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Online Chastity Ch. 10

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An online chastity fantasy becomes very real.
4.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/13/2022
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Alex got out of the limo. The air was fresh. Behind him was a single dirt road that led through the woods. In front of him was a large country home. It was impeccable. The grounds meticulously maintained. Two dirt paths led around the house. One to the right and one to the left. The birds chirped from a nearby tree. A breeze shifted the woods that encircled the house. The natural quiet emphasized just how isolated this place was.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Sam stepped out of the car, still nude.

"Yes, Miss."

"Just wait until you see the rest of it." Sam started walking towards the house. Alex followed. "No, no. You need to follow the path to the barn." Sam pointed down the path that led around the left of the house.

"The barn, Miss?"

"You're not allowed in the house yet, pet. You must earn that. You'll go to the barn. I have some challenges prepared for you along the way, and a friend of mine is waiting at the barn to make sure you're properly prepared as the pet I want you to be."

"I thought no one else would ever control me, Miss?"

"I never promised that no one would see you as my pet. I just promised that no one would control you unless you consented. Tanya won't be controlling you. She will be preparing you for me as I've instructed her to do. Everything she asks of you, is coming from me. Everything she does to you, is at my command. It's going to challenge you. It's going to push you to your limits, but I know that's what you want. I know that the things you are about to go through have been a fantasy of yours. Or at the very least, the idea of them turned you on when I interrogated you in my loft" Sam smiled. Do you understand, pet?

"Yes, Miss." Despite the ambiguous and honestly frightening statement, Alex's cock strained in his chastity belt.

"Now strip."




The week has been agonizingly long. Alex was so distracted by Sam's offer that he'd taken the week off work. On Monday, he cleaned his apartment and imagined what it would be like to give this space up. To give up everything he had built in his life.

On Tuesday Alex already knew what he was going to do. He felt alive with Sam. She pushed him in ways that made the rest of his life feel agonizingly mundane. The choice wasn't a choice. Live your fantasy or continue fantasizing. He started to post his possessions for sale online.

On Wednesday, Alex started telling his family and friends that he was thinking about taking a trip. A hiatus from his work and life. He'd been saving up and he wanted to experience the world. He wasn't sure when he would be back, but his plan was to travel for a year, picking up web design jobs as he needed money so that his adventure could continue. Naturally there was concern, but for the most part, everyone was happy for him. Envious even. To take a leap into the unknown is something that almost everyone could appreciate. They would do the same with their own lives if they could.

On Thursday, Alex told his landlord that he was moving. He also sold most of the big-ticket items he had listed online. His couch, TV, gaming setup, and his kitchen table and chairs. He had put the wheels in motion for something that was getting harder and harder to undo. As Alex lay down Thursday night, he felt nervous and excited. He thought about everything Sam had already done to him. She had locked him chastity, secured him to the wall and interrogated him by holding his cock and suggesting countless fantasies to see if they turned him on or not, locked him in high heels and put him in a situation where his need to cum forced him to humiliate himself, and locked him in a puppy suit only to make him fuck Tam's ass to balance the dynamic. Thoughts of all those incredible kinky moments drove him wild with desire.

As Alex was stroking his cock in bed, it occurred to him that it felt strange thinking of Sam while his cock was free. For almost the entirety of the time he had been falling for her, his cock had been locked away. As he felt the pressure building and his orgasm becoming imminent, his mind didn't go back to any of those incredibly kinky moments, however. He found himself thinking back on the time that he was sitting between Sam's legs, making her cum repeatedly as she watched TV. It was simple. It was beautiful to feel her body react. She was still in complete control, and he was where she wanted him, giving her pleasure. Alex came thinking of this moment.

On Friday, Alex walked into the coffee shop. Tam was behind the counter. She smiled and started making him a coffee.

"Hey. Big day." Tam looked at Alex with oddly pleading eyes.

"Yup." Alex walked towards the back stairs.

"Will you sit with me for a second?" Tam asked.

Alex stopped. "I think I should head up."

"Just... I'm sorry again." Tam put the coffee on the counter. "I hope you can forgive me."

"I do. I'm over it." Alex took the coffee.

"You're going to say yes, aren't you?"

Alex took a sip. "Yeah."

"I want to do it with you." Tam was looking at the floor.


"I want to give a year to exploring this, too" Tam looked up. "I need it."

Alex looked around. There was only one other person in the coffee shop, and they were out of earshot. He still stepped closer to the counter. "That's not really up to me."

"It is though." Tam whispered. "By Tuesday I was begging her to make me feel the way she made me feel on the weekend again. She locked me back in chastity laid out what the year would mean and then told me it would be up to you."

"You're locked up right now?" Alex looked down.

"Yes, and it's driving me crazy. She said she'll let me out any time I want, but that means it's over. I can continue to work here, but that's it. No more control. Or I can stay locked up until you come back."

"So, how is it up to me?"

"Sam said that if you turn down the offer, she will take me on for the year. If you agree to her terms, then she will only take me with you if you agree to it because of what I put you through last week."


"Yeah, then she made me leave and said if I come back before you do, she'll unlock it and it's over."

"It's only been a few days." Alex said.

"Dude, I normally get off three times a day. It's driving me wild."

Alex grinned.

"Don't do that." Tam couldn't help but smile back. "it's not funny."

"I mean, it's kinda only fair." Alex took another sip of his coffee.

"Fine. But there's something going on with me and I need to explore it. Please take me with you."

"If you can't handle a few days locked in that thing, why do you want a year?"

"You think she'll keep me in it for a year?" Tam was suddenly concerned.

"I don't know. That's the point. She can do whatever she wants. She's in control. She puts me in situations that drive me absolutely wild with desire. She knows how to push my buttons and I'm guessing she knows how to push yours too. You've had a taste of control and you want more... but I don't know if you've really thought this through."

"Have you?" Tam asked, bluntly.

"Honestly... probably not. But I've been fantasizing about this for long enough to know that if I don't give it a try, I'll regret it. My life has been predictable in every sense of the word until I met Sam. I'm tired of predictable. Every second I'm with her I feel something new and exciting. I don't know if that feeling could possibly last a year, and of course it's risky. I'm putting my life in her hands, but not taking the leap means more of the same... and I don't want that anymore either."

"Yeah, well, I work in a coffee shop. My apartment sucks, I keep telling myself I'll go back to school but never do. I'm in more of a rut than you are. When she locked me up in her apartment last weekend, I was pissed at first... but I deserved it. I was terrible to you. You were miserable. Then I saw how you were with Sam. I saw what it should be. And then I felt how I was with her." Tam looked at the other person in the coffee shop was minding their own business and leaned in over the counter further. "I don't want normal anymore. I was this. Please let me come explore with you."

Alex took another sip of his coffee, put it back on the counter and walked towards the back of the coffee shop without a word.

As Alex walked up to Sam's door, it opened. She stood there in jeans a cozy sweater with a grin on her face. "Welcome back." Sam stepped aside so Alex could enter.

"Thank you, Miss." Alex stepped into the loft.

"Grab a seat. We have lots to talk about." Sam walked to the kitchen. "Drink?"

"Uh, could I have a beer, Miss? Steady the ol' nerves."

"No. Not yet. You need a clear head."

"Just a water would be fine, then." Alex sat on the couch. There was a wrapped gift on the coffee table. He didn't ask what it was.

Sam came back with a glass of wine and a water. She handed the water to Alex. "This conversation is being recorded. Everything you do is recorded on cameras in the loft. Everything you say is being recorded on microphones throughout the loft. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Alex, what I am proposing to you is not normal. It is out of reach for most people and unthinkable for many. You and I are the outliers. The things we crave and want from our partners walk the line of reasonable human interaction. They push the boundaries of what society feels is allowed. What I am proposing to you is that you will give up consent to me for a year. You'll be mine to do with as I please. I will push you, make you experience things you can't possibly imagine, and there may even be times that you want it to stop... but you being unable to stop it is what we both crave. That's why it's important that you go into this year willingly. I have given you multiple opportunities to back out of this control based relationship, have I not?"

"You have, Miss."

"Explain the situation to me. Explain what has happened so far, and the proposition that I have for you."

"I bought a chastity device with nothing but a fantasy in mind and you made that a reality. You gave me multiple opportunities to back out. You unlocked the device and told me I could leave. You told me your history of being controlled and asked me if I wanted you to continue, and I did. You then told me that you wanted to keep me for a year and that you would give me a week to think about it. I knew almost immediately that I was going to agree. I know that once I do, you will be in control. Real control. That I can't back out. That's exciting to me. Someone taking absolute control is a difficult fantasy to do safely, Miss, but you have given me every opportunity to back out and I want to explore this with you for a year. I give up my consent."

Sam looked Alex over and smiled. She was impressed. "Well put, pet. I have a new chastity device for you. It's a prototype I've been working on. If this is truly what you want, the act of locking this chastity device, on camera, will signify that you understand that this year is about my pleasure. I think you will find your time with me rewarding as it will be filled you're your fantasies and mine. You will experience emotions that you have never experienced before. It will also challenge you in ways that you could not possibly expect. Do not lock this chastity on unless you are certain. From the moment it's on, you are mine. There will be no more offers to back out. There will be no changing your mind." Sam looked towards the gift on the table. "Open it."

Alex opened the box. It wasn't what he expected. It was a proper belt style chastity belt. Sleek metal wrapped in carbon fibre. It was much slimmer than most of the male belt style chastity belts he'd seen before. The cup on the front had a tube and a space for his balls, but once locked on would completely remove any ability to touch himself. It would hold his cock and balls firmly down against his body, leaving a minimal bulge. It would be undetectable under normal clothes.

"What do you think, pet?" Sam licked her lips.

"It's incredible, Miss. Are you going to be releasing this to the public?"

"We'll see. You'll be beta testing all sorts of new toys for me if you decide to lock it on. Some will just be for us. Some might make it to the rest of the world. Now take your clothes off for me."

Alex stood up and stripped his clothes off. He was fully erect.

"Now, now. You'll never get it on like that. Come here, pet." Sam motioned with her finger. Alex walked over and stood in front of her. Sam grabbed the base of his cock with one hand and cupped his balls with the other. "Look at your beautiful little cock. I think it needs to cum again before you make this decision."

Sam took Alex's cock into her mouth looked up into his eyes. She sucked on the tip for a second and then pulled back. "Do you want to cum, pet?"

"Yes, Miss."

"When you do, you won't say another word. You will simply do one of two things. First, you could put your clothes back on and leave. This will have been a fun couple of weeks, and an enjoyable way to end it but you will never see me again." Sam was slowly stroking Alex's cock as she spoke to him. "Or, you can lock the chastity belt on and be mine for the next 365 days. No excuses, no claiming that you were coerced in any way. It will be your decision to be mine, but once it's locked on, you will be mine. Do you understand, pet?"

"Yes, Miss."

Sam took Alex's cock into her mouth again and expertly got him off in five seconds. She licked her lips again and swallowed, moaning slightly to herself. She then sat back on the couch crossed her arms and waited.

Without hesitation, Alex wrapped the belt around his waist and fit the two pieces together. He then pulled the final piece between his legs, fit his now softening cock and balls into their respective spaces in the cup and brought it up to the belt. Before he knew it, the pieces snapped together with magnets, the seams almost disappearing from the precision it was crafted with.

Alex's cock was already starting to helplessly grow in its new prison.

"Do you feel helpless, pet?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Good. There is something that I am going to leave up to you. I was going to make it a bit of a surprise, but it looks like Tam felt the need to plead her case downstairs."

"You heard that, Miss?"

"My chastity devices all have microphones built into them. It's part of what makes them smart. For example, I could say a command like 'vibrate pet's cock' and your belt will hear that command."

On cue, the tube surrounding Alex's cock began to vibrate. His hands naturally went to feel it, but for the first time were faced with a cup that completely encased his manhood. "Wow... thank you, Miss."

"Or I could say 'shock pet's balls every ten seconds' and it would."


Sam watched Alex as his anticipation grew and he clawed at the chastity device to no avail.

"Fuck!" Despite knowing full well that it was coming, the shock was more than Alex expected. "Please turn it off, Miss."

"Good pets don't swear." Sam just watched Alex as he counted to ten in his mind, more and more concern on his face. As his balls were shocked once again, he stifled his scream.

"Good boy. Stop shocking pet's balls every ten seconds. Stop vibrating pet's cock. Shock pets balls if he swears."

The level of control this belt gave Sam over Alex started to sink in.

"I can also control everything from my phone... so you may not know exactly what's triggering certain actions and I can give voice commands to your belt as long as my phone can hear me. That's the fun part."

"Yes, Miss."

Sam smiled. "Now tell me what you think I should do with Tam."

"I don't know, Miss. What do you want to do?"

"I like her. I think she's got potential. She did, however, put you through a very uncomfortable week without my permission or yours. I think she learned her lesson, I think she is starting to understand why consent, at least up front, is so important, and I think that having had a taste of control, she needs to experience more on both sides of the coin. I promised you that no one would be in control of you except me, unless you consented, and I mean that. If I take Tam with you on this journey, she will also be my pet. I will have you play together as I did last weekend, and I will play with you separately. She will be mine, just as you are. In time I may allow her to experience what it's like to properly control someone as well, but that won't be you. None of my desires undo the fact that my actions created a situation where she made you miserable with the wrong kind of control for a week, though. So, the choice is yours. Option 1: I will unlock her, pay for her to go back to school, and keep an eye on her to make sure she isn't trying to control anyone in the wrong way again. It's a good option. She will have the potential for a fresh start. You can make that happen for her. Option 2: she stays locked up and becomes another one of my pets. This is what she wants. This is what she was begging me for when she locked herself in that chastity belt earlier in the week. It will be an experience unlike anything she could get anywhere else in the world... but she would be a part of your world too. So, her fate is in your hands. Consider it my last offer of apology for her being able to blackmail you the way she did."

"I see." Alex paused to think... only to have his testicles shocked. "Fuck!" They were shocked again, but this time he managed to stifle his scream.

"Oh, pet. You forgot to say 'Miss' when speaking with me."

"It can tell that, Miss?"

"It's a smart chastity belt. I can program all sorts of fun little surprised for you. Now, option 1 or option 2 for Tam?"

"Do you think she would option one if she knew about you paying for her school, Miss?"

"I offered to pay for her school. She still locked herself in chastity. Do YOU want her to come on this journey with us?"

"If it would make you happy, Miss. Yes, she should come."

Sam pulled out her phone and tapped a button. She then got up and opened the loft door. Tam rushed in.

"Turn it off!" Tam pleaded.

Sam hit another button on her phone and Tam relaxed.

"What was that, Miss?" Alex asked.

"I set the dildo locked inside her to give her a shock every three second." Sam grinned and turned to Tam. "I figured it would get you up here in a hurry."

Tam looked at Alex. He was naked aside from his new chastity belt. "I see you've made your choice."

Alex was about to respond, but looked to Sam, unsure of what would happen if he responded to Tam. Would he have to say, Miss? Would he be punished for calling someone else, Miss? How much did this belt know?

"Good boy." Sam turned to Tam. "Don't address my pet. Address me."

"Did he decide if I can come?" Tam asked with pleading eyes.

Sam tapped another button on her phone and Tam's chastity belt unlocked.

"Seriously?" Tam looked to Alex. "Come on, man!"

Sam turned Tam's chin with a finger, so she was looking back into Sam's eyes. "Alex agreed to let you come if it would make me happy."

"Would it make you happy?"

"Yes. But you need to make the choice to lock this chastity belt on again. And I'll tell you this right now, it won't be coming off any time soon."

Tam only hesitated a moment. She lifted her skirt and brought the ends of belt back together and they snapped in place.

"Good girl. You both have 13 days to prepare your lives and make sure no one will be looking for you over the next year. I will help you in any way I can, but I have preparations of my own to make." Sam got up and walked towards the bedroom. She returned with two small suitcases. When I pick you up in 13 days, you are to be wearing what I've put in each of your suitcases. You may also bring along any personal possessions that fit in this suitcase. They will be kept by me and returned to you in a year's time. Now go, my pets. Wrap up your lives as you know them and the next time I see you, we will properly begin this journey together." Without another word, Sam went to her bedroom.


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