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Open Letter to a Strong Woman

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A letter left -- a stong woman pleasured.
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Dear Trina:

It began with the suggestion you made concerning going to the string quartet concert. We were at another function – separately. I was there to pick someone up who needed a ride and you were there – well – because it is the type of thing you do. I was hardly dressed for such a concert and you – well – as always you had something semi-elegant on trying to pass it off as casual. Yes, that is where it began. I suspect you had some intrigue about me whatever it was – the slovenliness or whatever but we caught each other's eye.

We moved on through the next months hardly seeing one another but each tie I did – well you were consistent. As was I. I am casual but can clean up you know. I was listening to you at one of the local functions we managed to both attend. It's wonderful how a small beach community can provide so many venues for contact. I didn't say a word to you that evening but listened instead, you may call it eavesdropping, to your self-description to one of your girlfriends and how it had caused trouble. You self-identified as a "strong woman" and what a bother that is sometimes. You let out a little on your ex-husband who didn't really seem to know what a woman, a strong woman, wanted. Moreover you mentioned a previous boyfriend who had grown up in a house filled with sisters and how he knew yet somehow could not handle the strength you possess. I listened. It was at that point that I decided you were fascinating and wanted to be with you. Strength but wanting something more than just male domination. In fact I know you despise male domination but you wish to have some of that strength of yours lifted as though it were a burden and set aside. Yes, I wanted you at that moment for certain.

So it was that circumstances led us to last night. We had casually (or in your case semi-elegantly) toyed with contact between us. We shared coffee. We shared a cocktail next. Then last night, after some consideration on both our parts, we shared a play downtown. It was the usual farce put on by the local troupe but we both laughed and the tension between us drifted away. Afterward we shared some libations at the local watering hole – the elegant one, not the casual bar I would have ordinarily gone to. Conversation moved rapidly from the evening to what lay ahead. Bold conversation about encounters and contacts. You liked the boldness and perceived it as strength to match your own. The laughter became throatier as we innuendoed our way to things of a physical nature. When we stepped outside of the establishment you were glowing with both the feeling of the alcohol and the curiosity of what you wanted next. It was a simple matter from there for both of us actually. I had promised you a ride home and that was all it took.

You felt confident of your footing since you were on your own turf. Your place rather than mine. Full control was at your fingertips and your strength would allow little else. Once inside, I noticed the efficiency of the house – your office just off the living area, complete with computer and printer and fax machine. The room at the end of the hall, your bedroom, quietly beckoning us. I had not sat, nor had you. Merely being inside was sufficient and as you turned to move somewhere I caught your elbow and pulled you close. Gently but swiftly moving my lips to cover yours, the first taste of you was just as elegant as you appeared. More like a fine raspberry wine than Cointreau. You did not yield so much as come forward and guide. After we exchanged pleasantries as to how nice that was, you moved down that hall after grasping my hand to lead.

In your bedroom, all feminine but strong, we stood and I proceeded to unbutton that silk blouse of yours. You, in exchange, managed the cotton, button-down oxford I had on. You won the race and peeled the shirt off of my shoulders – showing your dominance somewhat. I took my time and eased the silk off of your skin without making contact with my hands. As for your hands they moved over me, judging whether this was a suitably strong partner. My hands for their part, were buy disengaging the clasp and zipper at the back of your skirt. You figured it out swiftly and before we each were completely prepared, we stood before one another without clothing. Slowing the pace somewhat.

I reached for you as you did for me – save for the fact that the difference in height mandated that your hands fell near the front of my hips and mine atop your shoulders. Your posture is always so erect that the upper parts of you are more easily reached than I would have suspected. You were moving for control – hands reaching for my cock and beginning to stroke it quietly. I was occupied with feeling the skin beneath my fingertips and before my eyes. Delicately moving over your shoulders and down your arms. Never once touching those most ample breasts of yours. The reasoning on my part was simply – they are a prominent feature of yours and not necessarily the most erogenous of zones. It's been my experience that very large breasts and not always the most sensitive. However, when all other erogenous zones are fully engaged – your breasts would come along most willingly. I was correct again but not until later.

Your exposed parts were easy enough to read as I allowed my hands to glide over you and you continued to stroke gently and then with a little more insistence at my swelling member. That is why took the opportunity to sit on the edge of the bed and place you standing before me. My lips could easily have reached each nipple from this point but I found those other special places of yours. Those that few had discovered. Points of your hips for example and just along one side of you – my lips moved over them while my hands reached around you and drummed along the small of your back. The combination seemed to work as you emitted your first moan. Perhaps your being in control meant more than you thought. My hands moved again and came down, then around your thighs sliding up the front of them as my mouth moved to where the top of your hairline would be had you not been clean shaven. Kissing there and then lower as my right hand moved inside your right thigh and my left hand paralleled it on the outside – climbing higher. Your hands bit into my shoulders when my mouth and the fingers of my right hand came close together at the top of your thigh. Swiftly moving my mouth a little higher again, the hand positions reversed onto your left thigh. Your arched back and forward movement of your hips indicated that we had discovered something you enjoyed.

As your legs spread slightly in invitation and regaining your control of the situation and tempo I played along. The length of my index finger moving between your legs and discovering newly formed moisture there. Pulling it forward and moving my lips lower to feign tasting it. We continued this approach with opposite hands moving along opposite thighs. Each time pressing a little more fully into that crease at the tip of your thighs. Your pussy now becoming very wet with each probe.

You exerted your authority once more and tipped my head back as you bent down to kiss me fully. Our tongues dancing and your teeth then raking over my tongue to show who was in control. Your laughter at the touch I gave when this occurred showed me you were tipping closer to the height of desire while only just beginning the climb to the heights of passion. You looked down at me and I moved more boldly between your legs and caressed the whole of that now sodden slot. Spreading those lower lips and using the middle digit of my right hand to maneuver closer to the tip of your pleasure button. Your smile was near evil but still an indication of mastery. Your drawn-on eyebrows arched as they were intended to do and your raven hair fell forward to frame the pale, delicate skin of your face. The chuckle you emitted between the gasp and the minor moan that followed was telltale. We worked this stance for a time before I though of something unexpected to you but what you apparently wanted.

I spun myself onto the bed and lie flat just down from the headboard – which of course meant my feet were off the end of the bed but no never mind. I moved my hand to yours and drew you to me then with fingertip pressure and palm guidance showed you how I wanted you. It was natural since it was what you wanted as well. Leaving sufficient room for you to maneuver, you were now straddling my face and leaning into your headboard. Your arms nearly extended and your back slightly arched. Those delicious folds of sexuality poised above my mouth. My arms over the front of your thighs and hands at your ass for guidance. You lowered your hips and my mouth came into full contact with the labia above it. Tongue reaching upward at first just teasing between the folds – probing. Gripping your ass tightly and allowing you to move as a metronome over my tongue. Slickering the opening that is the center of you and tasting the juices that were flowing out of you. You atop – in control – strong woman you are.

You tasted so full and ripe. So very ready for all that would follow. I had to have you. I pressed with my hands and moved you lower so my lips could fully engage the whole of that pussy you so carefully had groomed. My lips wrapped around you and you ground onto it in anticipation. Then some surprise I assume, judging by your reaction. Different tongue approaches. New sucking sensations around your clit. Pulling it forward from its hiding place and between my lips. Smacking at it and holding it just inside my mouth. Tongue working the tip of your clit lightly as it was held. The vacuum effect on this tiniest of body parts having additional impact. You seemed surprised to feel so much so fast. This I think is when you started to lose that control. Your hips moved faster and my lip-grip on your clit enhanced by the tongue lashing inside was sufficient to have you cum hard and deep. The first one. You continued to grind through the whole of it and then eased. You tried to lift but my hands held you close.

My mouth released your swollen button and only the tip of my tongue worked around the edges of your lower lips. The slipped quietly between the folds once more to taste what succulence we had produced. It wasn't long before we repeated the original actions – slight variances in how to taste the wonders of your pussy – working my tongue along one side of your clit then the other – drawing it out and letting it retreat. Variations but lovely in effect. It was after the fourth orgasm that we both knew there was more we wanted.

You seemed a bit drained from the action from above. You were braced so strongly against your headboard as your hips ground down onto my mouth. Then as I lay you beside me you appeared near spent but wishing to please and wanting a little more. As we lay side by side your hands reached down and found my cock again – willing and waiting. Your stroking began anew and you slid your hips closer. That was when I moved my arm between yours and then my hand between your legs. With just enough push you were on your back and your legs spread. As my lips moved over the tender places at your neckline that spurred erotic sensations my fingers worked below your waist and spread those lower lips apart. Thumb and middle finger spreading and pulling upward slightly were causing your clit – now so very tender to expose itself to the ministration of my index finger. Just barely touching it. At the top, then one long stroke the length of that finger over the edges of your clit. Barely in contact. My mouth now moved to the sole, neglected parts of you. Those breasts of yours were now ready for engagement. Holding one nipple carefully with my lips and flicking at the tip of it. Fingers manipulating you below – yes – these breasts were now sensitive.

Your hands were above your head now as you arched your back with each rising wave of release. Fingers moving over your clit and thrusting inside you as you felt the next release come then a larger one. Your inner spot is not that hard to find. The texture is slightly different there and once found It was so easy to engage with two fingers thrusting into you and fingertips driving, rubbing over that spot in complete rhythm with your hip movements. You dropped one hand and urged my head off of your nipple and brought our mouths together again. Kissing and taking your moans of release as the insistent driving of manual manipulation brought you fully out. That release, the one from the depths of you was what I wanted. Easing you back down from that height is what I intended when I began to slowly and delicately touch what was before a hidden spot along your inner thigh. Slightly touching and slipping over the surface carried you along from that last peak. Making the release full and long and complete.

I do not know what made you reach for me again. There seemed some reluctance in the effort. You had received sufficient but your eyes were pleading as your hands moved to my cock once more. It would have been a simple matter to have you, as some rutting male would – take you from behind and pound away at you. I figured you wished more than that something for you that fit with your personality. That is why I rolled to my back once more and encouraged you atop. You braced your hands at my shoulders and I aimed – not you – the full, stiff shaft into you. You slipped on with some resistance but not resistance from lack of lubrication. Your hips moving first to an fro – grinding and rubbing. Then my hands at your ass lifting and lowering as you straightened up and released your brace from my shoulders. Your breasts bouncing and your hips dropping onto then lifting off of the whole of my shaft. Driving into you fully and holding you at the top of each stroke. Alternating pace until you finally erupted one more time. Near falling forward and catching yourself on my shoulders again. I suddenly started to drive my cock into you as I held you firm. Faster and faster until the speed of the action drove you past the edge of release once more. As we slowed and milked the fullness of my release atop yours – your lips meeting mine in gratitude and our bodies pressing against one another, control and dominance were done. We were simply one being now.

So now as you read this you know what happened. There was a bit of a contest that did not recognize last night. Who would be the strong one? I hope what we did demonstrated that neither needs to be – the focus in on your pleasure – which is why you wish that strength – the finality is that we mutually enjoyed and allowed ourselves to flow with the pleasure. When I slipped out of your bed this morning and into your office to write this for you – I knew that you would remain still until after I left. You would wake and find this letter. This is far from a departure or separation of us. I look forward to the next time we are together and we can wrestle for control of the situation – until you have what you seek and I bask in the glow of that release. Next time, perhaps, I shall not feel so restrained. Adieu my strong woman.

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2bmarion2bmarionalmost 13 years ago

I felt as if you were writing to me! Excellent!

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