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Only in a Dream Ch. 05

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Brad finds that his worst fears have come true.
20.8k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/16/2014
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The next several pages were about Kathy's normal days and the trips every few days to the park with Matt and the children. Just short paragraphs that they had gone, some of the activities that the children enjoyed and a few skinned knees here and there. Nothing that a few band aids wouldn't fix.

Brad noticed that the pages that followed, had quite a bit more than just a short paragraph or two.

"What's all this?" he thought to himself.

Please read Only in a Dream chapters 1 to 4 to understand what has led up to this point in the story.

After finding nothing other than normal activities in Kathy's journal, Brad comes across her short entries telling of her trips to the park with an old neighbor that he was sure was trying to bed her. Her words spoke of just innocent outings with Matt and the children at first, then Brad came to where there was page after page of entries.

Comments will be turned on after the last chapter. Also, there is a lot of graphic sex in this chapter. So be forewarned.

Also note; the ~~~~~~~~ lines are to represent the different pages of the journal. Plus, if you've ever read a woman's journal, they tend to put a smiley face or the word smile after a sentence.


Wednesday July 13, 1988.

I've been going with Matt to HT park a couple times a week for about a month now. We were sitting at our usual table this evening, Matt got up and went for a walk, then I saw him go into the woods. I stayed there at the table, just enjoying the quiet,the distant sounds of the children playing in the woods and the birds singing.

It was so peaceful and I lost all track of time, the sun was getting lower and I was scared that the shadows in the woods would make it too dark to see the trails. I got up, went over to the gap in the trees and looked into the woods. I was right, I could hardly see anything. I went into the woods a few steps. I could hear the children off in the distance and I wondered where Matt went.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed him over to my left, about thirty feet away. He was standing next to some heavy brush and looked like he was staring at something. I thought there was some kind of wild animal, I really did. I very quietly crept over to see what he was looking at. When I almost got over to him, I asked him very I guess I startled him, because he jumped and turned to look back over his shoulder at me.


I didn't notice until it was too late, that he was peeing. I told him I was so sorry. I thought he was watching some kind of animal or something, I turned around and walked away. I heard him call to the children as I rushed out of the woods, back to the picnic table to wait on them to come out.

After they came out of the woods, Matt walked over to me and started to say something, but I cut him off and spoke first.


I could feel my shame, my face was blood red, I know it. I told him that I was so sorry, I saw him standing there not moving, and I thought he was watching a raccoon or something. That's why I sneaked up behind him like I did, I didn't want to scare it away. He said that it was alright, that I did scare the shit out of him, tho.

I just can't think straight right now, oh God. I was so embarrassed, that I didn't even talk on the way home, I don't even think I looked at Matt at all. I don't even remember telling him bye when we left.


Brad could tell that Kathy had really been flustered about surprising Matt in the woods. She hadn't even written down her daily weather report or what shift he worked. But, he assumed from what she'd written, that it had been sunny.


Thursday July 14, 1988. 5-Nights / 6-back tonight.

God help me!! After Brad left last night, my mind couldn't rest, I had trouble sleeping. Brad asked me what was wrong, I looked preoccupied with something.

I told him I was tired. Oh God, help me. Yes, I wa. . . AM preoccupied with something. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Oh God, oh God, oh God, I'm still thinking about it. I'm obsessed!!

When Matt came out of the woods and walked over to the picnic table, my face was so flushed, I don't think I hid my embarrassment very well, and I interrupted him when he started to speak. But I don't think it was embarrassment??

Oh God!! It was excitement and there was only one thing I could see. Matt turning towards me in the woods when I surprised him. And there it was, Oh, God. The reason I was so flushed at the picnic table; the reason I could hardly speak on the way home from the park; the reason I was so glassy eyed when Brad went to work and the reason I couldn't sleep last night!


I saw Matt's cock. . . Oh my God!!!!! I was only a few feet away from him when he turned, I caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye. I thought I was just imagining how big it was, so I looked right directly at it for a few seconds. Oh God, it was huge. God I'm so ashamed, but I can't stop thinking about it.

All of those porn flicks I've watched with Brad, all of the enormous cocks I've seen on those actors, I've tried to imagine what it would be like to be with a man hung like that. Fred (my ex) has even crossed my mind. If he would have been more like Brad, not forced himself on me, or if he would have known how to please me. I would NEVER, ever go back, let Fred touch me ever again. I would never, ever allow that to happen.

God, why did I even think about him. I can't get this out of my head. But if I was turned on, and wet like Brad makes me, what would riding a large cock like that feel like? Or In my ass, or . . . Oh God!! Even in my mouth.

After all, those men on the screen aren't my husband, are they? HA HA!!! And neither is Matt!! What would a cock that big feel like in my mouth? Those women on screen sure seem to like it. It doesn't hurt to dream a little, does it? My God, I'm wet just thinking about it!!!


A sense of dread came over Brad.

"Oh God. . . I new she was gonna end up fucking him. Please, please tell me she didn't."

He read on. . .


Her writings didn't mention Matt for almost a week. Just her normal weather reports, Brad's schedule and a few lines and paragraphs about her mundane daily activities. No trips to the park. . . Then:


Wednesday July 20, 1988. 3-Nights / 4-back tonight.

It's been rainy and wet outside, so the kids were cooped up in the house all day and were pestering me for milkshakes. I was going to go over to Mcdonald's(and I should have) and get shakes for everyone, but instead, I decided to run to the grocery store and get milk and ice cream to make my own. It was cheaper, besides, Scott wanted just a plain bowl of ice cream instead of a shake, anyway.

Me and Andy went to the store. After we got there, I ran into Matt and Cindy. God I got so flushed when I saw Matt, I hope Cindy didn't notice how uncomfortable I was around him.

Cindy promised to try and make some time for us to get together. But, all I could think about, while I was standing there was Matt's giant cock. God!! I was trying to see it without them knowing.

What am I going to do??? God, I did get a quick look at the bulge in his jeans. How come I never noticed it before now? I guess I don't make a habit of running around looking at different men's crotches, ha ha. I seen Matt's purely by accident. And now, it's all I can think about.

When I headed back towards the ice cream, I walked past the produce isle. I glanced over, and my eyes were fixated right on the cucumbers.

Oh God!! I had a wicked idea come into my head.

By the time I got to the dairy case, my panties were soaking wet. I got the ice cream, then grabbed a gallon of milk. I stopped and just stood there trying to decide if I was actually going to do what crossed my mind a few minutes before, that made me so wet. I've tried to get this out of my mind, but I can't.


Ever since that last evening at the park with Matt and the children, All I can think about, is Matt's cock and those big cocks in those X rated flicks that me and Brad watched. I want a big cock in my mouth to suck on.


All I know, is when I think about sucking a cock, it makes me very wet and I get all tingly between my legs. I need to learn to just suck on Brad's, But, my inner voice keeps telling me that I can't, it wouldn't be right.

I stood there and couldn't decide what to do, I've been thinking about going up on Madison st and buying a rubber sex toy, but what if someone I know would see me in there? Well, that idea was shot down pretty quickly.

Then, I saw the cucumbers. I was so scared that someone could read my mind and they would know what I was buying the vegetables for!!! I bought four different cucumbers, I chose them, trying to imagine how big Matt is when he's hard.

I bought a box of condoms too. Got to have safe sex, you know. Smile. I was so embarrassed I picked a checkout with a cashier that was about college age, hoping that the girl wouldn't make any connections between the items in my cart.

Just as the young girl finished ringing up my things, a young man walked over to bag them up. The girl quickly handed me the condoms and asked me if I wanted them in my purse. God, she was so embarrassed for some reason, her face was blood red. I told her there's nothing to be embarrassed about, she'd probably need some of those someday.

The girl looked at me and whispered, that's not what she was embarrassed about, The boy that had just been over here putting my things in the sacks, was her boyfriend.


She said they had been going together for over a year now, but they'd never had sex. That he'd been pestering her to, he really wanted to have sex with her, but she wasn't ready yet. I gave her a big understanding smile.

Before I could say anything else, she shocked the shit out of me!!! She told me that she wasn't sure what to do, she was scared that her boyfriend would find out, that last week, she let his best friend lick ice cream off of her boobs and he put a rubber on a cucumber and shoved it inside of her twat, while she gave him a blow job. I almost ran out of the store.

When we got home, the kids all came into the kitchen and we made our milkshakes, Scott just had a bowl of ice cream. They had fun.

Thursday July 21, 1988. 4-Nights / 5-back tonight.

I did something naughty last night. I should feel ashamed, but I don't. After Brad went to work, I washed the cucumbers off and took them back to the bedroom and locked the door. I started to change into my nightgown, but after I took off my bra, I felt kind of tingly standing there topless. I just laid down like that. I was so horny and all I could think about was Matt's big cock.


It was awful dark, so I got up and lit some candles. Then I took the smallest of the veggies I bought and rubbed it against my pussy and soon I was soaking wet again. I pulled off my panties, so I was now naked. God help me, I started thinking of Matt again and I got up on my knees and held the cucumber in front of my face.


Then I started licking and sucking on it, imagining that it was Matt's stiff Dick. The more I sucked, the hotter I got and the deeper I started going down on the cucumber. I took out a condom and put it on another veggie, then stuck the end of it into my pussy.

With the cucumber inside of me a little ways, I went back to sucking on the first one. As I lowered myself onto the one in my vagina and I came!! I had an orgasm. God, I've never even touched myself before. But, I gave myself an orgasm that quick!!!! AND IT WAS GOOD!!! Smile.

I rolled over onto my back, reached down and started thrusting it in and out, until I came again. I went back to practicing on the first one in my mouth until I could almost deep throat it. I found out, that the hotter I was, the easier it was to get the cucumber down my throat.

God, I spent about two hours masturbating, ha ha. Then I got up and put the cukes back in the kitchen. I hid the used condom and wrapper inside of an empty sugar package that was in the trash. God, I'm so nasty xxxxx!!!


"What the fuck is this shit??? I've never seen her even touch herself. . . And now she's masturbating and thinking about Matt??"

He almost closed the book, he didn't want to read anymore. . . He knew what was going to happen. But, he had to know for sure. . .


Brad noticed that she was now only writing down these exploits involving sex. . . Nothing else.

"Was that why she hid this, because she was keeping a record of masturbating??"

The next couple of nights were repeats, she wrote that she was getting very good at taking the produce down her throat. The last sentence of her entry for the last day she masturbated, she shocked Brad. . . He was flabbergasted:


Saturday July 23, 1988. 6-Nights / off.

I brought the cucumbers into the bedroom again. . .

. . . I'm only missing one thing now. I want cum shot onto my face and into my mouth, I want to taste it so bad. Smile.


Monday July 25, 1988. Off / 1-days tomorrow.

Brad and I made love last night, I think I about drove him through the bed I was so friggin horny. I feel so guilty tho, I fantasized about Matt's cock the whole time.

I'm so intrigued, I almost feel like I have to have it. I almost slid down and sucked Brad's cock, but I stopped myself. What's wrong with me?? Brad could tell that I was preoccupied with something too. He even asked me what was wrong. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. Oh God, what am I going to do??

Wednesday July 27, 1988. 2-Days / 3-back tonight.

Matt came by tonight wanting to go to the park, I went with and the he. . . Then we went into. . .


"Oh fuck. . . She was fantasizing about him when she was with me. That's just fucking great," thought Brad.

Then he wondered why she didn't finish her entry on Wednesday. Did something happen to interrupt her? Kathy almost never missed writing something down, even if it was just a line or two.

Writing down his work schedule also helped her keep track of when to make plans with her and the children or for doctor appointments and such. He was almost scared to turn the page, he knew what was coming. . . Matt was her last mention before she stopped writing.

He slowly turned the page. . .



Thursday July 28, 1988. 3-Nights / 4-back tonight.

Oh God, oh God, oh God. . . What did I do??? I should have stayed away. I knew this was going to happen. Now what?? After Brad laid down yesterday evening, Matt drove by with his kids and asked me to go to the park with them. I said no, but, my kids and his both started begging me. I knew I shouldn't have gone.

Oh God!!!

Me and Matt sat there at the table and I hardly said anything, I felt shy and embarrassed to be around him, almost like a school girl. I could tell that Matt picked up on it, he knew that something was up. I also caught myself glancing at his crotch for a glimpse of the bulge in his pants, I couldn't resist looking!!

The kids were in the woods playing again, the sun was going down, Matt and I got up from the picnic table and walked over to the woods. As we entered the path, I could hear the children down the trail a good ways up ahead.

Matt told me, that I'd been awful quiet tonight, and asked if there was anything wrong. He sounded so sympathetic. I looked away as he talked, and told him no, I Just had a lot of things on my mind. Oh my God!!!


We stopped walking, Matt reached for me, pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately. I can't believe what I did next. I wasn't thinking and I slid my hand down and felt Matt's cock through his pants. God, it was so big!!! After a couple of seconds, I came to my senses and pulled away from him. What if the kids saw us??!!

I didn't say anything at first. God, my heart was racing and I became instantly wet. Then, I knew I was beyond help.


After a few minutes, I noticed the kids heading our way, so I whispered for him to come down to the house last night at midnight after Brad left for work. and to go to the side door of the garage, I'd be waiting on him.


Kathy and Brad's bedroom was one of the rooms that Brad had built inside of the garage. It was at the back of the house, away from the rest of the bedrooms. He had left the side entrance there, so they had easy access to the back yard and for Kathy to get to the clothesline.

It was also hidden well enough by the house next door, that no one could be seen coming and going unless they were directly in front, or looking out of the bedroom window of the house next door.


I told him to just make sure Brad's truck was gone, then I went back out of the woods and Matt hollered for the kids. As soon as I got out, I hurried to the car. I couldn't believe what I'd just done, what I'd committed myself to, but I had to have that big cock at least once. On the way home, I never said another word. When we got there, all I did was tell them bye and left.

When Brad got out of bed for work, I know he could tell something was wrong with me again. I would hardly look him in the eyes, and when he asked me what it was, I was so far off in thought, he had to ask me twice. Brad kissed me and headed for work.

God forgive me, I felt sooooo guilty. But I felt so alive with excitement too!! And I was so wet!!!!! After Brad was gone, I checked to make sure the kids were all asleep and walked back to the bedroom. I locked the door, lit some candles and took off all of my clothes. I went over to the side door, opened it a little and waited.

A little while later, Matt walked up and I let him in. God!!! I felt so nasty standing there naked in front of him. I nervously told him to take off his clothes. He sure didn't waste any time. He looked kind of odd standing there. He's so skinny and that cock looked so out of place somehow. It hung half way to his knees!!!



He came to me and then our tongues were deep in each other's mouths. I was sooo aroused!!! I was tingling all over!! I knew what I was going to do next, I'd been thinking about it for several days and been practicing. I got down on my knees and took Matt's cock into my hands, I stroked it and just stared at it for a while.

I started accepting what I was about to do. I told myself, that Matt was not my husband and I was a dirty slut and I loved it. I was going to suck every drop of cum out of that beautiful cock. I was a nasty whore and I wanted to suck that cock sooo bad.

I leaned forward, touching the head with my lips, then rubbed it back and forth across my them. I opened my mouth and took the head inside. I swirled my tongue around it and licked the pre cum out of the opening. Oh my God, that tasted so good!!!

Matt's cock was hard and it was much bigger than I ever dreamed it would be, bigger than most of the one's I seen in those porn flicks. I sucked his cock into my mouth as far as I could take it and almost gagged, but I adjusted.

I was so dripping wet, and I was able to take it almost all of the way into my throat. I almost had an orgasm right then!! Just from that!!

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