at four.

The last two events tested lower body strength. I had to win at least one of them but my legs felt like rubber. Jenn ended up winning both events. When the challenge was over I had lost 6 to 4.

"Looks like you'll be submitting to me for the next six days." Jenn said while standing next to Liza. "We'll start tomorrow. Liza, can you help. I think Jim needs a new conditioning program. How about letting me bring him by on Monday."

"Sure," Liza said. Bring him by about eight o'clock. We're not busy then. The jazzercise class will be here but they shouldn't bother us."

I did housework all day Sunday. Jenn had me put on the maid's costume I wore to the first CFNM party. She gave me a list of chores to do and left to go shopping. When she returned several hours later, Lori was with her. Jenn inspected my work and was satisfied I'd done a good job.

I fixed the ladies dinner and then cleaned the kitchen. They were waiting for me in the basement when I was done.

"I bought something for you today." Jenn said. "Lori helped me pick it out. It's a chastity device and I want you to put it on."

I looked at the device, I had seen them on the internet. It was basically a cage that locked around my cock and kept it from growing when aroused. Jenn locked it on me and then stripped. The sight of her naked body caused my cock to twitch but it was unable to grow. I was already frustrated.

She tied me to a chair and then started making out with Lori. Within minutes they were both naked. It was a double muff diving session. I wanted to join them but couldn't because of my restraints. I sat there and watched as they had sex. My cock wanted out of its cage, but I was sure that was not likely to happen.

When they got tired of each other they untied me and took me upstairs to the bedroom. Jenn laid on the bed and spread her legs.

"Eat me" she said. "Make love to your boss. My pussy owns you and you will worship it every night this week. You are a slave to it and will suffer as you worship it."

With that I felt the strap on my ass. Lori was administering it to my butt. She said she would continue until Jenn was satisfied and then they would trade places. My cock was in agony as it tried to escape its prison. By the time the women switched places my butt was bright red and swollen. Lori spread her legs while Jenn grabbed the strap. I spent the next hour bringing my neighbor to multiple orgasms.

Jennifer gave me a pair of her pantyhose to wear to work on Monday but looked at the bulge my chastity created.

"This will never do." She said. "I want you to buy some control type panty girdles during lunch. Push your cock between your legs and use the panties to hold it there. That should take care of your bulge."

She told me to put the pantyhose on. They were tight but I managed. She looked me over and then sent me to work with the bulge obviously present.

Jenn called about mid-morning to see how I was doing. She told me she had a list of things she wanted me to buy when I went shopping at lunchtime.

"Ask Ethel if you can take a long lunch to run some errands for me." Jenn said. "I want you to ask her in person. No phone calls or e-mail. I'm emailing you the list of things you'll need. You'll be in panties for the rest of the week so be sure to buy plenty. I expect you to change them whenever you soil them. You should keep a few spare at the office in case you have an accident. I'm sure you will be inspected on a regular basis."

"You'll probably need some help getting the correct size so get a sales associates to help you." She continued. "If you have any problems, have the sales associate give me a call and make sure you tip her well before you leave."

I went to Ethel's office to see if I could take a long lunch. My bulge was clearly visible as I asked Ms. Adams if Ethel was available. I had to sit and wait for a few minutes before Ethel could see me. While I was sitting there, Joyce kept glancing at my feet. I realized that the panty hose was clearly visible. I turned red while she seemed to enjoy my embarrassment.

I stood when Ethel opened the door to greet me. The bulge was clearly visible and she noticed immediately. I glanced in Joyce's direction. She was enjoying my humiliation.

"Hello Jim." Ethel said. "I was just getting ready to call you."

"Good morning Ma'am." I replied.

Jim, we're in private so greet me appropriately." She replied.

I looked to Joyce who was pretending to do something on her computer.

"Ah, Good morning Mistress Ethel." I replied. "May I see you in private for a moment?"

I followed her into her office. Before closing the door she asked Joyce to bring her a cup of coffee.

"Your application had been approved by the board" Ethel said before giving me a chance to speak. "Be at my house at 7 pm next Saturday for an interview."

"Mistress Ethel," I replied. How... I mean Joyce... I thought..."

"...that you only had to use my proper title here in my office?" She completed for me. "Don't worry about Joyce. She's my slave. She knows all about you. I've shown her all of the pictures from the parties; even the ones that clearly identify you. Now, please tell me why you have pantyhose on and what's that bulge in your pants? Are you just happy to see me or do you have another problem?"

I suspected that Jenn had already called Ethel but she made me tell her the whole story. She wanted to see so she made me drop my pants. As I did, Joyce knocked at the door and then entered. She smiled at my predicament but said nothing.

"Is there anything else, Ma'am" Joyce asked.

"Yes," Ethel replied. "Be a good girl and help Jim drop his panties. I want to get a good look at that thing he has on his cock."

I was allowed to get dressed after they had finished inspecting me. Ethel told me that Jenn had called and asked her to inspect me twice a day to make sure my new panties didn't get soiled. If they did, Ethel was free to give me a spanking and supervise me as I changed into clean ones.

"Jim, you know I'm a busy woman." Ethel said. "I'll be glad to do the inspection when I'm not busy; but when I am, Joyce will do the inspection for me. She is quite capable of putting you over her knee and administering a sound spanking if needed. Now, go buy the things on Jenn's list. Be sure that bulge is gone when you get back. It is not really appropriate here in the office."

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